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13.0k · Sep 2013
Gone Too Soon
Emily Sep 2013
I'm so ******* angry
When I think of the drugs
That took you away
When I think of the first joint you innocently smoked
Which led to the abuse of triple c's
Which led to the abuse of alcohol
Which led to the selling and abuse of *******
Which led to the abuse of ******
Which ultimately led to
Your death

What if I could have saved you
What if I had said something
Or done something
I was always there for you
You were always there for me
We were each other's constant
I made you strong
You made me strong
Our love
Made us weak
A sweet weakness
I was the queen of your heart
Buzzed off our love
Nirvana was our jam
But then, just like that
You were gone
And now my life is ******
My best friend, my true love
Is away from me
In the heavens I know he'll be
Can't wait to see you again
My Charlie
Rest In Peace, Birthday Boy.
© Peyton 2013
9.4k · Sep 2013
Emily Sep 2013
It's been us for a while
It's been us for years
We were just held back
But now we have no fears

There's nothing in our way
With each other, we spend our time
Hanging out all day
Not seeing each other is a crime

We have so many firsts yet to experience
I can't wait to try them all
With the one I am meant for
I have already begun to fall

Throughout my days
I am so uneasy
But when you hold my hand
Everything feels calm and breezy

It's like a light breeze
On a scorching hot day
You soothe me, and I feel calm
My lap is where you lay

I love being close to you
I wouldn't ever turn back
We were meant to be more
It was the us we always did lack

You're my everything
You're my fate
You're my joy
My soulmate
Inspired by my lover and best friend.

© Peyton 2013
5.7k · Nov 2013
Emily Nov 2013
You're so ****
I know it's a fact
Because my wild
Tells me so
I want you so bad.

© Peyton 2013
5.5k · Dec 2013
Emily Dec 2013
Being attracted to no one
Having no *** drive
They say it can stem
From confusion
Who do I want
A boy
Or a girl
Or both
I don't know
But I just wish
I could have ***
The mental blocks
They hold me back
And I'm just here
By myself
Someone so selfish tried to argue with me about my feelings and who I'm attracted to. Thought they knew everything about what's inside of my heart and my mind. Seriously irked me. I just wrote this quickly.

© Peyton 2013
5.5k · Sep 2013
Fuck off
Emily Sep 2013
Haven't been this drunk in a while
Can barely type this
I feel like my body is in a pile
Separate from my mind

My mind
It wanders
To far away places
In darkness, it ponders

I'll never be good enough
Never pretty
Just a stupid pile of stuff
But never wanting your pity

Pity is for the weak
I'd rather be alone
I know that I am a freak
But I don't give a ****

If you don't like me
You think I need you?
Ha, bite me
© Peyton 2013
5.1k · Nov 2013
Emily Nov 2013
I'm thankful for God
I'm infinitely blessed
And without Him
I'd have no strength

I'm thankful for my family
They're my pillar in this world
My support system
My purpose

I'm thankful for my dog
I've never known such an unconditional love
My dog is my light
An extension of me

I'm thankful for my friends
The ones that have my back
And tell me the truth
We laugh together, think together
Expanding our minds

I'm thankful for the boy
Who gives me his whole heart
Says I'm his saving grace
He makes me feel worthy
Of the world

I'm thankful for my university
The thing that gives me hope
Makes me feel like I have direction
And a fighting chance in this society

I'm thankful for the mistakes
For they taught me how to grow
And better myself
Be the real me

I'm thankful to those who have wronged me
The liars, players, cheaters, and users
They've shown me what I really deserve
And what not to tolerate

I'm thankful for nature
Where I find peace in solitude
The flowers, the sun, the moon, and stars
They're my guide to faith and positivity

I'm thankful for my poetry
Even though I'm not the best
It's given me a place to express myself
When I had no where else to go
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

© Peyton 2013
3.7k · Sep 2013
Emily Sep 2013
I'm in bed with my baby
Oh how happy he makes me
© Peyton 2013
3.7k · Oct 2013
Best Friend
Emily Oct 2013
Thank you,
Best Friend
For bringing me
You keep me sane
I love you
Dedicated to Ben.

© Peyton 2013
3.5k · Nov 2013
Emily Nov 2013
You are so sweet
Like peaches
In the summer time
10 words.

© Peyton 2013
3.3k · Dec 2013
Emily Dec 2013
To say I hate you
Would be a tremendous
Not the one to hate but sometimes there's that someone who hurts you so bad that it can never be corrected.

10 words.

© Peyton 2013
3.0k · Dec 2013
Emily Dec 2013
i sink my fork into a heaping bowl
twist and turn to form a roll
swirls around, i salivate
no longer can i wait
i indulge and it feels so good
tastes so delicious just like it should
something on the sillier side.

© Peyton 2013
2.7k · Dec 2013
Moving On
Emily Dec 2013
I may write about you
I may think about you
But it doesn't mean
That I still dream about you
Or that I still want you
I don't even think it means that I love you
These poems
These extra ramblings
Are my way of ridding my spirit of your toxic presence
I'm liberating myself of the constant feeling of rejection
I'm relieving myself of the tremendous feelings of guilt
But most of all
I'm shedding away all of the feelings of unworthiness and ugliness that you caused me to feel
You ripped me in two
These poems get rid of the brokenness
While I attempt to puzzle myself back together
You left me a mess
That's how I know you're not the best
I'm moving on now
And you'll be sorry
Because there will come a time
When you'll really need me
© Peyton 2013
2.4k · Jan 2014
Emily Jan 2014
I like to pretend that I have a tough exterior
That my mind is strong
And that the words and actions of others
Don't bring me down
But that couldn't be further from the truth
I'm so weak
I'm pathetic
It takes seconds
No time at all
For my mind to transport me to a place
A place where I think I'm hated
A place where I believe I'm unwanted
I'm so vulnerable at all times
When one little thing doesn't go as I expected
I freak out
I assume the worst
I make up hypothetical situations in my head
Situations in which nobody loves me
And nobody cares for me
Situations in which I'm ignored with ease
And forgotten quickly
It probably sounds selfish
As if I solely care about what people think of me
But in actuality
It stems from a deep self hatred
I hate myself in such a way
That I couldn't possibly imagine a world
Where people could genuinely love me and care for me
It's no wonder my relationships fail
With not only lovers
But with family and friends as well
© Mela 2014
2.4k · Sep 2013
Emily Sep 2013
The distant tinge of teardrops
And memories dewed with moss
Missing my best friend, Charlie, who would have turned 22 this month. May he continue to rest in peace. I love you.

© Peyton 2013
2.1k · Aug 2013
Love Crops
Emily Aug 2013
My mind is full of these thoughts
Thoughts that are surrounded with her
The thoughts grow every day like crops
In a field of love and care

She is the queen, the princess, the duchess
Of the kingdom that is my heart
She's won me over and wants my touches
It is a shame that we're apart

Her body is my muse
Her thoughts my only interest
By her I want to be used
She is the finest artist

I want her to paint me with her fantasies
And on my heart write her love
She has stolen my sanity
She fits me like a glove

I'm not even aware of how we got here
To this very high and heavenly place
But to be completely fair
She deserves this along with my warm embrace

I hope to remain in this field forever
This field of pure joy and happiness
So our love crops can evolve into a fever
A fever that is just an added bonus
So sick in love.

© Peyton 2013
2.0k · Jan 2014
Forget Me
Emily Jan 2014
Making mistakes
Doing the wrong thing
It's all added up
The pills
The drugs
The attempts at sleep
Nothing mends
My broken soul
Anxiety attacks
Like a lion
Does to its prey
I'm just a victim
Of my own mind
Ruining any chance
I have at survival
Much less happiness
My thoughts to end it all
Overwhelm my thinking process
I want to disappear
And never return
I don't want anybody
To know who I am
I don't even want to know
© Peyton 2014
1.9k · Jan 2014
Emily Jan 2014
I'm not very attracted
To those who're easy
Those who go out
And act like they're so hot
Like what they do
Doesn't matter
As if there are
No consequences
I can get to know you
And love how you are
Love how you look
Walk and talk
But if you do that
With everyone
That crosses your path
You're no longer that special
Nor are you unique
You're not a person
Worth treasuring
It's a shame
People don't realize
Every choice
Makes a difference
When it comes to
Building one's character
© Peyton 2014
1.8k · Oct 2013
Emily Oct 2013
I have this thing, you see
I'm overweight
In this big body
It cripples me from doing the things I enjoy
Like swimming
Like fashion
Like running
Like the many things I imagine
Going to the beach
Having hot ***
Time just passes by
And I sit here with regret
I haven't spent my almost 22 years
Doing things I enjoy
I've been fearful
Scared of judgment
Scared of wandering eyes
Don't look at me
What you see are lies
I wish my body
Reflected how I am
On the inside
That's all that matters, right?
Not really
That's another lie
My weight cripples me
And I let it
I need someone to believe in me
So I can shed it
Is anybody out there?
Do you even care?
Perhaps I'll be fat forever
© Peyton 2013
1.7k · Jan 2014
Long Awaited Love Affair
Emily Jan 2014
At times
My world seems to be crashing down
But when I sit next to him
Every worry dissipates
He whispers words of love
Adores me with his hands
Admires me with his eyes
Worships me with his body
I can hardly think straight
With him right beside me
We lay side by side
Our bodies come together as one
What we do for each other
Has no cost
He brings me peace
He makes me feel secure
He puts me in a state of comfort and ease
Every day spent with each other
Glued to one another
He patches up my heart
Cures it from all of the inflicted damage
With him
I realize what life is all about
He makes me the person
That I'm supposed to be
I'm so happy that now
Is the opportunity
When we finally get to indulge
In our long awaited love affair
Dedicated to someone I've loved for a long time.

© Peyton 2013
1.6k · Sep 2013
Emily Sep 2013
I can hardly handle
My yearn
My want
My need
For you
You're within my reach
You're within my grasp
I want every waking moment with you
Is that too much to ask?

I can hardly handle
This love I possess
It's so strong
I feel I'm a mess
I can't get you off my mind
But I don't want to
My concentration
Is set on loving you

The disappointment I feel
When it's been just a few hours apart
Is so overwhelming
Feels like I took a dart
Straight to my heart
Thank goodness for our proximity
Without it
I'd die from insanity
I cannot stop writing about him.

© Peyton 2013
1.5k · Jan 2014
New Sensation
Emily Jan 2014
It's been however long
But the months
Never took my love away
It was always here
Waiting for you to come back
It's intense
When we talk
I feel the want
Deep in the pit of my stomach
I didn't think it was possible
For me to crave you more
But when you tell me
How I make you feel
I experience
A whole new sensation
Written a few days ago.

© Peyton 2014
1.5k · Nov 2013
Emily Nov 2013
relief is such a good feeling
all that weight off your shoulders
you can now start over
your head is suddenly clear
contentment is near
the past is behind you
taught you things you never knew
you're ready for the future
you've healed all your sutures
now life is on your side
you've gotten over your pride
the light at the tunnel is beginning to shine
once so low but now feeling fine
life has a way of working out
there is no reason to doubt
fate has in store something great
sometimes you just have to wait
relief is such a good feeling
no more false hope
or walking on a tight rope
positivity takes over the negative
and now you begin again
i wrote this right before i walked into a class with a pounding headache. but i just thought i'd post it anyway. i write like ****, but i don't care. i'm just feeling relieved right now. thanks for reading my stuff.

© Peyton 2013
1.5k · Nov 2013
Emily Nov 2013
I'm the insecure type
But to an extreme
I don't believe anybody loves me
I always feel like there is some motive behind it
I've never fully accepted any lovers or friends
I constantly think I am annoying
A nuisance
But it's really my insecurities
That cause all the problems
I'm so insecure that I won't even open myself up to my family
My family
Family doesn't judge and it loves unconditionally
Well not in my mind
I won't go on certain trips with them
I won't visit certain family members due to embarrassment
Where does this embarrassment even come from?
This insecurity
To where it corners me and limits me to nothing
It comes from within me
It can't come from outside
Because everyone around me tells me
That I'm loved and accepted
But I will never believe them
I can't have a lover
I can't have a confidant
I can't have many friends
I'm always afraid
Constantly living in fear of being rejected
Not only am I insecure
But I'm overly loving
I love everyone because I sometimes wonder if they're like me
In which case, I want them to feel love
Real love
So I pour my heart out to everybody in my path
This is a deadly combination, though
Because I give everyone everything
But I accept nothing
It's like I pour my heart down a drain
And feel nothing but pain
I hope I'm not like this forever

© Peyton 2013
1.5k · Sep 2013
Evil Vision
Emily Sep 2013
A scalpel or incision will leave me with an evil vision
Torn from religion, anthropomorphic beast of nihilism
Kissing the devil's daughter
My raps are food for fodder and sauder
To grow the model of society run by hate and broken bottles
I don't coddle your misconceptions
Your life has no direction
Except a knife splitting your intestines
Internal infections lead me to beckon
My hate is not strong enough
I'll cut you in sections, leave you in pieces
My hatred denies Jesus
At the end of the day, your conception of reality should be aborted like a fetus
Death meets you with open eyes
Defeat you, beat you, and watch you cry
Contemplating suicide
The hatred of mind is something not easy to find
My troubled yet wonderful and deep lover of a best friend wrote this tonight. He's amazing, I love him. His poetry has the potential to move people. My heart breaks when I think of his self loathing.

© Peyton 2013
1.5k · Jan 2014
Adventure Together
Emily Jan 2014
I miss you
When you're asleep
Alone in your bed
I wish you could rest
In my arms
I'd hold you so close
Right near my heart
Where you belong
With me
We can be
Eternally happy
You light up my life
Now let me light up yours
You're the fire
Ignited in my soul
We're just getting started
We have a lot more to go
On this adventure together
We'll always feel in love
No matter what the weather
© Peyton 2014
1.5k · Feb 2014
Emily Feb 2014
I will always, always, always be broken hearted over the failure of us
I don’t know why we can’t be friends
I don’t know why we can’t be lovers
But for some reason, it isn’t in the cards
There is no “we”
There is no “us”
And it breaks me to think that there never was
I don’t think I will ever recover from this
The pain will just get easier to deal with
Right now, I am feeling numb
I can’t devote any emotion to anyone
I don’t even have a heart
It’s in a million pieces
Lying on the ground
Waiting for what used to make it whole
And that was you
But you are gone
And you don’t wish for me
You just want me to leave you be
And that hurts
More than any word
Or any poem
Could ever express
© Mela 2014
1.4k · Oct 2013
Some People
Emily Oct 2013
There are some people
Who wear their heart
Openly on their sleeve
Only to have it
Violently ripped off
And never cherished

There are some people
Who invest far too much care
In the world around them
And end up getting hurt
By nearly everyone
No expectations are met

There are some people
Who worry themselves sick
With the thought
That they are unloved
All because someone else
Is incompetent

There are some people
Who stay awake at night
Pondering the idea that
They are ugly and unworthy
This is a dangerous lie
Yet they still believe it

There are some people
Who wake up every morning
Fighting the urge to cry
They fail and let the tears flow
A symbol of all the emotion
They have built up

There are some people
Whose generosity
Care and affection
Go wildly unnoticed
And under appreciated
This causes them to break

There are some people
Who, after a while,
Break down tremendously
Enter a dark place
Only to return to the light
A completely different person

There are some people
Who experience so much let down
And so much heart break
That their heart is no longer
On their sleeve, it's nowhere
All at the fault of another

There are some people
Who have to learn
To give up on those
That are incapable of affection
Incapable of selflessness
And move on to what they deserve

I am one of those people
And I refuse to keep sinking
At the hands of people
Who couldn't care less
About me and my love
I am worthy of much more
Turning a new leaf.

© Peyton 2013
1.4k · Aug 2013
It sucks
Emily Aug 2013
It ***** when you're in love with your best friend who is also the fraternal twin brother of your ex.
© Peyton 2013
1.4k · Jan 2014
Immune To Rejection
Emily Jan 2014
Rejection is so normal for me. I've come to terms with the fact that I'll be alone forever. And it doesn't even bother me. I'm used to being independent and on my own. I'm used to not needing validation from anyone. I've become numb to the sorrow that I'm careless with my every day. My once pained muscle of a beating heart is now like a black rock, immune to anything thrown its way. The feeling of loving someone that doesn't love me back used to make my stomach drop and my heart sink, but then I reminded myself of how I already knew I wasn't lovable.
Not sure what this is but I wrote it on 11/25/2013 and for some reason, I felt like posting it.

© Peyton 2014
1.4k · Jan 2014
Hey Baby
Emily Jan 2014
Hey Baby,
Here's a letter
To let you know
Just how much
You allow me to grow
I find myself
In you
There's nothing that
I wouldn't do
We reflect each other
You mend my heart
I think I mend yours
That is why
We shouldn't part
You might as well be
My very first love
Because for you I feel
Something I can only dream of
Is this true?
Pinch me
Love me
Give me all you are
Our love is so strong
I can feel it
Even though you're far
A life without you
Would be no life at all
Every day I get with you
Allows me deeper to fall
I'm out of my mind
Infatuated with you
All I want is to call you mine
Anything less
Would never make do
You're the smile on my face
The light in my eyes
The warmth in my spirit
The pleasure I feel
All the way to my core
You're everything to me
You're my definition of more
I couldn't live without you
I wouldn't be complete
So thank you, baby
For putting me back
On my feet
© Peyton 2014
1.4k · Jan 2014
Emily Jan 2014
She puts thoughts
Into my head
She says you're a liar
A cheater
She says you'll never
Accept me
For who I truly am
She calls me an idiot
For giving you
More chances
I don't believe her
When she says you don't
Love me
But after a while
I think of our
And start to wonder
If it's all true
And now
I am frightened
Because in the end
I'll most likely
Be left
By myself
© Peyton 2014
1.3k · Sep 2013
Forever Young
Emily Sep 2013
Dear Best Friend,
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you
Not a day goes by that I'm not affected by the loss of you
You were everything to me
My confidant
My best friend
My rock
My right hand
My soul mate
My lover
Not a day goes by where I don't think "what if"
Not a day goes by where all of the memories and times we shared cross my mind
Not a day goes by where I wish those times we could multiply
Not a day goes by that I don't think of the possibilities our love once possessed
Not a day goes by where I'm not somewhat filled with regret
What if I could have saved you
From your evil addiction
The addiction which took your life
Away from me
Away from everyone
You were supposed to live long
We were supposed to do so many things together
Now I am left in the dark
Wondering if I'll ever recover
Losing you is the hardest thing I'll ever have to deal with
Losing you is something I'll never understand
You'll always have a special place in my heart
And I know you'd want me to be happy
But sometimes I get so angry
I just want you with me
I miss you
His birthday is in 2 days.

© Peyton 2013
1.3k · Aug 2013
Emily Aug 2013
Stupid me
I don't know why I keep waiting
Why I keep wishing
For something I can never have

Stupid me
I don't know why I even want you
Why I even like you
You're mostly really bad

Stupid me
I don't know why I'm called to you
Why I even care like I do
This burden is such a drag

Stupid me
For thinking I have a chance
With someone who's incapable of love
With someone like you

Stupid me
For thinking you'd even consider
Dating someone like me
Someone who's off limits

Stupid you
For not realizing
That I'm your soul mate
That I'm the one you want

Stupid you
For letting me slip by
For making me want you
As much as I do

Stupid you
For being exactly what I want
And exactly what I need
And making me feel
Full of greed
For something I can't have
And never will

© Peyton 2013
1.3k · Jan 2014
Laugh It Off
Emily Jan 2014
Name calling is
A sign of weakness
And of vulnerability
10 words.

© Peyton 2013
1.3k · Dec 2013
The Months
Emily Dec 2013
I like the different months
How each one brings new experiences
And holds the birth of those
That mean the most to me

Like January
Bringing in a new year
And a fresh start
Just as my father taught me
Out with the old, in with the new

And February
How it reminds us of love
Filling our hearts with joy
Just as my best friend
Does for me daily

Along comes March
Oh, **** and brilliant March
The start of a new season
Just like she sparked something new
Inside of me

Followed by April
Bright and colorful April
Showers water the flowers
Just like my soul sister and I
Relish in fun times together

Next is May
Shiny and strong like the sun
Marks the beginning of summer
My brother and I kayak
And bond in the deep heat of Texas

After May is June
Marking the longest daylight hours
Of the whole year
My mother is a June baby
And she is my light in the dark, my pearl

Scorching July rolls through
Fast paced and chaotic
The peak of summer
I recall Camp Longhorn
And all the girls I got to enjoy it with

Autumn begins with bold August
School commences
New opportunities arise
Who better to experience them with
Than my favorite twins

September arrives
Wake me up when it ends
This month reminds me of how
I no longer have my best friend
Once always older than me
Now it is I who takes the lead

October brings orange and deep reds
Soothing hot tea and cuddles
Almost as soothing as both my grandparents
My true greatest examples
Of what it's like to be a warrior

Thankful for November
The time to reflect over the year
Thankful for being alive
Thankful for all who was ever born
And blessed my life

And last but not least
Oh what a weird time
Since the birthday celebrated this month
Is mine
Wanted to do something more creative than usual. Not sure how creative this was but the idea just came to me. Each month represents something and someone important to me. Hope you enjoyed it.

© Peyton 2013
1.3k · Oct 2013
Perfection Does Exist
Emily Oct 2013
I love days like this
Days we spend together
Enjoying the weather

It's getting colder outside
Wonderful opportunity
For our hands to collide

Hugs & kisses
Cups of warm soup
Homemade by us
Not one fuss
Just love to profess
Just love to progress
It doesn't get better than this

Having you around
Makes me feel
Safe and sound
I love days like this
It feels like pure bliss

I love calling you mine
& when you take up my time
You fill up my mind
You're one of a kind

I can't live without you
I would never make do
I love days like this
Perfection does exist
© Peyton 2013
1.3k · Jan 2014
Emily Jan 2014
We took a hot shower together
Went to an old movie
Made out in the theatre
Afterwards, we weren't hungry for dinner
We simply raced home
And had each other
Satisfying our appetite
For more
I wrote this on 1/2/14. Kinda silly but based off true events:)

© Peyton 2014
1.3k · Dec 2013
Respect My Wishes
Emily Dec 2013
You're quite pathetic
Following me from anonymous accounts
Just to see what I'm up to
I don't want you in my life anymore
I respectfully left
I wanted to withdraw myself from you
And you're so selfish as to follow me anyway
I know you well
You can't hide from me
I respect you
Now it's time for you to respect me
And my wishes
Please leave me alone
More of a message to someone than a poem...

© Peyton 2013
1.3k · Aug 2013
My Duty
Emily Aug 2013
I'm so in love with this girl
And I know she loves me too
But sometimes she doesn't
And I'm like, "What did I do?"

It's so **** confusing
I've gotten used to it now
So I just give her space
Unsure of what she'll allow

I want to talk like normal
When we're loving and flirty
She really is everything
Sometimes even a little *****

The perfect combination
Of wisdom and beauty
But she plays hard to get
Winning her is my duty

I definitely got her
Kind of right where I want her
Because at the end of the day
I'm on her mind
Without me, the world's a blur
She's in love with me
And I'm in love with her
© Peyton 2013
1.3k · Nov 2013
Emily Nov 2013
Wanting to live a different life
Is the hardest obstacle to overcome
Because it's impossible
You're stuck in the body you've been given
You're stuck in the mind that feels like a prison
There's no way out
Just pure misery
Loneliness and doubt
Not only do I hate myself
But everyone around me
Doesn't seem to give a ****
If I just disappeared
That would actually be good luck
Constantly feeling like I'm sick
Makes every day a living hell
My heart's in my stomach
That's not where it belongs
I can tell
The dissatisfaction life brings
Almost seems like a joke
Is this a ******* nightmare?
Excuse me while I choke
Tomorrow will be the same
No hope, no love
Only bitterness and shame
My want to escape
Is stronger than my want
For even the finest things
If only I could just
© Peyton 2013
1.3k · Jan 2014
Emily Jan 2014
it's been a couple years now
ever since my best friend died
and although it's no justification
for my behavior
it is the reason
the reason i've lost all my friends
the reason i'm barely in contact with anyone
i'm so cold hearted
i used to have an empathetic heart
but now i'm just cruel
i hurt those around me
even people that i don't even know
i act out
it's scary
my mood changes so quickly
i'm hypersensitive
every little word muttered in my direction
whether it be a small observation
or a simple critique
i feel the need to defend myself and attack
i am always in the mind set
of thinking that everything is a war
i never fail to pick fights
the low blows and the jabs
i'm cheap
i don't play fair
i'm a bad person
because i just don't care
i deserve nothing and nobody
© Peyton 2014
1.3k · Feb 2014
to whom it may concern
Emily Feb 2014
i'm afraid to say that i will no longer be posting my poetry, at least for a long while. i feel like my need to write, my inspiration to write, and my purpose of writing isn't really there anymore. even though i write new material every day, i still don't feel encouraged nor inspired enough to post it, and for personal reasons at that. it has absolutely nothing to do with the hello poetry community. you all have been wonderful and i'm really thankful to have read such amazing poems come from you all, and i am grateful for all of the feedback you all have given me. i'm just at a point in my life where i am trying to stay away from certain things. i feel like my poetry is somewhat pointless now, and i'm feeling discouraged in many areas of my life. so, until next time, i won't be posting anymore. i will be getting on here and there just to read what you all post, because i enjoy it so much. but other than that, you won't be seeing much of me anymore. thanks again for all the support.
© Mela 2014
1.2k · Nov 2013
Infallible Love
Emily Nov 2013
When crisis strikes
And panic starts to arise
I turn to you
And it's no surprise
Your voice is calming
Your words comfort
I sigh a breath of relief
As my worries avert
With you in my life
It is never dark
Nothing troubles me
There's only a bright spark
Ignited in my heart
And rooted in my mind
Nothing will keep me apart
From the assurance you provide
I've never experienced
A secure love such as this
I wake up every morning
Feeling happiness and bliss
Nothing brings me down
When I see your handsome face
You are my whole world
And I long for your embrace
When you hold me close
In your loving arms
I am so at ease
You are my lucky charm
Nothing will defeat
Our infallible love
And it is because
You fit me like a glove
© Peyton 2013
1.2k · Jan 2014
Second Best
Emily Jan 2014
I feel second best
I know I'm not as important
As the rest
No one has ever made
A big deal out of me
I'm literally insignificant
People don't care
If I'm not around
They don't care
If they don't hear from me
I'm not worried about
Or wondered about
I'm not cared for
I'd say I need to find
Some new people
To associate with
But it's not like
Anything would ever change
© Mela 2014
1.2k · Jan 2014
Cause Of Death
Emily Jan 2014
My cause of death won't be
A physical ailment
I won't have a heart attack
I won't get heart disease
I won't be plagued with cancer
I won't die of old age

The cause of my death will be
The fact that I give all of myself
I stop whatever it is I'm doing
To help those around me
I listen to and advise my friends
I assist my family
While no one does that for me
I am left alone 99% of the time

The cause of my death will be
The fact that I must internalize
Whatever emotions I feel
Because nobody understands
How deeply they go
They judge me and find me crazy
There is no one out there
Who is as equally emotionally strung
I am alone

The cause of my death will be
The fact that when I get sick
Or when I am hospitalized
Like I was earlier this month
No one seems to think it's a big deal
My mother doesn't pay much mind
Not even the one I'm in love with
Said one word to me
I was alone

The cause of my death will be
The fact that I don't see hope for the future
I see ignorance all around me
I see laziness and poverty
I don't see any opportunities
For me to get out of this place
I am wandering aimlessly
And alone

The cause of my death will be
The fact that I hate myself
For allowing my heart and my soul
To break as they both have
I am hypersensitive
I feel abandoned
I am weak and fragile
Even in a crowd of people
I always feel alone

No, I will not die from something physical
I will die from a broken heart
© Peyton 2014
1.2k · Dec 2013
Never Ending Tears
Emily Dec 2013
I thought that by now
I would've ran out of tears
But I guess not
You're no longer in my life
And that makes me cry
Every single day
© Peyton 2013
1.1k · Feb 2014
Remember You Fondly
Emily Feb 2014
It’s sad how we always argue
Over misunderstandings
Do you know why I got upset?
Because you left me wondering
Whether or not you wanted me around
That time you stopped talking to me
For no apparent reason
So I lashed out
I gave up
Even though I will never truly
Give up this fight
I went away
I thought you wanted it that way
Then I got sad
And upset because how I understood it
Was that you didn’t care
To speak to me
Or care that
I wasn’t around
I’m not perfect
Not as perfect as you
But I thought my love could be enough
I loved you with every fiber of my soul
And I always will
You can hate me
And think I’m horrible
You can regret me
And wish for my nonexistence
But I am happily in love with you
Even though you’re not happily in love with me
And thoughts of you in my mind
Never fail to make me smile
I think of all the good you are
And how much I enjoy every bit of it
I think back on the time
When we were happy with each other
And that’s how I plan on remembering you
Because the fights
And the exchange of mean words
Doesn’t reflect how we truly feel
At least for me
It just proves that we care
I am who I am. God knows what's in my heart. And at the end of the day, His opinion of me is all that matters.

© Mela 2014
1.1k · Jan 2014
Emily Jan 2014
I'm not sure why people love *** so much
Maybe I haven't had the right partners
Maybe I'm too insecure to enjoy it
That's most likely my problem
Or maybe it's just overrated
Every time I'm in bed
Attempting to crawl out of my shell
And give pleasure to my lover
I just want it to be over
I'm so preoccupied with being ashamed of myself
And embarrassed
Obviously I'm my own worst enemy
But *** isn't that enjoyable for me
I only like to give
I rarely allow myself to receive
I guess everyone else out there
Is having enough *** for me
Wrote this some time ago...I didn't think it was really a poem, but more of me just thinking out loud. Hopefully one day, with confidence, I'll be able to enjoy *** like the rest of the world.

© Peyton 2014
1.1k · Jan 2014
Dirty Thoughts
Emily Jan 2014
I have absolutely the dirtiest
Most naughty thoughts
I've ever had
And they're all about you
I honestly think about your pleasure
Twenty four hours a day
Seven days a week
I die just thinking about the way we'd kiss
Slow and soft at first
Then they'd grow in passion
I imagine your tongue
The way it would easily slide into my mouth
Our lips chaotically battling each other
While my hands touch and caress your body
Neck kisses would make you weak
Just like the small moans you allow to escape your body
Are my weakness
They're lovely triggers
Forcing me to lower myself down your body
And stake claim over what used to be mine
I wouldn't just devour you
I'd worship you
Written 12/8/13.

© Peyton 2014
1.1k · Jan 2014
Emily Jan 2014
There was once a time
When I thought you were smart
So brilliant and beautiful
But now I know how dumb you truly are
Stupid, even
You lied and rejected my unconditional love
It brought out your true colors
© Peyton 2013
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