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Emily Dec 2013
The thought of you disliking me in any capacity is enough to destroy me from the inside out

To think that you believe that who I am is fake, or that I lie, is enough to drive me insane

And to know that you don't care much about having anything to do with me is enough to drive me to the edge
© Peyton 2013
Emily Dec 2013
We started off tragic
And we ended that way too
10 words.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Dec 2013
Despite every morning
Feeling anger and sadness
Regret and disgust
I still remember feeling
All of the lust

It's hard to interpret
Exactly what I want
My feelings are so mixed
One day I'm longing for you
The next day I'm ******

I read people well
I have always known
Where your heart resides
It's never been with me
I'm not sure why I even tried

You're not the only one
That I've ever loved
But I feel such a strong attraction
That I've never felt
Towards someone so foreign

You have such a perfect face
Your eyes hypnotize
And your lips tease
Your whole entire body
Gets me begging you "please"

I firmly believe for as long as I live
That I will always want you
Your heart, body, and soul
You're my only weakness
You'll always be a part of my whole
I love you more than air.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Dec 2013
My favorite activity is dreaming
Because that's when you're mine
10 words.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Dec 2013
I miss your love
I miss your face
I miss your kisses
I miss our chats
I even miss the way you'd reject me
Because at least then
We were talking
I miss being your friend
I miss being someone you could rely on
I miss making you laugh
I miss making you smile
I miss giving you confidence
I miss making you feel worthy
I miss your texts in the morning
I miss when you'd tell me "I love you"
I miss everything
I miss you
But I don't think we'll ever speak again
So I guess from here on out
I'll have to miss you less and less
© Peyton 2013
Emily Dec 2013
Sometimes I sit on my bed
Looking at your picture
Your smiling face
Your bright eyes
Oh how wonderful
You made my life

Sometimes I cry & put on Pink Floyd
We used to listen together
About life and struggles
We would talk deeply
We were the only deep ones
That's right, just you and me

Sometimes I wonder where your spirit has gone
Are you soaring in nature?
Are you smiling down from heaven?
That beautiful smile I miss so much
How I wish to see your face
How I wish for one last touch

Sometimes I feel my memories start to fade
But all it takes is a smell
Or a song, maybe an image
And they all rush back to me
At times it can feel so real
Can't believe I lost you completely

Your death is my reminder
To never waste a second
I love you my best friend, my lover
And I'll always long for you
And I'll always cherish all
That we ever went through
© Peyton 2013
Emily Dec 2013
To say I hate you
Would be a tremendous
Not the one to hate but sometimes there's that someone who hurts you so bad that it can never be corrected.

10 words.

© Peyton 2013
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