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 Jun 2014 Meggn Alyssa
 Jun 2014 Meggn Alyssa
came to visit me again last night
seeping in when i was half asleep
embracing me from the inside
keeping me awake in his presence
he's not a friend
nor a foe
we solely co-exist
then i should probably get accustomed to his presence
regardless how queasy and uneasy he makes me feel
how he makes i small
probably he cares about me
i just need to
My heart dressed in polka dots and dark shades
Hair and hurt sitting on shoulder blades
Across rose-colored skin,
I brush my fingers over bumps and scarred perfection.

Dance with me in a pit of quicksand, rockabilly babe
And help me understand that I don't need to be afraid

We are children with short attention spans
and short term parents,
and it's apparent, in this short span of time,
I love you.
Reading is the new black
that is the tune playing
in the background;
sounds of jazz,
sounds of my body
inside your arms.

Reading is the new green
like yesterday theme
you and I were having
a picnic on your backyard.

Reading is the new red
like my cocktail dress
that on friday I wore
and you for the first time
kiss me on my lips.

Reading is the new classic pencil
like the drawing that you gave me
asking me to be your girlfriend.

Those are the moments
of our lives together
when reading got into the mix,
into the equation of us.

Like when I was reading to you
or you reading to me
or reading together.

Yeah! Reading is cool,
reading is our thing
and reminds me of you
when you are not near.
Singing along to the music,
Dancing around in the crick,
Frolicking in the moonlight,
Acting stupid 'cause it's night
And nobody can hear us,
Because the trees wisper "hush,"

Circling the bonfire
Of twigs and sticks,
Fuel to the desire,
To test out some drinks,
Because nobody will hear,
The trees still wisper "hush,"

We'll fall to the ground,
In drunken mounds,
Not stiring till noon,
Even that's too soon,
We hear leaves swaying,
The trees are wispering "hush,"

We drink some more,
And then there are four
Of us still standing,
'Till we start puking,
And the world goes dark,
And the trees wisper "hush,"
I don't know where to begin
The End?
The end is the Grave
The Start?
The start is the Cradle
As my options thin
Maybe the Middle?
The middle is Now
Now is Alive
Alive is not Dead
Alive means you have a Head
Having a head means you can think
Make a Choice
Dead or Alive
I'll take Life
Life is Now
Applause, applause
Make your vows
To Now
Neither the end, nor the start
Chilling in a plastic freezer bag,
Waiting for the ground to thaw,
Attempted words of comfort,
"It's like he's sleeping,"
No, he's not. He most definately is not.
Don't tell me he's ******* sleeping.
Three months in our freezer,
So we could bury him in the spring?
In a shovel-dug hole, among the worms,
Covered in those stupid floral flowers?
Frozen stiff from death, and from cold...
Don't even bother with your lies,
He's not ******* sleeping.
RIP Chile
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