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Aug 2017 · 168
The things you do
Megan Kiczenski Aug 2017
Sometimes I can't always
  Find the words to say;
To express just what you mean to me
  And make me feel each day.

You bring me so much joy,
   With just your loving smile;
Excited to start every day,
   And make this life worth while!

You give me strength to face each day,
   No matter what may come;
To experience all the things there are,
   Not go through life all numb.

You give me hope this life we have,
   Isn't only a dream;
But things are always brighter now
  And BETTER than they seem.

It's all the little things you do,
   That make me love you more;
You show me just what life can be,
   A life worth living for!
Aug 2017 · 242
My strength
Megan Kiczenski Aug 2017
When I feel my world shaking,
  And the walls start to rattle;
You give me strength to face each day
  To fight the coming battle.

When I see things going wrong,
  Attacks from all around;
You give me hope to see it through,
   To firmly stand my ground.

There is so much hate and anger,
   Everywhere you turn;
You show me peace and joy,
   To feel a passion burn.

You have taught me how to love,  
   And that you're always there;
To know I'm not all alone,
   And that you'll always care.

So anytime,  your mind starts to wander,
   And think I don't need you;
Put  your mind at ease,  and always know,
   That will never be true!
Jul 2017 · 266
Better than I Dreamed
Megan Kiczenski Jul 2017
As a younger girl,
   You start to notice boys;
There are so many different ones
  You think you have your choice.

We spend many years,
   Laying awake at night;
Dreaming everything he'd be,
   Planning our "Mr. Right".

Then you enter the dating  world,
   And quickly come to find;
It's  not nearly as easy as you thought,
   To find the right kind.

You will like some guys,
   But they may not like you;
Or be pursued by others,
   That are liked by few...

You soon realize all the fairy tales
   Really did have some truth;
You spent years kissing "frogs"
   To need no further proof.

But then one day will come,
   And catch you unaware;
You will  feel such passion ignite
   From just his loving  stare.

It is such an indescribable feeling,
   To feel such passion burn;
And even better yet,
   When you feel it in return!
Jul 2017 · 242
You and Me
Megan Kiczenski Jul 2017
There are so many things,
   That make me feel so blessed;
That more than sets our love apart,
  Far above all the rest:

Each morning I get to wake,
   And see your handsome face;
To kiss your soft and tender lips,
   To feel your warm embrace.

Every night I get to think of you,
   Of all our hopes and dreams;
To imagine what our life will hold,
   And be the perfect team.

Just to hear you speak to me,
   About so many things;
To think about our future life,
   And all the joy it brings.

So don't ever think you're all alone,
   It will never be "just you";
It's you and me, forever more,
   A life of love so true!
Apr 2017 · 197
Outside Looking In
Megan Kiczenski Apr 2017
It makes me smile, just to think,
   How others see our love;
They see how happy you make me,
   Blessed from the Lord above!

I'd like to think we give them hope,
   In times that they are blue;
Seeing the love two people can have-
   Will help them make it through.

They can see the joy you bring me,
   Or just your caring smile;
To know you don't have to be alone,
  To make this life worth while.

So take your time to find that one,
  That one that makes you strong;
The one to hold and laugh with,
   That can never do you wrong!

Together you can battle through
   Absolutely anything;
As long as you work together,
  To make the perfect team!
Mar 2017 · 336
No Comparison
Megan Kiczenski Mar 2017
From the day you first brought me home,
  You had many dreams for me;
All the things I would learn to do,
   And this woman I could be.

You were a mother who lead by example,
   Who taught us all so well;
Who wiped away our tears each time,
   Picked us up when we fell.

As I started getting older,
   making choices of my own;
They didn't always match up,        
   with the path you had shown.

I thought I knew what was best,
  We started to grow apart;
With so many bad decisions,
   That shattered your poor heart.

You never gave up hope,
   You loved me from afar;
Now I can clearly see,
  Just everything you are:

You are my guardian Angel,
  With wings that keep me warm;
  That protect me from any danger,
  My shelter from the storm.

You are my guiding light,
  To help show me the way;
To remind me there is something more,
   My hope from day to day.

You have become my best friend,
  A closeness I never knew;
To be there WHENEVER I needed,
   And always help me through!

You are so much more to me
   Than my loving mother;
Someone willing to accept me
    Unlike any other!

The older I get and the more I learn,
  That life may not be fair;
I know now, no matter what I do,
   You will always be there!
Mar 2017 · 216
"Something More"
Megan Kiczenski Mar 2017
Sometimes I feel the word "love"
   Just isn't strong enough;
To express just how I feel inside
   And the things I'm dreaming of.

Thinking of some similar words:
  There is the word "adore";
With all its splendor and emotion,
   I still need something more!

I think about all you are,
  This person I "admire";
And even with all its meaning,
  I still aim so much higher!

There is always the word "cherish"
   And the beauty that it holds;
To think about what is still to come,
   To watch our lives unfold!

Maybe if I take from each
   A little here and there;
To make a word for you and me,
   To show how much I care:

"CH"  "OV"  "AD"  "IRE"

Just maybe now, you can start to see,
   This emotion felt by few;
If you ever doubt how I feel, remember:
   I "CH-OV-AD-IRE" you!
Feb 2017 · 344
Beautiful Wings
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
I've always been a little different,
  A unique, special breed;
Nothing like everyone else,
  A soul that has been freed.

I find I can relate the most,
   To those not of this world;
Those born with majestic wings,
  Beautifully feathered and curled.

Just like a mighty Phoenix,
   Such power to behold;
For when one life ends,
   New is born from the old.

The ambition and drive of a dragon
  True beauty in and out;
Unafraid of any challenges,
   And shatter any doubt!

So when that perfect day comes,
   I finally get MY wings;
I will feel right at home,
   Among those pretty things!
Feb 2017 · 184
The Lucky One
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
"the lucky one"

They say you will just know,
  When you meet the right one;
You won't want to look any further,
   All your searching is done!

They will complete you in a way
   You didn't know they could;
You find yourself going even further,
   Doing more than you ever would.

When they come along, they do all they can,
  To show how much they care;
They'll go above and beyond to prove
   They will always be there!

There will always be times,
   You don't see eye to eye;
But it never means near as much,
  To let your time pass by.

There are chances you take in life,
And things you may fear;
But they pay off in ways you can't foresee:
   'cause I'm the lucky one here!
Feb 2017 · 556
Your Ways
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
I love the way you kiss my neck,
  And nibble on my lips;
The way you hold me from behind,
  And pull me by my hips.

I love the way you run your hands
  All up and down my thighs;
The way you kiss me so deeply,
  While looking in my eyes.

I love the way you please me,
  Doing all that you can;
The way you take complete control,
   To remind me you're the man!

You turn me on in many ways,
  With just your simple touch;
Even more with the sounds you make,
  When it proves to be too much!

I love everything about you,
   And all the things you do;
I wouldn't want to spend a single night,
  Not laying right beside you!
Feb 2017 · 554
Then there was you
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
I thought I knew what I wanted,
   I had all my goals set;
I was going to be bigger and better,
   The best they had seen yet!

Then that day came,
   I saw you standing there;
It only took a moment to know:
   We would go everywhere!

It's hard to describe, or explain,
   These feelings I have now;
Words just don't seem to be enough
   So I still don't know how...

I'll do my best to show you everyday,
   What your love means to me;
To express what I feel, deep inside,
   And what true love can be!

I love you more and more,
   With every waking day;
So listen now and hear me well 'cuz
   I want to PROUDLY say:

I have no doubt, I love you so,
   With every piece of my heart;
And it will only continue to grow
   Until death does us part!
Feb 2017 · 242
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
There have been people in my life,
   A few to come and go;
But not one has ever meant as much,
   Till you, I came to know!

I didn't know what it really meant,
   To truly miss someone;
To feel this emptiness deep inside,
   Just knowing you are gone.

It's as if a part is missing,
   Something deep inside;
In a place that most can't reach,
  Right where your love resides.

I can't wait to see you again,
   It can't come soon enough;
To feel you arms wrapped around me,
   Embracing in our love!

I don't ever want to feel like this,
   To be all left alone;
Knowing I can have you near,
   And all the love you've shown!
Feb 2017 · 477
Silver Lining
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
"Silver Lining"

Even when I'm doing right,
  Life still just isn't fair;
No matter how much good I do,
  The world just doesn't care.

I try to stay on the good path,
  I try to do no wrong;
And yet all the way around,
   Injustice comes along!

Anytime I get my hopes up,
  It never works out well;
Just when I think things are good,
  It all just goes to hell!

Don't dwell on the past, they say,
  Always give it your all,
You never can anticipate
  When that other shoe will fall!

Although things are dark right now,
  I will keep my head high;
I have too much to focus on,
  To let this life go by!
Feb 2017 · 214
Lonely Nights
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
I knew one day this night would come,
  I would sleep all alone;
I forgotten what it felt like,
  All cold and on my own.

Already I miss your touch,
  Your strong and warm embrace;
The sound of your steady breath,
  And smile across your face.

The darkness is so quiet,
  And loneliness sets in;
The thought of you comes back to me,
  And I feel myself grin.

I can't wait to get back to you,
  And hear your loving heart;
To lay my head upon your chest,
  And pray we'll never part!

Hoping I'll be home again,
  Before it's been too long;
Back to how it's supposed to be,
  Not living life all wrong!
Feb 2017 · 273
Together Forever
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
Here we are, together now,
   Our paths now are as one;
The lives we lived before,
   Separately, now are done.

There will never be a time,
   I will be without you;
I will spend the rest of my life,
   Showing my love is true.

I will stand beside you,
  In sickness and in health;
I wouldn't trade a single moment,
  For all the fame or wealth!

Living our life together,
   As we slowly grow old;
Making memories to share,
   Our story to unfold.

Time will never change how I feel,
   Or the things I might say;
Loving you even more,
   With every passing day.

Whenever that time will come,
   That we hear the angels sing;
Together forever, we will stay,
   Side by side, on our swing!
Feb 2017 · 189
One More Try
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
There are so many things now,
   I didn't know I could feel;
Everything I thought I knew...
   Just shows me it wasn't real.

I never knew true happiness,
   Or the joy it can bring;
What it's like to always smile,
   Or to feel my heart sing!

It became such a normal thing,
   To lay in bed and cry;
Never would I have expected,
   To give it one more try.

You inspire me to do so much,
    To feel pure emotion;
to cherish the little things,
    To show my true devotion.

You instill such a calm in me,
   And bring a soothing peace;
You can lighten any burden,
   And set my mind at ease.

You can tell with just a look,
   When something is amiss;
You can take away all my worry,
   With just your loving kiss.

I can only hope to feel this way,
   For the rest of my life;
My newest hope and dream is:
   Someday I'll be your wife!
Feb 2017 · 1.3k
What the Future Holds
Megan Kiczenski Feb 2017
I can't begin to imagine,
   What our future will hold;
Happy and in love, together,
   As we slowly grow old.

Anxious to start every day,
   To see all that is new,
Ready to go anywhere,
   As long as its with you!

Will we travel the world,
  And see beauties galore?
Or camp out on a beach
  And just enjoy the shore?

Venture out across the seas,
  Upon the waves of blue;
Or travel to distant corners,
  Seen by very few.

Will we build a cabin in the woods,
  The one we've dreamed about;
Or climb the tallest mountain,
  Just to hear ourselves shout!

It will never really matter to me,
   Where we go, what we do;
The happiest I will ever be:
  Is anywhere I'm with you!
Jan 2017 · 542
Man of my Dreams
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
Every girl dreams of their perfect man,
    As if it was some game;
It varies from one to the next,
  No two will be the same.

She learns early, from her father,
   Just All a man should do;
To provide for and protect her,
    To never make her blue.

I prayed one day, I'd find MY man,
  one I always dreamed of;
He'd be big, strong and tall,
  Not afraid to show his love.

He has the softest blue eyes,
   Like the waves of the sea;
With the gentlest touch of his hand,
   He makes my heart fly free!

He makes me laugh and smile,
   From little things we share;
And does all the things he can
   To show me that he cares.

I never knew how many details,
   I'd forgotten about;
You're more than the man of my dreams,
  Of that, I have no doubt!
Jan 2017 · 3.7k
My Safe Place
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
I don't know just what it is,
   About your loving arms;
There is such a peace and calm,
   That keeps me from any harm.

Whether its been a rough day at work,
   Or trouble with my dad;
When you wrap me up and hold me tight,
    I forget why I'm sad.

When I toss and turn at night,
   From everything I fear;
The sound of your steady heart,
   Is all I need to hear.

Now I realize, I'll never be alone,
   You have helped me to see;
There's nothing I can't overcome,
   With you right beside me!

No matter what comes my way,
   I have finally found;
Right where I'm meant to be-
   In your arms, safe and sound!
Jan 2017 · 216
Only You
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
There's not enough things that I can do,
   To show what you mean to me;
But given the chance, I'll do my best,
  To try and make you see.

You make me smile and feel your love,
   In ways I never knew;
Now I get to do the same
   To show my love to you!

I'll comfort you and cheer you up,
   Whenever you are sad;
I'll do my best to help you through,
   And never make you mad.

I'll make our house into a home,
   Do all a woman should;
Take care of you when you're sick,
   Just like your mother would.

I'll share with you, our love and joy,
   Our sorrow, pain and strife;
Because I want you, and only you,
   For the rest of my life!
Jan 2017 · 344
My Southern Man
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
There's just something so different,
   About a Southern Man,
Hands down, no comparison but,
   bare with me if you can:

Wherever you may go,
   Whether home or to a store;
he will always guide you along the way,
   And always hold the door.

There is never any drama or sass,
   He will never be rude;
He has a sense of humor that is
   Never crass or crude.

He is close to family,
   Especially his mother;
He has such dedication
   will love like no other!

Southern Boys are raised with
   Such manners class and charm;
To treat their lady with respect,
   and keep her from any harm.

It's in the little things he does,
   Just like the way he talks;
A confidence he has and
   The way he even walks.

He does his best to make you smile,
   Each and every day;
To show how much he loves you,
   In each and every way.

then there's that Southern drawl,
   And the way he says your name;
That will send shivers down your spine,
   And you'll never be the same.

So if you're lucky enough to ever find him,
   Try your best and do all you can;
I know I've found my soulmate,
   My true love and Southern Man!
Jan 2017 · 190
My All
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
I've never known a love like this,
   One so pure and kind;
A love that gives me hope and strength,
   And also peace of mind.

I've been burned so many times before,
   By lovers in my past;
Each time I thought I'd try again,
   It proved to never last.

I didn't want to try again,
    my plan was to be alone;
I'd harden my poor broken heart
   and just make it on my own!

Then one day, I saw you there,
   you sent shivers down my spine;
I knew no matter what,
    I had to make you mine!

You looked at me with longing eyes,
    I felt like such a child;
My mind, my dreams and my heart
   all just running wild!

So here we are, going strong,
   I promise you my all;
I'll be your strength and support
    to never let you fall!

I'll make you smile and make you laugh
   to never see you blue;
I'll give you everything I am
   to show my love is true!

You've given me so much more
   than all I could dream of;
Feeling you, hold me tight,
    my "safe place" in your love!

Here we go, once again
   both trying a new start;
You'll never be alone again
   'cause I've given you my heart!
Jan 2017 · 195
Thoughts of You
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
I think about the first time I saw you,
    the way you smiled at me;
your piercing gaze and little wink,
   still fills me with such glee!

I never knew remembering a look,
   Could make me smile so much;
Or that I'd feel my whole body shiver,
   From just your simple touch.

It's the little things you do to me,
   Like just holding my hand;
Your arms wrapped around my waist,
   Hugging me, as I stand.

Your longing eyes and gentle kiss,
   Filled with pure emotion;
The way you hold and protect me,
   Prove your true devotion.

Now I get to fall asleep each night,
   Beside you, in our bed;
With the biggest smile across my face,
  from thoughts of you, in my head!
Jan 2017 · 131
Year of Hope
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
There is so much I have planned now,
All in this coming year;
Everything I look forward to,
Is because of you, my Dear.

I'm finally to this point in life,
I want to do what's right;
There's too much to be grateful for,
And for that, I'll gladly fight!

I've made mistakes and done some things,
Of which I need to be free;
But now's the time to be the woman,
And mother I want to be!

I find such peace and calm,
In times i turn to God;
A way of life, still new to me,
At times can be quite odd.

I have my son, who's growing strong,
And stands out from the crowd;
He's becoming such a gentleman,
And for that, I'm truly proud!

I have my baby girl, my rose,
A beauty that one can't hide;
So wise beyond her years,
That words just cant describe!

I have my family, that helps me still,
After everything I've done;
They've forgiven me and support me
And love beyond reason!

If thats not enough, I found a man,
To help me through my life;
To share with me all the love and joy,
The sorrow, pain and strife.

I have so much, I hold so dear,
And all I'm grateful for;
A fresh new start, a brand new year
And all still left in store!
Jan 2017 · 167
Because of You
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
Where would I be right now,
   Without you in my life?
Still trying to cope with all my
   Sorrow, pain and strife.

I had such emptiness and pain,
    Deep within my heart;
Kept looking for some new way,
    Some fresh, brand new start.

I didn't know which way to turn,
   Which path I should try next;
It didn't matter how simple the choice,
   I was always so perplexed.

Then you came into my life one day,
   Just like a gentle breeze;
You brought with you such peace and calm,
   And set my mind at ease.

Now I have a life of love and joy,
   Full of real direction;
A life that makes me truly happy,
   One of true perfection!
Jan 2017 · 162
A woman Like You
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
Its because of you, I have so much,
  All I'm thankful for;
You taught me well and showed me how
  To love so much more!

You wiped away my tears each time,
   With just your gentle touch;
I never knew it was possible
   To admire one so much!

You have such strength and hope,
   A beauty, in and out;
With so much faith and love
  That shatter any doubt!

I know at times I've let you down,
   And broken your poor heart;
Yet you'd still stand strong and help
   And always done your part!

I know sometimes I might not say,
  How much you mean to me;
You're the perfect example of woman and mom,
   I always want to be!
Jan 2017 · 150
Chess Match
Megan Kiczenski Jan 2017
Life is a game in which we play,  
That starts every dawn;
Made up of pieces and a board,
Knights,  bishops and a pawn.

The object of it all,
Is to see how far you'll go;
Facing battles everyday,
Finding out: friend or foe?

Attacks will come from any side,
In ways you can't foresee;
The pieces you choose in your life,
Will help to keep you free!

Some are family,  some are friends,
And some are in between;
But I'm here to help you through,
'Cause I'll gladly be your "queen"!

A queen protects her king,
No matter what comes their way;
Against all odds and attacks,
She gladly makes her play.

There will never be a time,
A battles ends with "mate";
This queen will help her king,
'Cause that's her CHOSEN fate!

— The End —