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 Jan 2014 Megan A
Jordan Frances
In my home, I have been:
Afraid to talk about certain things,
Most things.
Fearful to express my views
With the possibility of getting jumped on.
Taught that I am worthless
Or at least
Worth less than most other people my age.
Told that I am selfish.
A disgrace.

I will talk to my children about ***,
Safe ***, the way it was never discussed with me.
But if my daughter comes home pregnant,
I will not banish or brand her.
I will continue to love her.

I will not force any religion down their throats.
I may expose them to some,
But they can feel free to tell me that it is not for them
And we will try something else.
I want them to come to believe in something,
Not feel that they have to.

If my daughter brings home a girlfriend,
Or my son a boyfriend,
I will embrace them.
My household will be open and accepting.
My children will not have any reason to fear
Expressing themselves.
Their true selves.
The thing I could never express.

I will not overlook it if my child has scars on her wrist
Skips meals
Shows signs of abuse.
I will not tell myself
That this cannot happen.
But I will try to help her,
Not diagnose her
Or shame her out of her behaviors.

I will accept my children
For everything for which I was ridiculed.
 Dec 2013 Megan A
Abbie Argo
the day you said hello to me
for the very first time
you hung the rope for me
and placed the stool gently
so very tenderly
beneath it
saving me the trouble
the day you said you lied

the day you said goodbye
for the very last time, so did i
 Dec 2013 Megan A
Jonathan Wood
Coffin Nail

Sing it with me 1 2 3.
Maybe love is not for me.
Could it be my nervous twitch?
Maybe it's my oxy itch.
Build yourself a padded room,
Big enough for him and you.
Straight jacket gray and used.
Cover up your bad tattoos.
Could It be the way you bailed?
I'm draggin on a coffin nail.
Sent our love away to fly.
But baby I still had to try.
Take it till it's not enough.
Moving on is not so tough.
So karma then would be your prize.
Chew it up with all the lies.
And the people that you thought you knew..
built an army who will despise you.

Don't try to hear me now.
How can silence be so loud?
Through everything I seem to fail.
I'm draggin on a coffin nail.
What have you got left to show?
Baby I couldn't sink so low.
An infant left a broken home.
Just so you could spread and roam.
Maybe you won't read this text.
Maybe you won't see whats next.
Baby I can not deny.
I really wanna see you die.
My heart is numb my knees are frail.
I'm still draggin on a coffin nail
Earlier today
I was shaving my legs

It may be strange
But it doesn't happen much

I put my leg up
On the side of the tub

Starting smearing on the soap
All over my right left

This time was different
I noticed something strange

Little white lines
All over my leg

I thought they were gone
I must have done bad

I had never felt like this
So disappointed

A remi der of my pain
From many months ago

The scars from the razor
That released my pain

So how do I go on
Knowing what I did

Will they ever go away?
Dear God I hope so.

So maybe I should shave blind
To hide the hurt inside

I don't wanna see my mistakes
Ever again

But that's too bad
Have to move on

But every time I shave my legs
There'll be a reminder

Of  the things I've done
And what I've become.
every one is a disappointment
No matter where you go
You think you have a good friend
But no

Why is the world so cruel
Making life so hard
I'll have to find a new friend
Just draw another card

People around me are hurting
And that's the worst part
How do I tell them I'm sorry
When I didn't crash the cart

This is all your fault
But yet I feel the blame
Can't apologize
Can't see your name

So what I am asking
Isn't for much
Maybe the world be better
Like love and such.
They say don't wish your life away,
But I wish my life would end today.
Hold my hand
So they can see
Make a stand
Together well be

Let them see
The look in our eyes
See the real me
I'm done living lies

They think I like boys
But what a surprise
Men are just toys
And you are my prize

You are my girl
It makes me feel good
This is for real
Just like it should

About the confidence I wish I had. I wanna let the world see me but I get too afraid.
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