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Meenu Syriac Apr 2014
Symphony floating in through the windows
Toned perfection of a sentiment softly filling the air waves,
Caressing all perceptual corners and filling the voids.
Picking up pace and rhythm and grace and  beauty
Falling into a perpetual cycle of never ending serenity.
Emancipated from cares and free falling through the air,
In that moment, I hit the ground, blissfully unaware.
314 · Nov 2014
Her Flames of Glory
Meenu Syriac Nov 2014
She laid down in flames of glory
Flawless lust to the shine that leaves him breathless.
Her eyes as radiant as the moonlight reflected by the waters.
Her image was as fiery as the fire
That burnt his own heart at night.
Her flaming self running,
  Into nothing but darkness.
And he ran thru the cold night,
Calling her name out.
Into the darkness her soul walked,
Leaving him burning,
Suddenly awoken, an ache in his chest,
With a name he cannot remember
And a face he cannot forget,
As the sunlight streams into his room.
© Meenu Syriac
311 · Jun 2014
Life, in a nutshell
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
Today at church, I heard them whisper
They talked about birth and life
And how death ends it all.
I stood in front of the altar,
This cycle of life, being born and dying.

An infant opens his eyes to the world
For the first time.
Eyelids flutter, his fingers clench and unclench
And as he takes his first breath,
His world comes to life.

Life is pulsating, dynamic and transient,
Like waves that meet the shore.
Your footprints on the sand, still,
A mark left on the face of humanity,
Another soul in a throng of humankind,
Living, breathing, existing.

Distant calls beckoning.
His time consumed as it passes by.
Meet his love, commit until death do us part,
Make a life, and hence another life makes its way from start.
Death bed ventures slowly sinking,
His victory, his fall, his treasures, his secrets untold,
When death beckons, no place these hold.

Cycle of life
Birth to death.
God or no god,
This life holds value,
In what you do.
To give back,
And not expect
A thank you.

This cycle of life,
Of birth and death,
Is not just about
Breathing, living
And existing,
But about doing,
And loving.
308 · Mar 2014
Grace is calling
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
Over the hills, beneath the panning sky
The blood washed terrain where the men cry
Death comes in a fiery chariot
The dark king riding with a frightful threat.

Retreating warriors and fallen pawns
Broken angels and wailing moans.
In a single moment, silent reigns
Over the hills, a song begins.

Voices, heavenly voices floating high and low
The sound of a harp, the blow of a horn
The brave hearts rise to the sound of their names
As they ascend to the heavens, homeward bound.
306 · Oct 2014
Meenu Syriac Oct 2014
He's been waiting,
Watching the leaves fall with the autumn sky
With every breath that fogs up the glass
And every flower that blooms in his hand.
Days, months, years gone,
He's been waiting
Counting the stars.
He's been waiting
Only believing in
What he knows inside,
Waiting, with every dawn and dusk
That goes by.
And as her face, inked in his mind
Her eyes, soft with wanting,
By his side,
Like a gentle breeze,
Her voice, like the rise and fall of tide
And this time, he knows,
It's not just another dream.
©Meenu Syriac
305 · Jul 2014
Of Fire and Hell
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
As the hour fell, the light streamed in through the crack in the wall
Almost brilliant, but the crack leaving a tale untold.
Her eyes searched in hunger, her soul craving for the shadows that haunt.
Together, her broken self, she tied it with what life gave,
And what life gave, life took.
No consistency rewarded, not for the sake of hope.
The dreams she saw, the joy she wished,
Her darkest nights were when she knew the light no more,
Within the darkness, she dissolved,
Until she felt she was nothing but the starkness of truth.
And it hurt her inside, like the fire she once put out
Back again, to ravage her whole.
As the flames burned, like hell within,
There came a point when she no longer began to feel the pain.
That moment she felt that this fire was her joy, she reveled with madness,
Unsure of why.
She touched her face with the tip of a sword,
She held it down and wrote her life in bold.
After everything,
After the darkness and the truth,
After the fire and the rainstorm,
She walked out mightier,
She was strong.
304 · Jun 2014
War Song
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
What is your story in this world, young man?
Where do you come from and to where you go?
Will you let your hands fall to the side and perish under your perils?
Will you not fight till the very last breath that holds you, repose?
Hold up your shield, let the arrows rain.
Hold up your sword, let evil moan.
Let the shadows fall, let the sun be erased.
Let death march to your very door.
But will you fall to your knees and forget to fight,
Fight for what you believe and what your heart holds high?
Hold your head high, let your minds not fall.
Your steps not falter, this life which you chose.
March till the end, march for your kin,
March for your faith, that lies within.
This write can be misleading. Though I assure you, that when I wrote this I didn't mean to write one about wars raged against people or countries. (though I must admit this was written after watching the movie 300 ). This is based on wars we fight in our daily life. The things we face day to day, that crumbles our faith and our hopes. This is a war song for those who think it's better to not fight and give up.
301 · Mar 2014
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
You tried to hide all this while
Blew out your own light.
You fought to hide
What you really are,
Ravished being hidden behind.
Never spoke a word
Or even lift a hand.
Still a placid face
Through all emotional dues.
What was it that you lost?
That's made you so cold.
I don't even know
If you're here anymore.
You wage a lonely war,
Am I crazy to want a part of it?
Your world is slowly sinking,
Can I be the one to lift you up to the sky?
293 · May 2014
What I want
Meenu Syriac May 2014
I know, not,
Who I am,
Finding you,
Felt like,
Finding me.
In you,
I see day
And night.
And I want to be
A part of that.
A part of,
Everything you want,
Everything you love,
Everything you are.
Am I selfish?
I know, not.
What I want,
*Is you.
286 · Mar 2014
Ode to the Unknown
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
In this map of the universe
You and I,
We are nothing but insignificant
Little by little,
We fade into nothing.
In this vast space,
Our existence is a mere happening,
Lost among the stars,
Searching for the truth.
Dreaming to reach out,
Yet falling into oblivion.
Dreamers we are,
Singing an ode to the unknown.
Rebelling with our consciousness,
Trying to make sense.
What we make of the world
Is what the world makes us.
285 · Jul 2014
Meenu Syriac Jul 2014
It was red,
The brightest shade of red
In it the color danced,
A consent of mockery,
Yet vibrant as its entity.

It was red,
A passionate red
To add to the flow.
In it, losing way,
Blindly falling through.

It was red,
The crimson hue
Of lust and blood.
Piercing, etching
And leaving a mark.

It was red,
Time came to stop.
Silence loud and ringing,
Death came silently
And all she saw was red.
285 · Jun 2014
Malice (The end of You)
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
In that moment,
I saw more blood than ever,
Inside me,
As if my eyes were bleeding.
All I could think of
Was wanting to end it.
And there I stood,
Transfixed at the sight of you,
Through the blood red,
All those nightmares, alive
All those terrors, ceasing my nights,
The endless torture,
The pain that was,
And as I stood there,
A predator ready to pounce,
Rooted to the spot
By the anger surging through me
Like electricity,
Like a wild fire.
An inferno of infinite power,
Fully concentrated on
Hell within me,
Heaven above.
And through that blood red,
I saw,
The end,
Of you.
Dark. So very dark.
284 · May 2014
Saving Grace
Meenu Syriac May 2014
Dire motives of the world around, you keep me calm.
When a storm rages on inside me, i see no harm.
And when the rain slows to a drizzle, I turn around and watch you take your place.
The sun shines,
And you still want to stay.
*I can't help but wonder, if I'm worth someone for you to gaze.

As the light breaks through the clouds,
You help me up from the ruins I laid.
You stay around till heavens stop crying
Pick me up and set me on a cloud, flying.
Tears wiped and forgotten
Dreams built, never broken.
Even if the world gives up on me,
*You'll stay till the end and be my saving grace.
283 · Apr 2014
Where else?
Meenu Syriac Apr 2014
If  by your side I cannot find solace
If in your arms I cannot rest my case
If in your embrace I do not feel at home
If in your eyes I cannot reveal my true form
Then where else do I belong?
280 · Jun 2014
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
The rise of a new day set in the midst of  dark times,
As the sun shines only to reveal the deceitful lies.
And in it we have been purged and ruined right,
In toiling we have learned that the river runs dry.
Walking on fire with our hands tied and tongues cut.
From the depths of fury, no voice can cry,
Smoke rises, unearthly quietness as a single wisp makes it way up.
Around, the night creeps in, only to darken the darkest of times.

Pick me up and set me on the clouds.
Let me look down, see how the earth turns to this plight.
Loosen my bonds and let me sing to the sky,
**Unchain me and let me find my way out.
279 · Jun 2014
Too much dreaming?
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
The dawn arrives in all splendor of the morning sun
A thought takes its place in a never ending tirade of life and its endeavors
Shadows bound but breath escapes to find its freedom
Words arising from the soul shuns the ignorance but lights the wisdom
As the birds sing their praises to the sun,
Man awakens to a new era of peace, equality and knowledge.
275 · May 2014
The Fall
Meenu Syriac May 2014
At the crack of night, she swallowed her tears,
Been up through the hours, crying her heart out.
But as the shine of the moon casts an eery light,
Through the crevices of a broken house,
Her heart sinks low as the setting sun.

Drawing courage she thought she never had,
Takes a little peek through the curtains to the world outside.
No, nothing has changed, from the grey skies to the unlit streets at war.
The noise, the loud cries, the screams at night,
Somewhere, in this stagnant fear, a life fades into the dark.

She walks on shattered glass, an empty house, soul less, tears encompassed
Somewhere along the way, a few dreams meant to be buried away.
The mocking smiles of misery, beckoning, took all the light that prevailed.
All she remembers, that night, a shadow and closing walls,
She looks out the window, the days marked by  **The Fall.
Something dark, something to be feared, our future is bleak.
First step to solving a problem, is admitting there is one.
269 · May 2014
Meenu Syriac May 2014
His eyes,
Not a soul could look away and ever again feel the same.
In them, I see galaxies tumble and collide in a colossal manner, untamed.
Why look up for the stars at night, when his eyes,
Seem like they were made just for me to seek.

*His smile,

Brightens even the most darkest of days,
Worth a million tears cried, just for him to spark a flame and let it burn in me
Golden, can't even put together words
To tell you the magic it works through me.

His cheekbones,
What a wonder, such perfect ensemble
Of bones, flesh and muscle, like a dream embodied.
Sculpted by the hands of God, it must be
His personal favorite, no doubt, but this one's mine to keep

His hair,
The darkest black you can conjure up
From the darkest nights you've seen.
Lost in it, almost, while playfully toying
Such fascination with even the simplest parts of his being..

His voice,
I can't explain what it feels like
Without getting my heart to skip a beat.
Deep, and soulful, all in perfect tones,
Here I am drowning in his, almost, surreal entity.
268 · Apr 2014
Finding me
Meenu Syriac Apr 2014
I have been throwing my self away
Been too selfish to look the other way.
I had myself going for too long
I was breathing in thin air.
Its more of a recovery of what I am within,
My mind choosing sides in a war that is yet to begin.
Dousing my body with the sacred oil
Light my being on fire and clear the ashes of disgrace
You were too kind but I guess that didn't last
What have I done that I can't even recognize my face?
I look in the mirror searching my soul
And all I see is a stranger my existence upholds.
I see you standing so far and forlorn
Did I push you away in the process of trying to find my way?
I feel so ripped apart and I bleed out self pity
In ways I cannot seem to restrain.
Words don't seem to have the same effect
Maybe because of the wounds I inflict.
Give me a reason for why I should stay
Because clearly it won't make a difference either way .
I am falling into an abyss,
My thoughts have turned into pain.
That self esteem I deemed so high,
Has me cowering like a fool who couldn't make it to the prize.
Dont leave me yet
I'm still a mess.
I'm done with my lies
I swear I'll try to change.
I haven't found me yet
But I'm sure I will one day.
265 · May 2014
Existential Crisis
Meenu Syriac May 2014
With the wind that blows with every strength bestowed,
Standing by the shore, an ocean stretches out.
Trying to reach out to what lies beyond, a force, a power unknown,
I ponder the rise and fall of waves, how humanity begs to be drawn.
We believe we are made privy to our evolution, chosen and wanted.
But looking out at an endless horizon, I can't help but wonder
That as humans, our existence is but a chance luck, random takes,
*A card on the table, waiting to be played.
265 · Jun 2014
Truth Hurts
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
The truth sounds, like a death march,
When you believe, only a lie can find its place in your heart.
Silent whispers beckoning to forget what is real,
And with the heart of a child, you fall for that which sounds nice.
256 · Apr 2014
Nights like these
Meenu Syriac Apr 2014
The night
Still young
And beautiful.
The moon
White aglow
Dancing in the dark.
Under the stars
You and I
We are one.
256 · Jun 2014
The Lady in The Garden
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
A shiver down her spine, as the cold morning breeze grasps her tightly in its entirety, capturing her if only for a moment.

As the sun slowly starts to make its appearance from below the ground, the warmth trickles her skin, the pleasure of nature embossed in such little details.

She brushes off the leaves caught in her flowing black hair, one to give off a hue of immaculate brilliance, pleasing to the soul and the eye.

She takes each step at a time, one stride to make a difference, and with each one of em, the ground trembles in silent, yet willful submission.

The radiance of a tan, her tone and color, not enough to outshine the glisten in her eyes, not enough to paint a better palate of colors that describes the brown of her eyes.

And she stoops down to kiss the flowers, welcome the saplings into a world of strife, gently stroking a leaf, to almost as if it lets out a sigh.

The Lady in the Garden, with her flowing hair, and toned skin entwined with lust and innocence, she stands by the rose bed, awaiting *the gentle winds and rays of the sun to carry her off into the low hanging horizon, spelling many adventures and journeys unknown.
254 · Jun 2014
'Tis a man for me
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
A long forgotten song, his name echoes through my being,
By his side, I feel no pain nor I hold no fear.
I see him rise, from the waters, a mass of strength and shield,
His eyes set free, a certain way, I kept concealed.
And as he walks into the darkness, his presence sets it ablaze,
To move mountains bare and hearts to pledge a solemn swear.
In his hands, he holds not just strength but empathy,
If in his thoughts there is a rightful world, I know I'll seek no refuge.
His words fall like lightening, on sand, to create a sculpture hued with respect.
He is like the first rain that seeps through my barren soul, filling crevices whole.
And when the sky turns gray, and mountains spew smoke,
This companion, I find in him, knows good and spreads it for all to be.
With him by my side, this world, we'll run free,
Even if the raging winds or deafening roars,
The fallen skies, and broken oaths try and wreck our souls,
'Tis a man I know, one with whom I'd love to be.
So a certain poet friend challenged me to write this. :)
250 · May 2014
Not Today
Meenu Syriac May 2014
On some lonely tides of time and place
Stranded alone in a world of talk and hate,
A little wish begins to take its shape.

Not a dream, no, I'm not one to lie,
Words or thoughts, this one is hard to write
What I am, I'll try and find, the bells they ring, my life begins now.

I am but a single drop in an ocean,
I wake up to a light that shines on every soul that breathes,
Take in the air, that flows and ebbs through every being.

And I a recluse, a lonely soul, wandering these halls at night
No possession of mine to be told
Nor no soul to love and behold.

In a journey, this life begins to take its toll,
Winding roads to a place where joy can be found.
I walk, I climb, I quit, I cry,
I run, I hide, I dream, I fly.
This life, is but a chance
To know who I truly am.
I wont give up,
Not yet,
Not today.
233 · Apr 2014
Lucid Dreaming
Meenu Syriac Apr 2014
Its this longing
Feel it fill the void in me
My physicality feels so minute
Next to this throbbing
So close to touch
Yet so far away
This is a rugged expression
Of a feeling I cannot convey
This longing
It'll get the best of me
My existence seem pointless
But now you give it truth
My longing is for you
And it is as infinite as infinity.
My fire lights up
Because you sparked a flame.
And now all I see
Is this endless array of colors.
I reach out to the warmth
And this powerful force unseen.
All I want is to capture this moment
And exactly how it feels.
I feel the first light of the day.
Makes its way
And I wake up.
Still wanting to be in this trance
This longing was surreal.
226 · May 2014
Meenu Syriac May 2014
I should stop searching for heaven.
Now that I've found you,
I see my heaven
             *In your
                    In your  voice,
                            In your   touch,
                                       In your  **arms.
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
In the dead of the night
I open the doors to let you in
In the stillness of the night,
Even our heart beats resound
Behind us, the night looms, let the doors shut.
Give you the keys, to my soul within
Bare you my heart, these strings, you can strum
I hold you close and you breathe me in
Your lips, mine to taste and love
With every whisper and every touch
Every part of my being aches for your lust
For the first time in forever,
I feel alive under your cover.
223 · Mar 2014
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
I want to dance under the moonlight
I want to sing like there's no tomorrow
I want to shout until the walls tumble down
I want to know know that if I fly,
I will soar high.
221 · Mar 2014
World of grey
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
I see a world of grey,
We lost the color along the way
Sky is poisoned
So our hearts.
See the devastation
Lace the terrain.
Don't you see the smoke,
Our vanities create?
See it twist and turn,
Upwards and away.
Picture humanity
Turn to prey.
We did this ourselves,
Our works of disgrace.
I see a world of grey,
Humanity has lost its way.
220 · Mar 2014
He is
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
He is
The truth I kept ignoring
The life I kept wanting.
He is
The dream I loved having
The reason I kept moving.

Shackled and bound,
When he found me,
Crying for love to heal me.
Nights were spent haunting
The grayness ever spreading,
That's when he found me.

He is
The light that keeps guiding
The love that keeps me sane.
He is
The fire that burns through the night
The joy when all else seems dreary.

Tortured with spite
They held me back.
That day he came and found me.
Life was dark
My fears were strong
That day he came and freed me.

I walk this life
With him beside
He is
The truth I never saw coming
220 · Apr 2014
Looking into her eyes
Meenu Syriac Apr 2014
He was in too deep
Caught unaware.
Deep in the waves
Of her soul.
Her iris,
Like a black hole.
The gravity of her gaze
Heart stopping.
All he wanted
Was to look into her soul
And love her for an eternity.
He put down his mask,
For the first time
Since he can recall.
That moment
Was when he found life
In all its darkness and glory,
In all its entirety.
217 · Jan 2022
Meenu Syriac Jan 2022
When you’ve been with someone you love for a while
They leave these marks on you
Invisible, but seared onto your skin, your brain, your heart
Try as hard as you can, to wash or scrub it away
The truth is that they’re here to stay.
When you’ve been with someone you loved for a while
When you’ve breathed the same air, shared the same space,
Dreamed and lived and cried together,
Try as hard as you can, to break away
These memories are here to stay.
When you lose someone you love,
In the cruel ways this universe toys around with our lives,
How do you breathe,
How do you exist,
How do you tell yourself that you’ll become whole again,
That you’ll reminisce and smile
And not remember and cry and cry and cry?
I haven't written anything in a very long time. I still come on here time to time, to try and remember the girl I used to be while reading the poems I used to write. Some days, I miss her.
211 · Mar 2014
Living with a Purpose
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
Stuck.. In an ever changing world of emotions
There's so much more to life than just breathing in and breathing out.
The flaccid truth of a non ending endeavor
Your demons have molded you into an unrecognizable ally
Looking in to the mirror, there's no more hint of recognition of self
Lost in a swirling blur of contradictions.
Mask-like and permanent, your face has given up on reactions
You're here on an endless search for an unknown entity
And yet you forget to look in the one place where the answer lies
Your self... Your mind... Your actions.. Your deeds.
You are what the world makes you
But remember that the world can be what you make of it.

Here you are, wandering like a poor soul
Your image has lost its divinity
The one you built in pretence of some hope of a better world.
You forget to dance to the most familiar of tunes
You forget what you believe in
You forget that there were doors held open for you, once
You forget that your life has purpose.
210 · Mar 2014
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
Is this love, Jeremy?
Bring me closer.
I don't know how to feel.
Take me to your side
Tell me what the world means.
Someday, you'll be chasing dreams
And I'll be here, waiting...
204 · May 2014
At the end of the road
Meenu Syriac May 2014
Here I am, at the end of the road
With a darkness raging like a fire, it burns me till I cannot feel.
I cry silent tears, a mix of salt and dreams, as I catch myself from falling,
From the edge of life, from the peak of my fears.

Take away from me, my past and all that holds me
Give me a light I know I can shine forth, one that guides me home.
Cleanse me from this plague in my heart
With a reason to see beyond the chains that bind me.
Find me a home, a promised land, one where You and I can be .
203 · Mar 2014
When I lie awake, dreaming
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
Around the corner where our worlds meet
Countless desires put on the table for our glorious feat
Spread your wings and let the wind carry you up
Soar high above the clouds and embrace your dreams
186 · Mar 2014
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
When did this light start to fade?
There was a certain spark of hope.
Somewhere along the way, we lost.
To the world we gave up our dreams.
Devouring, unquenchable thirst for the unknown
Questions of what lies beyond the horizon .
Did you feel ourselves give away?
I etch my life on a piece of paper
Nothing seems to make sense.
You were there,
Transient but still significant .
I could have sworn the best part of me
Was you.
Now when there's only room for doubt
All I can ask is
How did I lose you?
177 · Jun 2014
What Is It?
Meenu Syriac Jun 2014
What is it that you fear the most?
The silence that reigns in the hour of darkness
Or the voices that control every thought that is doomed to surface?

What is it that aches your soul the most?
Rejection by love and her charming disregard
Or the dire fate of not being what you are?

What is it that keeps you silenced in a far off world?
Reality that makes little sense in every event of plight
Or your longing to stretch out your wings and fly into the night?

What is it that you miss the most?
A shoulder to cry on when the going gets tough
Or a place to call home when you're faith is broken and crushed?
157 · Mar 2014
Meenu Syriac Mar 2014
I am a traveler,
Life is my journey
Truth is my destination

— The End —