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 Jul 2013 mc
Leelan Farhan
 Jul 2013 mc
Leelan Farhan
I envy the feathers,

I envy the sea.

I envy the world,

for the world is not


© Leelan Farhan.
    August 30 2011.
written a while ago, but is how I'm currently feeling.
 Jul 2013 mc
 Jul 2013 mc
i should be sleeping but i'd rather
think circles around three months
that you called
a waste of your time.

you lied at some point
i just don't know
i've been desperate for answers for two years.
 Jul 2013 mc
 Jul 2013 mc
last night i went through old polaroids
of when you were still around-
the edges had faded and i couldn't
remember if they had once been coloured
or if the pictures had always been
black and white.  i tried to think back
to the exact moments they were taken, but
i couldn't get dates to stick in my head,
just the sound of your laugh right after
the camera had clicked- (it changed almost monthly,
and it was the only way i judged the
passing of time back then)

when i put them away to get some sleep,
i dreamt of your new laugh, and when i woke up
i realized i wasn't able to hear it.
i'm sorry if this makes no sense, i feel like my wording was strange but i don't know how to fix it.
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