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 Jul 2013 ME
Brittany House
 Jul 2013 ME
Brittany House
I wish my words were real.
Make my sounds into statues; make them into buildings.
Make my mumbles into laws; make them into countries.
I could help; I could hurt. My intentions are of the best; that is why you asked me.
I stand before crowds of emptiness hoping I can bring them trust:
trust in their lives; trust in their surroundings; trust in themselves.
We are all beating hearts; we can all beat hearts.
So, take my hand; take my advice.
All anyone needs is a kind word;
all everyone needs is a smile.
Let them trust in you.
 Jul 2013 ME
Will you remember me,
Oh Persephone?
Your eyes were wonders to us all,
But one day,
They may be murderers
 Jul 2013 ME
Paul Jackson
in my end.
 Jul 2013 ME
Paul Jackson
i can't see a thing
suffocated by the darkness
i taste the oil of your gun
you thrive on my fear
i always gave you what you wanted
my eyes tell you to shoot
but you'll never give me what i want.

incapable of anything
undeniably defeated
sweet sorrow comforts my weary head
it is all i know
i deserve this
it is my destiny
my design.

you hold 15 messengers of mercy
but deny me all
never again shall i see your beautiful eyes
sewn shut by lies

when will it end
my broken knees forced to kneel
i hear the hammer
this is the best thing you have ever done for me
finally i will get what i want
i have never felt so alive
in my end.
I know what I see in you.
pain, frustration, regret,
for people who
care about you.
I know you see.
I know you hear.
I know your hate.
I know your love.
I know your tragic story.
I know your in pain,
so just let it all go.
When your in pain,
think about the
good times.
Think about when
people cherished you.
Think about your
family and how
they love you.
Think about how
worried your parents
get when they
can't find you.
BUT, remember this.
Everyone cares about
you and what
your feelings are.
But, you have
to be the
one who let's
us know that.
Open your heart
of hate and pain.
Then you will
really see when
people love and
care for you.
 Jul 2013 ME
Previous Use
 Jul 2013 ME
These words could flow so easily

from my lips.

A steady current of sincerity,

And truth.

But their purity has been  flawed.

By their previous use.
 Jul 2013 ME
Kyann Herzog
I Love You
 Jul 2013 ME
Kyann Herzog
I love you period.
Do you love me question mark?
Please please exclamation point!
I want to hold you in parentheses ( )
 Jul 2013 ME
CH Gorrie
The whole condo is full of Doritos.
It smells like a dentist's office, only
without any pretense of dentistry.
All assumptions aside, I plug my nose.
Crunching under my feet, the cheese meadows
spread the carpet's sprawl. Who'd live in this place?
I compose myself, set my briefcase
down, crunch through the living room. Who knows?

  This is ******* gross. Out of these condos
  this one's the very worst.
A baby's cry
  emanates through this urban pigsty.
  I peer into a room toes? --
  baby toes! -- peeking from mounds of crushed cheese!
  *Why do these crack heads keep having babies?
 Jul 2013 ME
susi woodmass
Beautiful crescent moon,
I should be standing here beneath you
Subdued and romantic under your arc of light
Instead I am wondering why it is
You remind me of my husbands toe nail clipping
Left on the bathroom floor.
 Jul 2013 ME
Sam Guthrie
My Heart
 Jul 2013 ME
Sam Guthrie
Understand the words that everyone ignores,
Listen to the cries as the tears and rain still pours,
Carry in your arms a burden not yet passed,
A distant faintly knocking of a person also last,

See the ghostly rivets in the present blood and pain,
Crying as they fall and watching blood begin to stain,
Don’t forget my thoughts as they fade into our cries,
Bleed for all the horror as you see them in our eyes,

If you find a torn up cage in which you find me dead,
You’ll see the thing that killed me most in hands of crimson red,
In hands as such you’ll hear the rhythm I can’t tell apart,
My eyes will show that in your hands there lies my lifeless heart.
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