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Me Oct 2019
don't always look at
yesterday's lenses-
your view
and leave the window open
so that your head
can feel
the breeze...
Me Dec 2015
Eigentlich gehört
        Der erste Gedanke,
Wenn ich aufstehe,

Immer dir.
Me Nov 2020
It feels worthwhile now
to not fear
open doors and

It feels
worthwhile to let



Me Nov 2020
Three bright figures stretch
across the night sky -
a pinpoint delivery
my restless eye
before I dare go to sleep
Me May 2020
Out of the woods stumbles, falls the most lovable creature,
beaming red face half smiling half bewildered and tears everywhere, scratches on the cheeks and forehead and even on the nose,
thick eyebrows covering beaming eyes.
You take first
, walk towards the tree line, where the grass melts into the soil and touches the tree trunks.
This face, beaming; Your eyes, still a bit fearful to meet.
But oh you cannot really wait.
You take more steps, walk a bit faster now,
watch your own feet as their pace quickens…
still quickens…
How your heart opens, reaches out
I feel like a deer!
Me May 2014
Titles are caught
By little surprises
That reach out to grip
Their ends by a tip
Of the tounge.
Me Jan 2020
Outside the storm moves
things to new
and lures me
to finally come

Me Oct 2020
Something inside is beating louder, louder still. Hands fingers legs toes already spread as wide as possible and tense of knowing. Spread out and connected, less than a beat from-

This creature is just about to send a vigorous beat out - send it outward - crash - everything that it had acquired
everything out, accumulated within the vibrance of
in unbending blazing green beams of fast light -
light that goes through - that does not even know any kind of barrier nor reflection - this light does not need to think to plan to manage - this light is send out to be
something so strong there are no words -

You do not need to fear it though. You do not need to fear it.
It is for you. To be where you are, it sings.
It sings, whirrs, with no mercy.

You think of vines of ivy and something else. Of the light,
traveling where ever it likes. Unapologetically.
Me May 2020
I cannot
If one thing runs
through my veins:
It's truth
Me Apr 2021
Racing mind self left
behind and
momentarily blinded to your truth
let it be there share
if you like and my stomach
twists and clenches
Me Jul 2013
I don’t see how -
I don’t see why
There couldn’t be across the sky
A paper plane made of blue print
And floating softly,


But why not?
Look, if heavy things fall down and drown
Within the rivers
And if, again, the earth digests
And fills its own round belly
With that same stuff-

Go on.

Then why not have in light and cloudy air
A paper plane that couldn’t fly
Without your will
And mine?

*After this one last conversation
You left my head and,
Hanging by a threat, I still delight
In this sweet memory
Of the impossible.
Me Jul 2019
You run
And run
And run
And yet you tell us not to go away
And keep us close
With less then just a wink
Of the eye.
Has no one ever told you
How messed up this is?
You experienced it yourself. Yet, even more so, no reason to do it to us!
Me Nov 2014
What shall I add?

                My heart is wide and big

In coldest times I saw

I may rely
       On my best friends.

Me Mar 2020
Sunshine. A small Spanish town in the mountains. Coffee. A table with three old men gambling and smoking and laughing. The town square lively with noise and kids' feet trampling and playing. Two women in a friendly conspiracy talk about their men. In the middle, a spot, and everything is right and as it should be. Freedom. And the sound of a spring with birds' song.
Me Mar 2020
Imagine a kid
falling and hitting
her knee
and disguising
her pain-
Me Feb 2012
And my heart lies under
A pile of rotten gold.

I crash the things and bash
The rules that brought me here.

Rain drops,
And I chop off the heads of the problems
And kick them to the edge -
Off, in the whirling bowl
Of elements and flesh.

Forever to be buried
Among the rotten and the dead,
There lie my gorgeous troubles;
The loveless and the judges.
Me Mar 2020
Mankind sits
in paralysing
while earth
and universe
are very clear

Mankind blocks
out of an age-old

for now
they have to
Me Nov 2020
A merciless clarity rubs
Your white collarbone *****
At your lips
Has your breath hitch before
One final
Twist of your gut
Me Dec 2020
An open hand
cannot hold
Unfolded wings
cannot not fly
Me Sep 2019
She hears too many voices
stands in stupor
hand reaching up
and in that pose
is frozen

chosen not to trust
her inner voice
the only one that counts

and so she stands a while-
hand up and clinging
to the tree
eyes fixed upon
the apple-

a sudden breeze
brushes her face and makes her
enough to interrupt the flow of
fear and guilt and shame
enough to plant into her ear
the humming sound
of color
enough to make her spirit sink
into her hand and
the fruit

Pollute her not
it hums
and leave her

retrieve your rightful place
my love
and munch away
your apple.
Me Feb 2015
Maybe i am schizophrenic
Maybe i am crazy
Maybe life is something i haven't realized yet
I am on pills
I am not normal

I am beaming at my best friend's wide eyed awe
I shiver of sweetness when my boyfriend grabs the last slice of pizza
I tremble at my niece's grinning face when she has told a lie

What are you?
In which planet do you suspect a hot beating heart?
In yours?
In mine?

Whose heart is whose
Is not the question -
By the way.
Me Nov 2014
Can I just slip my hand
under your skirt, my love?

Just really quick?*

Next day he wakes up with a thick
black bleeding eye
and has the answer to that line
between his aching thighs.

Good luck next time.
Me Jan 2016
an echo maker stands
at the shore
lifting up his hands


gath'ring up his strength
and with

the full length of his arm

Me Jan 2021
The field
before you
a tip of your finger
for a light
touch -
and makes all of it ripple and cause
a huge
ongoing wave of the ocean
Me May 2013
How come you turned me into this:

sneaking around corners
childishly peeking through open windows
so as not to be seen
in an unfit state?

walking too fast and breathing
to slow to keep up with my racing heart
in my chest?

talking to myself when nobody looks
and fearing the nooks and crannies
you might be hiding in?

circulating around the same thought
over and over again
and forgetting what brought us here:

all beauty and lightness gone
all that uplifted us both,
done away with and over
and wiped out for now-

and all of this because I-
because I-

am lost for words all the time
and always-
and even in rhymes I won't find a solution
that could possibly put an end
to all this-

or a beginning.
never going to reach the addressee in any case.
Me Oct 2014
A tiny little piece of
to shake your evnin' hour -

To send you just a little bit
of my outrageous brain

I am afraid
I overact.
Me Aug 2019
Kind of like
Universe saying
(eyes rolling):
What in the world do I have to move
to make you trust

you must-
you must not fear
a single bit
what comes your way;

I throw
a bucket of
nature's best flowers
on you
I send out
my animal helpers
make them
approach and watch
over your steps

and however long it takes
until you trust-
and wake up with
a radiant clarity that wipes
out all gloomy thoughts
I'll stay
and watch
Me Jan 2020
I wish
that you
sit in a field
of poppies
and read your
favourite books
and look
once in a while
or more
for me and everyone
and smile
Me Sep 2019
A pilgrimage does not
start on the pages
you may as well walk
around blocks and into
grocery- and coffee shops

As long as you can say
for sure the way came
from your heart
and you did not
let anyone dictate
a starting point for you

everything's well

Have coffee
cigarettes and cake
on your own path
have everything that makes
the aching fear come

Take good advice and
money, wisdom, sweets
take all this from your friends but don't make
doubt to be a thing to take on

And maybe you will meet me
on your way
and maybe we will chat or have
a cup
or maybe you'll walk past
and that is fine with me

And at the end maybe
you ll meet
shake hands
and turn around to see
that is was worth it.
Me Nov 2019
that nobody
and ice that's
though it cracks
underneath your feet

Breed your
they are

You're doing
Me May 2020
If you
Your pressure
It will
For sure
Push back to you
And you will feel
Awkwardly pushed away and not
Me Feb 2015
My love is your love
is my love is your love

cheers to
whitney man
i wish i had
a kidney just as big
to share so that no one
would hav to die from
kidney shortage.

this is a poem i write
so that i do not have to write
anything else like
hell ya - i would ring the bells of my
freakin academic career end

pass this as word of mouth, please
and don t pass it through the greedy
hands of scholars.

Or i shall holler back in loudest tongue:
copy and paste is not the worst of all
it is this static state that they have flung
around kids' necks
**** it! I do do do do enjoy it too much!!!!
Me Mar 2021
The wind blows the grains of dry sand
away from the paper and
a question emerges
Who are you
in clear letters
You remember
and hear
the earnest tone of this phrase
and no hint of your own
is mirrored
in this question
A reckless kid asks for a soothing counterpart...
Me Jan 2021
A dream of the moon
reflected on the night-blue
wide ocean -
and a bit of fear
still left there,
Do you dream of water?
Me Apr 2021
Two beds chairs
plastic floor sterile
clinic place this is
me too
in anxiety and sad
and playing
table football
Me Dec 2019
See, my Love
sometimes it really
is not you
who fears the things
Sometimes it's
other people
who do not like to be
of their own
homemade troubles
and of how much
they press the lid
onto the jar

Of how-
with all the force they have-
the hide their scars
because they think
they need
active protection

you feel

you want

to stretch out hands
and touch
Me Sep 2020
Just a split
and these glimmering
fragments appear
as words
before they drift and
merge again
but they came near you
into the beautiful pool
of preverbal
Me Apr 2022
I hate
sad poetry
I hate when flood gates
do not open
stuck inside
I hate
sad poetry
Me Mar 2022
Late winter light beam
streams into you
Me May 2019
I woke up
inside fire

that desires to come up
and out

Be loud
be  L O U D
and be allowed to do so

Ah this fire
This is a digital shout. I don't always understand what is going on inside of me, and getting it out like this is always good. Always.
Me Jan 2020
Some days when
The goal does feel
Too blurry you just
Make the path
Your goal
Me Apr 2020
Have you ever heard of
two people that
by mere exchange of
barren fact and leave out all
Have you?
Me Jan 2021
A curvy figure rises breaks
through the water surface shakes off
all limitations
her hand still remembers the touch
of the sandy ground
under water
a promise
the wind whirls around her body
her fingers in apprehension:
She is ready
Can you see it?
Me Nov 2020
You're ready, you say, oddly proud
my face in your hands before you draw
two lines with *******, two lines of white on each of my cheeks, nodding earnestly
smiling ever so warmly as if saying
I'll be only a few steps behind, if not closer for now
all the time
my eyes ask of you
all the time yes all the time your presence
answers, reassures
and I detach
not detach
and take a step forward into the snow
the cold where I can see my breath forming clouds
and it is not cold at all
it is not cold
Me Jan 2012
Colours of mountains,
The song of a blackbird,
Painful it was, and a little bit scary.

When my eyes would grow bigger,
Rays of light shaped the edges
Of things and of shadows
Not seen but felt.

Carrying on in a distance,
I learned to distinguish
The sounds from the voices
Of soundless creatures.
Me Jan 2013
over the fence i saw my very own
lungs exploding
splinters and bits of it covering
the next best breath
the next best line
of my own narrative
that - now -
wrinkled and crunched and wrapped around the fence
still knows how to dance-

and amounts to the desperate summit
of bright enthusiasm:
exploding this time
in vibes and waves
and again – and always

Me Jan 2013
to write like this
to write-
and in a flash of bliss I tell myself
to lay aside
the pen and paper
until a later point in time

But now-
never disrupt a running flow, they say,
and rightly so.
For now, I leave the words,
I let them go-
'cause what-

                *Ah, give it up, my love!
Or have another go, but bear in mind:
You only find what your eyes see,
and see they do a lot.
All good, I say, now rest a moment;

and look:
what you have done here.
Me Jun 2014
Release my wrists from your consolent grip
I am grown out of it.

Once in our lives
Have faith in me
Forget that horror Trip
That shook us so.

Combat is over
When all red is gone
Your senses may be loaded;
A harsher wind blows
in this lower heaven -
I read the words encoded:

*Forgive us Father
For we fear not
What you have planed for us.
Maintain your hard will
And ferocious tongue.
But once in
Frosty temper
You'll see where all went wrong; where all begins, and Ends,
And  lives
Not through you
But in us.
Me Sep 2019
Reclaim those parts
that you don't claim to be
part of Yourself

Restrain your brain
and start empowering
your mind instead of
spamming it

Stretch out your
arms and widen
your territory of
downright responsibility

Reclaim your ****
and shove it through the light-
and own it.
It is time!  No ******* excuses.
Me Jun 2020
Make the
you always were
a child of
no fear,
step right
the stream
flow with
what flows
with you
and trust
your mind is just
playing protection
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