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Me Jan 2020
From my Soul
to my feet
from the sky
til the street
through my Heart
it was
all of last year
and Now
I see
that Shape
and laugh
and feel how
in my Chest
it widens
and really starts
to get
in touch
Me Feb 2021
I always feel
the magnetic pull
before I look up
eyes wide
seeing you soar through the air
then I wonder
Me Nov 2020
It felt like protection
those bars around you
now have become
keeping your hands
away from the stars
What'ya gonna do? <3
Me Dec 2020
There's a huge marble palace high
up above the clouds in the woods in the sky and beautiful birds
its spires and fountains in this palace lives
a boy with pale skin not from
the lack of sun
with white lashes silvery
airy hair
A boy who runs plays jumps and one day
into an unknown room
too dark to see his pale hands
he permeates
the darkness
Eyes narrowed muscles only
A foggy thing softly
pushing tugging at
the corners of his mind
A memory
makes his feet
the steady pace
into this room
towards a spot where
behind dusty curtains
a figure
curled up
sort of sleeps but breathes
Pale hands find
Raven hair tug
Wake up, love
I was so pale cause you were missing
Me Feb 2021
Your heart a scenery, a warm breeze and the scent oft salty sea, seagull cries distant and not so distant, your hand tight and secure
on the railing of your ship. Yes, your ship. The wooden planks now clean and fixed, the mast upright, the wind blowing just about right.
Where ever this will go, you are, and this is for sure, the captain.
Me Mar 2020
[...] The silence here is so pure that even the dripping of the stalactites cannot interrupt it or rather, it does not disturb it. The cave is space, it is wide and indescribably dark. The water in it has a certain tension; it is quiet but tense like an animal ready to jump at the lion’s roar and run for its life out of instinct. The water has memory and knows how to be, how to remain and evolve. It is here in this stone-cold silence without imagining ever not to be here, or not to be at all.
Me Dec 2020
The cave men's child sits
not really daring to make a first move
with all of the earth's turning
all of the creatures humming
outside the cave -
so Universe
sends an image
of the night sky sprinkled
with silvery white scale-stars
on the pitch black
cosmic body
made of water -
a sign of intimate
for the cave men's child who
gets it
gets up
the right hand tinged in
rusty red colour
to make the boldest move -
a most beautiful handprint
on the cave walls
a slice of moonlight shining on it;
the most stunning canvas
of all time
the most courageous child
Me Mar 2021
A breath-taking pattern on the lime stone ceiling
of flittering light square shapes
vibrating as the clear pool of water does underneath
you stand in awe -
meanwhile the words are still growing
in your heart and you know
you wait a little longer
Me Sep 2019
and even deeper
is a light
planted like an
anchor that
never goes out

You do not
need to be
in doubt about this

Don't hurt
Yourself, Love
It is
Me Mar 2013
Why are you shivering?
I just remembered-
something from your past?
No, yes - i dont know-
nothing that lasts
in any way.
How come your breath seems so repressed?
It does not-
-and your eyes narrowed?
And how come you keep asking me
all these things-
pierce my heart-
with that sharpened arrow?
I did not mean to-*
of course you did not-
that's like you
and you're whole lot
revisiting forbidden sites!

        Thus speaks one side of the two-colored face
                as the other speaks against it;
                          while the falcon keeps on turning,
                  unorientated, round and round

                                                                                      in the pale sunlight.
Me Jun 2020
You feel like okay my fingers itch twitch like it needs to be written needs to, ah like, squeeze it all out and in between it feels tremendously like
And what if
No kid this time no what ifs
This time just running if you feel like it
This time
Just hum like a humming bird not like
A wrecking ball caught between two schedules
You now
Have full control
Of your body parts baby
No dealing with outer fury and
Guilt in order to make them shift
You have
Grown a whole
Incredible lot
Like a mountain on the move
And dealt with
Water whirling in the
Scariest form
No one now
Your untouchable parts and if so
A tiger and roar like what not
Roar your guts out have them spill
In front of everyone right on
The coffee table
Does no harm to
Shake 'em up a bit
Once in a while-
Oh what
A lightened smile this casts
Upon your face
What a
Feast of learning
My dear
It is
For you
Me Sep 2019
She lurks
around the corner meeting
the Lion's yellow eyes
half smiling half
keeping his power in
so as to make her step out of
the shadow

Her gaze through
wooden planks
from high above not yet
daring to confront herself
with that Lion
with that Power?
Always measuring his
every step-
Not yet
What the...?
Me Feb 2021
The little girl sits
with her braids flipping
on the wooden swing not
just swinging wildly yet
The greatest shame always was
she says
to let loose the infinite amount
of Love I carry in me

here you wait
you know this is
most essential
because they just wouldn't, for some reason, take it

Beat, goes your heart
and you let it connect
Me Jan 2020
I currently gather
The fragments and sometimes
Am surprised who or what
I find while truly looking
Do you know everyone and every aspect of yourself yet ;)  ?
Me Jan 2021
He used to
park his rusty red
near the riverside where you
tend to walk
chat talk
to the world
He used to serve the most
passionate Latte
One day you recognised
a delicate
bird on the foam
He used to park near the riverside
and still does
Art is patient and perseveres through times where there's seemingly no audience :)
Me Jun 2020
as your view
widens and
allows you to
bit by bit cross
the term
out of your
replace it
yet to
Me Jun 2020
A playful kid shakes
An outstreched
Shaking hand of
A hesitant being
Smiling confidently
Take it easy
The gap will
Melt away like
Ice in summer
Me Dec 2019
I forgot the steps
In between
And thus the chaos, dear
Excuse me please
I'll fix it but i need
A hand in fixing
Look, here,
You know the work
Me Nov 2020
Ideas thoughts photons dart
at the sheer spaciousness -
is your heart there
in the middle
Me Apr 2020
Do not hide
a single tear dripping
down from your chin
do not listen
to the jealous
insecure choir
be male
be delicate

Again,  crying has nothing to do with showing weakness; it's showing yourself in a vulnerable state which to me is the opposite of weakness; courage, and a statement to others to do the same.
Me Mar 2020
Down from
the earth a vibrant
humming sound fills
its spot makes
you gasp
propel hot
waves through
your legs up
your lungs
do not ever
Me Jan 2020
Take off your clothes along with
your false believes, bank account, infiltrated systems
cough up your wounds and heal them
leave city, color, job, house and religion
far behind
just for a bit

and look: what do you see?

From here you can
climb from the ashes like a
free bird in the morning sun

Come up with your
completely own cute tale, my Dear
and spin it

You are the world;
move in it
Me Jun 2020
Racks my brain
racks my brain racks my-

how why for what

do we
so much in vain attempt

not let them

Me Aug 2020
Somewhere in the prairie
A wolf howls
And it could be anywhere
But it taps you
Right on the shoulder
Time or
Me Apr 2020
This tugging on
your sleeve when
a strong feeling
arises -
now you might want
to release it

Me Sep 2020
He takes you
By the hand swirling
You around in a delicious

And you will never
Break your legs, dear
You will never
Break your legs

You are
Made to dance
Made yourself so as
To dance and not fall
Or, if you wish, entitle it with The Internal Dancer :)
Me Jul 2020
Peer over the edge,
dear, and look
right into the seething
of the volcano
it will not ever
really harm you
Me Nov 2020
In the middle of the middle
of no space
a pair of yellow, childlike eyes,
innocent and with
just a trace of oblivion,
Is it open, or opens?
Me Jan 2020
A look at
A rush of
Fear of so much
There he was
Placed outside
Take him back in already.
Me Mar 2020
In my mind I see
a single
zigzagging through the air
according to a very
private logic
and I am stunned
by the beauty
of it
Me Feb 2020
The fool runs through
every imagined wall
and crashes it
for you
holds out his hand with this
heart-warming crooked smile
and asks you to
catch up
Me Jun 2020
The fool
every move from
behind the curtains with
playful care
one eye
of compassion
the heart bigger
than space
Me Apr 2020
Do you like
Vanilla ice cream, Love
You nod say yes because
They have told you so they say all kids like
Vanilla ice cream, right

For years and years into
Your adult life you have
Vanilla ice cream until

One day in spring
The ice cream van comes rushing down
The curvy street
And you do feel
A twitch inside-
Step forward and buy
With a beaming smile on your face
A scoop of
Vanilla ice cream
Me Jan 2020
Horror sometimes
Seems to skip
A generation
Before it can be
Uttered and
brought to the light
My parents tried really bravely to deal with or break this silence. It must have been very hard, i see now.
Me Aug 2012
He looked up into the grey sky
and decided: it's not time yet, I got time
and, shakig off the cold, massaging his hands,
he said: it should rhyme.

And thus he began:

To fabricate the best amongst all the poems -
that is what I will do, and forget about the rest
and the empty phrases
that fill no cup and no page.

To make you wonder, and frown
and think: who is this?
This master of words, of letters,
What kind of bliss
is he blessed with?

Then also: to make you remember
my name and my word,
and the fame that so uplifted
my thoughts.

And: to remind you
of my soul and bones
when I shall be gone, and not long after that,
you will build a statue
of stone.

But before all that I will-
I must-
I should-

But where shall I begin?
Where shall I

And you will put down your paper, your pen,
you will sigh, and know: all this was only a revery.
Then you will stand up, undress, stand naked in front of the mirror-
and dance.
Me Apr 2021
A golden blanket wrapped
around you
Her words
I will always be with you
and you begin to accept
their feeling true
This poem was a challenge. I will not delete it.
Me Apr 2020
Oh I don't
swing to your rhythm
old world
are you not
glad I came
to terms with this?
:-* **** it.
Me Jun 2020
A golden
From where it lies
There in the stream
A gleaming
Ray of light
Directs it so that
The iris
Of my resting eye
By its
Sheer power
Makes me
Me Jun 2020
Forehead to
pointy forehead you
swim in the
cold water with
the giant
showing his
against all odds
Me May 2012
The skull in my hand
Made me understand
How fragile she was
And how hostile I had been.

Still, I have had my chance
And she had hers too.
Thus I stand here and dig
Feeling the weight of her bones
And the layers of dust
Which have grown strangely thick.

I wish I could turn back
The hands of time,
Some might say,
They would pray
For her soul.

Mine, though, would last
For only the grim hearts do so
And to try now to wake her
Would be breaking the flow
Of that beautiful air.

It would be like counting
The single leaves of grass
In this garden
So instead of this
I count dust, bones,
And I harden the layer
Which comes last in this poem.
Me Jul 2020
knows that it's fine
Once in a while
To hide instead of
If only just
To catch
Your breath
Me Feb 2020
What you call
imagination, Dear
I simply call it
Me May 2012
In the middle is a little black spot,
An odd thing to look at
If you consider the fact that
What creeps from that place
Is what keeps me alive.

But it moves in a slow pace;
And more and more I fear
That what comes near
Comes from within.

The black mark has reshaped its edges
And matches the form of my face
In the mirror –
Only that – now –
The pounding has stopped.

The darkness
Me Jul 2020
Inside of you sits
a beating heart
that patiently waits til it feels
safe to take you
right through the core and out again
all the time
reminding you
with every subtle beat
of all the other
beating hearts
all of them
beginning to remember
how well they knew
each other
to Jamadhi Verse; thank you for inspiring me to write this  :)
Me Mar 2020
on the tip of
the tallest tree outside
sits a heron
still and looking
for the first time
I see
such a big bird
on this tree
and am glad
to have seen it
I said hi, too.
Me Sep 2019
She lives in
a house full of candles and lights
one for each happy thought

He walks by and feels
the warmth of her fire
on his skin and stops

and knocks on her door.
Me Feb 2022
You go inward trying to

but the child
does not speak to you
I know you are there. Please talk to me.
Me Sep 2020
You hand me
words that I translate
into colour for you so that you
can understand
I loosen them up
break, gently, their hard lines and shapes
so that their energy becomes one
you can handle
so that this world becomes
one you can handle,
Me Feb 2013
No matter how far
you can walk
no matter where you take your turn
nothing will show
upon this land
nothing will grow.

Burn all the waste
dig holes so deep
the ground breaks in upon itself
blow up the soil
so that the seep
comes up.

And in the end
you see-
you walk towards yourself:
a convex mirror hems
your field-
and as you try to flee
and as you try to shield your face-

it closes in upon you.
Me Dec 2012
  My fingers
To my brain
It hurts-
    Framing my face, my head
       Encircling inner horrors
          And still –
For all there is, for all the dread-
I still don’t care.
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