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You probably understand. Or maybe you don't, after all. Either way, it is jumping around inside me and if I don't let it out soon all my carbonation will fizz up and run over the side of my glass and I don't want to waste all that sweetness.

I want to kiss you underwater.

I want that kiss to be the only thing keeping us alive. Down there we are foreigners, aliens. Grasping, I want to feel your flesh in stark contrast to the smooth wetness all around me, like a secret.

All that life where we cannot live. Exotic, forbidden, so lovely. I am sick with love.
 Dec 2013 Mckenzie Ycmat
JR Morse
Are bent
turn as deaf
too often  -

Ears *****
are bent
turn as deaf
as often as not-
And therein is
the lesson.

Out beyond
where the tracks bend
Lessons live on
are borrowed upon-
take wettened spark.

less often
than thought
are not scattered  
by time, out of mind,
abandoned, but
instead passed 'round
and 'round softly
Down down
down down-
this dented

All Rights Reserved
James R. Morse NYC 2012.
See :  Joseph Mitchell, Damon Runyon.

"The race is not always to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong,
but that's how the smart money bets."

(from Ecclesiastes 9:11 ).
 Aug 2013 Mckenzie Ycmat
Lazy, hazy, dazey days
Are gone again
Time to get back in the fray
Napping will be a sin:((

Grab the briefcase
Run out the door
It's time to get back in the race
Or is it a nuclear war:)

Grab a cup of joe
Stop in the office
Fake a huge HELLO
I'll shake my rallying fist:(

The room is all ready
The papers are out
I'll start to get sweaty
I'll want to shout:()

The gates will squeak open
Warning me that they'll come
I'll get on my knees hopin'
That this isn't the last day one()

The students will pour in
I'll smile and I'll mean it
It's a gift not a curse or a sin
I need to believe it:))

I'll begin my first class
We'll learn about writing
The time will fly past
No one will be fighting:)

Class two will slowly start
It starts rollin' now
In the end it'll be sad to part
'Cause we'll make it somehow:/

I'm blessed to do what I do
Not to sound like a sap
The youth is a gift, it's true
But, only if I could nap:(
you can read this
you are looking
too close
at something
best ignored.
don't give a ****.
Clear off the bed
and come lie next to me
or lie with me
or crawl under these sheets
and die with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could get used to this

Clear out your mind
and sink down low with me
or get high with me
or hold my hand
and lose some time with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could get used to this

Clean up your act
and fall apart with me
or fall, apart from me
or fall, a part of me
and take some time to cry with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could get used to this

Clean out your car
and run away with me
or run to me
or put it in reverse
and go back to the start with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could get used to this

Cleanse your spirit
and embrace this pain with me
or brace for pain with me
or take a moment to put me back together
and just be with me, with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could still get used to this
© 2012 Jene'e Patitucci
 Feb 2013 Mckenzie Ycmat
Strident ~ I can be harsh
Uxorious ~ I am compliant with my wife
Corpulent ~ A  bit too much for cycling well.
Kudos ~ I receive accolades occasionally
Sagacious ~ wise enough to know
                      I have nothing to complain
                       Because my life S.U.C.K.S.
 Jan 2013 Mckenzie Ycmat
Woke up this mornin'
Barely knew where I was.
Woke up this mornin'
Still feelin' a buzz.
Woke up this mornin'
Mouth tasted like fuzz.

What day's it today?
Don't nobody know.
What day's it today?
Do I got some place ta go?
What day's it today?
Jumped up and stubbed my toe.

It's Monday mornin'!
I got an achin' head.
It's Monday mornin'!
I want ta stay in bed.
It's Monday mornin'!
I'm wishin' I was dead.

I got the Monday mornin' blues
Not the day I'd choose!
Got the Monday mornin' blues
Wishin' I had me some *****
In da game a life, I AWAYS, always lose!

The Monday mornin' blues
Got da blues!
Da Monday mornin' blues
Blues blues blues
The Monday mornin' bluuuuessss. . .
I hear this as a blues song in my head. Also, I'm not a raging alcoholic. I was just channeling my inner blues singer. The phonetic spelling is how I'd sing it, if I could sing.
To the friend I knew I'd never know that I had all along.
To my companion, my shadow,
though often it felt as if I were standing in yours.
Always there, wearing your mask of indifference and hate.
People tell me that they've seen your heart,
they've seen you cry, and defend the weak.
I know now that you're just like me,
more lonely, but that's because you like it.
Brother, I know that we may never embrace,
I know that I may never tell you how much I admire you.
I'll probably never play with you,
as we once did when we were only five and six.
Little brother, there's so much that I'll never do.
But everything I'll never do is something that would say
I love you.
I've questions to ask you
Things I need to know
I want to be with you
I don't want you to go

Are these roles we are playing
Or are we as shown
Do I believe what you're saying
Or is the truth still unknown?

Relationships keep changing
Are we lover or friend?
As our life's rearranging
We continue to bend

I've questions to ask you
Things I need to know
I want to be with you
I don't want you to go

Are we stronger together?
Or does one pull the load?
Are you only fair weather?
Because that's how you showed

There is better still waiting
I'm moving on with my life
I'm just too tired for hating
To be your now sometime wife

I've questions to ask you
Things I need to know
I want to be with you
I don't want you to go

The questions aren't needed
For the answers they'll bring
Have all been conceded
And they won't mean a thing

Once you realize your error
And you wake up alone
Of this news I'm the bearer
Don't you dare try and phone!!
For a friend , and is one of the strongest people I know.

— The End —