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Late at night like this,
I crave cigarettes.
I don't smoke,
Although, I think it might calm my nerves.

Late at night like this,
I want to walk around outside.
I want to see the lights,
Look at the sky
And not be afraid of the danger of strangers.
I want to embrace the beauty in them.

Late at night like this,
I crave a guy beside me.
To hold me
And kiss me
And be consumed by the warmth of his body.

Late at night like this,
I crave the freedom
That only friends and the open road
Have to offer.

I don't get these things
So instead, I lay here starting at the ceiling,
My heart heavy
My body numb
And my soul empty.
 Dec 2013 Wilted Seaweed
i love the way you hold my hand so tight
like if you let go, i'll be gone forever
and the way i can't tell if it's your palm sweating or mine
i love that i don't mind

i love the way your voice sounds after you kiss me
breathy and soft, and nervous
almost shaky
you remind me what it's like to be fifteen again

i love how delicately you touch me
like i'm something precious, something treasured
something breakable
because i am

i love how you say "i'm yours" instead of "you're mine"
because you understand that love and possession aren't the same
and i have every part of you as you have, me
forever and ever, "and ever and ever and ever"

i love the way your hands shake when they touch my cheek
the way your fingers tremble as they hover above my skin
how you hesitate before every move you make
like you're scared to mess up, like i'm something you can't risk losing

the only thing i don't love
is that i can't manage to spit out the only words
that occupy my mind when i'm with you
"i love you"
On the rainest day
You’re the ray shining through
On the darkest night
You’re the sparkle in the sky

On the foggiest day
Your face clears my mind
On my weakest day
You’re strength takes my side

On my strongest days
You’re my biggest fan
On my days of doubt
You always remind me

On my saddest days
You hold my heart
On my happiest days
You are always with me
 Nov 2013 Wilted Seaweed
You ask me why all I do is love,
yet all it does is hurt.
You don't see that its a facet,
of pain, smiles and tears.
Love isn't something you need to
But breathing hurts when you don't feel.
It is embedded in your DNA,
Somehow we love or are loved.
 Nov 2013 Wilted Seaweed
You weren't ready to love me.
Lord knows I tried.
To make you feel,
To blow your mind,
To show you the moves to make.
You can't teach love with faltering steps,
Your wavering gaze moved me to tears.
You cut out my heart, piece by piece
and fed it to the wolves running wild.
You can't love before you feel,
You were too scared to let me hold you.
You didn't want my kind of love.
 Nov 2013 Wilted Seaweed
 Nov 2013 Wilted Seaweed
Tearing apart the seams of my sewn up heart, because I'm sick of feeling fake fixed.
I'm sick of all the insincere apologies, the half truths told to cover up the lies.
I'm sick of feeling like at any second the seams of my heart could break
open, because of an offhand word you say you didn't mean.

Scratching at the scars on my torn up mind, reminding myself that I made it through,
even when the universe said I couldn't. I'm sick of being doubted.
I'm sick of you saying I can't.

Pulling at the strings of my marionette life,
trying to remember how to work them by myself.
But you're the master puppeteer, controlling my every move.
I'm sick of being controlled. I'm sick of leaving my life in your hands,
only for you to leave it on a dusty shelf in the back of your attic
with all the other hearts you've stolen.

I'm sick of needing you.
 Nov 2013 Wilted Seaweed
I like to surround myself with beautiful people who hate themselves.
I find their beauty as they dig deep claws into tier tiny flaws pulling out only blood and tissue that create their flawless scars.
Is it shallow that I only like beautiful people?
I don't think so no.
Because who says what's beautiful and what's not beautiful?
Who I think is gorgeous and flawless you may find hideous and unattractive but that will never change my mind.
I surround myself with people I want things from... Because I think I am, myself, that hideous monster you speak of.
I see fat and disgust.
I see self hatred and lost dreams.
I see lack of motivation with no will power.
I see a lonely girl who can't find love of course because she doesn't love herself.
And yet I hear people say I'm beautiful & pretty & wonderful and I can't help but wonder....

Maybe surrounding myself with "beautiful" people is a shallow, awful thing to say....
We are all uniquely gorgeous
In one way or
What a week... So much self hatred... Trying to stay positive when I'm so far from that goal... I'm trying.,
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