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 Jan 2014 Wilted Seaweed
The first day we met, I remember
The first time we talked, I remember
The glint in your eyes that day, I remember
I remember

Wrap you
Kiss you
Hold you
That's all I've ever wanted

You're my sun in the rain
You're my light in the dark
You're exactly what I need

You, Somehow,
Made me feel worth it
Yet, Somehow,
Made me feel completely unimportant

If you let me
I'll make you feel wanted
I'll make you happy
I'll take care of you

Like the depths of the blue ocean
Like the shades of sunset
You're as simple, yet breath-taking,
As those

They've been snickering
They've been whispering
About how stupid I am
About how ridiculous I become
But, they don't know anything
Anything, about what we've shared

You're just
As radiant as the sun
As warm as the bonfire
You're worth it
I know, you worth the fight

Help me
Help me to stop this painful waiting
Help me to stop crying every night
Just be here

Will you stay?
Just like me, through this whole year?
Will you care for me?
Just like what I've been doing for you?
The important thing is,
Will you love me?
Just like I love you?
The guy friends like to tease me
because I like to secretly romance
the young souls that need and deserve it.

"Ohh, you gonna read her a poem and cuddle?"

They razz at me. . .

"You bought her flowers?!?"

*****. . .

Yes I will, and yes, yes I did.

These are the same men who probably never saw
that special sparkle in a womans eye
that they all posses
and if you are not careful.
It just might burn right through you.
 Dec 2013 Wilted Seaweed
why do you do the things you do?
your body says,
"Come hither."
but your eyes say
"Why bother?"

so which is it, boy?
if you didn't want me in the slightest,
you would have left me years ago...
just like the others.

yet here you stand,
as beautiful as ever.

I call you Beatiful Boy...
but those are just
do you believe you are beautiful?

your hazel eyes full of insecurity say
they are full of memories and
taunts from bullies of the past...
but they aren't here anymore, Beauitful Boy.
they're long gone.
the only one that remains is me.

can you see me?
I tried not to fall in love with Mila for she was broke
She who hid her crooked honest smile
Holding her coffee every morning
I said hi, she just never noticed I was the one that cared
Her eyes screamed 'help me'
Help me from myself
But no one could ever understand
She who sat alone in the mornings with her writing pad
She who walked alone staring at objects not eyes
I smiled at her everyday, she never looked up
She who probably cried every night
Everyday day
All the time
One day Mila walked towards me
I sighed in disbelief
She stared at me with her big brown eyes and said 'Keep this for me'
She handed me her writing pad
She walked away soon
I waited till the next morning
She never came.
She with her absence
She with her obscure self
She with her unveiling silence
All she needed was help
I fell in love with Mila
A love that was spurred from afar
For it was no possession
Admiration that was all
She who I could've helped
She who was so beautiful
She who understood how much life was doomed
She who's soul didn't belong here
Mila killed herself, for this was not her place, she went to try another universe
I'll be joining her there.
You used to give me butterflies
  Now you give me anxiety

I used to smile just thinking about you
  Now it fills me with anger

You used to make me cry with joy
  Now they're just tears of sadness

You used to be my reason to stay strong
  Now you're the reason I relapse

I used to imagine a bright future
  Now all seems dark

You used to be the calming voice inside my head
  Now its the one that screams that loudest

You used to always make me feel better
  Now you're why I hurt so bad

You mended my heart and made me feel whole
  Now you've broken it and left me in pieces

I used to write love poems about you
  *Now the only ones I could write are of pain
I'm so tired sad and confused
Lost hurt and forgotten in this place
Want to know what I do to feel something
I usually lay on either side of my body
I go into deep thought about everything: how I have no one, how I am a no one, ect. , and it doesn't even take me long to think it through cause I know its the truth.
Then I get so depressed I tear up.
And this ladies and gentlemen, is it.
One satisfying lovely heartbroken tear comes out my eyeball and is slowly making it way to my pillow or even into my deep collarbone. If it goes to my pillow then its just one in a million sitting in it. But I usually like it in my collarbone, well because this the part I told you about. I feel something there. Something or someone is near me. Resting on my cold, cold, bones.
This is the truth.
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