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Make me wanna write
Get lost in thought
Like to be by myself
Ignite my imagination
Make me think
This whole page is totally bleak
Illegible writing is my specialty
Only my mind holds the key
There is no legend, only me
Only me, a selfish thing
I lie few times about myself
With little need why say else
This is so true I cannot be
In a house alone with me
I think so much I can’t create things
It’s a curse put on me
I look ahead literally
And all I see is lousy me
This is not about one thing
Just life, generally.
I am a Gentle Man,
Never meant much harm.
Love has torn up my heart,
Why does love hurt?
Showing someone love,
can lead to your fall.
If you find someone,
who does love you.
Keep that love,
Love is rare.
You'll miss it,
when she's gone.
I am just a man,
whose made a mistake.
When the sadness sets in,
people notice your change.
It's not a depression,
just something that hangs.
A man can love,
believe it or not.
Physically tough,
but emotionally weak.
No one can teach.
I am just a man.
As my heart pump beats,
blood fills the hole inside of me.
Holes in the lungs,
breath can't be kept.
The shaking you get,
makes it hard to forget.
The pit in the throat,
drops to the stomach.
Lost love,
what you mean to me.
You are over me,
I've given up.
What kind of man?
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
those words
they cut like
a blade deep
into my heart
into my very soul
those words
they made me
cry aloud inside
the darkness of
my lonely room
at midnight
those words
linger in my mind
for days and days
there is no way
to possibly erase
all the cruel things
you've said about me
those words pierce me
they pierce my very core
and they will always hurt me
but the worse thing is
that you never ever
took them back
you never said
you were sorry
not even once
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
i hope you walk
back into my life
and find all the dog
eared pages in that
book full of bukowski
poems, I only bought
it because I could imagine
it on your shelf.  I have to
remind myself that most
of what I liked, I liked way
before you but your water
brought it to the surface and I
realize I am so much more
like a snake than I think,
shedding skins that
belonged to you.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

(written to Everything Everything by BOY)
 Feb 2014 maybella snow
i'd rather you hold
my heart too tightly
than not at
i wish i didn't have feelings because i'm gonna get hurt yet again i just know it
how do you get to a point
when you no longer
recognize the person
you are- when the hands
you've watched every day
become two strangers
hanging on your arms, when
your words taste dry and
sour rolling off your own tongue?
more importantly, how do
you find your way back?
I wish you were
one of those people
who made drunk
phone calls.
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