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maybella snow May 2014
did you find me beautiful
after you broke me?
like shattered glass
did i glint in the light?
like rippled water
did i distort your image?

or was it the
process of breaking me
that made beautiful?
maybella snow May 2014
i wish to find out
all the valentines days
in every country
and tell you
with extra meaning
how much you mean
to me
on a different scale
of some small romance
i want all valentines days
to be for you
past and future
sorry its been so long my medication affected my writing an shif anyway yeah ·♡·
maybella snow Apr 2014
i always wonder

why me?
why was i born
lacking in the whole
loving myself area

why me?
why did i get hurt
time after time
why am i the weakest link

why me?
why do i need medications
and supplements
to get through each day

why me?
why do i love you
why do i feel the need to live for you
when no one else made me feel this
desperate for hope, and life
maybella snow Mar 2014
I starved myself
for 45 hours
am I skinny yet?
I covered myself
with cuts so
people would look
deeper than
my skin and
see the real me
am I pretty yet?
sorry it's been so long
maybella snow Mar 2014
i know i have
to save myself
but will anyone ever
be willing to be
the band aid
that holds
the slashed up
skin on my
maybella snow Mar 2014
more tears cried
less hours slept
more blood spilt
less food intake
more dark shadows
less bright eyes

is this all i am anymore?
a pathetic state of

i don't know what
was worse, a
broken heart i was able
to blame on my love.
or a broken soul
that was deformed
to begin with.
maybella snow Feb 2014
I want to know
if touching my skin
ever gave you
tingles down your spine

because simply hearing
you speak, made me shivers
down mine
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