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 Jan 2018 Maya Shafiqah
at 25
 Jan 2018 Maya Shafiqah
without the sound of rain she is lazy. without the taste of *****, she's

awkward. without a tan, too pale; without a page to turn,

lonely. without a song to hear she is calm. with no party, she is her

own. without a shower, she's disgusting. without blindness, she's

cute in those glasses. without food she looks like she should eat,

and with no lover,

she is sort of lost. without a smile, she seems depressed. without

kissing she is ***** and with no bra she is a ****. without laughter

she is bored. without the ability to remember, she is thankful, as well

as naive. without the ocean she is suffocated, with no future she is

trapped. and without hope, she is most hopeful; without herself, she

is a shell.
I want to be the richest person in the world,
Not in terms of money
But in love.
For money can nurture lust,
But love kindles benevolence.
Money can sow seeds of hatred,
But love reaps peace.
Money can build walls,
But love unites distinct.
Money brings solitude,
But love gives company.
Being rich would buy me fake respect,
But elite heart would keep me alive within heart of every individual.
Money can buy anything in this world but it can't give you eternal joy and peace.

— The End —