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931 · Aug 2015
Mayah Aug 2015
Can you believe it!
I'm in your head, you are reading my very thoughts
Somehow my energy has crossed paths, with you
This isn't a theory you seeing this is proof, its true
Imagine the power in this connection
from fingers on a keyboard
to affecting a reality
close or far from me
Imagine if we used this power for love
We could all be one...
haha let me stop getting sappy
And just enjoy the connection we made and be happy :)
894 · Aug 2015
The Faucets
Mayah Aug 2015
The faucet drips
It makes no sound because no attention is paid,
the foggy mirror is wiped to prepare for a day,

Unimportant are the events, as well the faucet

Sense of dread unbeknownst, Brushed away blindly in haste
Average woes of life announced, The mind reacts in practiced hate
The faucet drips
The echo is an ambience to the silent screams of the soul,
The foggy mirror is wiped in irony unknown

The pattern remains the same

But a desire for change, fills the spirit loud
With the same power that opens eyes, and fills the ears with sound
The faucet drips
A head is turned in utter astonishment, like a newborn to Earth's offerings
A divine mystery is answered simply

To questions never asked, answers are received

The faucet is ceased and the foggy mirror is wiped in true reflection
A mind is put to ease and rests in peace
While a spirit is born through an inner see section,

Remainder of days will be filled with Zen

The faucet will never drip again**

© Copyright 2015 Mayah
Make sure your faucet isn't dripping...  
a.k.a(The 3 stages of being)
803 · Aug 2015
I suck at poetry
Mayah Aug 2015
I **** at poetry,
But I'm an expert at being me
It took years of reflection ever since the *****
But finally...
Now I look from inside
Now I laugh when I cry
Tears that remind me I'm alive
Write carefully...
That's what they tell me to
The voices in my head and the sensei's of the pen
For fear of breaking rules established by who?
well see I don't care, then I ask them
Do you laugh in tune?
Do you cry in tune?
With the gold received from the silence of thoughts
My soul buys the mightiest pen to go to me
Just so I can jot,
I really **** at poetry
This was made on the spot, just wanted to share
498 · Feb 2016
Rest Easy
Mayah Feb 2016
Timid?  Oh no please see...
Image?, No i mean inside me...
It's the same as you, from the way our lungs work
To the way our hearts beat
But the way the world works,
It will separate us across sea's
Blind us with screens, Drown us with music

.To mute our souls' screams.

Refuse it, For you have a power so great
A drop of divine consciousness written in your face
A god that moves your fingers whenever you say*
So rest easy
I hope this makes your day
I wrote this on the spot....Hope to remind you you are beautiful :)

— The End —