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 Jan 2014 Maxine Rhue T
i finally read that book you recommended. i heard your voice in every line
i left the fossett running last night to cut the silence
i still smell your shampoo on my pillow cases
what's the name of that song we discovered on the radio two nights before you left? i need it right now
acceptance is the act of investing in a space heater to keep me warm at night, when i know your legs could do the trick for free
i saw your little cousin in target last week. i never realized how precisely your smiles match
i left the cd you made me, in its case on the floor of my backseat. nick stepped on it and i felt an earth shattering emptiness, like someone died before i had the chance to say goodbye
actually this all kind of feels like someone died before i had the chance to say goodbye
tonight i caught up with some of your friends at starbucks & only thought of you once. does that mean i'm getting better?
missing you occupies so much of my mind that i forget how to sleep most nights
 Nov 2013 Maxine Rhue T
You left crumbs in the butter dish
And empty cereal boxes in the cupboard
You left all the lights on
And the bed unmade
You left the ash tray full
And your hair on the floor
Of the shower
You left my tank top hanging over the lamp
Where you threw it
You left your belt on your jeans
When you dropped them
Into the hamper
You left poems
All over my thighs
In Sharpie marker
You left fresh coffee
On my dresser
And kisses
On my forehead
And then you left
Desperately craving all of it
And not knowing how to live
Without it
Confide in me

the irony

of laughter as a crutch to keep

with self descriptive Bildungsroman

in view of Schadenfreude's Ad hominem

Mask the image, compensate, compensate

Power struggle, shift division, relegate, relegate

Egocentric discharges inhabited by identity crisis

Circumstantial Deus ex machina, plastered on by streams of vices

No wreck, no head on, but a path beset by tolls and diversions

Somehow I must find a way to make these scattered routes converge

Dead and othered language roams the fields of pomposity

More ironic self aggrandizement, an appropriation of ferocity

Paint them a picture in the mind's eye of your blurred forward vision

I want to see the target marked, but attention is a competition

I'm Viable, I'm Jovial, I have the means to take these chances

I'm lying now, it's one or the other, let's hope I make the right advances
 Sep 2013 Maxine Rhue T
 Sep 2013 Maxine Rhue T
the question is no longer
"what is love?"
but is
"what was love?"
for with each passing day
I am having a hard time
 Sep 2013 Maxine Rhue T
There was an ocean
beneath your skin
I'd splash around from time to time but
I couldn't seem to stir your waters
You held your tide,
calm and soft behind your tongue
for years on end

Until one night
The pain hit just right

Your winds blew violently
And your waves came
building from your core
They crashed o'er your eyelids
And broke into my knee caps
I swam in you until
our skies were the same shade of blue

But then one night
The pain hit just right

I tripped all over your words
They pulled me in deeper and deeper
Until I lost my breath
And drowned in your chest
Oh, how I sank for you

I rest here now
Under a brand new sky
But I swear sometimes
When the pain hits just right
in the middle of the night

I can still feel myself choking on your life
Oh, I swear
I cough up salt water from your sea
when I can't sleep
Oh how i wish
I were like you,
As my heart
Would stop beating too
 Sep 2013 Maxine Rhue T
What in the world
Were you thinking
That night when you
Stuck a bookmark between
My effort and trust?

Did you try to read my brown eyes
Through her lighter lens?
Did you truly convince yourself
Her thin hair was as thick as mine?
Did you mark my scattered freckles
Onto her blank-sheet cheeks?
Did you manage to feel my crooked spine
As you mindlessly reached for hers?

I hope you have
studied me for
memory's sake;
My every word and
The lines of my palms--
for that's all you will have of me.
I will close my pages, and
you can't cheat with
a book that has
all the wrong answers.

Keep this in mind
the next time
you're with
and I'm

Wrote this at 1:49am, unable to sleep. I like to handle situations in ways that will make me stronger, but sometimes I just wonder what the hell I'm even doing.

— The End —