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I take pleasure in the simple things
And I know a lot of people say that
But I think a lot of people get carried away
With the idea of getting carried away
They watch movies for the special effects
Go to baseball games for the big names
And watch trains go by for the wrecks
But I take pleasure in the simple things
The other day I paced in the rain
It was summer so the warm water
Reminded me of growing up in Shanghai
Where the chemical rain would burn when it touched you
And that's a happy memory for me
I watch movies for the kisses
The Humphrey Bogart
Reach out and kiss the crap out of them kisses
The Ingrid Bergman sly, seductive kisses
The Audrey Hepburn innocent, eyes closed kisses
I go to baseball games to smell the air
Little league games, high school games,
Minor league games, professional games
It doesn't matter they all smell like dirt and leather
I like to walk by freshly mowed lawns
Because it reminds me of when I was younger
And played soccer every Saturday morning
On just cut grass
I love, love, love to watch little kids run in circles
For absolutely no reason at all
I take pleasure in the simple things
I think too often people
Try to measure the was of each day
Against the could be of every dream
Forgetting that we don't ask our dreams
To accomplish themselves between 9-5
Some people get caught up in
Trying to live their life
Like it was a scene from a dream
They drempt while they slept last night
And though sometimes life can seem like a movie
We are not producers or directors
Merely actors following our lines
Trying to feel out someone else's vision
So I find pleasure in the simple things
The parts no producer could control
The lines that aren't in the script
The prettiest rose on my bike ride home
Warm Rain
Cut grass, little kids, and puppy dogs
Because if we limit the pleasure we find
To the greatest moments in our lives
We're never going to believe it's happening when it is
Always dreaming there could be more to our life then there is
And when we do finally believe
The only chance we'll have to smile
Will be at a memory
And we'll miss all the beauty and pleasure
The world and life
Has put in front of you and me
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon
Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe
Perfectly round
Apart from a **** on top from
when it was part of a tree.

Ten year old me
Dunks flesh into flesh.
Sugary smells
as fruity balloons burst within,
Spraying juice in all directions.

I separate the segments,
No call to look at what I'm doing
Pulling at the thin membrane
gluing crescent to crescent.

And he looks at me
Cranes the neck he doesn't have
In a questionmark shape.

Little me starts back
in wonder.
A White and wriggling worm
Has won his plunder.
While shopping
for a pair of pants
the music
was playing
songs which I thought
were designed
to prevent

(all songs)

broken streets

the little child is dyin

and knows it


are really

somethin else
ya know



from out the broken songs




and be born again



stories of lives

break all
hearts and minds


do you love me?



the hills are filled

with our tortured bodies




so be it


i am here

do you love me?
Do you remember me
The way I remember you?
Like a mild, wordless creek;
A neverending heartbeat
Caught forever in my awaked sleep.
Burried alive, too deep
In all my heart aches
Soaking my life so weak
In all the lakes
Where your heart's creeks flow.

Do you dream of me
Like I dream of you?
On every dawn's tender hue,
On every cloud that quickly flew
It often seemed it looked like you.
A pure embrace, a soothing touch -
Reason says I dream too much
And a cold silence takes your place...
I dream of you and your embrace.

Do you long to see me
Every morning next to you?
'Cause I do...
I remember you,
I dream of you,
I wish our worlds come true.
I HEARD the old, old men say,
"Everything alters,
And one by one we drop away."
They had hands like claws, and their knees
Were twisted like the old thorn-trees
By the waters.
I heard the old, old men say,
"All that's beautiful drifts away
Like the waters."
If you look deep into the high dry sky,
You might be able to catch time fly by.
The sands of the hour glass slowly decay away.
The future you were longing for already is today.
Right now,
Has already,
Become then.
What you thought was in the present,
Has just gone to the past.
What you think is in the future,
Has just gone to the past.
You know its going to happen, just not when,
Your pain hurts now, but it won’t hurt then.
Time soars, not fly’s,
Doesn’t fall, but glides.
As time goes adrift, it is forever no more,
Washed out to sea, to never see another shore.
Every single second the time will change,
Shift and rearrange, slowly to derange.
Like a burring candle, the flame melts us down,
Were stuck in a never ending ocean, trying not to drown.
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