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When alive colorful turns of phrases
uttered courtesy my father or mother
whose ability to describe a situation
perfectly verbalized and couched by
a dialect of High German including
some Hebrew and other words now
embolden me - a sexagenarian poet
to embark upon quest shunning aim
buzzfeeding insatiable avocation to
acquire fluency communicating the
tongue spoken by Ashkenazi Jews -
which Semitic peoples populated a
thick trunk line of mine, and crisis
of identity and existentialism rents
psyche, cuz I don't feel linkedin to
any warp and weft nationality akin
to feeling alienated analogous life
likened to being left adrift within
the outer limits of the twilight zone
where dark shadows slither slinky
like across field of view teasing me
to mimic sounds of silence after I
hear the echo of thirteenth century
Jews in Germany housed in ghetto
where over time countless refugees
forced to leave their country fleeing
to neighboring kingdom of Poland,
where they could practice religious
worship rites more freely unwitting
being hounded and persecuted run
clear out of adopted country after
absorbing German and Slavic raw
bits, a critical ingredient of powder
milk biscuits ordaining, fortifying,
and bolstering shy people with the
courage to stand up to moratorium
against sacred rites of passage viz
Jewish leaders rabbis, rebbes, or
hakhamim stemming from "rabbi"
from the Hebrew word rav, which
means "teacher" who facilitates
bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah when
a boy or girl respectively reaches
the age of thirteen regarded as ready
to observe religious precepts and
eligible to take part in public show
as able, eager, and willing, partaking
and fraternizing with congregation,
which ceremony includes traditional
rituals, speeches, and a celebration

foretaste fêting newly minted male
hinting of his marriage between 18
and 20 years of age, a sacred union
between Jewish man and a Jewish
woman documented by a contract
enshrining ten obligations toward
his wife (or her descendants) and
four rights in respect of her which
enumeration of moral imperatives
now follows suit accessed courtesy
Jewish virtual library - A project of
Aice, a learning revelation to yours
truly - me, whose lineage linkedin
with the credo, heritage, precepts
and tenets constituting one of the
world's oldest religions, dating
back over 3,500 years.

The obligations are (a) to provide her with sustenance or maintenance; (b) to supply her clothing and lodging; (c) to cohabit with her; (d) to provide the *ketubbah (i.e., the sum fixed for the wife by law); (e) to procure medical attention and care during her illness; (f) to ransom her if she be taken captive; (g) to provide suitable burial upon her death; (h) to provide for her support after his death and ensure her right to live in his house as long as she remains a widow; (i) to provide for the support of the daughters of the marriage from his estate after his death, until they become betrothed (see *Marriage) or reach the age of maturity; and (j) to provide that the sons of the marriage shall inherit their mother's ketubbah, in addition to their rightful portion of the estate of their father shared with his sons by other wives. The husband's rights are those entitling him: (a) to the benefit of his wife's handiwork; (b) to her chance gains or finds; (c) to the usufruct of her property; and (d) to inherit her estate.
to tickle your fancy dear reader rabbit,
perchance European G-man double agent
regarding the following poem
with kick a$$, je ne sais quois
ingenious, humorous bent
even though reasonable rhyme
mebbe worth no mo' than ten cent
doth quickly make descent
from ridiculous to sublime

and/or visa versa poetic event
trademark courtesy one
sexagenarian formerly fervent
long haired pencil necked
geeky, dorky, and nerdy
January born quirky,
Yankee doodling gent.

Anyway, as usual I blog alone
(today January 25th, 2025)
while this Poe whit carries a wish bone
but, tis just me and my future self as a crone
that amble along the boulevard,
while over head buzzes a sir valence drone
blares out an air/ear splitting command
courtesy shift shaping mega fone
which induces my quietude to groan
and find an escape to hone
salvation espied by mirage

sans a balmy isotone
echoing refrains from Joan
E Mitchell, a great Danish dame
panhandling for ample *
so she not forced
to borrow money from a loan
where her former renown
a distant memory, she doth moan
as if attacked by a shark,
who resembles Jimmy Neutron

alias Matthew Scott Harris, who as soon
as he dubbed pipsqueak
that gave him greenlight
to trumpet as firebrand
nonestablishmentarian prone
gives a electronic shout out
to Louise Quattrone yours truly
doth remember a “big sister”
assigned to eldest daughter of mine
scads of years ago

which mismatch recollected just now
while engaged in a impossible mission
to stake out a
while sheepishly at bay astride to the rite,
a beast of burden wearing
horn rimmed glasses tinted qua *
cuz the blinding light shone
into the outer limits
from azure vault -
a dark shadows rogues

veritable night gallery
over a sinister tombstone
four after midnight emanating
on an eerie, freaky Friday
the thirteenth accompanied courtesy
frightful monster tone
scaring living daylights
out the skin of yours truly,
who found himself parent trap
accentuating, illuminating, undulating
the outer limits of twilight zone.

a$$ star risked words valid
first to last defined below
based on the merits of google:

I hate to burden thee with confusing starry eyed confusion, but each cardinal numbers of asterisk corresponds to a brief description. old woman thin and ugly
nevertheless all pretty things, she does oogle.
2. any of two or more species of atoms
or nuclei with same number of neutrons
3. basic monetary unit of Denmark and Norway,
equal to 100 øre.
4. watch "The Stakeout" episode
of television series "Seinfeld."
5. denoting an animal,
especially a horse or cow,
their coat of a main color
thickly interspersed with hairs
of another color,
typically bay, chestnut,
or black mixed with white.
as does yours truly,
whose ecological ethos
goes out the window
into the cold freezing iceland
prompting the following balderdash.

Upon the advent of an unexpected inspection
slated for tomorrow January 24th, 2025
myself and the missus,
(the latter bedridden
due to feeling physically unwell)
scrambled like the dickens (Charles to you)
to play merry maid to buckle down
and break a sweat sweeping and vacuuming,
plus applying the BISSELL

Many materials we would ordinarily and regularly
bring to a facility like GIANT,
(a market we ordinarily, rarely,
and unusually purchase food items),
nevertheless our goto place
for purportedly recycling
went into the dumpster
already filled to the brim
just like the nineteen eighties
television commercial with the same name,
whereby an attractive woman
proffers a steamy cup
to an equally pleasing looking man.

Analogous to being hashtagged as sacrilegious
indiscriminately tossing to and fro, hither and yon
so called "garbage,"
yet in the ideal world
disposable items videre licet
reusable processed goods
repurposed in a future life
perhaps as useful commodity
such as a handy dandy blues clues moon unit
linkedin with environmental principles
versus admission of guilt ridden conscious
in the eyes of Gaia more appropriate
for a heretical miscreant, reprobate or worse.

What began as blithe
indifference to mother nature
(justified with the excuse
that me wife ill with pneumonia,
and the weather way to cold
to be pitching recyclables
into their proper receptacles)
can easily, invariably, and logically manifest
into incorrigible criminal behavior
sending yours truly
sliding down into behavioral sink
found among the madding crowd
within densely populated urban areas
courtesy from the late Tom Wolfe,
who penned an Essay by the same name.

He discusses the problems of overcrowding
in cities and the resulting stress
and adrenaline rush it causes.

The combination of stress and overcrowding
causes citizens to turn into malevolent behavior,
where humans turn into ‘bilious, nephritic,
queer, autistic, sadistic, barren, batty, sloppy,
hot in the pants, changed on the flankers,
leering, puling (a real word meaning
whimpering, crying, sobbing, bleating and numb)
Wolfe suggests that such behavior all-consuming
in its malevolence and makes the people fight
with each other for a small amount
of private space around themselves.
Thus, the above urban jungle environment,
would gladly and matter of factly welcome
vis a vis honorable "Konnichiwa"
witnessing me gracefully
stepping upon Scottish red carpet,
and not even notice
nonestablishmentarians subversive characteristics
as an antithetical agent provocateur,
whose hunger for knowledge vis avis car earring
(and car rue ming) cerebrum formulated,
integrated, promulgated personal perception
to the point of no return, (meaning
culling, fomenting, inciting,
et cetera velvet revolution),
as fait accompli and inadvertently
bringing to fruition basic, dogmatic, enigmatic,
fatalistic heuristic life lessons.

The fabulist, dualistic capacity averred
videre licet Zoroastrianism
figuratively pitched this contemplative,
furtive, intuitive literate organic, realistic,
universalistic, wanderer yearning instinctive
modalities metamorphosing this quizzically
opportunistic, philosophically naturalistic,
officially matt tea realistic, and sometime
prophesying prognosticating probing outlier.

As a nonestablishmentarian libertarian, joy
riding heretic, feasting dishabille ***,
I contemplated the capacity quasi duality
of human being to co-exist inside the
labyrinth of mental learning.

Quite often reconciliation
between the angel of come
passion stood opposite intent (with
minimal effort to foment) malicious
intent toward evil.

This constant tug of war
(within depths of psyche) perched
psychological state upon precarious pivot.

Balance between righteousness verses
barb barrack ken of villainy engendered
warp and woof of noble might undermined
via ignoble, infamous injudicious threnody
thru the countless millennia, when many
an outstanding wizard served as a prime
mover and shaker to boost betterment
of so called civilized state with the bane
of anarchy, disintegration, gallimaufry
always in the vanguard.

Manifold milieus, which witnessed
civilizations rise and
fall became bereft of equilibrium
between forces of growth and decay.

The feature of intransigence (as a
free roaming derelict agent) and
dominant characteristic
of contemporary society.
si tu t'appelles melancolie
if your name is melancholy,
the scant tidbits I know of French.

perfect cold day to down
a cup of hot chocolate, java or joe
in tandem with an intelligent conversation
that easily doth flow
twould be more enjoyable
than spending gobs o dough.

fingers click along
at a rather moderate pace
nonetheless this generic **** sapiens
caught like amber in the human race
i try feel quite cramped
with madding crowds
that take up more space
and feel a nostalgic pang for times gone by
when continuity of virginal woodlands
across America did trace.

I beseech thee
with a gentle dare
to please assist me with any literary flair
but more so to help me answer
a rather risque prayer
and wonder if ye any
leisure time and interest to spare
to get down to bare basics -
meaning stripping off any dainty underwear
no matter any substantial difference
in our respective chronological year.

ya might call me an older serene boy
seldom scene nor heard and rather coy
per some rendezvous to help me employ
who tries to steer clear of the hoi polloi!

i tend to lapse into me own
lapis lazuli patois combo of mishmash
fuming and ready
to reach out for a wet noodle lash
and additionally probably
causing your teeth to gnash
prompting ye to wunder me lass
o'hare doth this sixty
and six year old get such brash.

unsure of what to write
also not knowing if my rambling
comes across as trite
maybe filled with angry undertones
awash with spittle and spite
veering just left of the political right
which liberal democratic
political leanings correct quite
with an attempt to come across
as mature and polite
and hoping to induce some interest
to get together some day or night
discussing somewhat profound or light
if receptive to friendship
or more with this rusty knight
whose thoughts of passion fruit take flight
which female companionship
would induce a charge
and help my days feel bright.

Amidst personal and worldly tribulation and trials
I offer my seeds of life and while lily that beguiles
honorary role of motherhood and numerous miles
and hopes no reader offended nor rants and riles
glimpsing weathered tribulation and trials.

unbeknownst if ye be the least receptive
and eager toward biological will
for my literary or seminal swill
this average Caucasian erudite glib run o the mill
fellow solely wishes to offer this Jack for some jill
and rejoice in the natural maternal yearning fulfill.

so if ye wish
to bear witness and let me abet birth
from this mortal male -
who spent sixty and six years
on planet earth
than fear not from
this rather playful fellow of mirth
who knows how the miracle
of offspring well worth
endeavor to sacrifice
with sleeplessness dearth.
Swath of pristine tractless snow white landscape...
tell tale sign where
winter storm Demi left her mark.

Beautiful and bountiful visual scene
(seldom seen around
tri-state geographic area
for quite a few years,
where temperate global warming
spelled unseasonably warm winters)
trumps the inauguration
for breathtaking view.

Immaculate conception birthed
awesome aesthetic spectacular
blinding heavenly creation.

I feel humbled
as an infinitesimal know nothing
wrought into existence
courtesy billions of years
evolutionary fits and starts,
and will exit stage door left
barely impacting the cosmic schema.

Memories accumulated across
six plus decades astride oblate spheroid
upon sixty plus shades of gray matter
sights and sounds transiently,
yet indelible impressions lasted a lifetime
eventually taken to the grave,
(or rather more eco-friendly crematorium),
which lovely bones once reduced to ashes
will leave nary a trace videre licet,
where joys and sorrows
dwelt within mine temple mount
unbeknownst to humanity
unless one attests to spiritus mundi
housing each and every personal record
that livingsocial (and more often
as an egalitarian, latitudinarian, proletarian,
solitudinarian, and unitarian) did emboss,
though uneventful existence,
would find any incorporeal passerby to gloss
tittering at reputation as spindleshanks
no doubt resulting
where chromosomes and genes
of interspecie breeding did intercross,
yet leaving some lucky **** sapiens
descendents of simian forebears
with eye catching physical characteristics
cases in point Heidi Kloss
or the waifish
former supermodel Kate Moss
testimony that either the former
or latter pleasing specimens
fortified with raw bits,
(and maybe even smattering
Norwegian bachelor farmers
big strapping men's bloodline
rumored heifer and angus outcross),
whose claim to eternal fame popularized,
and brought them renown fame
linkedin to "aphrodisiac hidden oomph"
of powder milk biscuits) sic erat scriptum.
and ratchet up global warming
like bubbling vegetable stew
with tsk... tsk... heard
courtesy Greta Thunberg,
who would utter "how dare you..."

I bundle with layers to stave off cold
energy efficiency drilled courtesy
me late mother conserving
nonrenewable resources she extolled
now ewe best heed following suggestion
wool worth 3d printing than wearing
a sheep doubled over
along dotted line to fold
cuz expending (fossil fuel)
leaving carbon footprint
would immediately being lectured
by ecology conscious eldest daughter,
(a University of Pennsylvania
biomedical engineering alumna)
who would mildly scold.

Myself and thee missus holed up
here within Highland Manor Apartments
(unit B44 in case
you wanna drop me a line)
we're here moost
every cold January day
sipping warm cup
of our favorite beverage
exotic coffee latte brew
suits this muttering pup
actually yours truly
a doggone ole
shorter haired (compared
when poem initially got crafted)
pencil necked geezer.

He can be found moost
any given warm Green Day
like an American idiot
shuffling along boulevard of broken dreams
overhead skies colored rosy gunmetal gray
occasional huff fro
zen cloud slashing solar ray
heating inside cozy nook,
though outside temperature brisk,
nevertheless for winter pleasantly refreshing,
while I sit here heavily clad,
hence yours truly quite toasty within
perfect weather for wedding,
especially one hashtagged December/May.

After dusk i.e.
established misnomer known as sunset
a legacy from heliocentric theory
(the astronomical model
that places the sun at the center
of the solar system,
with the Earth and other planets
orbiting around Gaia)
occurs 5:35 PM Post Meridiem
heavens quickly turn jet
black today - Sunday,
January 19, 2025 (EST)
whereby hello darkness
my old friend
(analogous to the edge of night)
lulls one into sleepiness, I bet
dollars to donuts impossible mission
to keep eyelids opened,
particularly if sleep debt
necessary to pay the sandman,
who knows maybe you gotta get get
comfortably numb vis a vis
stinging ice crystals
creating a winter wonderland
temporarily rendering me unconscious
state, whereby yours truly
dreaming of a white Lost Horizon
in the mythical valley of Shangri-La
analogous to eventual Elysian Fields,
where divine creator
conjuring Nirvana and/or
a place called Willoughby
if a believer,
said Almighty eventually met.
but much to my relief, said mandatory inquisition (rather inspection) will take place sixty nine days later (due the math and inform me of any error if applicable), which date will be March 28, 2025.

My entire body electric went into system of the down mode after mistakenly presuming that the triumvirate would loudly rap on our apartment door (B44 in case ye happen to inquisitive). As a result yours truly and the missus knuckled and buckled down into high gear furiously scrambling to complete some grunt work, and tossing out recyclables ***** nilly plus bagged tempe intended for a future meal of mine.

At 0700 hours (indicated
courtesy notification slipped under door
less than twenty four hours)
hence foretold ill fate
by property (crooks and quade) management
the head honcho zaftig, kathleen bergen -
no nickname for her yet
(who replaced ******),
and Rich (text depeche mode) the snitch
at highland manor apartments
re: looming eviction implication
cuz yours truly and the missus
out of compliance
namely unkempt living space
within the walls of apartment b44
after residing within
said low income facility
going on eight years July first
two thousand and twenty five,
we experienced ongoing contention here,
which palpable tension
crackles, pops, and snaps
across the webbed wide world.

Courtesy social media platforms
in tandem with reputable poetry websites
allows, enables and provides
analogous soapbox to vent
after above identified triumvirate
done scrutinizing, interrogating, castigating...

Me and the missus
immediately sprung into action
rather each of our separate nervous systems
underwent uncontrollable bouts
of expansion and contraction,
(where we both
made a beeline for the bathroom)
analogous to severe toothache
necessitating oral surgeon extraction.

Three days later - January 21st, 2025
signals the visitation of inquisition
(cue ominous music)
obscure artificial illumination
looming dark shadows
presaging worse fate than death
rivaling close encounters of the third kind
outer limits of the twilight zone
monstrous sinister forbidding shapes
blotting sunlight plunging
highland manor apartment in total darkness.

Hence aforementioned feeble SOS
cuz our rented one bedroom unit
b44 not in ship shape,
thus me and the wife
not happy campers
(still in shell shock
after seeing the unexpected notice)
possibly forced to live in a tent
among bunch of other homeless people
along skidrow,
thus fruitless effort to yield
and appeal to top banana
figuratively precariously perched
on horns of dilemma
spurred me to posit supposition,
whereby sympathy for the devil witnesses
greater likelihood versus wordsmith
unsuccessfully, nevertheless creatively
blindsiding anonymous readers
spellbound to empty ***** nilly
bajillions of dollars
from their pocketbooks
and mail blank checks to yours truly
before coming to their collective
sense and sensibility bound with
pride and prejudice.
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