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No matter I kept fingers and toes crossed,
and waited with bated breath since January 2, 2025
even converted from skeptic to orthodox Judaism,
and strictly followed the Torah,
Talmud, and traditional Jewish laws,
and made good on the gamut
of my misdeeds considered a shonda,
nevertheless yours truly
courtesy the powers at large fell,
not slated to win
(til death do me part if lucky),
and thus one mediocre
poet from Perkiomen Valley
reduced to a life of panhandling,
(which required a bit of skill let
said modus operandi,
no more lofty a trade
than being a pickpocket)
essential a nobody, outcast
without a podcast, pariah, et cetera),
who plodded himself
along the boulevard of broken dreams
relegated as an American idiot,
no matter a supposed
hidden potential of smarts
attested to be placed in section 7B1
predicated on his native intelligence,
proved the naysayers right,
when nearly failing every class
while in seventh grade
at Methacton Junior High School,
and in fact got demoted to section 8B3
after getting promoted to eighth grade,
and no matter the learning material more my speed,
I vowed to swear off doing homework
and nearly witnessed
complete and utter failure as fait accompli,
but the fickle finger of fate
decreed the writer of these words
destined to weather freshman peers
(psychologically and metaphorically leagues
ahead of one poor boy figurative lost at sea)
getting promoted despite
unpreparedness and emotional unreadiness
as the winds of fate buffeted one sophomoric lad,
who beat a hasty retreat
to his bedroom at 324 Level Road
when the mental going got rough,
and thence found safety and security
playing with imaginary friends Harney and Dinny 
(themselves doppelgangers of him)
subsequently no strangers to academic rigors,
yet always buckled down when most assignments
completed in a timely fashion,
especially prompt with essay assigned
when Mister Bergey (math teacher)
asked students to write composition
why school books ought to be covered,
and said lorthew got a kick
when mine dealt with keeping property
free and clear of getting peanut butter all over,
and additional relative, innovative,
and creative whimsical humor.

Unsuccessful track record,
and a poor sport to boot
(always the last to be chosen
for team sports at recess),
I felt like just another brick in the wall
and loathed every single solitary day
riding the bus (and getting bullied)
to and from storied halls of learning
sought succor thru flights of fancy
particularly when old enough
to gamble away scant resources
allowing, enabling, and providing
fantasies found me to gambol
with illusions of grandeur
where becoming the recipient
of a truckload of monetary largesse,
hence frivolously purchasing lottery tickets
particular penchant prevalent after experiencing
a financial fiasco after getting fleeced
by godless enterprising con artists.

I frequently counted my chickens before they hatch
particularly after purchasing
PowerBall or Mega Million tickets,
which randomly drawn numbers never match
after one of two main types
of lottery-drawing machines applied,
either the former air mix machine
or the latter gravity pick machine:
Now the air mix one
blows numbered ping-pong *****
around in a chamber,
where numbers randomly selected
when they get ******
out of the chamber and displayed.
Aforementioned event interestingly enough
coincides with Martin Luther King Junior day.

The late reverend American minister and activist,
now and forever more immortalized in the promised land
despite his work among the living left incomplete,
this day eclipsed by commencement
of the forty seventh president of the United States.

Founding fathers graves housing their lovely bones
will rattle and hum with inaudible soundcloud
insync with the shuddering ghost of George Washington
appalled at the chain of events
culminating with MAGA
"Make America Great Again" (MAGA),
an American political slogan and political movement
most recently popularized by Donald Trump
during his successful
presidential campaigns in 2016 and in 2024.

Thus, for all ye Democrats,
who fervently did pray,
and bet their bottom dollar
on a political candidate analogous
to character as popular as Don Quixote
now is the time for a coup d'état.

Meanwhile Donald Trump assiduously, craftily,
emphatically validates imperial lad etude
conducting all business at his resort
and National Historic Landmark
in Palm Beach, Florida
Mar-a-Lago (/ˌmɑːr ə ˈlɑːɡoʊ/
MAR ə LAH-goh, Spanish:
[ˈmaɾ a ˈlaɣo] unlimited stay away
from the White House for warranted vacation,
while Elon Musk takes
over the reins in Washington D.C.

While voluntarily holed up underground
in the sunshine state,
where secret service men and women
strategically and surreptitiously situated
giving the commander in chief
ample time to brood
about broad ways and means to update
well worn script dogeared chewed
“Art Of The Deal” playbook (his Bible,
he devoutly follows),
he will dictate, ruminate how populace
can be royally *******,
especially the downtrodden,
indigent meager wage earners,
or those receiving social security disability
(such as this sexagenarian dude) -
he might be privately practice
acting roles where
mighty kings of yore did exude
totalitarian writs made manifest –
tacked as placards on store fronts
of frequented habitués –
nailed (rather crucified) or super glued
(upon the grateful dead)
summoning the huddling
pussyfooting, and castrated masses
of tyrannized uber vacuous wimps.

His bulletproof and titanium doppelganger
helps him to maximize hiatus
videre licet “FAKE” president
corralling secular or spiritual support
of Saints Matthew Scott and Judas Thaddeus
the former urbane, suave,
and quintessentially obliging
versus the latter whose behavior
tends to be noxiously and pruriently rude,
thus Crowdsource via Instagram in tandem
with Snapchat ephemeral images multi hued.

Hence now **** the moment
to seize the mantle of self government
cue the Mohorovičić discontinuity.

Poetic call to justice intended
to engender a quid pro quo active mood
foment peaceful congregations
to rise up and trigger insurrection
of peoples whether well dressed or ****,
whereby spokespersons will share
the dais (and dice throw)
donning a Taj Mahal shaped hood
communicating, formulating
and graduating democratic ideals
encompassing persons
from all walks of life allow, enable
and provide any necessary ivory “soap box”
expressed opinion that hopefully
doth generate a healthy banter,
disagreement or fundraising
from polemics, whereby
any radical point of view,
I will not EXCLUDE!
for Mutualism among **** sapiens
long thought to be a pipe dream
case in point sited by a couple of recent
purportedly natural events possibly
exacerbated courtesy global warming
namely present conflagrations
include veritable towering inferno -
(sharing merest premise
with Hollywood film by the same name,
the highest-grossing
Classic 1970s disaster movie
about a fire that breaks out
in a state-of-the-art San Francisco
high-rise building
during the opening ceremony
attended by a host of A-list guests:
An overworked fire chief
(charging full force like Minnesota Vikings -
or feel free to substitute your own football team)
and the building's architect must cooperate
in the struggle to save lives and subdue panic
while a corrupt, cost-cutting contractor
tries to evade responsibility for the disaster
helped establish the modern blockbuster)
dwarfed by devastating southern California,
or the impacts from Hurricanes Helene
and Milton both particularly destructive,
causing more than $100 billion
in combined damage across
Florida, Georgia, South Carolina,
North Carolina, Tennessee,
and Virginia over a two-week period
from late-September into early October),
where trials by fire and water respectively
witnessed linkedin collective effort
that spread kudzu like
attempted delivering relief,
no matter Federal disaster workers
paused and then changed some
of their hurricane-recovery efforts
in North Carolina, including abandoning
door-to-door visits, after receiving threats
that they could be targeted
by a militia, officials said,
as the government response
to Helene targeted
by runaway disinformation.

Impossible mission to duplicate
or even barely approximate
wrenching cataclysms wrought by mother nature,
no matter death defying scenes
movies present quite realistic,
especially seen on the big screen
incorporating surround sound,
where more or less clear cut
protagonists and antagonists
confront each other,
whereby the former
(more times that not
in that make believe world)
where actors and actresses
present convincing drama)
and win the day
quite unlike reality,
when havoc ferociously strikes
indiscriminately rich or poor alike.
I always marvel at the surge
of voluntary brother and sisterhood
(personhood generally) that encompasses
(or follows) a figurative groundswell,
(particularly when the phenomenon in question
constitutes a natural event
say aftermath of meteorological storm in question,
namely a tsunami)
pitting dearth of humanitarian intervention,
where terrorist act and violent crimes
grist for the tabloid or social media mill
give the impression that **** sapiens'
pith and marrow chock full of
animalistic, atavistic, cannibalistic,
fascistic, hedonistic,
misogynistic, et cetera predilections,
thus believing challenging
the bedrock belief in inherent goodness
of man/woman kind
as the exception rather than the rule
and proving the potential exists,
whereby idealistic opportunistic government
(of the people by the people
for the people shall not perish from the earth”
spoken at Gettysburg),
but these words apply as well
to the countless soldiers that died
for the cause of democracy
in the following 160 years,
yet not just highlighting slain combatants
also extending by proxy
to vicious acts of homicide,
physical ****** abuse,
plus verbal castigation
as experienced by the writer of these words
(ofttimes in his younger days
deemed, hashtagged, peppered, targeted,
et cetera as ideal scapegoat)
pummeled courtesy nasty, short and brutish louts,
who heaved, lobbed, threatened,
et cetera me with expletive laced brickbats,
where bullies evinced sympathy for the devil.
after implementing long overdue criminal justice reforms,
especially affecting marginalized groups of people.

I vote for more lenient, progressive and tolerant treatment
towards undocumented immigrants, plus implementing
a humane win/win system to modify societal criminal behavioral.

Hear ye.... hear ye... All robust asylum seekers,
and able bodied prisoners with minor infractions.

Cue chiming Church bells
ringing across the land
from hilltops to valley of the dells.

Thee will gain immediate United States citizenship,
and get out of jail free pass respectively.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
wants you to volunteer as grunt workers
to help extinguish monster California fires.

Said proclamation emancipation immediately issued
to grant migrant workers
and those serving time for petty crimes.

Both former day laborers,
(no longer forcibly corralled, nor deported back
to their home country by border guards,
will be given an early 2025 Christmas present
videre licet unequivocally acquiring indemnity
against illegal residency,
while the latter group (prisoners)
slapped with unfair sentences
and holed up in a cell
receiving cruel indiscriminate punishment,
when rudely taken into custody,
and falsely accused of minor offense(s)
commuted time behind bars effective immediately.

Look out, cuz a(n) oxymoronic
forward thinking Unitarian
broke into your consciousness
and with a byte size song and dance routine
will subliminally affect the mind
of any unsuspecting reader and taking a page
from the playbook
(copying or adopting a strategy, tactic,
or approach that someone else
already successfully used,
essentially borrowing an idea
from their established methods,
often referring to a well-documented plan
or set of actions like a sports team's playbook),
where a "playbook" associated
with an document containing
detailed strategies and plays
that a team uses during a game.

Only one singular secret agent
(shush - don't tell anyone),
but yes, "Get Smart" got assigned
as my secret agent,
specifically a bumbling secret agent
named Maxwell Smart
who worked for the fictional agency
called CONTROL, battling
the evil organization KAOS
in the TV series "Get Smart."

All kidding aside,
I cannot isolate nor pinpoint
as the real defacto source,
where progressive ideas of mine materialized,
 allowing, enabling, and providing America
as a safe haven to non-citizens
to ameliorate available grunt work
(anyway, my conjecture
that majority of native occupants
would forego accepting
back breaking grueling work),
who contribute to the national economy
and help guarantee fruits and vegetables
picked, processed, and shipped
in a timely fashion to destinations
far and wide courtesy the of sweat brow equity
such as migrant farmers
with strong hands hankering
to land a cash paying only job
with one of the four giant
meat processing companies –
that's right, FOUR – Tyson, Cargill,
and Brazil-based National Beef
and JBS, now control 85% of the U.S. beef market.

WH Group (Chinese), JBS, Hormel,
and Tyson control about 67%
of the pork market.

Tyson and Pilgrim's Pride
control about 45% of the chicken market.

No explicit blueprint
drawn up courtesy yours truly (me)
by dint of my
aforementioned grandiose ideas,
where such seed(s) of life
and white lily sprung from
for what might be deemed,
hashtagged, and likened radical
naturally thru the conservative lens,
but the merest iota of forward thinking
sets the initial groundwork
for revolutionary measures,
but before the groundswell of reformation
attains consensus among major decision makers,
whence chattering classes
will pick up the figurative torch
after hoi polloi takes root
make a ruckus,
particularly with kith and kin
directly afflicted, impacted,
and upended of deportees
or family and friends
of arrested and locked up
in the big house
which cause taken up
by the chattering classes.

Thus concludes lamentation
of an ordinary run of the mill Caucasian,
grammarian wannabe, latitudinarian, and rhetorician,
whose utopian fantasy may bear witness
to a reality when life on earth
more representative of equalitarian
among all living creatures great or small.
while channeling the energy of Google
exemplified by cute and cuddly moogle.

I awoke from mid-day siesta
exuding peaceful easy feeling
total all encompassing bliss
suffused body electric of mine.

Ecstasy resonated within these lovely bones
triggering subliminal stimuli from head to toe
profound tranquility linkedin
entire corporeal essence,
what me worry mindset
bundled every nerve
transcendent state issued forth
analogous to standing
in the middle of an intersection,
where converged sense and sensibility
without pride or prejudice
experienced as ******* natural high
rippling into soothing nexus
of acute momentary emotional nirvana
watching within third eye blind
"the quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog"
which sentence contains
all the letters of the alphabet
if in doubt (take a pawn)
and Google for yourself.

Despite any care and concern
within the webbed wide world,
I seemed to float above the fracas,
especially the fiasco of the fires
their utter ruination laying waste
entire Los Angeles neighborhoods
seen from afar absolute zero familiarization,
a futile endeavor trying
to identify any hint of recognition
impossible mission to comprehend
the mind boggling death and destruction
encompassing the second largest city
within the contiguous United States
far as the eye can see
extensive obliteration and desolation
analogous to aftermath
of dropped atomic bombs
unleashing their powerful fury
minus the radiation fallout
offering foretaste of
hell on earth annihilating life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
shaking and baking bedrock faith
witnessing enraged shaking fists
screaming (at the top of one's seared lungs)
accursed blasphemy exploding
against omnipotent creator
questioning unfair punishment,
nevertheless birthing good samaritans
offering emotional nurturance
while drones buzzfeed
truckloads of information
using radio frequency (RF) communication
through a data link, sending data
like location, altitude, speed,
and live video footage
from the drone's camera back
to the ground control station
via a dedicated transmitter and receiver,
typically operating on frequencies
like 2.4 GHz or 5.8 GHz
depending on the drone model
and intended range;
this allows for real-time control
and monitoring of the drone's flight.

Suddenly doggone petty trials
and tribulations in Lake Wobegon
(my adopted hometown out there on the prairie
offtimes visited by Garrison Keillor)
finds us speechless, and numb
structures of silence
crackling, popping and snapping
courtesy non-verbal communication
linkedin to eerie decimation
courtesy ferocious acceleration of Santa Ana winds
strong, dry, and hot winds that blow
from the inland areas of Southern California
towards the coast, typically originating
from a high pressure system
over the Great Basin desert,
causing them to be very warm and dry
as they descend through mountain passes,
often exacerbating wildfire risks;
they got named
after the Santa Ana Mountains
through which they frequently flow.
Whether arsonist at fault
or confluence of ripe conditions
triggering perfect firestorm,
the titan of fire beside himself with misery,
though no fault of his own
the raging bullish conflagration
a taste of inescapable hell
synonymous with the outer limits
of the twilight zone,
where mercurial Venusians
ply their devil may care attitude
with pitchforks stabbing the sheltering sky
mortifying for those residents
(even firm believers
in a loving divine presence),
especially those individuals
now living asocial in the ruins
amidst (in oh my gosh) once posh
Los Angeles neighborhoods!

Though a skeptic at heart,
I cannot help but wonder
“What Hath God Wrought
which text first, original phrase
that Samuel Morse typed
in his newly invented
single-wire telegraph in the 1930.

Faith no more
does severely test
(and strain the limits of credulity)
regarding doubting Thomas paradigm
positing the question
(for those who do believe)
why whims oven omniscient deity,
would unleash unrelenting punishment
poorly justifying the pithy remark
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
purportedly flourish aplenty
within the human league,
particularly where ultra rich banded together
and (possibly because of
obeisance to their wealth)
therefore fixation to acquire
trappings of splendour
must be forced to atone
for their collective miscreants
and become like the indigent
no matter that wealth justifiably earned
saith those now rendered destitute,
and reduced to panhandle.

Fat or slim chance,
but just maybe more attention will be paid
to those accursed with a lifetime
of misery and hardship,
thru no fault of their own.

Impossible mission to create Utopia
if only because each person endowed
with inherent abilities and/or being gifted
housing latent advantageous qualities
of body, mind, or spirit,
(whether identified at an early age,
or discovered visa vis later in life)
allowing, enabling, and providing them
better yet, perhaps hypothetical person
born that way as a polymath
(or a poker face, yet get smart to play dumb),
but nevertheless exploit innate
mental, physical or spiritual endowments
with honest to goodness
sweat of brow modus operandi
to experience successfully
(what envious others may chide
as them living the life of Riley)
comfortably numb judged
as free and clear lifestyle against deprivations
with difficulty, yet without deliberateness
flaunting obvious plentitude,
perhaps erring by hosting gala events
paying deference towards billionaires
all the while downplaying
amassing trophies of capitalism
but never missing a beat
to accentuate compulsion
toward keeping up with the Joneses
for all the webbed wide world to see
oozing pretentiousness grafted
upon struggling origin
as humble and poor member
of bourgeoisie economic strata.

Impossible mission for full fledged capitulation
of monied class subsequently as faux proletariat,
would be laughable drama
considering those capital assets
went up in smoke
(understandable and definitely hard hit
would be victims
without homeowners insurance),
and lacking that secret stash of money
hidden under a mattress
or deep underground
beneath generations old palm tree
but the luckier ones could access
offshore accounts no doubt
bulging with available super duper funds.

Upon glancing at the headlines
I espied an unusual communiqué
crediting Poseidon with helping ease
the lack of adequate water
substantiated by Department of Water and Power
acknowledged that Pacific
Palisades reservoir offline
closed for structural repairs,
plus confirmation that by 3 a.m.
Wednesday January 9th, 2025 (of course)
all three tanks, (which hold
one million gallons each) went dry.

Out of the blue
and into the black of darkened skies
courtesy explosion from incendiary material
an immense humongous cloud
saturated a bajillion percent with moisture
(spanning across the entire horizon
from all points of the compass
north, south, east, and west)
Poseidon came forth to the rescue
not quite in the nick of time,
nevertheless a heavy downpour,
(a record amount of rain deluged the area)
larger than the size of Rhode Island
immediately pooling into waist
then tens of feet of high water
within minutes, where
analogous to a Biblical flood,
thus you can bet your bottom dollar
aforementioned statement
originated from a reliable source.

Matthew Scott Harris
could not contacted for further questioning
hence sometimes we need
to believe in a higher power!
Please rescue us from this godforsaken place
veritable hellscape, where angels fear ingress.

Just then an unexpected pleasant distraction
woke me from induced stupor linkedin to Los
Angeles fires jump/kick starting telepathic wife
high connection between yours truly husband
to a righteous leftist extraterrestrial establishing
an immediate cove Van Halen brotherly bond.

Here and now would be the time to exercise
opportunistic exchange of communication and
experience unconditional acceptance despite
spindleshanks, which might explain why I beak
came the laughing stock of unrelenting torment
when a student at the school of hard knocks for
knuckleheads, which barely found me earning
a diploma graduating with flying colors - black,
blue, and red, yet interestingly enough the hues
of the home planet where creatures whom yours
truly desperately wanted to be taken to, no matter
I would never get to befriend potential amazingly
literate respondents from All Poetry, Hello Poetry
Tumblr, COSMOFUNNEL, My Poetic Side, Poetry
Poetry Soup, Poetry Nook, Poetry Vibe, Prose. |
A Community for readers and writers, Neopoet | A
family of poets, and Poem Hunter, though amidst
countless bodies out beyond the outer limits of the
twilight zone hiding within dark shadows or maybe
lurking along the edge of night awaited homeboys
to regale me about learning the secret to survive
nothing short of a thermonuclear war, a bajillion
times more horrific than the tragedy that signaled
confluence of meteorological factors wrought,
hellscape in southern California global warming
suspected, nevertheless, who in their grooviest,
and wildest dreams could have thought never
in a millions years Dante's Inferno cruel
fiery fate jump/kick started lapping flames argh.

I read the horrific news from afar (no less than a
bajillion miles from Earth) transfixed watching live
action broadcast from the most sophisticated input
device (unknown to man) finding me rapt (quite an
understatement) and hypnotized fixated on the raft
of burning mansions mega million dollar homes
now chock full of tsuris unbearable unimaginable
unrecognizable fraught nouveau homeless - yes
with money in the bank to seek shelter at a pricey
glitzy accommodation tormented courtesy charred
domiciles gifted into rubble ground hovels searing
casting an everlasting impression upon mine eyes.

Inescapable nightmare reality indelibly etched numb
burrs of retinas burned with ineradicable images see
sinned with unfair indiscriminate scenes grafted in
soot to ash heaps impossible mission to differentiate
though amidst the mounds of mourning dewy eyed
resilience camaraderie witnessed salvation, where
random acts of kindness punctuated disequilibrium
while search and rescue teams combed thru debris
no matter hot embers still smoldered coalescence
generated an eerie orange otherworldly glow like
a quiet riot of Venusian topography where average
surface temperature on said planet around eight
hundred and sixty seven degrees Fahrenheit (464
degrees Celsius), making said solar body the hottest
planet in our solar system due to strong greenhouse
effect caused by its thick carbon dioxide atmosphere
earning evening star appellation qua Earth's "evil twin"
because of its thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide
and sulfuric acid, which chemical cocktail poisonous to life.
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