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martin Feb 2014
I'm just a little apostrophe
So won't you please be nice to me
Use me when there's a letter missed out
Or when it's possession you're talking about
But when you write plurals just leave me out!
martin May 2012
Be here by this date you say
I get there late , by a month less a day

So, you meant April, the fifth day
To me it says fourth of May
Americans and Brits, sometimes divided by a common language.
Don't mention rubbers.
martin Aug 2014
My friends and I are sitting in this bombed out house
Our rifles rest against the wall
No lamp is lit
As daylight fades the little window frames the moon
We smoke, we read, we write a letter home
We don't dwell on horrors past
Nor on what is yet to come

                                                I won't let my guts gush out
                                                Into foreign mud
                                                Nor die in no man's land alone
                                                I want to make it back to you
                                                I want to make it home

We're winning now, they're on the run
Supplies cut off, they're desperate
They've suffered even more than us
But we have to keep the pressure up
One thing I've learned while I've been here
Don't underestimate the ***

                                                     I've been here such a long time now
                                                     Seen so many good men die
                                                     Killed a good few too
                                                     I know that danger still surrounds us
                                                     Even now I might not make it through

I just need to carry on
Hold on to my life
You know that when I make it back to you
Soon we will be man and wife

Inspired by a pencil drawing done by my Grandfather during the 1st World War. I have posted the sketch on my home page on this 100th anniversary of the outbreak of that terrible conflict. He volunteered at the start and survived the whole duration, receiving the Military medal and the Distinguished Conduct medal and bar. He died aged 50 probably from lung cancer due to being gassed.
martin Mar 2012
Another masterpiece born
Want to hear it?
Blank face, yawns
martin Dec 2011
As my wife predicted
This is getting
A bit addictive
Reaction to Patrick Roche and "I am an addict"
martin Dec 2011
For those who want to learn
There are many teachers
martin Apr 2015
only the
the scars
martin Jan 2017
morphine took charge
night came on
and turned into mourning
martin Jul 2012
Oh for a life of mirth, without an increasing girth!
martin Feb 2012
Hello poetry friends, great lexicon
Facebook friends, need English lesson
martin May 2012
Obama fulfills his destiny
  as the president born
        to campaign.
Just a personal observation from a Brit who knows very little about American politics.
martin Apr 2012
Not too much on offer
Empty as the word coffer

Do not send me Easter cards
Christmas is enough thanks

Is it cheating
To give ten worders
Very long titles ?
martin Feb 2013
I will be your storyteller
Just stay here with me
We can show each other
Things we never would have believed

I will keep you company
At the end of every day
I will lull you off to sleep
If you let me stay

I will build a house
Made from hearts of oak
I will warm your water up
When you want a soak

I will write you poems
About the moon, the stars, the clouds, the sky
I will stay with you
Until the day I die

Because you're the one who's good to have around
You're the one I'm glad I found
I may not say I love you all the time
But I do,
My special valentine
martin Feb 2015
A little story (true) from a hundred years (almost), passed on to me by word of mouth by someone whose identity my memory has lost.

A man and wife lived in the house which I owned much later. He was called away to war and for four whole years he disappeared, she didn't hear a word.

I guess he was no writer.

He found himself released, no longer mired in foreign soil. War was won, the only thing to be done was go home once more.

He sent a telegram from the port, I'm coming home real soon. But he arrived before the post, and surprised his wife, who probably said something like,

Why my dear, did you not write?
martin Dec 2013
Santa brought no toys so...
... I play with words instead

She passed her driving test
on Christmas eve....
               ...No-L celebrations!
In the UK learner drivers have to display a big L on the back of the car.  I consulted my American brother-in-law who tells me this is not the case in the US.

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
Size one hundred and forty two
They asked her to move but she refused
What a hullabaloo
martin Jul 2012
There was a young man from Zagreb
Whose pencil ran out of lead
He went to the quack
Whose answer to that
Was use a biro instead

There was a vicar from the Tyne
Who put all his sermons online
A woman wrote please,
I'm weak at the knees
Here's my address, what's thine?

The Prime Minister went for a walk
Invited a woman to talk
She said  "If you want a bang you can jolly well scram"
He said  Do you know who I am?"
No, no more limericks...that way madness lies!
martin Dec 2013
the elephant in the room.... need to lose weight

unrealistically optimistic
focuses on goals
ignores pitfalls

we could argue
we could fight
but not tonight

Now how about
some Leonard Cohen
from memory
happy christmas
It's four in the morning, the end of December
I'm writing you now just to see if you're better
New York is cold but I like where I'm living
There's music on Clinton Street all through the evening
I hear that you're building your little house
Deep in the desert
You're living for nothing now
I hope you're keeping some kind of record
Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hair
She said that you gave it to her
The night that you planned to go clear
Did you ever go clear?
Oh the last time we saw you you looked so much older
Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder
You'd been to the station to meet every train
But still you came back without Lily Marlene
And you treated my woman
To a flake of your life
And when she came back
She was nobody's wife
I see you there with a rose in your teeth
One more thin gypsy thief
Well I see Jane's awake
She sends her regards
What can I tell you
My brother, my killer
What can I possibly say?
I guess that I miss you
I guess I forgive you
I'm glad that you stood in my way
If you ever come by here
For Jane or for me
Your enemy is sleeping
And his woman is free
And thanks for the trouble you took
From her eyes
I thought it was there for good
So I never tried
And Jane came by with a lock of your hair
She said that you gave it to her
The night that you planned to go clear
Sincerely L Cohen
martin Aug 2012
If a camel challenges you to a drinking contest just say no thank you.

I met a young camel from Tralee
Who could down fifty pints easily
He never got drunk
It went to his ****
And he never went for a wee

I won't be goin back there, 'tis a near certainty, you can be sure o' dat now.
martin May 2015
Whatever you want to talk about you
can be sure she will immediately be in
the zone. Unconventional in lifestyle,
she lives alone without modern comforts.
She seems to hitch-hike through life,
having at times ridden with extraordinary
wealth and good fortune. At others, loneliness
and poverty have been her wearisome
companions. A fatalist, she will note your
material wishes, and promise that when
luck shines on her again, they will be yours.
Don't try to change her, you won't get far.
Generous to a fault, when she has money
it slips through her fingers like a croupier
dealing cards. Once she is your friend
rest assured she will remain so for life.
martin Sep 2013
We go way back
To bits of boys

We shook hands
He crushed his can
So I crushed mine

We walked
We biked just like we used to
He's done well, we both have
In our different ways

Some things we didn't need to say
It was there
Funny slightly scary he remembers
Stuff I had forgot

Oh my god
He knows me better than
I know myself

Big wide gaps we strode across
Filled them up in seconds flat

Left me feeling good
There's no substitute
For a friend like that
martin Sep 2012
-After Diana-                                              
The paparrazi are nobody's friend            
It all seems such a pity
He shouldn't have trained his big long lens
On her poor little Bristol Cities

-After Maggie-
When the daisies push up with Maggie beneath
To mark her grave will be taking a chance
For some may come to lay a wreath
But others will come to dance

-After the war-
The Argentine girl was all smiles
All went well between us
I didn't mention the Falkland Isles
And she didn't say Las Malvinas
martin Feb 2013
All through school they were peers
Their friendship lasted for years
They knew that they must
Not give way to lust
For then it would end in tears
Reflecting on the theme of cross-gender friendships.
martin Apr 2013
Their vows they made, he kissed her
He couldn't now resist her
Then later on he said so long
I should have married your sister

She said I love you Billy
And asked for something silly
To prove you love me
There's no one above me
Tattoo my name on your *****

There are plenty of fish in the sea
At least there used to be
But now there are not
We've got to stop
And let them recover you see
martin Jan 2014
We fixed your heart, it's all spare parts
Your liver ugh, we threw away
This one's new, the one we grew
It's going in today

Those wobbly wonky worn-out knees
Let's consign them to the past
With these bionic ones you'll see
You'll run twice as fast

Need new eyes? It's no surprise
We have all you need and more
Take your colour and your size
Down to our new store

Your genome's on our database
There's nothing we can't do
So come on down, no time to waste
It's everlasting life, guaranteed for you
martin Dec 2014
It was a summer morning. The man got up, got ready quite quickly. He pulled the door to, and stepped into the street. It was still early, the sunshine was bright, the street like a wasteland.

A small boy was kicking a football against a low wall. As the man approached, the boy kicked it towards him.  The man returned it, the boy returned it again. The man lifted it with his toe, flicked it ten feet in the air. The boy let it bounce and headed it back.
The man trapped it and left it at the boy's feet as he walked by.

'Where you going?'  asked the boy.
'To see my dad.'
'When was your dad born?'  asked the boy.
'Nineteen twenty four.'
The boy lifted his finger to his mouth.
'Ninety, that makes him ninety.'  said the man.
'Better hurry then.'  said the boy.
The man looked at the boy properly for the first time.
And smiled.
martin Jun 2016
Weary already, weary miles to-night
I walked for bed: and so, to get some ease,
I dogged the flying moon with similes.
And like a wisp she doubled on my sight
In ponds; and caught in tree-tops like a kite;
And in a globe of film all liquorish
Swam full-faced like a silly silver fish; -
Last like a bubble shot the welkin's height
Where my road turned, and got behind me, and sent
My wizened shadow craning round at me,
And jeered, ' So, step the measure, - one, two, three! '
And if I faced her, looked innocent.
But just at parting, halfway down a dell,
She kissed me for good-night. So you'll not tell.
by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
martin Mar 2012
My friends and I are sitting in this bombed out house
Our rifles rest against the wall
No lamp is lit
As daylight fades the little window frames the moon
We smoke, we read, we write a letter home
We don't dwell on horrors past
Nor on what is yet to come

                                                I won't let my guts gush out
                                                Into foreign mud
                                                Nor die in no man's land alone
                                                I want to make it back to you
                                                I want to make it home

We're winning now, they're on the run
Supplies cut off, they're desperate
They've suffered even more than us
But we have to keep the pressure up
One thing I've learned while I've been here
Don't underestimate the ***

                                                     I've been here such a long time now
                                                     Seen so many good men die
                                                     Killed a good few too
                                                     I know that danger still surrounds us
                                                     Even now I might not make it through

I just need to carry on
Hold on to my life
You know that when I make it back to you
Soon we will be man and wife

Inspired by the life of my grandfather, who volunteered to go to France in 1914 with the British Expeditionary Force and survived the entire war. It seems appropriate to re-post this today, on the 100th anniversary of the outbreak. I have posted a sketch on my home page which he drew at the time and was the inspiration for the poem. It is pencil on a post card, now showing its age.
martin Feb 2014
Just as the horizon was at it's brightest yellow
Before the light began to really fade
I stood and watched the daily starling show
Staged it seemed just for me

How privileged I felt to see
Our very own murmuration
Circle, tightly in a group
Morph into a jet fighter
Then a fragile bi-plane
Direction changing overhead
I heard their wings a lovely sound
As they circled round

What perfect choreography
To soar and dive, flip and twist
And as they passed a clump of firs
Some filtered down
Dropping as if poured
Each new pass some more

The last few, five or six
Carried on just as fast
Until they too went down

The show was over for another day
So nice that this happens on our own land. Not a huge one, as can be seen in some places , numbering about 50 birds, but still a thrill to see.
I believe this behaviour has evolved to make it harder for predators such as sparrowhawks to target the birds.
Some spectacular shots can be seen on youtube, type in 'starling murmuration'.
martin Jul 2013
When I can no longer see
And the way is dark
You shine a light ahead for me
And beat for me a path

When I feel I'm sinking
You help me rise above
When I want to hate
You show me how to love

You may be real or perhaps
Just inside my mind
But I feel you watching over me
Almost all the time
martin Feb 2016
There was a girl from Dunoon
With thighs like a barrage balloon
When a man did her wrong
Her grip was so strong
He quickly met his doom


martin Jan 2012
Don't have a baby with this man
If you do, don't let him push the pram.
Don't have to explain do I?  The cruise ship Costa Concordia was 6 miles off course when it capsized.
martin Jan 2014
Seems so long ago, Nancy     (Leonard Cohen)

It seems so long ago, Nancy was alone
Looking at the Late Late Show through a semi-precious stone
In the House of Honesty her father was on trial
In the House of Mystery there was no one at all
There was no one at all

It seems so long ago, none of us were strong
Nancy wore green stockings and she slept with everyone
She never said she'd wait for us although she was alone
I think she fell in love with us in nineteen sixty-one
Nineteen sixty-one

It seems so long ago, Nancy was alone
A forty-five beside her head, an open telephone
We told her she was beautiful
We told her she was free
But none of us would meet her in the House of Mystery
The House of Mystery

And now you look around you
See her everywhere
Many use her body
Many comb her hair
And in the hollow of the night when you are cold and numb
You hear her talking freely then
She's happy that you've come
She's happy that you've come
martin Nov 2011
I love my work, I love my dogs
I love my wife, I love my life
It's not that I don't want to stay
But I'm looking for adventure
So I have to go away.

I'll never say I'm cold again
Not after being here
The stars will  never shine so bright
The air will never seem so clear.

Not many people witness this
It's not a people place
Where the sun stays up all day and night
And the earth meets outer space.

There's not much food down here,
Just krill and fishy treats
No vegetables will ever grow
And you can't go out to eat.

Some say this  place will drive you mad,
Nothing but ice and snow
Others that it gets to you
Like nowhere else they know.

Now I'm ready, soon I go
To the cold round bottom of the globe.

I will be busy, but there may be times
In those quiet moments that I find
To sit and reminisce
About the other cold round bottom that I miss
The one I left behind.
Rob has gone to the British Antarctic Survey base as a mechanic for 15 months. He reports that a white Christmas is looking likely.
martin Jan 2012
If you think we're going to fight
And it's your intention, we just might.
But it's not what I would like to do
That's why I send this note to you.

Your home's a special place to be
Your refuge from the world, your sanctuary
So please don't fret or get upset
Your privacy we will respect.

As we reflect on our situation
We hope that this communication
Will ease the tension in the air
And show we understand and care.

Feel in my words a soothing balm
Let all your thoughts be smooth and calm
Quell those fears, unknit that furrowed brow
I'm sure we will be friends somehow.
martin Dec 2015
I've been sifting through
the scrawls and scribbles
written on some whim

passed by, not followed up
like lights that shine too dim

anyone can write a poem
it seems innate somehow
anyone can write a poem
except for me right now
you just did x
thank you Sonja, guess so :)
martin Jan 2023
What did I do with my glasses?
I had them a minute ago
They’re always disappearing
I don’t know where they go

My eyes don’t focus without them
Now that me youth has gone
One of the things I’ve learned is
You don’t stay young very long

I waste so much time just searching
Can anyone tell me where?
I could be being useful
Or having a kip in the chair

I asked my wife to help me
With a roll of her eyes she said
Try where your hair used to be dear
They’re on the top of your head
martin Jan 2016
We called our maths master *** happy Chappie,  Mr Chapman stank to high heaven like an ash tray and smoked like a chimney even while taking class.

We called the English teacher Jesus because he was young, bearded and wore a white suit. One of the lads flicked ink all down his back one day without him noticing as he walked up and down between the desks.

Another English teacher took it on himself to teach *** education. He advised us not to ******* the night before an exam. He doubled up as a career adviser and told everyone to go into banking or insurance.

The history master liked to nod off in lessons when he was supposed to be teaching us and we had to stay completely silent. If anyone made a noise he would yell at us, and he would sometimes hit us with a tennis shoe with a golf ball jammed in it.  He wrote Stoke City for the cup in chalk mirror writing on the sole so that it would come out on our backsides when he whacked us.

The first headmaster was nice, we liked him, he was human. But then *** took over. He tightened up the rules about school uniform, no coloured shirts, things like that, but wore luminous green socks himself, the silly *******. He gave me the slipper for sciving off an afternoon once, I hated him. I think if I'd had a gun I might have shot him.  Someone said they think he's dead now, and I thought good, I hope he died in agony ha ha.

Then there was Mr Eaton, another English master. He was one of those truly inspiring teachers whose enthusiasm for his subject was infectious.
On the day he introduced us to Chaucer's  'The Prologue '  he gave us the text and proceeded to recite from memory the whole thing.  I never forgot that.  

It was a mixed experience, Grammar School in the 1970's.
Tell us some of your school memories
martin Jan 2013
You always had to me a look exotic
Though none could be more native
Nestled in our landscape here
Since ice melt these ten thousand year

No enemies, or so we thought
Warming, useful, strong yet supple
Ubiquitous, vigorous, unstoppable
What could harm you now?

Windy days you sway and clash
Skeletal click-clack in the canopy
But now it seems the common Ash
Must suffer life's fragility

Against this invading menace
You find you have no defence
The assassin fungus
chalara fraxinea
In the 1970's we lost our elms due to the elm bark beetle coming in on imported wood.
Now we face the prospect of losing our ash trees to this wind blown fungus which came
in on imported ash saplings. Other diseases threaten our native oaks as well as other trees.
Joni Mitchell's lyrics echo in my ears:    They took all the trees, put 'em in a tree museum.
Then they charged the people a dollar and a half just to see them.
martin Jul 2015
The three toed sloth
Rhymes with goth
Or is it oath

Moves slowly

Sometimes algae grows on his head
Joni Mitchell didn't mean him
when she said

Wild things run fast
Randy, three toed sloth,
he'd come last

Once a week he climbs down from his tree
And that's to have a poo
and ***

Now even sloths get amorous
But *** is tricky up a tree
He moves too quick, he's not used to it
And hits the ground involuntarily

Randy broke his arm
Some people fixed it
with titanium

So he can resume his slothful days
But he's more careful now
in his loving ways
sloth sanctuary
Costa Rica
re-work of an earlier post
martin Aug 2012
Did you see that Usain Bolt
The surname sure fits there
Yeah, not bad thinks Dusty dog
But can he catch a hare?

That long jump champ, well done mate
You're better than the rest
But any Ozzie joey
Would hardly be impressed

Those divers, back flips in the water
Splashing two by two
Any dolphin anywhere
Could make you look like fools

So it is with everything
Try as hard  we might
Mind, I've not seen anything
Go quite as quick by bike
If I raise a smile
It's all been well worthwhile
martin Jun 2013
The atom he wanted to split
But didn't quite manage it
So he changed his tack
And instead of that
Wrote a limerick
martin Sep 2012
Jim and Jill on market day
Watch a gret ol' bull hev his way

"Do you look at that now Jim,
Why can't you be more like him?"

"Well," said Jim, "there's a difference now-
He don't stick to the same old cow."
Another adaptation of an old country joke, again inspired by Raj.
martin Nov 2012
The village pump is where she was stationed
Her purpose in life, to glean information
Every morsel of 'news' she'd greedily savour
Though reluctant to empty her head, to fill up her neighbour's

That mucky young *****'s expecting you'll find
I'm certain I know who did it this time
He bought a bike, the crafty young fella
And no good came on it Doris I tell ya

He put one in Fram in the family way
And thas a good fifteen mile away
And if you ask me, he's too fond of his sister
If there's a young'un who's willing round here he'd not miss her

So lock up your daughter do she'll be the next
He'll be snouting round here before long I expect
And look at poor Bob, they say he's frustrated
They reckon his hip bone is half discolated

Same as old ****, see him hick with his stick
All wore up and not sixty as yit
You don't look wholey clever yourself
Doris you really should keep an eye on your health

And Grandma Green has took to her bed
I'll drop by there today, 'cos same as I say
You're a long time dead

Well I should be going, I've said too much already
Cheerio now, and do you goo steady
martin Apr 2015
Barefoot -
Atavistic !
Add yours to the Two word poems collection.
Atavistic loosely means a reverting to a former primitive type, ancestral.
martin Feb 2012
Hello martin, how's the back?
Lie down here, left side, crack!

Relax the shoulders now, don't hunch
On your tummy then, and ... crunch

Breathe out, breathe in, and let it go
Click clack twang, you should feel better so

Turn around, just one more tweek
To keep you going, not perfection's what we seek

Full movement in your neck you lack
I see the problem, one more snap

My eyes they water through my smile
That's me sorted for a while
necessary adjustments
martin Dec 2011
A poem with an awkward rhyme
Is like a bell, with an off-key chime
The craftsmanship has gone all wrong
Like a perfume, with a hint of pong
Of course our poems don't have to rhyme
But I like it better
Do you remember that R.E.M. lyric, " you always listen carefully to awkward rhymes" ?
martin May 2013
There it lay
Down by the kerb
A scrap of paper
Covered in words

A little poem
Thrown away
Without a message
Nothing to say

To write such verse
Is nearly a sin
So I cast it away
This time in a bin
Wait a minute,
Where's that rough was in my pocket...
martin Dec 2012
Comes round every morning
           No days off
           What a star
martin Jun 2012
See the young one's shining face
Freshly joined the human race
Chubby cheeks and wrinkled ***
Flailing arms and little tum

A life of learning lays ahead
But rest for now your weeny head
What this miracle will be, who knows
With his tiny hands and feet and snotty nose

Stop your mewling now be calm
You're coming to no harm
I'll hold you for a little while
Although your shrieks do cause alarm

Why choose now, oh little one
To exercise those fearsome lungs
And then projectile squirt
Green ***** on my nice clean shirt

I'll hand you back, you look much better
In your mother's arms
I feel I am immune alas
To your supposed charms

Quiet now, would I hold?
If you don't mind I will refrain
If I may be so bold

Left with an odour, a downright smell
I must confess
I don't do babies very well

What relief, they've gone away
Give me a dog any day
martin May 2012
No, you can't nest there!
Chatter, swooping, fly around
I must close the doors!
Truly this happened
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