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May 2017 · 383
Of Potentates & Princes
Marshal Gebbie May 2017
Potentates and Princes pawn their pricelessness for fame whilst those who wield true power play for keeps,
Others, in their ignorance, career through constant turmoil, spreading mayhem as the trusting public sleeps.
Such is the pattern of your present brash incumbent, such is the horror of the lucid standing by
With realisation dawning that the game has fast unravelled and blanket supposition that impeachment may apply.
For lies and deception fade to paleness in duplicity of the treachery in dealing with the enemy of old,
And as confidence collapses right across the realm of politics, embarrassment suggests that hard action must unfold.
Sniggers in the Kremlin are a bitter pill to stomach with them laughing up their sleeves at the chaos in this land,
Better that you bite the bit and remedy this problem, remove the fool from office and let Pence now show his hand.

New Zealand
18 May 2017
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2017
In clear dawn’s prescient light I saw
Integrity of man withdraw,
Withdraw from that integral grace
Illuminated in that place.
A clear blue light in silhouette
Of moon and mountain pirouette,
A truthfulness of stark relief
Quite unencumbered by deceit.
Unencumbered by the paws
Of those who bare discordant claws,
They who twist God’s clear blue light
To manifest their grip on might,
Those who would, quite by perchance,
Enlist oblivion’s nuclear dance.

This hanging crescent moon aloft
Above our mountain’s darkened croft,
Delicately etched in vivid glow
Of promised new dawn’s velvet show…..
Dependant now on exchanged themes
Of thermonuclear warfare’s screams.

But then…..
Old soldiers call from War afar
To we who listen, jaw ajar,
To wisdom earnt by good blood spilt
Be of Field Grey or Scottish Kilt…..

“Fight no more this curse of War”
They, from beyond the  grave, implore,
“We sacrificed our youth for thee
So thou might dwell in harmony”

In clear dawn’s prescient light they saw
A slit of sunshine’s open door,
Where sanity, just, could pave the way
For laughter’s peal to save this day.

“Lest We Forget “
25 April 2017
Mar 2017 · 736
That Awesome Way
Marshal Gebbie Mar 2017
Flow in its intricate beauty, in its parabolic slide through an inexact thought,
Niggling here and there as it soars through the rough appendage of reason.
Flagellating the highs and lows of delight and sorrow,
Titivating the realm of ecstasy to thrill the fluttering eyeballs,
Brushing mounds of ragged hurt to bruise the tender, tender sensitivities.
Then soaring, at once skyward, in a quest for knowing,
Scintillating in a spangle of joyous, YES!
To land, exhausted and deliriously happy
In the knowledge that we two,
My mind and I,
Have won ourselves a freedom.

28 March 2017
On the eve of my 72nd birthday
Mar 2017 · 659
Marshal Gebbie Mar 2017
For my mate Ernest W who cared....

Invisible in silky strands, a gossamer of lethal thought,
Drifting through the nether regions, touching on my mind.
Complication’s vagaries encroaching on the circumspect
Magnifying well beyond solutions I can find.

Nervous in the groundswell now, I feel it all inflating,
Inflating to a curtaining beyond my self control,
Waves of peristalsis in a shrill persistant keening,
Locking out the sanity in holding logic’s goal.

Waves of peristalsis in a bath of perspiration
Panic in a rupture at the coccyx of my spine,
Ravenously eating at the fabric of all reason
Ravenously gnawing at this rationale of mine.

***** in a puddle on the floor beside my footwear
Cloying is the stench of the ***** in my drawers,
Lost are the vestiges of any thought of decency
Gone is the differentiation in my flaws.

Clenching of hands in a bind of blue confusion
Catatonic slowness in arresting the decline,
Vaccilating eyeballs are rolling for the camera
And utter desolation is a flavour on my mind.

Why be concerned with the shaming of tomorrow?
Why come to terms with the maunderings of late?
Why face the music of the mirth and derision
When there’s a more practical direction to take?

Glide to the realm of the smooth overflowing
Slide in the slipstream oblivion makes,
Slip the bonds of your sad  mortal tenure’s
Awful array of destructive mistakes.

Glide to the realm of serene independence
Glide far away from the troubled and hard,
Gone to the gossamer web of the ether
Gone to the nether world’s silky facade.

...........: But what's the guts Courageous,
You happy with your deed?
Are your friends all overjoyed
To see your suicide succeed?
Is your family unaffected
By the loss and guilt remorse,
Your sudden grand departure
leaving kids without recourse?

Did you think about the aftermath?
The chaos and the pain
And the long term implications
Of your shattered families' shame?
The guilt within your partners heart,
The kids who are confused
And the ****** dissapointment
Of your mates.. who feel abused?

The mess you left behind you
And the tangled web you wove
And the bruising of good memories
For which, you once,...had strove.
Your painless, quick demise, you thought,
Released you from all this.....
But the sadness in the silent eyes
Condemns you as ....remiss.

In an effort to understand why?
....And explain why not !
9 December 2010
An oldie of mine regurgitated, again, by the necessity to present the full picture to a young associate of mine who is horrifyingly, teetering on the cusp.
Mar 2017 · 400
Tread Mill
Marshal Gebbie Mar 2017
Time has bled in buckets for you, fool
It’s structured as a self- defeating, self- depleting, tool…
But you know down deep inside, within your cone,
You're born awailing loud…then croak alone.
So plunder each very day as ego burns
Don’t labour reasons why, the poor returns?
Best laugh aloud at what your face perceives
To weep if disappointment, then deceives.
Dance like one possessed when touched with joy
Or die a million deaths, should love destroy.
Sink or swim, stagger to the end
To never once believe…you comprehend.

City Edge Alliance
8 March 2017
Mar 2017 · 810
Marshal Gebbie Mar 2017
Anticipation hovers in the gentle light of dawn
With birdsong chorused to night
Where satin striates to prismatic effect
Radiating gold sunbeams alight.
A mirrored reflection from lake front to reed
Through tumbled refraction to trees
And cattle in pasture are lowing with joy
As green clover extends to the knees.
Autumn erupts with her jubilant song
And the colours turn russet and gold
As she flings her skirt with seductive allure
Letting feeling, now reeling, take hold.
Alive and wondrous, skip we two lovers,
In laneways of tangerine leaves
And the magic of moment overflows in a foment
Of happiness flung to the breeze.

Glorious moments of Autumn in the downs of Taranaki, New Zealand.
2 March 2017
Feb 2017 · 804
Diss for one, Deserved.
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2017
Balanced at this point of time,
Fractious as the case may be
Cautioned as to why we men
Most unctiously, cross women flee.

Brought to heel by subtle stare
Insinuation lingering there,
Caught out short by razored phrase
Abruptly severing…outrage,
Castigated without word
Rendering rebuff absurd.

Yet born to kiss and stroke the brow
But ultimately lost, somehow,
That give and take,(with **** smile)
Demolished slow in time’s worn guile,
Angelic then, in evening light
Extinguished now with tension tight.
Standoff in the cold of dawn
Sees all affection now withdrawn.

Balanced at this point in time
An utter need to kick the dog
Retreat to haven’s dark tool shed
To mutter hurt and swallow grog.

Composed, (with tongue in cheek), for a poor weak ****** who quickly saw his Heaven on Earth become Hell.
23 February 2017
Feb 2017 · 631
Shedding the Limits
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2017
Orthodox we, imprisoned in colours
Locked in hues of fear within,
Withering limits of spirit’s extension
Embattlements “will we or won’t we” the sin ?

Channelled in avenue's solid damnation
Skirting the sensitive’s damning intrigue
Entrenched in a mire of social containment
Ruled by customry, locked in fatigue.

God! To be free of this ****** limitation!
God!  we all yearn to emerge from the dark!
Shedding our cloaks of intolerable burden....
To sing the unquenchable song of the lark.

20 February 2016
Feb 2017 · 716
Awakening to Clarity
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2017
Simple how the clouds collapse
When tangents merge with metaphors,
How tracks of reason tread the path
Then pass through open doors.
When threads of inspiration sing
As blackbirds in the dew of dawn,
Where crystal light of opulence
Then innocence and fun..…is borne.
A purity of  purpose, suffused in simplicity,
Swaddled and encapsulated, worn with a smile.
Embracing the instant of beautiful freedom
To breathe this sweet air of loveliness, awhile.

The hallowed green of a Taranaki dawn @ Foxglove
9th February 2017
Feb 2017 · 535
After the Week.....
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2017
Like lichen does the tension hang festooning from the very air
From coast to coast the tightness felt on every face, one does surmise,
That arguments erupting now between those best of friends who swear…..
That it’s no longer safe to air opinions felt, that cause the very bile to rise?
Show unease that now the ship’s adrift, unease that moderation’s fled?
Complain that he commands the wheel, quite rudderless atop a wild and thrashing sea,
Careening like a bull in a China shop he plays, un-fettled now and bled….
Whilst ugly souls hold all the cards determining that he says now, what shall be, shall be.
Pandering to every whim the media gyrate and squirm and smiling in that feral way, lap up his every word,
Dissecting every utterance, every nuance now imposed…and re-imposed to fit the scene.
Broadcast to the world as fact, a cataract of fact intact to be discerned as something quite absurd.
Blonde, braying, barging through, oblivious that we, meek and mellow, pushed aside…now find it all obscene.

1 February 2017
Trump must go.
Marshal Gebbie Jan 2017
Ye, Oh ye my little ones who patter forth on silent feet
Ye who whisper secretly with downcast eyes, perchance we meet,
Thee who failed, in droves, to vote yet mouthed foul words at what transpired
Across this nation wallowing, wringing hands, feel defiled,
Pray glance now at thy countenance shadowed deep in mirror’s face,
Scan thee there integrity?…. or see thy image thinly graced?
Shoulder thee this burden’s share now burning in thy conscience flame?
….or disdainfully dismiss, absolving thee from
vivid eyes of blame?
Hark the herald Angels sing
so witness thee, thy forsakening.

The White House, Hamilton NZ
23 January 2017
Jan 2017 · 380
Stand up America!
Marshal Gebbie Jan 2017
Corridors of ruthlessness careen across the landscape
Bludgeoning the thoughtless and the thankful intertwined,
Revelling in mindlessness regardless of the politics
Regardless of reaction or relationships defined.
Trammelling the consequence, the flavour and the hue
Stamping on the daisies in this field of brilliant green,
Donning now apparel of a cloak of red indifference
Caring not for criticism or if, indeed, it's seen.
Badgering so bluntly in a curdled tone intolerant
And crudely interrupting all who voice a word of blame,
God that we should dwell in the shadow of this monster
Bulldozed to submission in a rendered pall of shame.

Stand up America!
19 January 2017
Dec 2016 · 513
A Curse on Chaos
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2016
Order bent by writhing mind, twisted chaos running blind.
Dispatched orders sent by they, manipulants who on us prey.
Calculating coldly spent on that which God could not relent,
Death, that trifling matter ****** when simple life surmounts the cusp.
Feeling-less to those who dwell within this edge of seething Hell.
Impassionate and cold of eye until that hour when they must die
Then fast, humanity breaks forth…"Too late, too late", the Gods retort!
Die badly now I thee commit…incinerate in Satan’s pit!

21 December 2016

*A curse I now cast at all disciples of chaos, at all peddlers of death and misery, at all the tyrants of the world who have never tasted or seek to have sought, the milk of human kindness.
Dec 2016 · 855
What a year that was!
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2016
Sarah and Solomon married at Foxglove in verdant Taranaki…a magical time for everybody at that beautiful, beautiful occasion.

Dear old Grandpa Verne Bell passed from this mortal coil and went on to the next with his typical strong eyed fortitude and open curiosity.

Major earthquake shatters the top of the South island and is felt with trepidation from one end of the country to the other.

Trump hauls votes from the impossible and manufactures an improbable US Presidency…. Much to the embarrassment, alarm and discomfort of the majority of the thinking American population.

Oceans continue to rise and atmospheric temperatures climb…..and nobody really cares enough to try to do anything much about it.

Russia and China flex their military muscle and snub their sabre rattling noses at the West.

Interest rates and the price of gas started to escalate upward again.

Friends and relatives have been rocked by ill health, hardship and misfortune.

Key calls “Enough” and passes the Prime Ministerial gauntlet to a (thankfully), very capable Bill English.

Janet and Marshal both reach out and find new jobs, fresh horizons & new avenues to explore.

Syria slides into chaos and anarchy with absolutely no regard for it’s ordinary, civilian population languishing in the dreadful ruins of East Aleppo.

The Hectors dolphin numbers dwindle to 87 living animals, surviving  globally.

But….We, friends, live in a peaceful oasis…forgotten at the very end of the earth.

We live in a land of plenty and opportunity, a land of rare green beauty where individuality is prized and freedom valued.

May we pause for a moment this Christmas…and appreciate just how ****** fortunate we all actually are?


Hamilton, New Zealand
20 December 2016
Dec 2016 · 899
Aleppo Algorithm
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2016
Spinning in its apogee this world has lost its rhyme
It’s denizens deflecting and defacing precious time,
Sidestepping crucial issues and responsibilities
While elected fools to office flaunt abused integrities,
It’s all integral to disorder running rampant in the street
Where shades of retribution lead to fear of those we meet.
Where production slows to stoppage causing systems now to fail
And the single voice of sanity is the fool who yells "Curtail" !!

Gone to Hell the Good Old Days, gone the repartee
Lost communication in this world of misery.
Aleppo lies in ruins, unconscionably true
And blame imparts it’s levity on all including you,
The sin of ******* conscience where we turn the other cheek
Where ignorance is innocence as kids die in the street.

Blame Syria and Moscow, Blame Isis and the Yanks,
Blame everyone who turns the other cheek …to mutter quietly, “no thanks”
Blame ignorance, intolerance, the hate and Jealousy,
Blame God for his indifference and mediocrity.
Aleppo lies in ruins and the world just doesn’t care
For as Christmas joy approaches, we switch our focus there.

Isis is the apogee, the focus and the fulcrum
Isis is the dark abyss that treads the path to Hell
A Caliphate catastrophe inherent in equation
A tipping point reaction as respondents toll the bell.
Where East and West throw shards of death to strut the stage of destiny,
Where man tip-toes the edge of an apocalyptic end,
The rest of us stroll corridors of detached halls of apathy
Intent upon a peaceful life where violence rarely rends.

Aleppo lies in ruins in a patina of concrete dust
Children die obscenely in the rubble of the street
Obsession paints the hatred bright, on faces of the warriors,
Oblivious to the carnage they cast at Allah’s feet.

Aleppo lies in ruins, unconscionably true
And blame imparts it’s levity on all….including you!

Hamilton NZ
9 December 2016
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2016
The most beautiful of brides, I remember the warmth of her happy smile, the excitement in her dancing eyes
When she married my brother, way back then. I recall the radiance, the infectious happiness of that wonderful day.
The pride, worn like a flag, on my brothers laughing, rugged face as he played, with wild passion, “The Golden Wedding” on the drums
as a  tribute to her at the reception on that special, special day.

The immense sense of family she generated through the years…in the good times and the bad.
The way she held it all together, raising the kids to have good solid values and an appreciation of being.
She taught them the goals of love and loyalty, she inured them with the knowledge that life was there to grasp
And that the capacity to have a good laugh at yourself was the key to happiness in every single day.

She weathered the storms of life, braving the trials of hardship and loss….but always holding family and friends to the tenant of her faith
….. that all would be well in the end.

She worked tirelessly all her life and when, in her final years, with her little body bent and arthritic, she revelled in the joy of reciprocated love from those nearest and dearest to her.

I recall, last year, the utter agony of a mother on her tear lined face, when she last stroked the cheek of her tragically, departed son, Darren.
The bravery, the incredible warmth, the strength in her heart and her tiny frame, when she circulated the crowd consoling others on that sad, saddest of days.

Now she is gone…..leaving a vacuum, impossible to fill. Leaving grieving husband, daughters, relatives and friends lamenting the departure of an incredibly special person.
Leaving us all with the memory of her quality, her goodness….and her ever shining eyes, the very key to her beautiful, glittering, Catholic soul.

Judy in the Sky with Diamonds,
Judy in the Sky with Diamonds,

Tara­naki, New Zealand.
On the day of the funeral she reached out and touched my nose...and with the warmest of eyes she said to me..."I know you."
I only wish now.....that I had known her better.
Sep 2016 · 418
Thee, atop the Abyss Edge
Marshal Gebbie Sep 2016
Perched atop thine cliff’s black chasm
Abyss yawns to freedom’s skies,
Toying with this fool selection
Kissing pride’s compounding lies.

Projecting to a dire future
Twelve months hence to sample view
Chaos in thy vacuum’s spectrum
Options cost…too late to rue.

Think now of thy pride of nation
Hark back to thine battles fought
Annihilate with wrong selection
Causing reputation’s rort.

Tear thy flag with greed and malice
Hear the world jeer at thy fall,
Elect this fool to be thy King
And witness , burnt to ashes...all.

Elect Trump...and you reap what you sow!
Sep 2016 · 833
Marshal Gebbie Sep 2016
A moment in the multitude
In that instant gem of time
When something immensely precious shone
An exquisite blue light
When then, you and I waltzed to the music as one
And sweet time stood still.

RIP Flute
Sep 2016 · 406
In Parting of the Ways
Marshal Gebbie Sep 2016
Time comes, time goes, eternally this West wind blows

Friendships made and lost to time refracting now in yours and mine,

Habits of this dulcet day rehearsed through time then blown away

To re-emerge in pastures new where recollections loiter through,

Recollection's pleasure freed when friendships warmly intercede.


Goodbye Auckland, hello Waikato.

8 September 2016
Last day @ the Waterview Tunnel project tomorrow, lots of good friends vanished into the ether, as is the way in construction.
New day dawns on Monday in a fresh project, another challenge.
as always...a bitter/sweet time.
Sep 2016 · 452
Marshal Gebbie Sep 2016
The busy checkpoint at the entrance to Gate 21, the CY06 construction site in the north sector @ Waterview, is manned by a particularly nice bloke.

He, with his customary good nature, directs incoming traffic to its intended destination, controls access to far flung satellite work stations,

ensures, with deft manipulation, that pedestrian workers survive the incessant vehicular traffic constantly moving in and out of the site.

He knows what is going where and probably more to the point; he knows what is not going where it shouldn’t.

Errant intruders and jaywalkers are deflected efficiently and politely.

Seemingly catastrophic situations are dispersed harmlessly and with effortless panache.

Nobody here is offended…and the system flows like silk.

John@ the Gate is an under rated, key man in the organisation.

A small cog in this very big wheel who has quietly made himself, over time, indispensable…and indeed, a legend.

When, soon, the dust has settled, and the Captains and the Kings have departed… when the heavy plant noise has abated….

And when the traffic is flowing like a ribbon through the new tunnels and streaming smoothly over the majestic high flyovers…

The Spirit of John@theGate shall remain hovering in this place,

suspended vividly, in the memories of 1000 construction workers who have valued his contribution to the cause...

And have marveled at his, ever present, amazing, good grace.


Project Plant Co-ordinator

Wellconnected Alliance


1 September 2016
Aug 2016 · 419
That Hard Ascencion ....
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2016
Complex is the road to the apex in a man
Determined in those formative, young years,
Where infantile and adolescent socializing skills
Develop mind sets that aren't resolved by tears.
For in overcoming challenge with objective rationale,
In perusing detachment’s crucial eye,
In acceptance of a criticisms biting, sharp array
An admission builds perception to the sky.

A common demarcation twixt the realm of work and play
Renders blurring satisfaction with one’s lot,
When we love the things we do, satisfaction shall accrue
While convergent thinking blends the skills we’ve got.
Passionate objectivity played with energetic calm
Holds the secret to the quest to make it fun
With devotion’s steady hand in a thought provoking man
Progress harnesses misjudgement’s smoking gun.

The skill to listen to the crowd without rebuttal yelled aloud
But have the ability to firmly have your say,
Means naivety’s restraint deflects acceptance’s constraint
Assuring separation’s wheat from chaff, shall pay.
Be humble, Sir, and proud as you broach your game, aloud
Taking pride in the achievements that you yearn,
Let emotion’s heady swell temper what you do so well
Yet dwell within that place, wherein you know, you learn.

Complex are constraints found retaining hard complaint
But intelligence shall always take firm hold,
Where beauty in this beast is the judgement factored least
For endeavour rules the best beget the bold.*

10 August 2016.
Aug 2016 · 668
An Ultimatum
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2016
Dazzled by the morning sun clawing to the sky
Refracting to a million shards in opalescent eye,
Conscious of the brilliant way a soul reacts to light
Expounding in a genuflections inspirational flight.

Incredible the freshness of the dew on morning grass
Where green-ness saturates and then explodes like shattered glass,
Where the prism’s glow contracts within as image caste implodes
And the dawn comes up like thunder midst the blood red walls of Rhodes.

To feel the plight of Shakespeare, knowing words were not enough
Immersed amid the etching paint in Van Gogh’s manic tuft?
Meandering through vagaries of Einstein’s theorem’s pall
Is to rue at ****** humanity’s impending future fall.

Terror in the realisation mercy clearly can’t
When the blade cuts through the jugular to Allah Akbah’s chant,
Terror in the milliseconds sensed before the fall
Of the incandescent smart-bomb plummeting from high drone’s call.

What now the plight of splendour in the face of this demise,
Confronted by delusions failure now to realise?
In the dawning revelation brightly etched into the sky
Screaming urgent proclamation, re-evaluate or die!*

Auckland N.Z.
Sunday August 7 2016
You think this is overstating the situation worldwide?…..
Consider the following:
****** & mayhem in Mogadishu. Mass political imprisonment in Turkey. Government sanctioned death squads in the Phillipines., Terrorist attacks on innocents in France, Germany, Belgium. Trump’s possible Presidency & his followers mob rule. Daily drone bombardment in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. Continuous terrorist warfare & atrocities including ritual beheadings by Isis worldwide. China’s forced occupation of strategic islands in the South China Sea. Russia’s invasion of Crimea and the Ukraine. Chaos in Britain with Brexit. Impending collapse of European Common Market with financial default by Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal. Impoverished North Korea and it’s favourite, nuclear weapon infatuated son. Weekly TV reports of mass shootings of innocent citizens within the United States of America ….and I could regretfully, go on and on and on.
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2016
Frank's words resonated on these pages for all too brief a time.
Wise truths were coined in his acid, matter of fact way, wise council to errant minds and loose whims.
Frank could always be relied upon to cut through the horseshit, level the playing field and deliver the punchline with gravity.
He became disillusioned with the feedback, felt he was on a hiding to no where...he just vanished one day.
Really sad, I miss Frank. I miss his quality, clear candour and I miss most of all...his CLASS.
And Frank....I apologise unreservedly for pulling your chain in our last silly testy exchange.
If you are out there Frank - Why don't you slip quietly back into the HP picture?
You'll make a lot of really good people happy....Hell! you'll make me
VERY happy pal!

Cheers M.
Jul 2016 · 733
Bridges Burnt....
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2016
Bridges burnt in Winter rain
Holds a saddened felt refrain,
Holds a touch of muted horn
Blown in passion unadorned.
Blown away in errant winds
Where no truthlessness rescinds,
Where a lie begat the night
Interceding lost love's plight.

Bridges burnt in Winter rain
Sacraments of loss remain,
Sacraments fragmented drift
Redemption clad in bloodied shift,
Redemption worn as wrong slays right
Till wrongfulness blots out the night,
Till no return this path can be
Until they torch eternity.*
SE Reimer's words float before me in his impassioned poem "Bridges"
allowing me to wallow in this, my own dark tangential refrain.
Jul 2016 · 458
Requiem for the Abused
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2016
Gone the expectations , purged,
Lost to preconceptions, urged,
Vanquished in this ravaged child
Outrageously un-reconciled.
Vaporous, respects' best friend, love,
Just dissipates as mist above.
Inspired as a reaction to Brent Kincaids' sad poem "Your Lost Child"
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2016
Biden come and goeth now , quickly doth he run
Whilst wielding compulsions deadly smoking gun,
Coercing this allies need to restate
Defiance to China’s political take
Of tactical ****** in the South China Sea
And belligerence spat…. when we all disagree.

Like meat in the sandwich we twitch and we squirm
When thrown on the spot like an early bird’s worm,
Risking primary markets of pine tree and milk
Midst Asia’s burgeoning tourism’s ilk?
Kiwifruit’s sales meeting China’s demand….
Risk all this ….for America’s leveraged command?

Do we sit on the fence in a balancing act?
Or throw caution to wind, redress or retract?
Do we hang like the Swiss in neutralities’ air
Attracting contempt…. as both parties stare?
With superpower leverage approaching white heat
The decision demands that we’re quick on our feet!

A questionable pleasure to dwell in this spot
When the wrong moves consequence, clearly has got,
Too disastrous an outcome for Kiwis to call
Should China’s great markets vanish and fall?
Or the Western Big Brother’s umbrella withdraw
Leaving us, militarily, adrift once more?

Strong armed tactics, they both brandish here,
The quandary posed is starkly clear….
Shall we tip toe through the tulips, soft,
Or tell them all to.... GO GET LOST?*

23 July 2016
Auckland N.Z.
Jul 2016 · 724
A Sordid, Secrets Worth
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2016
Blame placed be seen worthwhile
Dearth of substance, forthright style.
A lightness of touch with sledge hammer grace
Paradoxically, artful, smiling face….
Anxiously generous yet whimsically mean
Frailness-ness sought ….now secretly seen,
Quandary thrown to Iraq's lost trust
Now loudly scowls with Mozart’s bust.

For be he rich or be he poor
This secret’s worth is out the door
For they, from whom this thing be kept,
Conveniently from this room…be swept.
Swallowed realizations dawn
This man, revealed, is but a pawn
A fragile lace at ******’s groin
Torn away….to be purloined,
Acute Embarrassment’s hot blush
Now camouflaged in angers flush.*

Pukehana Paradise
11 July 2016
Writhing within the Blair camp @ the Chilcott Report
showing, undeniably, Britains slavish following of  G.W.Bush's illegal and unwarranted
Invasion of Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
Jun 2016 · 389
What goes to Heaven First?
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2016
The nun teaching Sunday School was speaking to her class one morning and she asked the question,  - 'When you die and go to Heaven... which part of your body goes first?

Suzy raised her hand and said,  - 'I think it's your hands.'

-  'Why do you think it's your hands, Suzy?'

Suzy replied, -  'Because when you pray, you hold your hands together in front of you and God just takes your hands first.
-  'What a wonderful answer!'  the nun said.
Little Johnny raised his hand and said -  'Sister, I think it's your feet.

The nun looked at him with the strangest look on her face. -

   'Now Johnny, why do you think it would be your feet?'

Little Johnny said,  - 'Well, I walked into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom the other night.
Mommy had her legs straight up in the air and she was saying,
'Oh God, I'm coming'.    
I gotta tell you, if Dad hadn't pinned her down, we'd have lost her. '  

The Nun fainted...!!! .
Just had to share this delightful ditty with you all!
Cheers M
Jun 2016 · 544
An Insanity!
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2016
Insanity watched by these eyes far away
Sees the tail wag the dog in a deathly, cruel way,
Sees the Gun Lobby wield such a formidable grip
Holding Nation to ransom and shoot from the hip,
Forcing public opinion to heel and rescind
Any right to renege on the madness infringed…
Orlando, Kileen Sandy Hook and Fort Hood
Killing randomly, callously….not understood!
Little children, students, shoppers and cops
Loud bark of the rimfire till emptied and stops!
A terrible silence, warm stench of the blood
Cold terror emanates out and above…
Madness accelerates, reaching a SCREAM….
While political acolytes adjust…to be seen.

Auckland and the world watching a civilization burn.
13 June 2016
Jun 2016 · 895
The Theft
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2016
But wouldst thou child, defy thee time,
Wouldst thou cheat this man his way?
Wouldst thou rob his moments' flame
To purge thy loss... to dim his day?
Wouldst thou seek to wrong his right
To pacify the hurt you feel..
indemnify the magic spun
Within his message... you now steal?
16 June 2016
A diversion from yet another of Polars' poems..."Carpe Diem"
Jun 2016 · 849
A Polar Renaissance
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2016
Though I age with bodys' warp
Malfeasance in its' ancient walk,
Yeah, though I sag to feel those pains
A spark within this conciousness remains...
Within a fizzing psych, enthrals...
Where birth and death's transition calls...
As I exult with joyous shout
Now having gleaned what it's about...
This BEING...with its' lemon tang
This the blackbird sang

Beneath a magic sky of blue
My incandescence glows for you.
16 June 2016

(For darling Janet)
A magnificent moment of renaissance
as this old man read the gentle words of Polar's
May 2016 · 502
Marshal Gebbie May 2016
There’s a strange cold, appraisal with a straight and steady stare
Which leads a man to wonder, exactly what is happening there,
Leads a man to ponder if it’s even now worthwhile
To persevere with contact with the rudeness and the guile?
It all leaves me apprehensive whilst examining askance
This peculiar reaction to my pleasant, frank advance?

What’s the ****** story here, right up and down the Coast,
Where initial stiff behaviour paints appallingly, the host?
Perhaps there’s cold distain for all the people of the North
Or inadequacy’s pink finger wagging guilty, back and forth?
Perhaps the ****** weather with its constant moody pall
Has afflicted them with gloominess, which could explain it all?

Geographic separation…that’s the answer, I suspect
With the hand of subjugation interfering, if correct?
And the constant ****** hardship and disaster at the mines
With suspicion they’ve been cast adrift to weather their hard times?
And the lack of any sympathy to coalesce at best
In a resultant indifference, now directed at the rest.

There’s a funny turn of fortune here for after a short while
Indifference turns quite pleasantly towards a welcome smile,
Communication warms to a chortelled stream of fun
And the beaming face indicates an acceptance has begun.
Just as soon as you acquiesce to a personable degree
And identify yourself as being one with them, you see….
The Coasters will embrace you with uncommon earthy grace,
And it’s Identified so easily, by the grin upon your face.

Wild West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand.
11 May 2016
West Coasters of New Zealand live on a brutally narrow but beautiful coastal strip between the abruptly vertical rise of the Southern Alps and the crashing, unforgiving surf of the cold Southern Ocean.
Times have been tough for the Coasters with multiple mine disasters and joblessness with the collapse of the price of coal. They are though,
without any doubt, the most resilient of people who I quickly learned to love with a passion.
Marshal Gebbie May 2016
Hint of green in amber rushing
Cold as ice in beauteous way,
Black beech towers overhead
Alpine zephyrs catch to sway.
Hint of green in boulder rapid
Morning sunshine gleans the tint
Wading forth to dangerous water
Pumping pulse in eyes that glint.

Hauling up and out with effort
Straining arms, staggered gait
Wading forth to sandy beach
With hidden prize that cannot wait.
Boulder in her amber shroud
Masking flash of emerald sheen
Pounamu in the Maori tongue
Glorious jade in turquoise green.

Treasure of high hidden mountains
Locked within exquisite glade
Birdcalls ring through wooded canyons
Reeling realisation made.
Photographs the proof of moment
Tremulous while masking pain
I caste far out this gem of Jacob
Splashing, gone, to torrent’s gain.

Tremulous I stand in wonder
Wondrous of this perfect place
I, who touched the smile of God
Now wear a happy, laughing face.*
In the glorious wild river glades above Jackson Bay in the Mount Aspiring National Park, New Zealand.
May 2016 · 594
An Overriding Incontinence
Marshal Gebbie May 2016
Friend I beseech you now…. nothing lasts forever
You deal a hand and play the cards to hold your pile together,
Win a few or lose a few we’re all players in this game
But mark my words the outcome’s won by fear… and not the fame.
Just make the most of what you’ve got regardless of the mix,
Let fear of failure motivate your liberating fix…
So spin the dice boy, play the game, you’ll either win or lose
But with fear the overriding force, I know which way I’d choose.

Good Luck!

Foxglove farm
6 May 2016
May 2016 · 299
The Pledge
Marshal Gebbie May 2016
So hard for me to try to be
The man I should, if only could
I pledge my hand to understand
That what I say is how I play
And what I do reflects in you
The truth, my friend, until the end
Shall be, eternally, shall be.

May 1 2016
Apr 2016 · 455
April to May
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2016
April** sheds tears for her time now is over
Departing in flourishes golden and red
Cascading leaves in a curtain of windfall
Settling now to a bright windblown bed.
Gone is the tarnish of summer’s oppressiveness
Gone the abundance of flourishing grass
Enter occurrence of snowflakes in treetops
Puddles of blue ice harder than glass.
Wither thou goest are chill maidens dancing
Wither thou venture there’s fog to the breath,
High geese are flying in formation arrows
Butterflys, faded, departing to death.

May now upon us with icy cold zephyrs
Cloud, nimbo-cumulous stacked up on high
Thunder intrudes with drum roll of Winter
Whilst fork lightning flashes across the cold sky.
Warm scarves and beanies are worn with knee-boots
Firesides crackle in glowing, hot hearths
Starlings in thousands, now settled to roosting,
Shall flock as the morning migration departs.
April relents with the tip toe of gentleness
Satisfied, smiling, her role is replete,
May muscles forth with rambunctious-ness bristling
Impatient to hasten sweet Autumn’s retreat.

Joyous, to be strolling in a country lane, in the swirling leaves of Autumn.
30 April 2016
Apr 2016 · 497
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2016
Benedictus my brothers for plummet you shall
As the Gods and the Demons collude in Hell,
Collude as to leadership choices betrayed
In the Land of the Free and portrayed as the Brave,
By the fat guy who rambles bombastic hot air
To the prance of disciples who worship his hair,
To the tune of collapse in spectacular way
An implosion of promise, (as that of doomsday).

Republicans howl to the moon, to the moon
For tomorrow is now in the claws of a lune.

Aghast from afar.
28 April 2016
Apr 2016 · 579
Evening in Marrakesh
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2016
Ancient are the wrinkled lines embedded deeply on the face
As ancient as the sands of time adrift across the shadowed dunes,
As ancient as a deep abyss which spirals sand to windblown grace
A hidden place of time eternals' grace where texture looms.

Those looms of fibre, richly hued, in textures from forgotten time
Where hawkers clad in dusty robes in alleys shrilly called their trade
Of fabrics woven, coarse and tight, in sepia’s arresting rhyme,
To angled shards of golden light spearing evening’s satin shade.

As lantern light of haloed glow throws comfort small to dying day,
While nearby camels amble by, aloof to all but masters call,
Now chewing cuds of nonchalance, oblivious, which is their way,
Shadows grow to velvet night where diamond starlight distils all.

Ancient are the wrinkled lines embed deeply on this face
Of time eternal’s passage here imbued with passing ageless grace.

17 April 2016
Apr 2016 · 403
Sufferings of an Opulent
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2016
Portraiture of previous lives lie beneath my feet
And forward spans a future that I know must stay discreet
For I’ve learnt through harsh experience to take care for what I quest
That *** of gold at rainbows end I’ve found…a mixed bequest.
As mythical to contemplate as money grown on trees
In truth the carnage gaining it has near brought me to my knees.
Millions brought security, offshore banking locked within
But also brought suspicion born relationships, now languishing.
The billions are a burden and a loneliness is born
For new friendships are hollow and old ones now forlorn,
The parasites surrounding you, all bicker to compete
And empathy flows out the door where values are replete.
Vicissitudes grow day by day, it’s harder to relate
As underlings smile woodenly knowing deep within, they hate.
A disconnect is now complete the burdened weight too much
But worse befalls regression, just impossible to touch.
For what is now, is meant to be… from here I wear the Crown
And woe betides that snivelling sod who tries to take me down.

16 April 2016
Auckland city
Imaginings of what befalls...the other side?
Apr 2016 · 722
Windwitch of the Deep
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2016
You are the breeze, the gale
You're the forces I inhale
The spume, the flying spume
From the flank of mighty whale,
You're the roar of pounding surf
On a mile of empty sand
And the hand that guides the albatross
From deep abyss to land.
You are the scent of sodium
In the still of ocean dawn
And the feather of the white seagull
Discarded on my lawn.
You bring a tear of sanctity
When I'm alone on stormy cliff
Through a thousand notes of harmony
In your howling seaward riff.*

Inspired by Nagi's haunting poem "Casting Shadows"
Apr 2016 · 427
Credit to the Crucified Cop
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2016
For Mark C. who kept the pride.*

What we've been is seldom seen
Through circumspection's view,
More's the like the broad's a ****
Before we seek anew.
Tunnel vision's sought derision's
Always hard to take,
Providing you too, seek anew
To give this guy a break!
For to dwell in negativity
On confrontation's rim,
May well court condemnation
From both noble and the grim.
So bite the grit n' cut the ****
And climb aboard, my friend
For one and all respect this call's
Rough justice in the end.
Development of a verse in support of Mark Cleavenger's poem "Wasn't Always a Cop"
Mar 2016 · 767
The Unravelling
Marshal Gebbie Mar 2016
Home – This warm familiar place
An ****** of every day to me
Where cooking smells and laughter dwell
The cat curled up on grey settee.
Noisy kids run in the hall
Sun beams hang in shafts of light
But dust motes in suspended drift
Reflect that something isn’t right.

Agitation twists her thought
He said he would…but didn’t then
Which led to heated, wounding words
That killed the mood and distanced them.
Home, where no one lies and cheats,
No one says those hurtful things
Unravelling the textured trust
Dispersing peaceful tranquilings.

No one storms into the night
With slamming doors and loud abuse,
Wracking sobs at kitchen sink
Unravelling to no good use.
Fearful, wide eyed, silent kids
Crept away to sanctuary
To furthest bedroom down the hall
Where silence helped the peace to be.

Home – that warm familiar place
That ****** of everything to me,
Where once, that ghost of happiness
Would dissipate from us to flee.

Evocative issue which destroys more homes than imagined.
Domestic violence a manifestation where trust is betrayed by the very people we are closest to. Where primarily, women and children suffer
the trauma of physical and mental abuse. Something which is never forgotten, never fully recovered from.
Sadly, my earliest memorys are reflected here.
Mar 2016 · 463
The Pact
Marshal Gebbie Mar 2016
Hovering in the shadow of an undisputed retinue
Loitering intentfully despite our dearth of luck,
Pursuant of dreams now diluted by reality
So diffused amidst corruption that we just don’t give a ****.

What could have been, but wasn’t, in a wash of crude contrition
Being torn between addressing all or chucking it to hell,
I ask you where, in lifetime, was compromise an issue
Particularly if confronted by the tolling of truths’ bell?

Perhaps we should or shouldn’t in the light of an admission
Confessionals so painful in the starkness of the day,
And cowardice worn covertly is not our choice of garnish
So darling heart, this suicide’s the penalty we pay.

5 March 2016
Auckland NZ
Creative writing only here no intent implied
Feb 2016 · 447
Old Friend in Anguish
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2016
For Woz

Flavoured on this moody day
Though the sunshine’s fled away
Heat bound here in tepid chair
Choking back a black despair.
Old friend mired in cancers’ grip
Metastasising deep in hip,
Anguished waves of constant pain
Obliterating light again.
Takes a time to climb to bed
Where ghosts and goblins curl with dread.
Takes a while to coax his smile
But humour loiters there awhile.
Offerings hot cup of tea
A small relief which sets him free,
Leans against for helping arm
Rewarding glance of subdued charm.

Wending home dark, windswept street
Puddeled sad tears wet my feet.

15 February 2016
Feb 2016 · 428
Thin Skinned
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2016
Thought you had a thicker hide my succulent, enticing friend
Thought you may have grit your teeth to bring this to a sweeter end,
It’s just the way you frame your words, so eloquent and mystical
Plus sanity’s touch heavy hand in what was writ, logistical?
One would have thought a bigger girth, broader shoulders, squarer chin
Than to resort to hot retort of pressing BLOCK…thus cancelling?
Disappointing how it ran, how it voided all before
When, then, you might have easily... avoided showing me the door?
Still, I guess, what’s done is done. We both shall live another day
Where, hopefully, the sun shall shine allowing us both, out to play?

13 February 2016
Feb 2016 · 992
The Fear
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2016
Americans live with fear.

Fear of being found out for what they are….an incredibly insecure people populating the most powerful nation on earth.

The power of Wall St. feeds their fear in the belief that the nation’s leaders and political machine have been bought and sold by big money.
In fact the only candidates registering positively in the current Primary elections are those who feed the fear. Trump feeds the fear every time he opens his big mouth.
Hillary engenders fear because she is a WOMAN who can, most probably, win the votes which will give her the Presidency in November next.

Americans fear the resurgence of Asia in China’s burgeoning thermonuclear militarist stance, the utter unpredictability of the simmering, India, Pakistan standoff
And the instability of the plump, demonic, demagogue armed with the atomic weaponry in the bleak wasteland that is North Korea.

Islam’s mobilisation scares Americans witless. The savagery of the Isis personifies all that is promised by an expanding worldwide Islamic threat.

And then there is Putin's Russia.

The encapsulation of American fear though, is painted graphically, starkly, by the nation’s absurd fascination, obsession, with the hand gun.
Everyone has a hand gun, in the car, in the office, in the mall, in the bedroom…..some even strap a hand gun on the hip to go to church.

Americans, first and foremost, fear each other.

Fear of the fear exacerbated by more fear.
Americans live with fear.

Auckland NZ
13 February 2016
Feb 2016 · 622
Political Circus
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2016
I don’t give a **** who runs the world
Just so long as they keep their anonymous women out of the picture
And don’t knowingly, crash cymbals on Sundays.

Whilst I’m ominously left of centre and kinda’ right of everywhere else,
I can’t help but watch the political circus perform.
Polititians everywhere, particularly, currently in the USA, are flexing their muscle, using the tools of their trade to the best advantage:
Coercion, persuasion, exaggeration, the blantant use of unsubstantiated facts, manipulation, outright lies and even overbearing bullying.
I hear them rant, I see them strut.
Their egos blooming like peach blossom,
Projecting themselves on the populace.
Preening their image with self serving eyes, loving themselves shining brightly on the podium in the morning sun.

But here today, gone tomorrow.
Their words hang, resonantly, like loud vapour suspended…then vanish.
The believing crowd gathers, sways, roars, disperses…and promptly forgets.

The circus is global, playing out its’ performance with expediency, bombast, and utter disregard for consequence, collateral damage incurred in achieving their immediate imperatives…to Hell with the tomorrow ahead.…
Occurring simultaneously everywhere…you can watch the circus performing daily in Amsterdam, Washington, Beijing, Kolcutta, Canberra, Munich, London, Capetown, St. Petersburgh, etc.etc.

Watching this, with a sense of disbelieving astonishment, I’m amazed that anyone actually bothers to take any notice anymore?

11 February 2016
Foxglove farm, Taranaki NZ
Feb 2016 · 998
That Green Creeper
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2016
A curling green tendril climbs from its’ birthing nest of rotting bird ****
The creeper wends its’ way up round and around the stalk of its’ slender tree host. Leading vigorously ever upward, it climbs toward the light of day. Upon bursting through to the sunshine, it explodes into a huge and suffocating dominance. Wrapping its’ leaders tightly together, writhing skyward, smothering all else. Blotting out the sun. Inhibiting its’ host tree, ultimately killing it ...and every other living plant located below it.

In late summer the creeper produces bunched, masses of frothy, green, seeded florets. Clouds of green plumed waxeyes flock en mass, to flutter, competing ravenously to feast on the banks of seed heads.
Once replete, with full crops, the tiny birds fly off to distant shaded woods there to indiscriminately drop their ****, unknowingly further spreading the insidious creeper pestilence.

I trudge through my wooded glades,
Indignantly I sever taproot after taproot with my trusty sharp blade
….and watch that creeper limply sag and die
With a glint of satisfaction in my grim and vengeful eye.

6 February 2016
Foxglove farm, Taranaki, NZ
Feb 2016 · 772
My Darling Bride
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2016
Thinking of the how and why, the wherefore and the who
Returns me inexorably to the serenity of you,
returns me to the values you hold there in your hand
When you smile your gentle smile and say you understand.
When you calm the stormy waters and sooth away the tears
And take my craggy face in hand to kiss away the years,
When you sit and share a moments time to sip a cup of tea
Reflecting on those little things that mean so much to me
...And when you smile into my whiskered face with those honest eyes I love
My world becomes as tranquil as that peerless sky above.

Foxglove farm, Taranaki NZ
8 February2016
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
At the Land of In Between
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2016
I’ve strode this road of war and love
And born it’s bile and spleen,
I’ve wept at death and laughed at birth
But nowhere have I seen,
A sweeter place to live and die,
To quest for things supreme,
Than to forge these days of hard forays
In the Land of In Between.

Candied apples hang from boughs
Like jewels bequeathed by Queen
And silver sounds of bubbling brook
Cascade to tumbling stream,
Parakeets in vivid hue
Fly by with shreeking scream
In forest’s green majestic light
In the Land of In Between.

Paint no man black or vivid white
Whilst points of view be gleaned
With race and politics ignored
Then manifest, obscene.
Where labour be a man’s reward
And filthy lucre screened
As noxious be a spider bite
In this Land of In Between.

Where hate be strangled to the end
Then with a keen blade ,sheened,
Be put to death with avarice
No guilt or guile redeemed.
Leaving in the pristine wake
A countryside so clean
That God be queuing up to live
In this Land of In Between.

All ****** love be sacrosanct
And soft endearments seemed
As normal as the light of night
When by the moon dust preened.
And that laughter be our currency
Affection always seen
As bonding in fraternity
At the Land of In Between.

Foxglove, Taranaki NZ.
30 January 2016
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