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  Oct 2023 Marshal Gebbie
Whit Howland
or just a screed

we rant
we rave
we rage against the machine

pear blossoms

and they say
to get gray
you must facilitate

the mostly holy
of bull and cow
An abstract word painting.
  Oct 2023 Marshal Gebbie
Sally A Bayan
Through the years,
they have come bit by bit,
these telltale signs of one's
aging existence...glaring
changes that one can only
acknowledge, and not resist.

Especially when a fine-lined
face with a furrowed forehead
looks back at you each time
you face a mirror...or,

When knees must first gain
their momentum, before
they can stand straight,
leap, hop, or walk.

Reflective moments come
while ascending, or while
descending the stairs;
a plethora of thoughts and
scenes about tomorrows
create space, simultaneous
with heartbeats.

The hunching of the back,
the weakening of limbs
and the mind....must
be held at bay...there
are lots more unresolved  
issues to be fixed.

One wonders, how many more
sunrises and sunsets left?

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
September 8, 2023
To the cadence of drums and bugles they
enter the field, helmets gleaming in the light,
all clad in colorful matching battle dress.
A cadre of warriors crossing the impending
battleground. Prancing like cavalry steeds,
chomping at the bit, ready and eager to join
the fray.

Visceral electric energy fills the air, as in
one collective voice they begin their warrior
battle chant.

Across the field their adversary's approach,
clad in helmets and armor, fit and ready.
Both sides determined to defeat the other.
Fridy Night under the lights. The contest
about to begin.
Played out thousands of times each week
in America, at schools large and small,
from youngsters for fun, to beefy grown
men earning a living, spectator stadiums
filled with cheering rabid fans. Gridiron!
More than merely a sport, an extension
of our human evolution, a harnessing of
our inner natural instincts for aggression
and mutual hostility. Thankfully little or
no blood is shed, it is but a game. But oh,
what a truly marvelous sport to watch
and to have played.

Last night watching my youngest High
Schooler grandson and his brother warriors
play and defeat their foes of the week 42
to 6. Though, I felt saddened for the other
team, it was a very one-sided affair. But then,
there is as much knowledge gained from losing,
as from winning. I believe that to be true and
have shared that knowledge with my
offspring. Hopefully those boys on the
opposing team hear that from a parent,
or coach that cares about them as well.
Life Lessons, come in many ways.
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