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There was a time
when music meant
more than the
heartbeat in my chest

Through its veins
flowed notes of great inspiration

The heart raced to the rhythms , escalating elations

The spirit soared in explosions of glory and verbal fireworks awed

The vibrations tingled the
chill of skin

Who would have believed it could feel so great within

That was this , that was then
Marshal Gebbie Nov 2022
N Oct 19
Beneath Putin’s Thumb

Somewhere out there just
Putin’s thumb and the
plumes we have each
accustomed to, a swathe
of crimson
devastation and desolation lie

......and in the glint
Of his cold grey, eye?
An insinuation
That this world
Is unappreciative of,
Disrespectful to,
His place in history....
As the true
Of Peter the Great....
Rightful Tsar
Of the savage,
Magnificence that is...
Mother Russia,
The Rodina!

4 November 2022
An eye for a thumb, delving to find the reason why Putin is what he is!
Just published and am half way through reading PUTIN; His Life and Times by Phillip Short...MAGNIFICENT & REVEALING!
  Oct 2022 Marshal Gebbie
Wk kortas
Such raiments would be the province
Of those gated and corniced places
Up on the hillside, and even that milieu
Living on residue and recollection,
The glories of the past
Fading like so many past-peak October leaves,
Beautiful in the sense of such colors
They heretofore possessed,
Though in any case, the whys and wherefores
And relative merits of thens and nows
Secondary to more prosaic matters:
The price per gallon at the Gulf station down on Route 17,
Seasonal temps at Bear Mountain
Trying line up some other gig or side-hustle
Once the land locks and the leaf-peepers and hikers go home,
Those hoping corroded propane tanks and curled shingles
Can make it just one more winter,
And if the worried and wondering
Enjoyed the luxury of philosophic musing,
They might ponder upon what those earlier residents
Who had lived at the apex of Manhattan society
(And possibly even those earlier residents,
Jumbles of Patroon and Lenape blood
Who crouched forlornly in the Palisades
As that skyline came into being)
Would think of what became of this place,
Yet as they look up there are no ghosts of the ancients,
But merely the impassive, lazily circling turkey vultures,
Implacable, enduring, constant.
Marshal Gebbie Sep 2022
Conspicuously stupid with smart undertone
Is the trait of dystopian mankind, alone.
Behaviorally infectious, totally unsound,
Sociologically rooted and collectively bound
Where the best and the worst all globally group
Midst that loud  Machiavellian Boy Scout Troup
All ideologically reckoned as the worst of their kin
Being Trump, Bolsanaro, Kim Jong Il and Putin…..
Racing back to the Stone Age to critical mass
Calling “freedom” and “human rights”, an ***…..
All cultures and creeds reach low tipping point
Where delusional madness inherits the joint,
Where they all buy bitcoin to shoot for the stars
And end up debunked on real estate… MARS?
Midst the clamor and cacophony of my fellow man!
September 18 2022
Planet Earth
When what in essence changes
the ground beneath you shakes
No longer can you take for granted
four plus four is eight

When daylight turns to madness
each shadow undermines
What faith has borne and left forlorn
—clocks no longer chime

(Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania: September, 2022)
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