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Summer Night

It's a quarter after six, on an August
evening of my 76th year.   I drink
a sherry.   Here,  my feet
are free of the socks I insist on
wearing,  I am smoking.

The entertainment
for tonight is planning tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the last mention of

You took me into custody, left
my life's belongings behind.
Sans identification,  sans valuables,
sans feeling.

Now there is only the zeitgeist of
this age.   The long lobes of wise men
and the sagging ******* of yesterday.
I write in cursive so you will have
to talk to me.  

I am the last syllable of my family.
The seventies remain as a bastion
of understanding.  Do not blame

me for remembering you.

I have forgotten many things but not the warm Summer night.   It creeps over me like your


Caroline Shank
  Aug 2022 Marshal Gebbie
She died before her death
But no one noticed
We mere mortals too often forget who is actually
in charge on this spinning spaceship, we call Earth.
We are but passengers, ungrateful ones at that, we
use up, litter and destroy, we foul the very air we
breathe, our excrement and discarded waste clogs
and pollutes the oceans, creeks and rivers.
We callously **** other living creatures for sport
mounting their heads as trophies on our walls.
Not because we are hungry.

We are the only creatures on earth that make war
on and **** our own kind. Flawed, evil or just stupid?
Perhaps all these labels apply.

For our wasteful transgressions Nature will one day
purge us from the planet and we will deserve that
retribution. A dire and stark reality, but one need
only look around to see the direction things are going.
There are no lifeboats on this ship and no deity above
to save us.

And in the end the streams will again run clear, and the
air will be fit to breath. The green things will flourish,
and the small creatures of wing and four legs will once
again, rule the days. Humankind will be purged from
the earth, leaving nothing of any merit behind to mark
our passing. As if we never existed.
Scary? I certainly hope so.
Scary Enough to wake us
all up, reverse our abuse of
our ecosystem, save mankind
and the planet? Time will tell.
The soliloquies
born of tears,
spoke of Loneliness.
The Plays the Thing.
The Long and Winding Road.  

Hamlet was not crazy,
as some think,

he was alone.

Lady Macbeth scraped blood
from her hands in a
castle of lonely rooms.

McCullers loneliness
was a companion.  

Teasdale wrote of the sea's
lonely foam.

Lear,  alone,  held Cordelia
to the
cold and empty sky.

I know Alone.   It is a wind
just past my skin.   Your hand
on my face is a reflection.   My
skin is uninterrupted by the
conversation of your fingers.

Alone is the road
we travel.  


Caroline Shank
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2022
People come, people go they waft their way through life
Some have stern direction, others wield the knife.
Most leave little impact, a superficial touch
A special few impart much more, some give far too much.

A filigree of lace around a latticework of charm
Entices one to seek to know just why your words disarm.
For there, beneath the superficial self, behind your smile,
Lies a raw depth of talent which quite dazzles for a while,
Leads me to seek the secret story, hiding in your eyes
Confirming your creations….Which come as a surprise.

Once touched and found familiar, warm associations grow
Leading to expectations shared as friendships know
That these will stand the test of time enshrouding mutual trust
So when abruptly terminated…. Our feelings turn to dust.

Such is so with poetry, associations grow
Expectations generate anticipated flow,
One awaits with pleasure, new creations to the fore,
Awaits the stimulation proffered, offered, at the door.
There’s a well of warm familiar, a sisterhoods decree,
That isn’t quite but could be said to be, dependency?
So when abruptly terminated, feelings turn to dust
Like a death in the family….What must be, as it must.

Such is so with poetry, they come, they go
Little warning given, little passion shown.
Some simply turn the page, seek new pastures, green
Others wrinkle mouths and vent, viciously, their spleen.
The quiet ones just fade away, fade into the mist
Emphatic types, excuses, they so rightfully insist.

The Blush, my friends, Hath Left the Rose, the wilted petals fall
To now, the Great Departed souls, We wish… God speed you all.

HP in August 2022
For my old mate, Wint.
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