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Mark Wanless Nov 2017
To drink a flagon up of pearl
       what odd events we plea
As children do with misted eyes
       And long for realms to be

While all around a godly sum!
       Though true we've bare begun
To witness now for but a look
       Compassion to the brim
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
"Peeking Through"

How mysterious the way
Peeking through lowered awareness
We go directly to the place
Sought, play the part
Engraved in soul
Then claim surprise
And wonder
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
Listen to the quiet,
        Listen hard and hear,
The tinkling chimes of serenity
        As it slowly sidles near.

The clamour and the tumult
        Of the world will fade away
When you release your steely grasp
        And do not bid them stay.

The breath of time's slow passage
        Will caress your foaming mind
And still the swirling turbulence
        That shrouds a peace sublime.

Then the ether's calming symphony
        Is heard quit crystal clear,
And the melody of tranquillity
        Replaces the din of fear.
Mark Wanless Nov 2017

I pause to think how power dwells
Amongst our thoughts. The beautiful, the good
Absorbed within our souls when understood
Then permitted, to shape us with their spell.

I stop and think of ageless rays
Of hope that faithfully banish fear
Whenever we but humanly hold them near
The center of our vision, throughout our day.

I calmly muse of pleasant moments
Yet to be mine, and how I may tread
Within my tapestry of time assured
Of their healing and soothing continuance.

I, with clearness think about my need
Of others in my life. Of how the Divine
Mind sends love through Adam's line
To all, not heedful of our earthly creed.

I often think about the people that I know
Along this journey. Of the precious few
Who, touching and touched, we formed new
Passions in each other, changing soft the soul.

I also think of the many wisdom's free to gain
And commonly found along life's way,
And how we may from day to day
Live within our flesh, yet spirit's peace obtain.
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
"Painful Slavery"

                    Ah Satan, are you but a notion
                    Of the mind?
                    Can the terrible enemy of man
                    Be but a childish attempt
                    To avoid responsibility?
                    When mother ate the fruit
                    Was not her cry,
                    "The serpent tempted me."
                    The true falling away?
                    To deny her own dark desires
                    And blame them on a source
                    Outside herself,
                    Was not this the real evil?
                    And father,
                    What of him?
                    His words,
                    "She offered it to me, so I ate."
                    His own words condemn him.
                    He gave away the glory, the Eden
                    Of free will,
                    For the painful slavery
                    Of excuses.
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
"Pagan gods"

Time, and place, and value
Are pagan gods
Of worship
We kneel our thoughts
In obeisance
We discount the heretics
Babbling oneness
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
here is the now
you did not see
again it happens
why are you
agony of ignorance
is quietly accepted
as reality
there is no fault
there is no fault
there is no fault
in oz
air head poetry  is
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