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 Jan 2013 Marissa Burts
The Beatles were wrong.
Sometimes, love isn't all you need.
With a blind eye, a deaf ear, and unending love,
Maybe we would succeed. . .
But words can't be taken back;
Things can't be left unsaid.
Distance is the silent killer. . .
And as I lie here in my bed
I think of you, and what we had.
I hope you have good dreams
But what is more? I realize that
*I don't regret a thing.
Haven't written anything in months... I'm trying to ease myself back into it.
Today -
It is a Winter's day
The sun is burning so brightly
It sears my eyes
The temperature is perfect
The weather
Is reminiscent of Spring

Today -  
I buried someone
All clothed in black
And weariness

*I buried myself
What has happened to the music
I heard so sweetly played
Between two hearts that sang as one
With the voice that love did make

A melody warm and haunting
With words of love so sweet
Sang in harmony soft and clear
That never missed a beat

Such a symphony was created
As two hearts sang as one
Written by the hand of love
To never come undone

Has the music ended
Does the tune no longer play
How could love’s song end suddenly
If true love never fades
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
My mind blazes with an inferno of music.

Notes created to play

Point, counter-point, one to another,

To flame into blazing fury.

Tiny tinkling notes crash

To low sonorous tones.

Metallic vibrations lead to

Unearthly bursts of melancholy discord.

Not for the pretentious musician

But for the appreciative of symphonic quality

Such that would ignite a Phoenix.
For Creative Poetry at WC using words:  Inferno.  Burst.  Pretentious.  Symphonic.  Metallic.  Unearthly.
Hometown boys today aren’t like the ones my grandmother remembers.
Back then they looked like decent folk.
Hair combed, pants the right size,
always greeting with “Excuse me, miss.”
But today, most of them ain’t worth your while.
Standing in shadows, lurking by the train stations.
Looking like criminals.
There’s no formality or decency with these boys.
“Hey, girl! Where you goin’?”
M’ name ain’t girl. You aren’t supposed to answer these kind.
“Hey! You hear me talkin’a you?”
These are the kind of men who you’re supposed to run from.
So relaxed and limp
like snakes.
Not a care in the world.
Up on their high horses when they can’t even find the **** saddle.
Who the hell do they think they are?
Hometown boys ain’t nothing like they were
decades ago.
The kind you bring home to meet your mama and your sister.
The kind that bring sunflowers on Sundays.
The kind that call you late at night
just to see if you made it home safe and sound.
The kind that sadly go unnoticed today.
So few of them left.
So few of the sweet old-fashioned boys.
The kind that never call you ‘gull’.
They don’t come out much these days.
Probably looked at all the other hometown boys
and decided to throw in the towel and stay home.
Not much to say on this one.
 Jan 2013 Marissa Burts
Karma is a *****
(please excuse my french)
She turns right around to bite you in your derrière
I played him for you
You played me for God knows who...
I thought you were the one
My mistake
Now that I look back on the mornings we'd just stare into each others eyes
It was all a disguise
I'm drawing the line
You're poison to me.
When I felt like nobody cared, YOU were there,
Soothing the wounds in my heart…

When I felt life was not worth it, YOU came around,
And proved the opposite…

When no one knew my worth, YOU showed me,
How much I meant to you…

When I had issues, YOU supported me,
Showing me how much I need you…

Now, when I look back, I have no regrets,
Because to know YOU is to know LOVE

Harish Natarajan
Copyright © Harish Natarajan
This poem was written by my husband :) This is what he has to say about this poem :
"Wrote this poem in Hindi in the year 2001 during my B.Tech years..but left writing after that due to work load...but I think the DNA is still there :-)....Dedicated to all the lovely women out there...including my woman :-)"
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