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Will it be that phantom lovers

Illustrate kisses of moon flowers

Within Its dreams and send it

upon your woozy current of sleep?

How they press upon your pillows

for souls to speak a fragrance ever so sacred

Never for a soul to keep.

So shall it be with a moment

when you draw in its scent

Will the summoning of you fall echoing

in every depth of your endless compass,

Indulged in content

Reaching you to the shadows of  the naked trees

Where the bats come to greet

thrown into the swelling of the seas- surging

And thronging of the white blooded elite

amidst the women, who are oh so petite.

I realize

I am in my dream.

Walking abundantly in my spiked sheath

Matching the flickering of the suns wreath

Offering the sacrifice of my fanged teeth

To halo the acres of sunflowers

That beam from your face.

Only true mother nature can tremble a thousand souls of envy

by the extol that is not from her grace

In that case

**** all that is true

Send it to the dreams of hell

in a black box adorned with fine lace

With kind words of thank and you.

I stay green all through my rind

I tell myself, don’t follow the blind

I tell myself don’t act unkind

I tell myself don’t abide combined

Speaking malign

Whispers now become wails preaching

Be in the right state of mind!— Peace of mind.!

Abandon the unrefined!

Remind that we are all mankind

!that we have been assigned

to stay on the grind!

And meanwhile find

The shadow we leave behind!

And finally answer

why do we comply to a life so confined!

And all in all

I am still asleep

Concocted  in a libertarian dimension so passionately deep

Driving my souls energy to rejuvenating madness it weeps

Emptying clouds carrying legions upon

legions of breathing ancient seas.

Reducing utopia, exiting the scenes.

Now choked door and blackness

Weightless amongst the scanning of chakras

Here iam

Dragging of feet through meadows of red

Could it be that I have awakened in the land

of the dying and dead?

Where the blood paints the sky an awful shade of red

And no specific cry will you hear

But a simultaneous screech cementing your ears.

It is not my feet that I lug

But my ****** knees that on its own dug

A grave ever so snug

That when it hugs

Ribcages become holding hands

While flesh is the feast to underground larva lands.

Like the beggar with hands who wishes for hands of alms.

Like the reader of fortunes with no voluntary palms.

As it is like a land force-fed with war and never ending bombs

These are sights that awaken me with qualms.

This poem is distinctly about when one is about to sleep and sees nothing but nonsense and then finally falls asleep and then shifts from dream to dream or as i would like to call it, dimension to dimension.
I had built a wall
Layer by layer
Mortar and stone

Until it was so high
And so strong
I thought no one could break it.

But I overlooked something
Because when I was done
There you were.

You just slipped right past my wall
Without even noticing its presence.
I was too surprised to push you out.

And then a funny thing happened
I was happy
And at peace with the world

And reconsidering my wall
What I was protecting myself from.

I didn't have much of myself
To give away
But I gave you some of what was left

But not so much
That it would destroy me
To have to take it back.

Because I'd been though that before
I gave away so much
And still most of it is gone.

I've been hurt into being
More cautious with my feelings
Than I used to be.

And it turned out to be
A good thing
A blessing inside a curse

Because when you gave that piece back
It hurt
But I knew it could have been worse.

Because you can't break something
That's already been broken
By another.

There wasn't any part of me I gave you
That you could destroy
I didn't give you that.

I keep my heart close to me
Because it belongs to another
You were only borrowing what I had left.

So I will be fine
Because I've been through worse
And you are not my Kryptonite.
Stop showing
You love me
A little at a time.

Stop saying
You care
Bit by bit.

Stop keeping
Me here
For tiny pieces of time.

Because I need
All of you
Not piece by piece.

I love
All of you
Not just some parts of you.

So love all of me
All the way
All the time.

Or let all of me go
All at once
For good.
I stand above my bed
And examine the damage.
Blankets this way and that
Pillows all over
Sheets tangled up around themselves.
Proof of something that
Only hours ago
Left this place empty.
I take in the rubble
And breathe deeply.
I lower myself down to those
Tangled sheets
And backwards bedspreads
And fill my lungs with you.
I pull them up around me
And close my eyes
And wish for this place to be
The same kind of battleground
Again tomorrow.
Panic races through 
In a high voltage 
Bright red jeep 
She flings past  
And crashes through 
 The doorway 
Clanging with metal 
Chains, studs 
Through her ears 
Black combat boots 
A belt slung about 
A slim waist 
She is full of 
Trying to make herself 
Forgive and forget 
It will 
A tough exterior 
Leather bound with lock and ice 
A fragile shuttering 
like a static shock i feel you
running up my spine
tingling the hair at the nape of my neck
something harsh and unexpected
but unexpectedly pleasant
snapping me back into the present
eyes freshly opened and wide
like a still from a movie
quaking on the bed
feeling my limbs tighten against you
something soft and yielding
but not fully, pressing back
pushing my core deep into the down
we fight for a moment
tearing at each other with teeth
with claws
with fists, open, closed,
before the tension breaks
and calm floods over us with
no slight pause, sending us both
reeling into oblivion, all extremities
stilled as we stare gasping into the
dark nothingness that surrounds us
heads thrown back and hands clasped
together as we slip away
floating no where, watching galaxies
being ****** into black holes
and stars exploding into limbo
before we find ourselves back
in bed, abruptly, chests heaving and
slick with sweat
where we try to put ourselves back together
Man                                           Woman
He Smiles Curiously                        She Blushes Coyly
He Approaches      Asks her name      She shares it     Asks the Same
Mr Right                              Love at First Sight                    Her Smile is a Delight
"Meet for Drinks?"                            hmmmmmm                      ­        "Pick me up at 8?"
He knocks - 1 rose.                                vase, water                        Her perfume - sweeter.
Politely, opens car door for her                                The night keeps getting better
At the restaurant                                                      S­he sips her red wine
Conversation so easy                    She feels she's known him forever
"Would you like to dance?                "I don't dance very well."
"Indulge me, just want u in my arms."    ~Just a smile~
One hand at her waist, one on her back.
They become one, all others disappear.
Peering into each other's eyes.
No words are needed.
Their bodies

© 2012
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