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Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2018
You've pushed me
Right to the edge
You took whatever was good in me
And you tore it from my chest
And threw it to the ground
It's been a long time coming,
But finally you've done it

And I know I'm
Messed up
I know I'm
Strange in the head
But you've treated me
Like dirt
And now
Messed up as I am
All I want to do
Is **** myself
To make you sorry
I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I'm so ****** up in the head, and it's like my brain is foggy and I'm thinking things I know I shouldn't be, I don't know what's going on, but I'm scared.
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2018
I am so sick
Of my pain
My exhaustion
My self
Not being valid
Because you
Are "in more pain"
"More tired"
More everything
Than I am

I can still hurt
Even if you hurt
Even if you hurt more
I am still valid

Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2018
I hate this
The hating myself
And loving you
Even though
It should be
The other way around

You hurt me
You put your hands where
No one else's
Had ever
Made a mark
My angel of darkness

But my mind
My mind keeps twisting
This into a
Of some sick
Hansel and Gretel tale

Were I am
The villain and you
You are the sweet
Son who is
Just trying
To find a way through this

Whatever it is

So I love
I give my all to
You and  your games
Even though
Your warm hands
Are all over my own

Your skin and
Sweet scent of cologne
Have left bruises
All over
My life now
And they won't go away

So please, please
Someone help me to
Get rid of these
Marks and these
Footprints that
Are left in my memories

You are a ghost
And God help me,
I can't make you leave
To someone who I loved-and still love. I don't know why I still make excuses for you, I don't know why I can't hate you. I should hate you, everything inside me tells me that I should, but I don't. I don't hate you. I love you.
Marisa Lu Makil May 2018
He does not need us to be mighty warriors
To fight His battle
For He Himself is the mighty one
The battle is already fought
And we are but helpless sheep
Awaiting our shepherd's loving hand
No, He needs not the strong
He needs not the heroes
But it is the lowly
The weak
The poverty-stricken
Yes, these are the ones
He calls
He asks
In all His love
For all His sacrifice
To simply follow Him
Jeremiah 29:11
Marisa Lu Makil May 2018
It was green
It was misty
My skin was cold
The road was twisty

Fog came up
And rain came down
And through the woods
Not a sound

Stuck in the rain,
My clothes worn thin
Goosebumps fled
Across my skin

Silence, peace
Like two old friends
They finally came
To me again

With each breath
That crossed my lips
And wind along
My fingertips

I seemed to lose
Myself some more
Upon that wet
And grassy floor

Then I awoke
In sun again
And said goodbye
To long lost friends

I said goodbye
To mist and Moore
And all the things
I thought so pure

I then turned back
To sinful strife
Hello again
To my old life
From a writing prompt I found.
Marisa Lu Makil May 2018
I know it's coming
The golden days
But right now
It is stormy
And my oh my I can't wait
For the open road
The trees rushing by
The wind in my hair
And peace at last
Marisa Lu Makil May 2018
There is nothing
So hard
So wounding
So frustrating
As realizing
That the pain
Will always be
It will never
Go away

There is nothing harder
Than coming
To know
That you will always
You will always
And the only
Thing you have
To look forward to
Are the small
Moments of sleep
That may come
When the exhaustion
The pain
Never underestimate the pain and misery that comes with chronic Illness. It hurts. So much. And I don't know how much longer I can take this. My only motivation is that one day, Christ will come and I will live without pain.
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