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Jun 2017 · 81
The Face Of Christ
The Face Of Christ

as a young boy I was out in my lawn
I looked intently up at the sky

to my amazement I saw the face of Christ
having a vast domain of saints behind him

Suddenly I was paralyzed inside
for I had no where to run away & hide

there was lines being formed in the sky
this adage of thought is no lie

tears began to flow from my eyes
I wasn't ready for the return of my Lord

for I had to much sin in my life
amidst the barrage of thoughts and strife

There he was in the sky I couldn't believe my eyes
a beacon of hope to a hurting world in search of love

all from the amazing hand from up above
he looked very primitive almost on edge

with many thoughts swirling around inside my head
maybe he wanted to wake the dead

I will always remember that dear scene in my mind
For now I could see with no more to be blind
Jun 2017 · 253
Peace From Within
a hush upon the immense solitude alone,
brush off the silence torn in meager illusion

we felt faint upon the setting of the sun
to keep back the resistance with a sign

I sensed a great stirring inside my soul
at first a glimmer of light to unfold

spinning circles inside my brain
no point in comfort lest I refrain

this source comes from heaven above with a touch of love
hope springs a new as it flourished on the vine

created and crafted by a great design
there are lines being drawn in the sand

when will we face the day and ever understand
shadows perched throughout the duration of my thoughts

hands, feet & heart
this shall light the inner spark to what I needed to know

Come inside and take a deeper look and you will see
Torn illumination & hearts being set free

while we live each day in the land of make believe
what are we about to achieve

A sought after excursion from the hand of God
filter through its extreme with his heavenly rod
Jun 2017 · 123
Ride Like The Wind
Ride Like The Wind

breath deep
look at the sky
can you see the images passing you by
we are living on the edge
its going to my head
sitting up at night
all alone in bed
following the rainbow to the sky
I see a vision of you pass me by

breath deep & let it out again
won't you help me my faithful friend
ride like the wind
through the breeze
going to knock you to you knees
when I was young making love was for fun
now I'm older now
no use when your hand is on the plow

shouts of joy maybe some laughing gas
no one in this life gets by on any free pass
it used to mean something to fall in love
now today those thoughts get swept under the rug
I think I need a big hug
break it down one last time
do you remember when you were broke
down to your last thin dime
today I'm just doing time
locked inside no where to hide
going to ride like the wind and just glide

memories are made with lovers to appease
strength in the numbers is your noble deed
go tell it to a tomb stone when you all alone
like a dog without its bone
a plate of fish is my favorite dish
sorry that I missed
the purple passion in the smile of your eyes
does this waiting quest come at a big surprise

say loddie doddie we like to party
my girlfriend left me for glossed over ivy
eye candy get me a sip of your Brandy
nothing fancy got this party in a fix
sorry that I missed
see ya on the flip side cheese
gonna knock boots and socks down to your knees
start spreading the disease going live as you please
these are desolate times
yet we settle for ill but faded rhymes
let's look above to the heavenly love
soon all this will be kicked underneath the rug.
Jun 2017 · 110

The summer season has passed us by
And the beauty of autumn and fall is here
There is always a lot of celebrations,
Because this is a special time of year

With the leaves changing colors
And slowly falling to the ground
it makes me still joyful;
To see that you're still around

This time of year
Seems to be the happiest of them all,
With all of the holidays coming up,
Everyone wants to have a ball

With the winter approaching
it starts to get cold;
People's attitudes start changing
And love and kindness become ten fold

With the days becoming shorter,
And the nights increasingly long
It makes it more possible
For people in love to get along

Like chestnuts roasting on an open fire
it helps to make the seasons bright;
And with just one smile from you
Would light up my life every night
Jun 2017 · 959
Take It Easy
How long will it take for you to see
Life is just an illusion, it’s gonna pass eventually
The flesh is just a lie
Eventually you’re gonna die
But your soul will live on
Rejoice in this don’t mourn
God made you to die
It’s why you were born
Last night GOD spoke to me
Your pain will end soon, so brother don’t worry
This world will soon pass
None of this is gonna last
But the word of GOD will live on
From the dusk till the dawn, on, on and on
He said pity the living, not the dead
I replied back to him
I meant no disrespect and this is what I said
Imma hold my head high and do my part until the end

So make this life easy
This life is just a lie
Soon you’re gonna die
So why you killin him for
He’s just another brother, another lost soul
Just make this life easy
Just make this life easy
Just make this life easy
Just make this life easy

Sister and brothers on streets
Instead of helping them get on their feats
We’re worrying about ourselves
It’s an endless cycle
man’s just looking out for himself
It seems clear to me
That nobody is free
Rich, white, black or poor you’re all the same to me
Trapped in a prison ruled by money
Don’t you think it’s funny
Endless numbers and papers rules us
We’ll never be happy
It’s not a mystery
The world is falling apart
I want it to end already, when will it start
Until then I guess I’m going to do my part
So while you’re here just make this life easy

So make this life easy
This life is just a lie
Soon you’re gonna die
So why you killin him for
He’s just another brother, another lost soul
Just make this life easy
Just make this life easy
Just make this life easy
Just make this life easy
Jun 2017 · 102
Tribute To America
God bless America
The greatest nation of them all
Where fairy tales, have been told
By the young, and old
About the legends that took place,
In this wonderful land of ours

A country so full of music,
Such as Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's,"Southern Cross",
A rebel thought laughter and love
With natural science too,
While our solar ships,
Kept orbiting, the earth, and sky

As our nation dreams came true,
When our aeronautics pioneer'd
On the moon,
While out of the summer haze,
Came the pony express rider,
galloping towards the far horizon,
With the countries mails,

Those! were the days, that caught
The imagination, and glory, for the
People's of this nation.
God bless !
Our great country America
The greatest nation on earth,
A land of courage, and bravery,

With liberty, and democracy,
While we raise our heads,
High with honor, and dignity
To pay homage, to our great leaders
Men, like Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy,
Teddy Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, and George Washington
Those ! were the great men of our times,

As we think of their sad departure
While we stand, side by side.
Jun 2017 · 193
Dump Home Girl Trump
it all started with a lie..

you lied about your taxes

Dump Trump, Dump Trump

what **** homegirl

you got the world in a whirl

can't really tell if your a boy or a girl

I didn't vote for you gotta low IQ

got beats to the rhyme, to the rhyme to the reason

soon you'll be made up as a clown in prison

What is are decision

What is are reason for believing

It's in the changing of the seasons

What alout this wall you seem to stand ten feet tall

See ya on the flip side cheese

Bruh, you keep spreading your deadly disease

It still won't knock me to my knees

You seem to be busy as a bee

You took out Hillary what a mystery

What **** Trump

make me ***** in my mouth

Soon you'll be going down South

In federal prison,

yeah, that's your final decision

Your fired !
Jun 2017 · 95
Who The Hell Cares ?
Who The Hell Cares ?

you *****...
you pout,
you scream
so what ?

inside you hide behind four walls
you don't have to say you love me
viscous long hanging fangs with blood dripping off side
today you want to support a cause but you don't know

eyes, face & hands
when will you ever live to understand
your god is sin, self & Satan
you need a long rest on a long awaited vacation

you surf the web a doorway to Hell
now I have a very good story in which to tell
an old man took out his teeth to eat a bowl of Maypo
his folly was sadness in the grips of his climatic suffering

Suffering in silence...
it's in in tuned harmony to its hidden beasts menagerie
so who the Hell cares ?
of how you really feel inside

just want to take your stuff and run away and hide
growing up in the tribal schools preparing you for college
the choices you make today will become evident in eternity's sway
some lie in wait in order to tease

What are you all really trying to achieve ?
Jun 2017 · 95
Inside Out
I spit this on the mic to flow oh so prolific
What's the since in believing in Christ
If ur just gonna take him out of Christmas...
Dish the wish list...u can't re gift this...
Can't unwish this...
Hold the phone put it to ur ear so i may call
You on this...
I don't mean to phone straight home...
Put ur wish bone on this...
I'm in this rap for *** and tat cross my t dot my i's...
Bring that right back...
I said I'm in this rap for *** and tat...
I'm diving for the truth but
it seems I'm getting lies just stuffed full of cotton...
So I start digging in deeper let the lord be my finder as well as my keeper...
Im just the seeker...
I use to just be the peeker I was searching for it all...
But the only thing I was able to do was watch it all fall...
Behind it I would crawl and cry about how I almost had it all...
That's all....
The devil wanted me to give up...
But my success was simply based off of me getting up and moving on...
So I left my baggage behind for claims...
Now I'm onward bound to my success full stead ahead ....
All aboard this train to success...
I use to walk out my house...couldn't see my path so foggy
Now I'm gliding down my path so hands free cuz god is handling me....
Can't u see what I see my cup now runneth over...
All brand new...
My home turned to a castle I can see the riches the success...
That the lord has for me...
He set it all up now it's slowly falling down for me...
I use to bit the hand that feed me
now I shake it and hold it so firmly he guides me down the path...
Hand in hand...makes me feel so securely...
So surely not late I thought...
But maybe not so early
He came at the right time to save me from myself like a goalie...
So holy...
Hollie mollie I use to feel so lonely...
But now I feel so secure its like I'm held down
held together by a force much stronger than gravity
Yet I feel so free like I'm on the moon zero gravity...
Helped my outta all my problems...
Had so much sin I was indebt to sin...
Had to look within to get out...
That's when I found God and he turned me inside out
Jun 2017 · 113

The gift of life has many stages you see,
First the conception where we came to be
Then comes the birth where in the world we enter
Growing up falls then into the center

The fourth stage is growing old, it can be a long haul
Death is the finale, the end of it all
To some it is welcome, they're just ready to go
Tired of illnesses and feeling so low

For the loved ones it is hard, in fact it's the worst
Wondering why, to God they cursed
Not realizing that it may be for the best,
That the one they love is out of pain and finally at rest

Some deaths are untimely and that is a fact
A full life to live they may have lacked
But everything is done for a reason, don't fear
God must have needed them more than us here

Rather than grieving and feeling so sad,
We could celebrate the life that they had
Just remember to pray and to take God's hand
Because everything from the beginning has all been planned.
Jun 2017 · 68
Got Jesus
Got Jesus ?

faith is a battle we face it day by day
humble yourself to bow the knee to pray
some may insist it doesn't have to be that way
we each have been given a gift called life

one seed planted in the ground
in time root spring up out of the fertile soil
like taking it long watching water to boil
he stand at each of our hearts and knocks

not telling you to join a church but that's still good
look inside we have no reason to run away & hide
gay, straight, white & black
we tend to overreact to his message of love

comes from the hand of God from above
abortion is ****** the innocent slaughter in their mother's womb
We have to accept the whole gospel message not just bits and pieces
with what we do today will become evident throughout eternity

his love is such that he suffered so much just to call some of us to follow...
he came to open are hearts turn us from darkness onto light & from the power of Satan onto God that we may have forgiveness of sins and inheritance among us that is sanctified through grace that is in him...
Jun 2017 · 101
The Power of Touch
The Power of Touch

Have you ever thought about a simple touch,
How it can say a little or mean so much,
Reaching, searching, night or day,
Caring, loving or just to play

Looking for acceptance and a chance to be free
Will you let me in ?

Will you let me be me ?
Will you share with me, my joy and pain ?

Together in touch we both will gain
The energy tingles the senses, then becoming aware

A trusting comfort that you really care
Feel my spirit touch your inner peace

Together in emotion feeling safe to release
Spirits touching, sharing and embracing here

Welcome laughing, loving and flowing tears
Feel the warmth, and set your spirit free

Take your time, find the comfort;
You have touched me.
Jun 2017 · 94
Two Feet
Two Feet

She can remember, the days they walked down the beach
Two boys, one girl, six little feet
The girl showing her, all one had found
one boy, enjoying, just running around

The smallest, just walking, not making a sound
Suddenly, it caught her eye, the sic were four
Silence, world stopped, a mother's heart tore
Some asked, young and old, anyone one could see

Her desperate search for two little feet, felt like eternity
With despair in her heart, she looked to heaven to pray
her world begun turning, he was walking her way
Yes, there he was, walking hand in hand

with what had to be, an angel of a man
Each and everyone, could see the joy, sorrow was gone
For she walked with two little feet, once lost, grew
becoming a handsome man, marrying a beautiful wife, too

When during the first month of the year, their love complete
They held, loved, their own two precious little feet
Jun 2017 · 167
The Beast Unseen
The Beast Unseen

Lying in wait, patiently silently following every move,
Unseen by most, till a moment before a strike, then silence you lose,
Claws like a razor, teeth like a knife
As they are digging, you cling to life,
Your oxygen cut off, the breathing is thin,
Nothing left now, no you won't win,

Another life claimed, by the wit and the skill
The appetite curbed, the beast claims the ****,
The beast, the victor, opponent, has none
before it was started the battle was done
Unseen, came the battle, victory unclear,
A death, escape, a way out was near

Unseen it came left just the same
A pile of bones, unrecognized no name,
Disappeared like a shadow, gone out of sight
Another day finished, now stalking the night
Keep your eyes open, use silence to hear
If it's unseen, the beast could be near
Jun 2017 · 215
Grant Me The Serenity
Grant Me The Serenity

Life, is it really worth living for ?
I did not know until God opened the door

And there he was in the shape of a big, bright, spiritual light;
He said, Son, believeth in me and everything shall be alright

So every morning I get down on my knees and pray;
God, please let me have another clean and sober day

Though I often have thoughts of suicide
And tell the Lord: oh, how hard I've tried

Then I asked him for a way out of this bind;
With a silent voice, he answered: my son, one day at a time

Before I called upon him I had one foot in the grave
but like he told me, believeth in him an thou shalt be saved

When my mind and nerves become idle
I become secluded and read the bible

So now I am saved and will always wear his sign
And will never forget the blessing he placed in mind

Now that I've found myself and my goal
With dignity and pride I can shout out, no !

No one wants to be a drug or suicidal fanatic;
So remember, that's life through the eye's of an addict
Welcome To The Grand Illusion

where are we have we gotten lost ?
hands, eyes & face

deep inside were all the same
a chance to rearrange in the membrane

no one holds the door open for you anymore
it's the invisible lie of 1964

don't you believe in videos or a salesman giving something to sell
we are all just dust in the wind now where do I even begin

eyes with spots darkened moustache
people with tombstones in their heads

in the confusion of the day give solace to pray
carry your head held high

they will put you in a padded room soon you goon
living helpless in your cocoon

a breath of fresh air doesn't anyone really care
you'll be gone in a New York minute

love not the world neither anything in the world
the world, the lust of the flesh & the pride of life disappears

wisdom is the principle thing therefore gain wisdom
in all thy getting gain understanding

it's the changing of the times
there are lines being drawn in the sand

hopefully all will live to understand
there's really everything inside we have nothing to hide

you built these walls upon social media no surprise
with what we do today will be evident to all eternity

people on the streets turning heads as we speak
with what you perceive as truth may not be a reality
Jun 2017 · 557
Fear You Cry
Fear you cry

Cry you fear

Are you the trick of fate

Or are you the fate of a trick

Why cry in fear

Is the secret written in black

Why in black

Am I the fear within you

Or are you within the fear

To say I fear

The fear in me

Or the secrets written in black

Ha, I cry

No, not I

You cry in fear

Fear you cry

The age of time has placed a trick

And the trick placed fate in the age

Ah, but fear you cry

Cry, you fear

That a heart that loves is loved, you loved

And the fear is love only to love

So weep for fear

Fear, you weep

For the secret was written in black

Why in black

Do you not hear

Again I ask

The age of time

Is a age a trick

Or the trick a fate

For I fear not

No, not I

No secrets in black nor age of time

No trick of fate-for love is mine

So love has loved

So fear not I

no, not I

To cry for fear

Nor fear to cry

For the secret written in black

Is covered with a shield of love

and in a shield of time

So heart do not weep

For fear I see

No, not I

I see no fear

Nor do I know no fear

That I should fear in black

So again I ask

Why in black

Why in black

Fear you cry

No, not you

No, not I

We know no fears

That hides in black

So, save your fears and save your tears

For I lived with fear before

Not for its age, nor for its time

Nor for its trick of fate

but for the love I have, this I fear

Love, I cry, love, oh heart

Fear never secrets written in black

Love will win over all fears

For the trick of fate is in the age of time

And I have loved and love have loved

And the heart is always mine

To send you love ya as before

To send you love ya as before
Jun 2017 · 161

angelic premonition in the back of my mind
chill through the breeze in the trees
the forest had an entrance door
a barrage of dark patterns through the mysterious scene
inside we hide behind the hidden garb of compromise
can't we see through all those lies

blinded by the silence of the midnight oil
the love from a girl and a boy
treasured a red rose that was plucked a time before
stand still & you will hear a whisper in your ear
envision a world filled with love and shun the hate
call it fate but we need to endure
calloused by the inner measure of truth turned to lies
does all of this logic come as a big enough surprise
Jun 2017 · 419
Biggie & Tu
two hustlers in the music scene

**** life & the means to swing

rap in the way it used to be

making sweet magic & history

gone are the days we used to wake up in a purple haze

kissing second cousin falling in a daze

like a mouse that's stuck in a maze

shattered dreams things don't seem what they mean

stick a fork in me cause I'm done

soon I'll be off to run

as a young homeboy in the hood

busting sweet rhymes like I knew he should

wouldn't care in what they said or did

busting out with a cherry bomb under a garbage van lid

***** ain't nothing but meat on the bone

I'll **** it, I'll **** it, I'll leave it alone

Sound the alarm cause I'm out shooting blanks

Two hoods in the hip hop scene

producer Shug Knight can get awful mean

Falling head long at the seams

Living in the land of mean

The freaks come out at night out of sight

Riding in there Benz popping on Depends

shattered dreams evil schemes things don't seem what they mean

See you on the flip side squeeze

I'm going to pray to God it will knock you to your knees

The bees sugar is honey and honey is sweet

I got these cool rhymes buzzing from my head down to my feet

Biggie & Tu may have bitten off far more then they could chew

Nothing knew both had high top mansions

Silver dollars with no ransom

They both had left a legacy

See the new movie out going down in history

R.I.P. my friends see you in heaven looking down

For now I'll still listen to your tracks with no frown
Why Are All These People Who Said They Will Leave The Country If Trump Won Still In The U.S.A. ?

There are many talents who stated they would leave the country if Trump won but there still living here ?
Many had claimed they would move to Canada cause it’s going to crazy.
Talents who I will remain anonymous for the sake of their careers.
Apparently, one couldn’t possibly live up to there perfect standard for living.
Either way people we have to **** it up now cause we’ve been dealt the Trump card.
Like any country is better then the good old U.S.A.
Freedoms today that far too many of us take for granted.
Yes, one has free will to leave if he or she chooses to do so.
Still this is the greatest country in the world and we need to stay here to live out our legacy.
Jun 2017 · 131
Broken Diamond
Broken Diamond

The perfect diamond I could give you
Was the one you could not wear
It brought the biggest smile
When you were the only one to share

All the brilliance and the dazzle
It shone brighter than the stars
And we all know that diamonds
Are the hardest rock of all

Yet the diamond that I gave you
Was gentle, strong, yet soft
It was broken and shattered
Because I gave you-my heart

Broken diamond in the dust
Left to tumble, left to rust
All the pieces have turned gray
This broken diamond tumbles astray
Jun 2017 · 118
Dope Joint
Word to your mother I'm the over weight lover
A beat of the clock to watch the grand tick tock
Blowing up the system in my shorts
Summer...Summer...Summer is here nothing to fear

Girls in hot shorts the curves on there hips
Hitting the gym no where to begin
Solid as a rock cause I got a big ****
Pulling down the dope joint over my head

Wake up dead a head full of lead
A nine at my back homeboy giving me a heart attack
See you on the flip side cheese
That girl will knock you to you knees

We got the stereo blasting
Body kit cars in the mix
Smoking a blunt to my head
Snoop is singing my favorite song

Gin & juice better then the blues
New sneakers on Nike and I'm not blind
Sound the alarm playing spades on the patio
Banging hot ladies somebody save me

Long hair, short shorts & a weave
Knock you to your knees I got to sneeze
Sugar is sweet like hot in the oven
Better then kissing your second cousin

You say I'm not dope well your all wrong
The stereo is playing my favorite song
Going to play pool with a couple of friends
Should I knock over another mail box

It all depends while I boogey right down to the socks
What's my claim to fame sense the like of Scott La Rock
Pulling on my **** cause you want a another push
Honey's in my sofa and some under my hood

Some are just no **** good
What's a young homeboy to do
Bitten off more then I could chew
What's the golden rule
Jun 2017 · 139
Night People
Night People

it was starting to rain on the night that we first decided
a choice to visit a nearby cemetery with friend
sadly a few attended
there was a crypt in a center of the grounds

Darkened black tombstones all around us
you could hear a pin drop
we brought along much alcohol to quench our taste
through the duration of our time spent we starred into space

we were just night people looking for some fun
Suddenly a hush of silence filtered through are conversation,
A creepy figure appeared in front of us with eyes of fire
we all screamed and vanished quickly into the night

a black cat was spotted that sent quite a fright
the stranger was non other then a bag man named Frank
he wanted a sip or to cause he knew that we drank
yet the party was over and back to are homes we would go

Later on that evening I heard a knock on the door
as I slowly opened there was no one there to be found
in my despair it occurred to me I had nothing to wear
Bare *** naked I would search around yet nothing to be found

the night can sent quite a fright
creatures of habit in their ceremonial way
Quench the desire the fate of a care,
never again will I be so kind to a graveyard hermit that robbed me blind....
Jun 2017 · 191
Hope Again My Friend
Hope Again My Friend

warm blankets fly away
glowing pixie wings shatter
the compulsion destroys everything
charging in like a wild bull

let loose into the arena to face death
past the leering crowds
Run ! Run ! Run !
Rise in the night

unable to fathom the incinerated heart
where is there to run
who is there for comfort

lie down in a shallow pool in the
darkest of night
the white gown and ***** braided bindings
emitting the only light

which slowly dissipates from within
he has come to watch on his steed
does contentedness engulf him ?
Jun 2017 · 1.6k
A Raindrop
A Raindrop

A raindrop is a tear that falls when angels cry
Then it helps the trees and flowers to grow
The raindrops are falling all over the place
Cleaning the trees and helping the animals find their food

Most of all
It is fun to walk in the rain with your loved one
The angels may not be crying where you are
They could be crying somewhere else in the world

A raindrop is like a breath of fresh air
It's like when a little baby cries
The rain is made of water
That evaporates and forms cumulus clouds

When they come together
They burst and form the rain
We get it all over the world
The little raindrop
Jun 2017 · 225

she open her heart wide to the vast illusion called life
in a variation of a dream she will scream
the twilight sun has tainted her inner vision,
hands, face & lips...

A sought after excursion of her heartfelt memory of her past,
Alone she thinks of the quaint memories to long ago,
shelter lies dormant amidst its beckoning plow;
She dances in a ring of fire yet

throws off its challenge with a shrug
her powers are from Zues of long ago,
making a premonition of fortune telling...
She comes from a kingdom near the sea

A glance of kings & queens and trolls in the meager existence
Empties her ideals in a shard of glass,
Dragons lurks around her heavenly abode
a flame of passion in a sincere covet

eyes, lips & hands,
She looks at life through the lens of death
her salvation is a longing quest of self discovery
as she approaches her own heaven's door
Two Soul's Intertwined (Adult)

we climaxed on the floor...
a hush of breath, the sweat,
shadows block again lest I refrain
It was morning by the looks of the porch

at first the kiss, then a pause...
once again we were at it again banging on the floor,
I stretched my hot **** into her lovely *****,
******* ****** ensued once more

Screaming and moaning on the cement floor,
The covers were light by a mere fabric of our existence
Suddenly we stopped a little fore play on display,
Told her of her sweet loving lushes *****...

How I wanted to feel my big **** inside her,
Pumping harder then ever before,
Again another pause & we showered together,
Kicking back I had some lotion after we were dry,

I began to rub the lotion on her *****,
A flavor of strawberry was vibrant to taste..
******* her skin through my teeth like meat,
***** isn't nothing but meat on the bone I'll

**** it I'll **** it I'll leave it alone....
and then a final touch I decided to whisper in her ear,
You dance on a ring of fire still throw off the challenge with a shrug,
Softer lips filled with vapors of romantic asps

I will treasure those moments but we came too soon.
Jun 2017 · 107
When The Tales Awake
when the tales awake

where would you go to escape if the fairy books awoke ?
would you run into a galaxy of mazes and stars
and colors so beautiful that only the most innocent could tell of ?
would you hide in a room with only the cowardly and then form together...

in all your fear and make a mountain ?
would you stay and play beautiful music and tell melancholy tales
for Robin & Marion
and the other outlaws ?

would you leap into a thousand kisses
or float into eternity ?
would you laugh in the courtyards of queens and dance
to the maiden's

songs of unicorns and dragons ?
or would you play games with all the children of
the unknown fairy tales
and guide Mili and be her angel ?

would you laugh and cry
with the winds
and fly away with the swans ?
Jun 2017 · 127
A Perfect Rose
A Perfect Rose

Early this morning I
saw a rose. This
rose stood alone. It
was perfect in every way.

Its beauty and fragrance made me stay
I knew this beauty
could not last
Although God made

this rose so perfect
He made us in
His image so our
soul will last.

Of all the things
God created we
are the best.
The smile we give

can last all day
A kind word can bring
on a song.

Let's all pray to
Jesus every day
That close beside
us He will stay
Jun 2017 · 125
Dope Rhymes
Loose lips sinks ships take some time to move those hips

Meet me at the store Rasta man with a plan

Not sense the days of 1978 back seat in a car with a date

Stereo blasting to the sounds of magic funk

Come on bring the noise you got a brand new toy

Cruising down the street in my plush hot rod

Women's liberation heading out across the nation.

Homeboy Smith wasn't ready when he ****** this **** named Freddie

We used to roll up what is the hold up

It isn't funny but the sound of the money

Take me back to those good old days when you woke up in a purple haze

Going to the drive in watching those double features

Eating at the nearest Arthur Treachers,

We have come to close not to turn back now

No use looking back when your hand is on the plow

Dope rhymes are filled up with a magical potion

Sipping red wine down at the ocean

Putting some lotion on my honey with a kiss

Sorry that I missed a tongue in your ear

I shed a single tear to help numb my inner pain

Not having you in my arms is driving me insane

What is my chief aim to fame

A cause to go ever deeper then ever before

Lest I implore another opened door

Inside our soul we behold a window a chief aim to please

Knock me to my knees like Shaggy with ****** Doo

We bit off far more then we could ever chew

Rap to the rhyme goes to rhyme with a reason

It's the changing of the season.

Break down to the ground and sound the alarm

There's far too many fish still stuck in the pond.
Jun 2017 · 65
Divine Mortality
Divine Mortality

When I think of being mortal I never chortle, but, instead
I put those thoughts behind and hope to be divine
If when I die there's nothing more
and I will go away forever, never more

to be, I'll hope for a miracle
of some meaning or a purpose to define
Perhaps it's true that when you die
there's nothing more from ship or shore

the course being silent, dark and deep
Perhaps, at the thought of death
we should just wring our hands and weep
and into esoteric worlds of fantasy

we should, hopefully, creep
It's hard to be nothing at all,
or into some empty abyss fall
But, if there's hope to find and death

is a rebirth of a continuum in space
and time, then no matter what I do,
my mortality is divine.
Jun 2017 · 105

Falling in the dust on the ground
A way to explain with hip hop beats in my brain

Staying up late at night just chilling with a flame
This is a roll up so what's the hold up

A fly by night explosion with a tear in my eye
Does this come at a big enough surprise

Born in the hood doing no good
Washing dishes for a living

No more remorse nor any forgiving
All my home boys in the street

I sprang a brand new leak
A tender moment like a rose

Up your nose with a rubber hose
Sugar is sweet like a scent of the honey

Getting you broke with no more money
Skipping jump rope playing spades

Having it made in the shade
Act you age

We only go this way once so we must be proud
Having a nine to your head wake up late falling dead

Success in life is very sweet and appealing to the eye
A quaint way to greet a passerby

Still I'm falling but I can't get up
I a world torn with violence what's the hold up

Shallow lies no surprise must we fall prey to those wicked lies
Jun 2017 · 275
The Shaded Tree
The Shaded Tree

There's nothing like a warm summer day
To picnic under a shaded tree, a gentle breeze
To cool your mood as you gobble down food
Swatting at flies from your fries and pies, make you

Want to close your eyes, and conjure up a beehive
No repellant to ward off the any invasion trekking on
The picnic basket, carrying bits of food as they steadily
Form a line gathering up the chunks of rind, and making

There way to that ant hill mine, you close your eye's
And take a deep breath of nature's fragrant air
Wishing you were in Kriti Crete or on a cruise ship
Sailing the islands, and listening to the music drumming

In your ears, no care of fear as you swat the flies and stomp
The ants as they steadily approach the spot you enjoyed
For a little while, neither glance skyward to see the clouds
Float by, nor nap under the shaded tree

As you pack up the picnic basket, and shake out the crumbs
On the blanket, you glance up at the leaves on the tree branches
With a thought to come back another day to have
A picnic and sit under a big shaded tree
Jun 2017 · 574
Lovers on the Beach
Lovers on the Beach

While overhead the seagulls hover,
and tiny sand ***** run for cover,
the ocean sounds its steady roar,
pounding against the snow white shore

A couple strolls hand in hand,
alone there on the crystal sand
Pausing on the secluded beach,
face to face they begin to reach

out to each other in a gentle embrace,
realizing this special place
is where time is spent to discover
true feelings for your only lover

As the sun sinks slowly into the sea,
there's no place they'd rather be
In later years this memory burns
as they long to return

to that beach and sun above
where they found true lasting love.
Jun 2017 · 201
Jesus Is The Answer
Jesus Is The Answer

when your down to the lowest pit
Nobody around and they don't give a ****
all of life seems fragile being tossed as salad
when you run into a brick wall

Still there is hope never falter
Jesus Christ died almost 2, 000 years ago
on a cross for all the world to see
what was his prayer what was his final plea

Father forgive them for they no not what they do
he said the prayer now the rest is up to you
there are long lines being drawn in the sand
when will we as a society ever understand

he's not about steeples or a salesman giving you something to hear,
no his love was such that he suffered so much just to call some of us to follow...
Our flesh wants to serve sin, self & Satan

one drop of blood fell from his scale
he was always there every time we failed
it's not about being perfect but it's believing in a perfect savior
Jesus is the answer

eyes, hand & heart
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
hopefully someday all will understand...
Jun 2017 · 368
Song To Nature
Song To Nature

Today it was bright and the sun shone above
The sky was an azure blue
And the breeze from the east made a low hallowed sound
as it blew all the leaves to their demise on the ground

From where I was sitting not a cloud was in view
And yet a warm, wet rain hit the earth all anew
The colors of springtime from purple to pink,
seemed all faded and worn and a bit out of sync

There was a scent on the air of which I must say
was like the rotting of flesh and of sleep out on the grass,
while a sweet melody sort of just drifted past
From where I was sitting I could see all who came

And they saw through me, my sorrow and shame
There was gray slabs of nothingness scattered around
Each encrypted a message so worldly profound
And the blooming decorum was a sight to behold,

each a symbol of love to the memories untold
And alas, a millipede on a road newly paved
was the last thing I saw from the view at my grave
Jun 2017 · 159
Questions of Destiny
Questions of Destiny

Listening to bass out my window
Wanting my heart to console
Waiting for Mr. Wonderful,
Yet feeling so sorrowful

Destiny has reigned my life
Always remembering all my strife
Always asking that question
What is your intention ?

Feeling almost remote
Trying to handle as much as I can tote
My life is sleeping in his room
Scared for him, he will consume

Consume all the fear and hate
That I have been doomed with by fate
As I look out my window, I see
Light and day, I do decree

Watching and waiting for my heart to unfold,
Who will be that person
That my heart beholds ?
Jun 2017 · 218
The Wind That Blew
The Wind That Blew

The wind started to blow
It was a col breeze
So peacefully the wind blew
Everybody and all the trees felt the breeze

It was a nice and calm wind
The wind blew and blew
Later, the wind started blowing
Everybody thought it was a nice, calm breeze

Later, the wind started blowing
Everybody thought it was nice, cool, calm breeze
It cooled and clean the air
The people who felt the air blow

Looked around; I walked on and the trees stopped shaking
Things were the same as before,
The cool breeze that could not be ignored
As the plane flew over the town

Everyone found that day that the breeze
Was very soothing, but Lord, extra
Jun 2017 · 456

When at night I close my eyes,
to think all the days gone by,
to feel again those passions past,
and feeble joy that never lasts,

I'm always drawn to thoughts of you, my only love my Cynthia
I think I found you in a dream,
the night I pressed beyond the seam,
where fantasy and reality meet

in summer mist so soft and sweet,
But you were all I ever felt, my deepest love, my Cynthia
But dreams just last within the night, when morning came,
Her soul took flight

I awake to find Her never there
She passes like the misty air
To leave me longing and alone, my painful love,
my Cynthia

Enigma love you swell the heart,
to crush the same when lovers part
But whether love and joy you bring
or bitter pain and Death's cold sting

I plead you come to me again, my final love,
My Cynthia
Jun 2017 · 355

Holocaust...Trapped..Like the fires of Hell,
Destroyed the old and the young
Millions suffered the agony and despair
Holocaust...Covered in bruises,

Scarring the mind and body for life
Letting only the strong survive
The smell of death lingering in the air,
All around people dying,

Dead bodies piled high as mountains
Holocaust...Like an endless path,
Desperate to leave, With no way out
Holocaust..No name, blank faces,

Look past the face,
Eyes like flames screaming to be extinguished
Holocaust...To live is pain
To die is rest

Jun 2017 · 154

Oh lets see if I can remember
My memory deceives me...the past has been long forgotten
The present at ends-deadly
Oh but the future !

Bright as the orange star falling from the silent sky
Yes, the breath taking, conscious waking midnight blue
It's the year 1999
When the impossible dreams come true

The presidents war games have taken the best of all mankind
And no ruler left to rule-what's left
of God's creation- only mans destructions
But what comes from up above as true as the white dove

or ornery as the black moon He or is it He ?
Takes the figure of a mortal, but the soul of a devil
It's the prince of revelation and his bride
to be enduring in a celebration of his victory

in the land of red seas and purple rain nothing less
The lion has lost his crown and thrown to the sterling white horse
with the magical horn and the Almighty sky ruler has done
the same to a thundering pitch mammal, the Pegasus-His name.
Jun 2017 · 97
The Persistent Quest
The Persistent Quest

I've been searching and searching
for something I had lost
And I vowed to keep on looking,
regardless of the cost

I'd climb the highest mountain,
And I'd sail the ocean blue
I would roam all through the
forest, if my dream would just come true

I'd walk out by the wayside, and I'd look both up and down
Thinking if perhaps I'd listen, I might even hear a sound
I thought that I would give up
and go on the way things are,

Or keep forever searching,
whether it be near or far
Finally something struck me like
a bolt out of the blue

I found what I was searching for,
and that something was you
Jun 2017 · 137
A Lonely Man's Dream
A Lonely Man's Dream

I wish I could write a love song
A song that would take away the pain
A song about a very lonely man
Too many times hurt and used for someone else's gain

A song that could renew some trust and faith
To a heart one time too many broken and torn
A song to fill the heart full of joy and happiness
Replace all the bad memories, darkness and scorn

If only such a song could be written
That could portray the true meaning of love
So many difficult questions could be answered
The sun would shine so much brighter above

Am I a fool, and all this just a dream
To think a simple song could be the answer
Nevertheless, I think I will continue to hope and sing
Even if sometimes it comes out only in a whisper
Jun 2017 · 146
Van Halen
Van Halen
a young kid running the streets of California
Brother Alex playing on the pots & pans
In time young Eddie bought a guitar
hoping in his heart he'll go far

Although from that scene many years had passed
still having every reason to grasp,
A deep aura of musical talent intact
Soon a band was formed with Diamond Dave, Alex, Michael & Ed

what was going on inside his head
flirting with drugs along his path
Working so hard anyone else would have a heart attack
Eruption on stage with the wailing of his guitar 1984

Still time had passed and the parting of the ways with Diamond Dave
Out of sadness there was new gladness with Sammy singing lead
A break up with Valerie Bertenelli yet out came son Wolfie
Hitting the streets again a brief excursion

A band with a talent unmatched still another parting of ways
Then it was Mr. Cherona that fell apart at the seems to extreme
Looking back today the band went all the way
Shooting to the stars a reunited band with Diamond Dave again

Perhaps it's best to hold our breath and count to the number ten ?
Eddie was and still is my biggest inspiration
Now is a good time for the band to take a break on a long vacation.
Jun 2017 · 93
Love in Bloom
Love in Bloom

'Twas a golden day in autumn
When he walked into my life
He brought the music that I thought was gone
He brought the sunshine back to this heart of mine

He brought the happiness that had evaded me so long
Our lives are so entwined in a pattern only by fate's hand
We walk together hand in hand as we travel this land
He has given us rainbows, flowers and songs,

And the hands of our loved ones to help us along
He has given us blessings to brighten our way
And always the gift of another new day
It was the hands of fate that brought us together

The sounds of music that made our hearts glad,
The happiness we share,
That special understanding which shows we care
We are swift to give praise but slow to complain

God gives us sunshine and rain
He gives happiness and pain
We ask not for wealth or fame
Our needs he will provide as we walk side by side.
Jun 2017 · 396
You Raise Me Up
You Raise Me Up

look inside much deeper then before,
pull out the old crusty, weathered & battered soul
filled with emotion hence the opened door
A willingness by which to humbly explore

You have taken me from dust from the speck on the sun
A bridge of hope to become a beacon of light to a hurting world,
Shelter lies dormant against its beckoning plow
how you fought so hard and fierce,

My one truest love is now gone from here
Out of a mere paradox with angelic hosts to proclaim
You sought me when I was at the bottom of my game
hands, heart & soul

Meekness is not equated as weakness
You bridged the gap between mediocrity & shame
Tossed in turned my frustrations of the day
In a climatic moment being pressed with tears

Shed a single tear to help numb the inner pain
not having you in my arms is driving me insane
You walked on water toward your claim to fame
pools of torments feeling being whisked away

A sparkling array of blissful care
Speaks to the longing I seek to recapture from above.
Jun 2017 · 201
You Raise Me Up
You Raise Me Up

look inside much deeper then before,
pull out the old crusty, weathered & battered soul
filled with emotion hence the opened door
A willingness by which to humbly explore

You have taken me from dust from the speck on the sun
A bridge of hope to become a beacon of light to a hurting world,
Shelter lies dormant against its beckoning plow
how you fought so hard and fierce,

My one truest love is now gone from here
Out of a mere paradox with angelic hosts to proclaim
You sought me when I was at the bottom of my game
hands, heart & soul

Meekness is not equated as weakness
You bridged the gap between mediocrity & shame
Tossed in turned my frustrations of the day
In a climatic moment being pressed with tears

Shed a single tear to help numb the inner pain
not having you in my arms is driving me insane
You walked on water toward your claim to fame
pools of torments feeling being whisked away

A sparkling array of blissful care
Speaks to the longing I seek to recapture from above.
Jun 2017 · 170
Love Is Calling
Love Is Calling

I heard God call late one eve
(There's love for you if you walk my way )
I ignored the warning, but continued to pray
Slowly I began to change my wordly disarray
(Because God first loved me I maintain and stay safe )

I joined the local church after a member led the way
defiance, resistance and temptation swayed my initial attempt at faithfulness...
After increased knowledge understanding sunk in
Hallelujah ! There's a place for me in God's holy land.

bible verses are armor against my evidence of sin
I grabbed ahold of the word to ruin the devil's evil plan
My faith has grown, my heart is known.
I see myself as God sees me

The sowing of seed the assignment God reads
building righteous relationships through fellowship
The medium of prayer and worship brings deliverance
Joy gives strength to the weak

so when God calls don't harden your heart
There's so much peace in the presence of God's abundance...
Jun 2017 · 123
Song Bird Delight
Song Bird Delight
Sweet fragrant melodic tones
Through the trees they go
Searching for tiny food to fill there beaks
Singing beautiful songs of delight
As a beacon of hope in love's fruition
The vast domain of nature's beckoning call
Soaring through the air for all to see
Amidst love's duration an opened door
Traveling through a magical interlude
We search for joy out of self to please
Yet look at how beautiful a song bird receives the sweet message of love
Shaped through Lavender decorum a will to survive
We each must never relent to ever give up on the fight
Silence etched through a doorway of promise
Beautiful birds with colors of illumination
Spreading there wings as a unique promise of delight
A pulse resonates out on the patio
To reach love's full duration
A promise that was made in the dark has come to light
Lines formed in there vast duration
The heart is an open door by which to explore
A challenge to be free is a question to shine
Nature can remove the scales to all that is sad
A look at a twilight sun that has tainted my inner vision
May 2017 · 162
Faith Like A Child
Faith Like A Child

Wisdom is the principle thing
The word is a seed planted deep in the heart
Still you believe in air yet you can't see it ?
Faith isn't intellectualized it just is

Each of us has been given great gifts
Some talents come soon others come later
Perhaps you want a different ice cream flavor ?
Such as a child looks to the sky

In columns of vast formation draws a beautiful picture
Tap into the imagination of a far off distant land
Filled with dragons, kings & queens
It's the substance of things unseen

In time the word springs forth to unleash a pure aura
It's in the in tuned harmony to the hidden beast's menagerie
We each can accomplish great things
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