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Oct 2017 · 141
lovely girl in the world
looks a life with a big heart & smile
still to know all the great while
inside of me
footsteps in the duration of the hall
inside she hides behind four  walls of steal
some may even claim at being no big deal
in her mind a twilight
she looks to the sea
gaze in reflects on vast memories
some happy & some sad
she thinks of child hood friends and the dreams she had
yet she is very sad
pitter patter of soft sandal feet
alone to meet & greet

in her eyes she thinks of a reason for being
longs to bid the receiving
shuns the resistance must confess
the hollow leaves blowing through the trees
she escapes in her own little world
beautiful premonition on a soul vested mission
Oct 2017 · 146
What Hurts You The Most ?
each of us is faced with a decision
a heart that burns and is ever giving
some go through deep moments alone
others ponder a new way of escape
perhaps you may call it fate
it helps to get away
beyond the brisk hustle & bustle
getting away from all the trouble
to a place of reasom from within
a new way to begin again
we clap our hands in peril of our assortment

heavy hearts are out stirring tonight
yet no one questions anymore
instead we settle for anything goes
the bullet holes
a braided fixture to expose
yet the impulse of the drama brings us near
I shed a tear to numb the inner pain
not having her in my arms is driving me insane
yet we do nothing but complain
as the world outside goes totally insane
for you are the magnet and I am the steal
only get one chance at life's spinning wheel
yet you say its no big deal

something inside hurts you the most
like a lost seagull outside on the coast
spread your wings as in the holy ghost
a challenge to be free is a question of time
Sep 2017 · 137
Surrounded by darkness
Seeing no light
Wondering what's happening
Not feeling right
The feeling of pain is all around
Am I going insane
Or just coming down
Am I in the place of doom
Or will I be back to reality soon
Is this reality
Oh Lord it couldn't be
If it is then let me ask you why
Why did you pick now for me to die
And why is my soul in this place
Place of misery and disgrace
I always told myself that when I die
My soul will go to the place that surrounds the earth and sky

I always thought that I'd go to the place of happiness
Where everything is so beautiful and pure
But now that I'm here I realize,
that I was never really sure.
I never thought I committed any immoral sin
Now I know I must have
Because you didn't let me in
I realize now that it's too late
I can't get through the golden gate
I think I've learned my lesson well
Now that my soul has been sent to Hell
Sep 2017 · 147
A Candle Light
outside on the patio
sat an old cat
timid creature with a vibrant imagination
dusted off an old book
studied until the late hours of the night
a candle light
each of us is given a gift
romance is in the air
we all love to be loved

in the base of the room
stood a candle lit in vast duration
we all must embrace these days
Sep 2017 · 178
filter through the inner mind
where solace binds and reason is there
for I hear inner voices in my head with choices
the ****** on the street searches for his pay
a noble church goer bows there head to pray
there are marks of discovery in each of us
yet I'm half the man I used to be
falling by the road side scattered in my mind
it's the fortaste of things to come
a world undone
the twilight sun has tainted my inner vision
sought after fix the issues inside
hide behind a false hidden garb of compromise
twisted lies with no surprise
a vision of crystal clear twilight
tripping out in the forest
green moss scattered by the features
it is hard to hold on one more trip & I'll be gone

yet I'm not dead the forest has trees through the breeze
a sorted cosic debris of fallen emblems
tuck back the vision down deep inside
this forest has a stone carved pattern inside
my heart permeates through the duration of reason
words can be lost if not chosen right
a black cat leads me to a pool of water where I quench my thirst
look back at the vision in the water I see a face
voices in my head its the walking dead
yet I like it when they talk about love
call it fate I call it a reason for being in the changing of the season

we run to and fro into the outer banks of the forest
dead flowers all around with emmense changes
the cloven asps of suspicion you got to get away
bones of skulls permeate the textual lining
some say I think to much
in are world in quite a rush
getting ready for the heavy push
to take us over the edge
the intense heat of fleeting passion
the zombies of *** are at your door
screaming of exhalted primitive choice
living in caged fury so why should I wonder
Sep 2017 · 134
A Mirror To The Soul
the ocean has a deeper way to calm our fears
trace back the years we used to know
when shadows break through the corridor in the hall
the pitter patter of soft sandal feet
to stretch the very fabric of the curtain long to explore
a mirror to the soul
a chance to let us know
heavy hearts turn to soft pillows in the light of love
love is the sweet essence of my inner existence
one hand to hold a heart to mend
we must willingly depend upon a power greater then self
to touch the hand of the one willing to share
a tender part  of me really cares

to become a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love
the comes from the hand of almighty God
life is a mystery to most
like a lost seagull outside on the coast
through walks along the shore
Oh, I want to love you more
without a single care in the world
seagulls flock overhead and passerby's can escape the helping hand of its sparkling radiance
lovers search for love marked on a dusty road
my inner soul permeates the tender longing inside
a place in which to hide
from all the raw sewage and decay hence another day
will you let him in to dine will you make the victor's sign
when all is said and done your face shall shine
Sep 2017 · 112
Soul Fire
hearts are torn
in the mockery of love
yet deep inside there is a flame
years ago the same
have to see it through the pain
not having you in my arms is driving me insane
a call of love out of heaven up above
lonely eyes drift out in twilight
through the violet & lavender decorum
my very soul permeates a deeper longing
waiting to be discovered underneath the covers
is it any wonder

it slips through your hands
a chance to explain again
one in twain yet marked on a blotted page clearly intact
working to hard can give you a heart attack
soul fire in a newer demension
between that of space and sound
Santana had played it best
others want to try to give it a rest
all of life is one big test
a taste of freedom in the solace of unrest
turn the page and act your age
clowns to the left of my sinners to the right
here I am stuck in the middle with you
having bitten off far more then we could ever chew
but this is nothing new
for it has all been done before
try to even the score
on your way to so much more
you hit the needle and the damage is done
comfort comes a dime a dozen
soul fire in the early morning
Sep 2017 · 104
the weight  of the world came crashing down
thoughts of suicide and I'm running wild
one can ****** in a dream with an evil scream
all your weight falls on me it brings me down
eyes, hands & feet

Shadows block the surface of the moon
as you hide away in your lagoon
you contructed pyramids to honor the dead
what is going on inside are head
lazy diamond studded  flunkies

yet the equestrian horse sits idol on the very edge of the room
shallow promises will seal your tomb
in my lifetime it was a will for power
perhaps I'll have to take a cold shower
filter through the noise with a pinch of gravity
somehow we take things in stride or let it be

life is like a roller coaster with all it's twist and turns
one soul soars while the other will soon burn
maybe its in ****** or desires and dreams
things caught up in the means
yet we have come this close not to turn back now
we vacation in Florida then return to the plough
there's a dozen of thoughts in my head
living in the land of the walking dead
can't even think to dismiss this earthly bliss with a time well spent in thought
having a dozen of pots in your sink
we torture ourselves from deep inside
many want to run away and hide
then to stay in the game the thought to light the flame
why is everybody insane ?
a new day approaches
whispers down the corridor
I hear my inner conscience call
a challenge to be free is a quest of time
to frolic in the ambiance of my mind
with all your weight it falls on me it brings me down
cascading water fall on a brisk hot morning
angels frolic as they wish together
hearts unfold through its duration

saw the vision through a pathway in a forest
the path was heavy with leaves and rocks
sullen brevity torn in the circle of its frenzy
pillars of solitude dash the mindset again
in fortitude we have built this sequence of thought
in the center of the forest there is a door
hallow ivy in pictoral resolve
we will reach are ****** in this place
hauntingly surreal of fixed vestibules alone
with all your weight it falls on me it brings me down

there is a portion of value in this lands fixation
hearing the noise of owls in its vast domain
yet I sought its perfect peace amidst a place of unrest
even the gates of Hell can't stand against this place
a reason to belive so much more but what ?
we ponder its escape for is it an illusion or that of a reality ?
through a variance in a dream voices scream
when I dream of a virtual reality minus the cavity
most of us are stuck in its gravity causing calamity
society has the notion of whispers in there veins
I chance at which to rearrange inside
another page has been turned and a bridge burned
that's what make us a human being
she stands alone through her inner pain
not having her in my arms is driving me insane
loneliness sets in my heart again
where to even begin the emptiness sets in

the ocean has a way to tame the average human soul
to search in the corridor of love's devine
yet I have a tender tooth cause your sweet like candy baby
the impulse of the heart will light the tender spark to what I need to know
shadows block the midnight smile still to know all the great while
there are forces that will not let me go
sugar is sweet like sweet as honey
I'm going be the one who brings home the money
there are inner pearls of nuggets in which to explore
in the days of my youth I was told how to be a man
how do I know when its love
does it come from heaven above
should it be swept under the rug

eyes, hands, feet
longing for the intense longing
a challenge to be free is a quest of time
searching for that kind of love
its a matter of time & we shall shine
from a young child they were groomed
a silver spoon they new not of
they were born in the gutter
there mother was a *****
selling her junk from a trunk in back of the liquor store
many moons ago let the truth be told
the child grew up wild
got a taste of the streets
viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side
would be a drifter in the grand scheme of things
blind from the notion of what is there destiny
a life of crime they knew all to well
now I got a good story to tell
in time they would shine through working dead end jobs to keep them alive
others were born of good stock but somehow they forgot the true meaning of the streets
let the blind lead the blind then soon they would fall into a ditch

the ******* child was full grown now
not looking back at the plough
serving sin, self & Satan
always drinking yet never thinking
were they would end up in the end
a need to pretend
searching for the latest trends in there stolen Benz
at this time making lots of friends
sad heart with tombstones for eyes
does this come at any big enough surprise
then they made it to the big time at last
life was going way to fast in which to grasp
the last great American bad ***
no one gets out on any free pass
money was no object while they were on top
one drop in the bucket & they call a cop
now it's cell block number twelve
feeling like a Keebler elf
suffering deep inside they want to run away & hide
until the day the preacher came inside
shared with them a lesson
now was the time to do some confessing & trusting
then the got born again & new that God had a plan
so much for the bad *** ways
getting caught up in a haze
they became a new creature ready for life's double feature.
*** is meant for marriage
yet many escape through vice with *******
a married man seeks more then the real thing by having a fling
there are lines being driven in the sand
hearts are purged in the under garb of vice
escapism through the portal of lust
paying no attention to in God we trust
like an old car they rust
being carried away by sin, self & Satan
shadows block the full view of there sight
they feel they could sin cause that's there right
like a caged rat hidden in a tiny hole
who could stop this madness

it's just a fantasy it's not the real thing
sometimes a fantasy is all you need
hearts are torn and some that bleed
people do as they so please
cause the girl is such a tease
knock you to you knees
as busy as a bee
a temptation that quickly comes and then it goes
just like ******* goes up your nose
a temporal high but the ramifications is devastating
now what are you waiting for
go do what you have to do
having bitten off far more then you could ever chew
yet this is nothing new its all been done before
remember ther famed Studio 64
the socialites would party like never before
many were kicking in back with a two bit *****
screaming for more
Sep 2017 · 179
Love Like The Autumn Sun
through the sweet vortex of our inner frame
we can dream of far off places with kings and queens
shaped through the fragments of are exploits
someday you will be all alone in your room
there you will read a text to reflect upon your life
we each are on a journey in this life
some ponder the existence of God
other reflect in the day to day toil
love is the mere essence of are existence
shine your inner light upon the twilight hour

shadows block the mere reflection of my frame
not having you in my arms is driving me insane
lest I refrain another door by which to explore
there is so much more in this game of life
within its given strife we can learn
one soul soars and another will soon burn
we better wait are turn in this wheel in the sky
the faint lulabye in its scope

thoughts can make you recapture about a life here after
some like the fantasy cause its like the real thing
other ponder grace as there guide through life's surprise
Sep 2017 · 146
We May Never Pass This Way
the close of the day
out on the patio
we stare at the wall
covered from the mere notion of regret
there is a deeper meaning in this place
to equate logic for fear
for I shed a single tear to help numb its inner pain
harken onto the moment in my thoughts
crumb cakes with granola bars left for snacks
the garden you had pulled the weeds back
the fertile soil permeates the fragment of its land fertlization
we humbly tred upon solace the thoughts will last
shelter lies dormant amidst its beckoning plow
still I need a shoulder to cry on
the Martini that you drank last night at the bar
sdt pitter patter of glasses clasping together
snap shot moments in my head

golden nuggets of wisdom that come from a higher source
the scope of the sun has tainted my inner vision
a soul vexed in its derision
we may never pass this way
time goes by so very fast
all those good moments you hope that they would last
no other better way then to bow the knee to pray
others might insist it ought not be that way
yet for today send a chill down the spine
heads today are in the walking blind
make sure you don't ever be left behind
Sep 2017 · 171
Will You Open ?
Will You Open ?

All these years later
I still dream of you
A day in the park
Late spring
Under that tree
Hiding from the sun
Half asleep
Tracing secrets
In the palm of my hand
Whispering a love's tradition
Of desire
In my ear

we may never pass this way again
through the dration of love permeates the very fabric of my existence
in solitude hearts melt back the fervor of resistance
join with others to humbly frolic in this love
holding hands together
kisses of sweet molden lava love escalates through my hearts door
will you open ?
Sep 2017 · 122
A Vortex To A Quill
shaped from the tiny fragmentation of the impulse in my mind
blinded by the mere silence in its brigade of solemn tenderness
alone I sit on a high hill visually seeing the passerbys visit then leave
a quaint encounter to the vast duration of negate circumstances
all of life is a test each of us is caught up in its fix you see
out of sincere necessity one is willing in which to achieve
the heavy garb of compromise is suddenly removed from there eyes
does it come at any big enough surprise the closing of the door
another window will appear this time very clear
light & love

hands, eyes & feet
shadows block the vortex in my magestic thoughts
once again I'm on a raft near the shore I suddenly get tired falling into a sleep
next I know I'm out in the middle of the sea away from know civilization
life hits us hard when we least axpect it to
many have bitten off far more then they could ever chew
sullen brevity
the quill is a welcoming mat for all to enter
a heart saturated with truth will withstand the truest test of time

many times we have to come up for air
a little folding of the hands and then
hopefully you will understand
yet a heart will not beat something it clearly can't
the mere notion of love is not for the faint hearted
love permeates a soul vested existence
with columns of lavender torn in its vested mockery
we now come suddenly to a close for I never felt like this before
you were all I was living for
Sep 2017 · 153
We Are Forever His Child
inside we so often wander aimlessly through the vortex of spirituality
we dig still deep then ever before to reach the pinnacle of are being
soft sandal feet with a pitter patter noise of a peace that passes understanding
gravity takes a hold of me yet again I wander aimlessly onto another place
the cadence of columns with pillars nestled in the tiny fragments of my skull
love has a name I am that I am may you all understand
love came to the woman at the well with a great faith to tell
love was drawing with his finger in the sand in front of the ******* accused
love was there from the very beginning & continues freely
to bask in the vast expanse of all known duration of inner sanctity
love needs to get apart from societal mainstream cause
living in todays mindset can be very mean
people are wandering as if nomadic herdsmen in desolation
falling apart at the seams in a pool of seeking self to please
shadows block the tug of the heart to light the inner spark of what I need to know
vast numbers are coming to an ultimate decision for there lives
does it come at any big enough surprise that Jesus is living in us
let us not enter into the forces that beckon a resistance
out of ever circumstance learn to take part in the dance
most of the world is living in a trance locked away in their own little tomb
we are forever his child in twilight through the turmoil & pain
join hands to start spreading the true meaning of why we are here
let me make this quite clear not everyone is free
they will call him Lord in the final day but he will not hear you
come to the small still voice who beckons your heart to draw near
let love be the anchor that holds the soul don't lose your control
people generally live for sin, self & Satan
wearing your Sunday best while frying the bacon
come to a greater knowledge then self
maybe you want to put that book right back on the shelf
only one life will soon be passed only what's done out of love will last
yet no one gets by on any free pass
We are forever his child gripped by the masters hand
hopefully someday you will all live to understand ?
Sep 2017 · 226
Stay Close To Me
pant into the leaves
through the somber tender moment my heart permeates an escape
we have come to far not to turn around now
through the corridor
a hopeful memory of a time well spent in thought
my lips quiver through the notion of a mere solace intact
sullen brevity

stay close to me
feel the breeze nestled through the trees
my hands clasp with amazing fortitude
alone in my silence
thoughts of beautiful cadence
the exploits of a promise made so long ago
feelings of rapture now lifting my gait
pause to reflect

another moment to another memory
wandering in the silence
embark on Summer's end
the shadows block my inner frame
not having you in my arms is driving me insane
alone again this time I stare at the wall
in the back of my mind i here my concious call
the pull the tease of a romance gone wild
feeling as carefree as a little child
snap shot moments of my past
having so much fun with a hope that it would last

the twilight sun had tainted my inner vision
stay close to me with a touch so devine
draw ever nearer to the fire my my inflicted frame
love is the mere essence of quaint elegance
yet inside we hide behing four walls that block
we tend to always think a lot
tender moments between a father and a son
love works in many hearts
stay close to me & i won't leave
for I beg you on my knees
to enter the final ****** with a smile
cause you knew all the great while
eyes, hands & feet
with a sincere faith in your heart
you will light the inner spark to what it is I have been waiting for
Sep 2017 · 109
Smile Is Contagious
let's love one another brother stop all the hate going around
be proud of who you are on the inside & choose
to become a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love
love is the mere essence of the fabric of my existence
don't ever try to join up in its resistance
we can move mountains of evil in our way
those that never confide to bow the knee to pray
but is there another way ?
faceless victims with viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side
yet I seek for comfort in a higher power
my very soul permeates with a reason to share such love
from a candle light vigil to passing the torch
we are living in a land so very mean
Smile is contagious so pass yours on
sing a lively tune or a love song
the vibrance of lost exploits from a time ago
having so much fun with a tender hope that it would last
the get togethers at the beach
trying to catch that frisbee way out of reach
walking hand in hand along the shore
never felt like this before for you were all I was searching for
kicking the tin can in the street
the ice cream man came by with a heavenly treat
back the it used to mean something to hold open your door for your neighbor
wearing your finest at the mall with the gell in your hair
for i shed a single tear cause you were never there
to bask in the vast expanse of rich tender love
coupled with a heart filled with gold
mark the one willing to explore
so much more with a smile
cause you knew all the great while
it was there all the time what I had been searching for
so today tell somebody there special never forget them
there is always a great lesson the more you keep on confessing
like a rainbow in the dark you lit the inner spark to what is is I'm searching for
when your smiling the whole world smiles with you
when your dancing truly dancing the sun keeps shining through
but when your laughing  truly laughing the rain won't fall on you
learn to share with one another the treasure of love
North Korea
Tear Down The Wall
Trump is on the mountain

Lines are being drawn in the sand
When to understand
we can't keep sticking it to the man
Burning bridges

faces, space & burning the midnight oil
taking to long to watch the water boil
Have we forgotten our true freedom,
lies dormant stretched the imagination

A hero's welcome has been long forgotten
Try to forget about Ben Laden
there's a fork in the road along life's journey
A challenge to be free is a question of time

Learn to gather the hands together
Black & White
search with all your hearts
To ignite the flame to light the torch to what we are waiting for

No more clowns, fake news & Marie Tyler Moore
lest I implore another open door
tear down the wall already
Seek truth with everything you got !
Sep 2017 · 195
Dream Evil
Dream Evil

alone in my bed I lay
still not able to pray
I close my eyes to a world unknown
cobwebs etched in the very fabric of my existence
alone helpless with demonic bites
viscous fangs with long stemmed dripping blood off side
slowly I walk through a vast corridor of the dead all ******
the wretched stench permeates deep from within
this is where it all began
columns of pillars in hot conclaves of the vast derision in my mind
legions of skulls fractured from the onslaught of the heavy decorum
I'm blinded by the very notion of hate filling up to the extreme
barbed wire chains with a swollen cavity of death's resolve
blackened eyes with spots filled with tombstones
maggot infested feces resonate through the duration of this place
the howls of screaming torment of weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth
vile domain of fire escalates upon my domain
stripped from every know concept of light
a demon holds my hand taking me to this place alone
inflicts pain on my gait with vile objects of torture
just to tip my finger into water to quench my thirst
the intense heat makes me ***** & sweat

traveling ever further to embark on a dungeon with a evil grin
boils of hot lava flowing from the side of its chamber
suffering executed vile extreme
hands twisted a hernatal diseased corpse exposed
ravage in the degree of coupled intense fire
drifting further I'm alone again
yet I awake to what ?
Sep 2017 · 95
In The Moment
In The Moment

lines are being formed from the face and hands
eyes, feet & hands
when will we ever seem to learn to understand
through a variance to a dream voices scream
a whole host of angels surround me
the lines permeates the very fabric of my existence
strong delusion for those being tested
you had your moments in the sun with a bit of fun
caviar with lobster tail on a bed of rice
it will make you think about things twice
another chance at which to roll the dice
these are desolate times
yet we often settle for ill but faded rhymes

then I look in the mirror I'm in the moment
times has elapsed for a space in which to relax
we have been captivated by a smile
cause we knew all the great while
solace is the residue of it's timely vortex
an explosion inside that made me realize
there is a tender meaning of our existence
you are a mere shadow of a deeper reflection
through the vast expanse of the moment we can learn
one soul soars while the other one burns
you just might have to wait your turn

the village queer is always stern in his approach
as if a lost seagul heading outside on the coast
savor those tender memories with both family & friend
hopefully someday you will all understand ?
Sep 2017 · 117
The Secret Place

The Secret Place

in the silence of my thoughts
pitter patter of soft sandal feet
a candle lit in the corner of my room
time well spent in thought
sullen brevity
my soul permeates sweet humble affection

through the vortex
the peace that passes understanding
beauty in sullen brevity
all of life seems to be a mystery
the knocking of the door
think back
to a time well spent in thought
captivated by love
love is the vibrant essence of my inner existence
shun the resistance in every circumstance

we shall meet here daily
to ponder are togetherness
nestled in the very fabric of our existence
the secret place
away from the hustle and bustle
shadows block the space
a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love
those memories
the moments lived out in twilight

a challenge to be set free is a question of time
still dig much deeper then ever before
the touch of the hand that captivated a smile
the vast light of illumination
to bask in the vast expanse between space & time
a real reason to believe
a face to shine
the days end
or has it just begun
we are in search of something
but in heaven's name what ?
Sep 2017 · 146
A Deeper Way
When What You Believe Infiltrates Your Behavior The Process Builds The Foundation !
A challenge to be free is a question of time.
My soul permeates the very fabric of my existence
A beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love
look deeper again my sweet friend
therefore gain wisdom with all thy getting gain understanding
one has remained lax from what's spiritual
relying on the temporal
hiding behind the squeaky wheel

a vortex of a surreal memory in thought
one must first perceive it then to achieve it
columns of sand pillars wasting away
with a time well spent in thought
shadows block the view from a far
out of reliance to a master plan
does death hurt you the most or is it fear
we can become blinded by vice and facades

yet our heart is an opened door willing to be explored
all for so much more yet what ?
for love is  the very essence or fabric of my existence
never to join in it's resistance
out of every circumstance we can take part of the  dance
there is a deeper way to reach heaven's door lest I implore another way
bow the knee to pray everyday
with what we do with are time today
will become evident then echoed throughout eternity
bask in the vast expanse between time & space
as if golden nuggets coming down from outer space
Sep 2017 · 94
Not An Asshole
Not An *******

many years ago let the truth be told
stolen memories underneath the mistletoe
a good cause to scream out eating strawberry ice cream
living in a land so very mean
no I come from good stock
but at times I think a lot
burning bridges falling apart at the seams
yesterday was such a simple game we used to play
but then let's face it it's easier today
started when I was an altar boy
I had a new chief aim & ploy
destiny was so much a part of me
then out of tragedy
being hospitalized with mono
not an *******
I'm good people after all
hopefully someday I will achieve all my dreams
things still fall apart at the seams
was lead in my senior class play
some may say that I very very gay
but that's o.k.
still play on the one string I have been dealt so I can cope
today let the truth be told
I lead many people to the Lord
by living out his every word
have you heard the good news
or you may want to put on your dancing shoes and sing the blues
time waits for no man
yet try to understand
you can't keep sticking it to the man
hopefully someday all will understand
no not an ******* I got a good heart
now you can start to learn what it is Iv'e been searching for
Sep 2017 · 106
Step Off
homeboy got capped in the knee
out in the streets
let the truth be told
where as years ago
with Grandmaster P
he was born in the gutter
his momma was a *****
selling her junk in the trunk
in back of the liquor store
screaming more more more
raised my his aunt named Mable
feeding her dog Rex underneath the table
as time went by so very fast
having every reason to ask
the spin off the hook was the great ******

in time he learned to relax
to bask in the vast expanse
cause he got the hook up
two turn tables with a mic
sold a lot of  **** to get that sweet
getting he *** kicked in a neighborhood bar
still spinning records the best he can
"Step off" with his reply whenever he was tested
his life reflected a reason to believe in rap
a willingness to achieve
that was until a gang banger put a bullet through his head
shot him dead so they thought
now he was in a hospital bed face full of lead
there he suffered in complete silence
amidst all the pain & violence
tubes in his veins lying there dead
then came a pulse
next a heart beat
his eyes suddenly opened
folks thought he was only joking
came fully to his senses
with eyes twitching

spoke his first words, "Step Off"
then we all knew he was alive and kicking
then he gazed at the streets looking for the one that did this
instead of violence he sought forgiveness even to the **** that struck him down
Master B was right back in the studio
rapping & capping
he found love as a sure fire way to go
that was years ago so today he still preaches to the masses
always teaching on love and his free passes
"Step Off" is still his slogan but he's got a new boss now
can't turn back when your hands on the plow
Sep 2017 · 103
Love Is King
in the vast expanse between time & space
every so often
we encounter a feeling
coming across two souls realing
the inner quest to let freedom ring
your love is king
to ***** portals filled with lavish vain glory
the truest essence of the story
a cause to reflect upon life & it's meaning

look again my friend to a humble abode
vested in pure gold
to fit like a glove in a mold
we got are hearts fixed on seeking self to please
will get knocked down on your knees
start spreading its disease
love is king
the birds do sing
a time  well spent in thought
of a lover's quarrel the changing of the season
have we forgotten others for a reason

our love gets blocked twisted to the side
we all want to run away & hide
a vast expanse of things choose your friends wisely
burst  out of things that bind you
Sade was right
your love is king
Sep 2017 · 121
Ride It To The Shore
Leaving: a cadence, a beat.
Repetition in our minds, lost and forgotten.
A shoe box empty and discarded. Painful, stumbling through, not around, this hurdle.
And still, caresses linger at the bottom of this bag of memories like a boulder.
Leaving: a door closes on feelings, darker out there. Blackness, but somehow enables me to shine.
From this dark hallway I see roses in the moonlight.
The soft streetlight against the stars.
They have not forgotten me.
Upon leaving, a self-conscious, thwarted, last attempt to grasp a passing wave. Ride it to the shore:
A failed attempt.
A deep sense of false pride. An aching troubled fit creeps along the path to the street.
The front yard screams at you.
And the car.
And the buttons on your shirt.
Leaving: Yes, I am leaving.
Still, you might have the chance to get there before me.
Sep 2017 · 79
Dreams Flight
The first pig to fly is wiped
out by an airplane.
Bacon rains the neighborhood.

A second pig cloud devours its airplane.
By the third pig, the dream is achieved,
the tinkering pays off — wah lah! — to functioning

machines. If these shapes in the clouds actually
meant anything, I’d have it ******* made.
Sep 2017 · 83
In The Trash
Love gets buried
under bad days
in the trash
forgotten to be taken out.
And that one loose handle
on the kitchen cupboard door
no one
Love gets buried
under bills
and no jobs
crumbling buildings
and terrorism.
Love gets buried
screaming and muffled
under the sound
of alcoholic neighbors
who always win
because they’re drunker and louder.
Love gets buried
and forgotten
under countless
unpaid parking tickets
lost souls for loved ones
and motel drug overdoses.
Love gets buried
under friends dying too soon
before they ever had the chance
of a fully realized life.
Love gets buried
under the heartless shuffle of HMO’s
finding things that aren’t there
and not treating things that are.
Love gets buried
under lost blood tests
and bad carpet.
Love gets buried
and sometimes love resurrects.
And sometimes
love just gets buried.
Sep 2017 · 96
Talk Of Suicide
We are high together
In the world
You’re a doll of
A tax burden
Your intelligence is a
That brain is so off
Throbbing Gristle
Plays like a lullaby
Lately the women
The honest ones
Talk of suicide at
42, 45
No – we say they say
Well, just listen
For a second
Your smile might be
A scream
Carry on, like the British
What do they know
Sep 2017 · 98
Going For A Walk
We have four hours.
He has been up since six.
He is reading a novel by Steinbeck.
He never keeps track of the titles.
He says they remind him
of unpaid bills, the jobs
that changed from state to state.

I am allowed two keys,
my driver’s license, cigarettes,
loose paper money in a transparent bag,
ten snapshots of the duck pond
at different angles because
he wants something
innocuous from his past.

He mentions he is
eating well. He is trying to recall
his dreams for an inmate who once
practiced medicine illegally
in another country. I hum
a tune about dancing alone.
I promise to be back.

Here is the future
on the wall: Only one hug
when you first meet and one more
when it is time to leave.
His sentences always end with
I’m sorry. I hold his hand
where everyone can see it.
Sep 2017 · 450
Poetry Is Where It's At
All of the time I hear how Poetry *****
In grandiose all knowing articles,
Fahey shouts it from the big stage
Poetry *****
Like a ***** out in the neighborhood,
Like a vacuum,
Like depression on the state of the human race
Poetry *****
Now they bury her again, and again
Poetry dead with a single ice pick hole
Naked her porcelain, translucent skin
Glowing in the moonlight
Her beautiful naked body covered in blood
A nook crammed up her ***
Poetry *****
In a World of image without substance
Poetry *****
In a World of snake oil businessmen
Poetry *****
I go to coffee shops
And crazy empty bars to hear her
I so rarely find her anymore
Poetry *****
I still host readings in her name
Poetry *****
I read tens of thousands of
Submissions for free
Just so that I can find her
And create something beautiful
Poetry *****
I have traveled from city to city
To see her
& I know where her heart is
I know who my kin are
Poetry *****
Under a generic blanket of PC niceness
With no soul
Poetry *****
As I read & create it
Poetry doesn’t ****
People do
I saw her get up and walk away
From the whole scene
She wakes me up at four thirty in the morning
& ***** the **** out of me
Poetry doesn’t ****
People do
Sep 2017 · 89
A Universe
All these years later
I still dream of you
A day in the park
Late spring
Under that tree
Hiding from the sun
Half asleep
Tracing secrets
In the palm of my hand
Whispering a universe
Of desire
In my ear
Sep 2017 · 97
Remember My Own
each evening
before twilight
before starlight
before the yellow houses
pull their shutters
into themselves

I remember my own
small death
in green and orange
and ash white pills
each beautiful
each perfect
each swaddling my senses
in cotton batting
and antiseptic truth
****** truth

I have died
these many familiar times
this comfort
pulls my life about me
with sleepy fingers
like a warm blanket
and rocks me
with soft lullabies

no mother could
ever be so diligent
so real
so mine

buckle my shoe

twenty years
of little deaths
have left me
silent and barren
as Mother Sleep
no longer waits for me
drawing a tepid bath
but instead
opens her starched white uniform
and smothers me in her ample arms.
fathom its logic
we soften its blow
to covet the vital entry for progress
in such a private view
fangs that bite dripping blood off side
my vital organs exploded to migrant **** feces
putrified skulls
a backlash of death's door paradox
lost in the sauce of sullen brevity
to unleash earth's gravity
we hide behind pillars that scream

love has taken a back seat for temporal lust
a push unkind surface for the blind
we carry on as if we know
yet we are lost
a newer way in which to begin again
to close of door on all that will last
no one gets by on any free pass
you broke the needle and the damage is done
run baby run
Hello, you maybe stuck in a hotel room today wrestling with the meaning of life. You tried ***, drugs & rock and roll but nothing seems to fill the inner void in your soul. Friends, come to a realization in life of something greater then self. He took the blows on himself so that you don't have to. His sacrifice was enough please come to him today & don't delay. There is always a friend with Jesus Christ. Love is the very essence of my inner existence please join me in prayer now: Lord Jesus, come into my life I'm surrendering all that I have to you. Please fill my heart with your tender love. Confessing my many sins to you that you paide for on the cross. Please come into my life & I make you my Lord & savior Jesus Christ. Friends if you meant those words from your heart I believe you got born again. Join a faithful church that puts God first in all things. You will all be richer for it. In Jesus Name, Amen
Sep 2017 · 246
The Look In Your Eyes
The Look In Your Eyes

a pulse ticking at your heart permeates the resistance from within
tempers of fire torn to the very fabric of my primal exisence
gone are the days I used frolic in a haze today I'm just a mouse
stuck in a maze of restitution trying to figure out what I'm doing
long for something yet what in a world that's in quite a rush
the look in your eyes came no surprise of the twilight
battered fingers that linger through its destiny
what are you willing in which to achieve
time doesn't stop for anyone but time has value
must look at its sullen brevity was willing to achieve
to calm my fears and wipe my tears through the silence alone
building bridges to deliver the true source of its message
we made it through the lonely place when all the night was long

let's never stand still when it's the shoot to thrill
nothing wears on my soul like a go old fashioned test
hold on tight through the duration of the night
never relent to ever give up on the fight
life is a dream as you think like Steve Mcqueen
straddling fences through the duration of space & time
hard as I find I don't know why it rains throughout the pain
with what we do for the sake of love will be echoed throughout eternity
Sep 2017 · 389
A Chill Within
A Chill Within

You vowed to love me
Is that a vow you keep
Your smile's so tender
You'll not be sighing a sweet surrender
Your touch is so pleasing
Makes me warm inside
love is a flame to light the way
an eternal quest on display
many live it out in fantasy
in vast sullen brevity
you push me away but i'm here to stay
love is the mere essence of my inner existence

beautiful in a tender voice
we all have a choice to take part in the dance
time waits for no one
yet I have just begun
a chill within my friend
when I look deep into her eyes I could see a future
filled up with hope for a better tomorrow
amidst all the pain and sorrow
the twilight sun has tainted my inner vision
deep within my soul permeates to the vast expanse of the reality of love
nestled from a higher power up above
what frightens you most is it fear ?
for I shed a single tear to help numb the inner pain
not having you in my arms is driving me insane
most of life may appear as vain
yet I search for more yet of what ?
Sep 2017 · 208
Knockin On Heavens Door
through the pain of life and with the added splash
we must run the race we are given
not any one stop shopping event at your local seven eleven
drift through the forces with all there voices
faced with many choices yet we push on
living on the edge and its going to my head
sitting up at night all alone in bed
following a rainbow to the sky
i see a vision of you pass me by
still we have to learn another choice that burns
from deeper within its plausible quest for all of life is a test
there are road blocks far to extreme
living in a land that's so very mean
we must all come together to treasure
look not at the weather
our eyes need to be fixed on the very next switch
getting caught up in the variable mix
it just keeps going and faces are showing
its not in the no but in the very knowing
one step at a time and you will climb
stay clear away from the false signs
got yourself in a bind
blind leaders of the blind
in a grand illusion
what is the solution
to reach that place called heaven's door
lest I implore something more
Sep 2017 · 197
Nurture A Thought
How sad, how lonely, how frustrating it is
When you keep looking, longing, searching
for something you cannot find
to fill a void in your heart that keeps growing
expanding, engulfing your thoughts
you can't let go of that desperate desire
to consummate your relationship with the need;
this space in your mind, a black hole

Religious works don't fill it
hope can't erase it, it tries to replace it
love doesn't satiate it, greed devours it
It overtakes me, drowns me, surrounds me
It chokes my existence
the need to release, to scream, to cry, to explode
It imprisons me in its plan of inevitable destruction
It is secret, it is rain, it is sinful, it is...
My Desire
Sep 2017 · 174
The Ivy Briars
the cloven asps that peal away
a soft decorum of the rush of a smile
the swag persistance to join in its resistence
we have created a vile mast
through the duration of time I must confide
all of life is an essential ride
in Ireland the green pastures of hue
permeates a liquid tasts of neglect
as I commonly reflect a new episode
loose loop holes with a vibration taunt
carry through the mere whisper of a sound
to ellapse in its jealous vain duration
plagued be mere societal influences
the equal benefits of an influx charm

nature's vast emory board drifted out to sea
so common as to not faint when questioned
each of us must seek solace for the self
to equate greater beauty in the duration of time
vanity springs forth when there is no pivotal rule or direction
many seek self to please
society keeps us second guessing
for a far off switch to enter with blessings
the ivy briars are loosened now
a whole host of them in derision
will keep its hold on any second guessing
(Manuscript of Poet Mario William Vitale)

From 1993-1997 - Attended State University in Connecticut,Attempted plays : Tartuffe, Miracle Of St. Anthony and Balm in Gieade,( His poetic aspirations had  in 1989 from submitting his first poem entitled, "Remembrance Of A Loved One"- (Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum)Next from 1989-1997 ( Wrote primarily for and The International Library Of Poetry),* Received editors choice award in 1997 for poem, " A Beacon Of Light ",(1998) Sent poetic manuscript to N.Y. Time Magazine and Chief Editor " John Hyland".Back with rave reviews !* ( From 1999-2008:Had adapted a real keen sense of style for writing poetry: ( 1999- Sent Editorial to:New Man Magazine for the Passion of Christ Movie;Sent followup letter to company with poetry platform information attached,* 2000-2007 : Magazine : ( Catholic) Maries Rose Ferron Magazine submitted poem" Beacon Of Light", which had excellent editorial reviews as the outset !2008- Wrote poem entitled: ( The Heavy Cross) to* Achieved Poetry status of work of Excellence in writing from the Academy Of American Poetry in which still having received rank and status as a member of Academy;* ( The Connecticut Poetry Society)* Short story submitted entitled, "China Dog Ray" submitted to Virginia WritersQuarterly, West Virginia, Also having member status on their board of Poetry.*

( Attribute Poetry to an ever increasing love of God and his unconditional love that he has for us in return,Thankfulness toward family and friends.( To our past ancestors who fought to uphold freedom that far too many of us take for granted ?One needs a pure heart that's fixed on truth,This is in order to withstand the true great test of time !Life is way too short,Press toward the goal or mark of our high calling that is in Christ Jesus The Lord !~My contempoarry artists include that of ellan Bryant Voight, Kay Ryan and carl Phillips.Which all three are Participants in the Academy Of American Poetry.* Having been a member since 2006,My work reflects the likes of past poets such as C.S.Lewis, Hawthorne and edgar Allen Poe.Most of my work reflects with the values of religious beliefs intact,( In my personal view it is essential in demonstrating a real heart of creativepassion !The reader I believe will benefit by my artistic style of development in a verypositive light.)To further the need for poetry to become more main stream,

Mario Vitale was born in Bristol , Ct Has developed a skill for writing poetry in the free verse form. has been featured on, & Poetry soup. Vitale lives with his elderly mother Ann Soulier in Wolcott, Ct. Currently has written well over 1,000 poems & 2 short story's toward credit platform.

Vitale has taken the poetic world by storm being featured on Google, Yahoo & MSN. Looks up to contemporaries in the poetry industry such as John Ashbery & Major Jackson.
Has been a favorite featured poet reader at Barnes & Noble in Waterbury, Ct.
Also featured on such sites as Poetry soup, Writer's café & Neo Poet.

Mario William Vitale
1 Winfield Drive
Wolcott, ct 06716

A Beacon Of Light
Written by: Mario Vitale
A beacon of light to a much hurting world in need !

Can't help but to claim..,

Some sense of identity,

Stregnth and encouragement only come from above !

Amidst in the distance, the trapped seagull..,

Lieth frightened but still yet adrift !
In a most vengeful fashion striking the passing fish,
A true source of hope,
Yet a most triumphal beam !

This beacon of light shineth forth,
Passerby's can err' escape the helping hand..,

To the most sparkling of radiance !

(2)Thanksgiving Dinner by Mario Vitale
Home for the holiday from New Orleans,
with Mother and Father at the tiny
drop leaf, brown rosewood, mahogany
table with the gold, grinning claw feet;
Father, choler- red-in the-face, short-
sleeved white shirt and cane, says the blessing
as Mother brings in the turkey and cranberry.
Then Mother asks, “Won’t you have more?” and father :
“Do you think Moll Flanders was a *****?”
(I have suffered and bleached my hair blond.)
I am silent before their replies.
Mother sighs. “I can scarce speak to her.”
And Father, too, quotes Shakespeare. (I am thin
as paper and the rose- colored bowl
of blown glass sitting on the silver stand,
half- filled with water.)
“How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is
to have a thankless daughter”


Song of Spring
Today I heard a robin sing
heralding the coming spring
A song of exultation to the sky
an ode to earth's awakening

I saw a willow on the hill
It's branches greening in the sun
and all the earth seemed hushed & still
sleeping streams began to run

I heard a softly rising breeze
whispering through the grass
singing through the still bare trees
waiting winter's chill to pass

I saw the sun, so bright and warm
warming the earth after the rain
the buds and leaves, no frost to harm
at least, at last, it's spring again.


The Ancients
It's my last day with the old giants
In mourning I hike the lost trails,
sniffing the aroma of the bark,
that cinnamon of the forest
Under tepees of wood
in a membrane of shadows,
I stalk the earth, its mammal traces,
its elusive tracks,
to sit on a fallen log
where spiders macramé,
moss sloping to my knees
unaware of invisibles within,
grubbing in their tunnels
A lizard taps my foot,
responding, I muse to its touch,
my thoughts like Indian visions,
And when daylight mushrooms into night,
and an owl hoots from cedar,
I still sit with a lizard on my shoe
Huddled with the ancients of the woods


Written by: Mario Vitale
It clings to the cliffed shore,
to the wintered face of the thistle path,
to the fingers of the old man's glove
as he waves his memory homeward

In that breath between come and go
she moves up from the bay;
gold turns her stride,
the line of her dress,
the soft sea pulling at her feet

When he reaches out
and the frail birds fly
and the sun and the sky
have married deep into the sea, it clings

Even as his shadow threads retreat,
it clings, even now as it dissolves to mist


A Return Home, Only Time Will Tell
Written by: Mario Vitale
Oh blessed hope !

Both hardly a believable dream,
Sweltering heat with bloodshed in the street...
Send the troops home !
There is no clear reason for them to roam..,

These are desolate times !
For we have chosen ill faded rhymes..,
The casualties are enormous ?
For a stated cause that clearly atrocious..,

A mother's cry as the door chime rings,
A vanishing salute to freedom as the church choir sings !
Let us look above to all the heavenly love..,
Merciful one, take this chip off my shoulder..,

Stop the senseless fighting before our dear nation grows a bit colder,
Suddenly, seeds were dropped out of a farmers bag,
In time roots spring up fresh out of the fertile soil...
As the sun heats up,

Time will tell when this harvest will soon boil...
In the vast game of life,
One's time is so very brief !
The soul yearns for its' heavenly relief..,

Share with others who may want to turn over a brand new leaf..,

Time will tell of the true importance of helping one another,
To never give into the finish line..,
Nor harsh criticism that our society puts out !
Like a famous fighter in his final bout !

Time will tell of the return home,
To the open arms of a loved one !


A Valiant Knight
Written by: Mario Vitale
A Valiant Knight

Death springs a new day basking in the breeze
In solemn moments lets pause to think of a place
A far off castle in the mountains away from it all
A valiant knight lived in the structure of it's dwelling
Those days of old where mere men had a noble demise
A beautiful maiden was in waiting for her knight
He would often fight for the cause of stregnth and dignity
The draw bridge where the castle stood had a very unique aura
A mystery of sort sought up in the vast array of crowned nobility

For the king on his thrown was humble yet greedy
Always would take care of himself caring nothing for the needy
A valiant knight was concerned about the kings trust
Often they would disagree on who it was to serve
A joker came in front of the king one day with a magic wand
Waving the wand in the air then there floated ivy everywhere
For the court jester was a fool in the making of his legacy
The maiden would often come forth and see

For she treasured a red rose that was plucked sometime before
Cherished the calling of her stature to the glory of the throne
A valiant knight would often sing sweet songs in the night
Had a following of village people that would sit before his feet
Having a way of words that he would often share
The castle was filled with dragons and warlocks searching for love
A cause to be brave amidst uncertainty of the kingdom
The legacy of golden capulets filled ardent vestibules
Let us toast to the valiant knight who keeps a watch on all that is good

Hampton Beach

The smell of fresh fry doe
Time had elapsed playing at the casino
Fresh lobster with a side order of fries
Those spacious wonderful sky's
Down at the shell the continental were playing
A walk by the lady of a statue in waiting
Flip flops and the sound of laughter
A playground for kids in the middle
The boardwalk with seagulls flocking over head
Fire works in the midnight air with a cheer


God's World
It is raining again.
Summer will be over before it ever gets here
Thunder rolls far away, drops
hit the windshield, the sky turns gray

The Sunflower, the blue
Delpinium, the white
Stinkwood drink the moisture
greedily. The green and silver

leaves of the Aspens sparkle as the rain hits them, and the
wind turns them round and round
The creek flows on, oblivious to
the change in the weather.

A break in the clouds allows a bit of sun to hit the side of a
towering mountain
Three cows slowly wend their way homeward. It is dusk.
The gray clouds lift and the sun bursts through,

before sliding behind the hills for the night
It is God's World. He gives it to us to enjoy and to share with each other


Jake's House
There was a man whose name was Jake
Who had a house upon the lake
Every morning he would wake
And for breakfast have a piece of cake

He had a private fishing hole;
He always used a long cane pole
He fried his fish on red hot coal
And served it in a great big bowl

For a pet, he had a cat


In The Zone
Written by: Mario Vitale
In The Zone

through the dark deranged portals you evoke fear
filled with angelic fervor on it's textual base
yet we dig much deep then ever before

cries in the dark will light the spark of what we need to know
still we stand idle as the average novice introduces its spell
along again then the sadness evokes a newer feeling
dwindling through the vain extraction of the never world

we visually see a flash then a new day approaches
on the lawn two lovers having passionate ***
the screams of vile extreme explodes throughout
perhaps this is the place where Nero tread

yet again I sit alone in my house now huddled in the corner
the twilight sun has tainted my inner vision
the howls of Satanic laughter gives a piercing shriek through
a candle was lit by the edge of my bed

One can remain lax in the quietness of the moment
yet again the setting of the sun
a new day has begun as we embark on the moment
Does death hurt you the most or is it fear

You can equate logic through a firm grasp of the hand
whispers again...
then a faint cry,
we construct living pyramids to honor the dead

A stroke of luck an the impulse ensues
onto so much more but for what
are we grasping for straws what are we searching for ?
quietness again this time I'm in the zone

as if zombie creatures with viscous long fangs that bite
dripping blood off side we run away to hide
no one questions anymore no one has a voice
alone one last time yet feelings of grandeur awake

to the message of hope that spills from the sky
a challenge to be free is a question of time
eyes with spots digging holes in a pool of blood
Satan laughing again spreads his wings

Suddenly I awake but to what ?


An End Of The Age Of Innocence Part III
Written by: Mario Vitale
In our fast paced twentieth century world..,

We oft' have neglected to stop to smell the roses,
Oft' we used to bow our heads silently to pray,
As we reflect back to the sixties is had launched a pad to rebellion !
With a vast amount of liberal bias and thinking,

No wonder why our nation is sinking..,

Sinking amidst a cuss pool of mere morality..,
For now it is a quite different time,
A very unique but different type of day..,
An end of the age of innocence,

One hath been enlightened..,

From seeking truth,
Some fresh out of a garbage can..,
Yet for Gods' sake,
He hath such an amazing plan !

Hence, to shun the broad road,

Yet to seek to venture in the narrow..,
Such as a distant bird in flight !
You might see this creature venture out at night ?
Of the Eagle nor the Sparrow..,

It used to mean something to have a sense of common courteous..,
To hold open the door for your neighbor ?
Yet for the time being we relent and waiver..,
Would you prefer another taste of a certain ice cream flavor ?

To ponder we must be content with who we are in the inside..,

Nor, a mere fancy suit or blazing sport's car,
Life is a roller coaster..,
In what you do while busy making other plans..,
Finding solace among the height of nature.,

Such to think at what is quite simple,
As a young child reflects on his or her poster board,
Playing with their magic crayons..,
For in eternity it is such a very long time !

Take heed in what you do,

Now is the expectant hour !
What will one choose to do ?
There can be no place nor need for any compromise,
Within it's vast perpetual spectrum !

One just can't put a price tag on a genuine but unique heart !

Hence, with honest integrity..,
The time for change is today !


He Was There
by Mario William Vitale

From the inner silence of the lamb he was there
In welcoming to the world to share
Within the multiple of words the mouth speaks
As a heart beats through the passage of time
To every poem that was ever written
To every burden ever lifted
To rivers crossing where people living
Sometimes loving other moments giving
In storms that were outside brewing
What is the significance of this love
In painted pictures from above
To every soldier in a battle
To every cow amidst the cattle
Not a second glance at any real romance
A field of dreams throughout our head
From both fire and ice will make you think twice
Perhaps another chance at a roll of the dice
When every kingdom comes thy will be done
Shadows in the shining morn if there's a rose it bears a thorn,
He was there in every circumstance
When they tried to throw stones at her
He was there drawing a line with his finger in the sand
It is my hope that some day all will understand
A glance at the past will tell us of our future
Amidst the inner pain & uncertainty
Through shadows in a field of dreams
In moments of solace amidst the pain
A light moved out upon the street outside
A day that wasn't meant to be
Thorn crown was pulled upon his head
Those shouts of intense anger from the mob
There was only one who would help him back on his feet,
A light that brought only a few to greet
Let us not run away & hide
Each one of our sins was placed on that cross
To lose the battle now would end in tragic loss
Father please forgive them for they know not what they do
He said the prayer now the rest is up to you
That cross that broke a sinful world apart
With his blood-soaked crown with spear in side
To show the whole world he had nothing to hide
The summoned cry brought about healing in the sky
Watch the free angelic dove fly!


Momma Of Pearls
by Mario William Vitale

Since there's nothing I could find
That was worth giving you,
I sat down to think a while
And write a line or two
If I had a magic wand
I'd wave it just for you,
And give you anything you'd like
No matter how many or few
If I could give you back the years
You so willingly gave to me
I'm sure that you spend them over again
The same as they used to be
Remember when those days and nights
Instead of going to the fair
I'd always say tell me again
The story of the three little bears
I tried to get a strawberry pie
But they were out of season
Then I thought of gold
Sep 2017 · 212
A Romantic Encounter
in the days of old
let the truth be told
through vast billows of covered asps
the frolic in the ambiance of a moment of love

through the sequence of time one may
derive an explanation
nor simply to enjoy the moment to shine
for some life is meant to really hurt

through billows call an Evergreen pine
the surface of the radiance of the sun
has now briefly tainted my vision
was there something else you had been wishing

the innocent go down punished and the guilty are found innocent
although many have no back bone cause
their main ambition is cowardice
many still hold faith in self then give no plausible explanation to their relevance

they have a form of godliness yet deny their maker
hence a romantic encounter with the help of a neighbor
there is a true love out there for everybody
everyone will delight themselves underneath the sun
Sep 2017 · 120
The Planet Of Hate
The Planet Of Hate

creatures with zombie type features in are underground
long hanging viscious fangs dripping blood off side of mouth
there flesh is of overt vexation of pivotal excess seeking self to please
they can't help you cause they can't even help themselves
evil mind that plunge into sore vexation dauntless & spineless
heartless minds darkened stench of manure as there carcasses rot
vulture plunge with maggot infested feces in the extremities
darkened spots having holes with narrow minded thinking
blind leaders of the blinded who will soon fall into a ditch
can't help you cause they can't help even themselves
come to ****, steal & destroy as there chief dead end aim & ploy
the smell of menure in piles of sewage through there deranged portals
vanity of vanities all is vanity for this is the one you worshipped.
the false god of sin, self & Satan
ready for the eternal over of affliction
spots with eyes having holes bridge the gap in Hell
falling creatures in a desire for blood masked in superficial pain
the mentally insane filled with ellusive torment of money ***** mongers wasted
blood stained ceiling with an audience of deep habitation of darkened caverns with dungeons...
alone you will be silence with the forever memory of vain oblations
the cavity of neglect frozen in your feeble minded mutant brain
lest I refrain another door then the one the leads to hate...
*****, pout & complain
idol fantasy of chosen damaged convenience that leads to your death
the gloom of frozen embodiment of pulsating screams throughout duration
come up for air only to be silenced once more lest I implore
running to & fro in circles marked on a blotted page yet not clearly intact
working to hard can give you a heart attack
onto the ****** of 666 with a twist of haunted vile memories of helter skelter
yet this is the path you have chosen welcome to Hell's door !
Sep 2017 · 156
Bask in The Vast Expanse
learn to dance
a chance at romance
without a glance
years ago let the truth be told
got to put things in perspective
some are very often left captive
we all must know the truth for ourselves
put that book right back on the shelf
lift up your senses
bask in the vast expanse
may have to change my residence
searching through loop holes we will get *** holes
many years ago
let the truth be told
that's how I roll
through the duration of time
we have created a rhyme
all must stand in line
patience is a virtue
therefore gain wisdom
light & love
rich words from above
we each must never go under
Sep 2017 · 138
Keep Your Cool
wandering in the flow of desolation
you seek shelter on a long awaited vacation
in the midst of the emergency
this much you must agree

this old world is not are home
were not a bear out to roam
each new day we must pray
in every situation one must give praise

some are called to do little things
to bask in the vast expanse under his wings
although the years have passed
still having every reason to grasp

people today are quite moody
living in there land of make believe
building up your faith and force to move me
a challenge to be free is a question of time

make sure your heart is in the right place
we can each learn from are past mistakes
some may call this fate
yet we are alive and we all must learn to thrive

thank God that you are still alive
obey the golden rule
keep your cool
many moons ago
let the real truth be told
the undertaker would attach a bell on the toe of the dead
right before they were actually embalmed
if the bell would ring
the dead were actually alive
many times before those alive were buried dead
until that glorious bell on the toe
There was a tale of a ***** that visited my grandma
it was thought that he was dead
until the bell rung on his toe to let them know
although those many years have passed
still having a great reason to grasp
my grandma would share he story
although today there is no longer a bell
I have such a great story to tell
Sep 2017 · 457
The Leatherman
many years ago let the truth unfold
one man who lived as a hermit
wearing nothing but leather all around him
had walked many miles in New England
he had thoughts of wild excursion in the sun
but what kept him alive was his deep quest for knowledge...

he survived many years ago
had a stone cave in Watertown, Ct
when rarely seen out in public he would often grunt something with French dialact
looking for every sort of food he could find

his only means of transportation was to walk to his destination...
he was sometimes miles in the woods far from public roads,
Way out in the middle of no where

he created a human obstacle course that was his very own...
many miles he would then roam
on his various stops people would often leave food,

Always seemed to be in a very good mood
walked his trail until the very day he died
the tale of the leaterman has arrived.
Sep 2017 · 142
The Living Dead
if we look inward we will soon discover
a whole host of treasure to recover
some have invested in images that plague the inner soul
the are among us yet they are not of us
they are the living dead with thoughts inside there head
hiding out in the silence of the inner torment
they can't help you cause they can't even help themselves
there the blind leading the blind and soon will fall into a great ditch
just like the night of the living dead
there hearts are torn to self, sin & Satan
eyes with spots having holes
long hanging viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off of side
they all run away & hide behind the false hidden garb of compromise
can't they see through all those vain twisted lies
does this come at any big enough surprise
shallow peaks long in the silence of the underground
demonic forces wrestling for there soul
shallow pools of gloom in a saddening exploit of a soul vexation
there afraid of fire I found that out
there's a radio in the truck
I jumped into listen to it
there must have been tens of those things grabbing to hold on
still we must be on are guard every minute of there tormented souls
by now there are no more screams maybe 50 or 60 of those things standing there
I just wanted to crush them scattered in the air like bugs
a word to the wise always no where you are stepping
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