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marina b Apr 2013
the cosmic balance of all life
    is perhaps beyond my perception
  but still may hold the key
         to why love and hate are so **** close
and why i never win at bingo.
marina b May 2013
is it possible to be perfect?
because you're pretty **** close.
marina b Jun 2013
i'm done singing for you
now, i sing for me.
marina b Feb 2014
it's time i start living for myself
i really need to get it together
marina b Apr 2013
your music is too loud

but i'm not too old.
marina b Apr 2013
never let them tell you
that you aren't one of the "pretty girls"
or that your laugh is too loud, or too high, or too low
or that you should try a one-piece on instead
or that the guy you like isn't cool
or that you can't do whatever the hell you want to do
because they're wrong

and just know
that i will fight for you
and with you
and laugh with you
and twist your curls in my fingers
and love you
forever until infinity.
marina b Apr 2013
you knew my eyes
knew that they had been leaking, faulty, allowing my body to flood
with emotion
and then drain
messily, leaving black rivers to dry on my cheeks

but still, you shook me
with your anger
you allowed me to fill up again
but this time i burst
marina b Mar 2013
Saturday night I dreamed.
I was roaming in my Nana's house
My fingers tracing the walls filled with
Hundred of photographs, each in a
I stopped at one of my mother
Standing at a beach.
Skeletal; she was gone. Skin drawn tight over ribs, tibiae, humeri.

I remembered Sunday morning when I washed out my cereal bowl in the sink.
marina b Apr 2013
sometimes i forget
how much i truly deserve to be happy
i am,
deep down,
a kind soul
and i care passionately about animals.
i am very politically aware
and i love my friends and would fight fiercely for them.
i make very good pancakes
and i speak up when i see wrong being done
just as much as i pipe down when i realize
that someone else deserves the spotlight.

so why am drowning?
marina b Apr 2013
i was going to do it that time, honey
i really thought i was.
but the timing was off
and i couldn't find the
i needed

but don't worry, i'm sure another opportunity will come
sooner or later.
marina b May 2013
do you feel it?
what i felt,
how i still feel?
marina b Apr 2013
could you feel the longing
in my fingers as i
traced them along your palms
winding our hands together
weaving my love into you?

could you sense my desperation
when i felt you pulling away
and i curled a single digit
around your finger tightly
and squeezed
before i let you go?
marina b May 2013
show me you care
it doesn't matter when
or where
or how
but i need it
more than i've ever needed anything else
and i hope you understand that
and i hope you won't regret it
if you don't show me soon enough.
marina b May 2013
i worry so much
that i take you for granted

i know if you left
my world would implode

please stay with me
i know it's hard, but
you make me happier than i've ever been
to my best friend
marina b Mar 2013
i am a princess
instead of blood there is
only melted gold
marina b Apr 2013
some nights, you are the
only thing that gets me through
to the next morning.
marina b Apr 2013
dear crush: i hope my
gaze isn't too intrusive
but you're so **** cute.
marina b Apr 2013
do you remember
the time we stayed up all night?
that was when i knew.
marina b Apr 2013
today i peeled a
clementine, and the peel came
off in one solid

piece. it was the most
accomplished thing i have done
this whole ******* week.
marina b Apr 2013
school is probably
my least favorite time-****
because i don't learn

i'd rather be on
a big farm where i could learn
about animals

or in the ocean
where i could swim with dolphins
and ride on a while

i could be in the
jungle hunting with tigers
eating papaya

i want to be in
australia, hugging a
baby koala

i mean ****, i could
just be at home reading or
writing or singing.

i would like to be
anywhere around the world
anywhere but here.
today i was in global and it just made me realize how pointless school is
marina b May 2013
every time i watch
your strong
move your strong
i wonder
how they would feel
on me
marina b May 2013
he's never patient with me
and thats the only thing i want him to be
he cares only for himself
and his thoughts
and his feelings
and disregards mine

i'm never patient with him
but does he even notice?
all i care for
are my thoughts
and my moods
(deep and blue)
that allow me to drown
and escape from his grasp
marina b Feb 2014
do you respect me?
are you using me?
am i allowing myself to be used because i don't respect myself either?
marina b Apr 2013
you're so far from my grasp
and it kills me
when i see your arms
(god, i love your arms)
around other girls
the skinny girls
and the pretty girls
and the not-me girls.
marina b Jan 2014
if i concentrate hard enough
i can still hear your laugh
i can still feel the sunshine on my face
i can still remember what it was like
to be happy
marina b Jan 2014
my hair is long but the days are short
we used to talk about the stars
i miss your arm around my waist
i'm in limbo
simply waiting for the rotations to complete
counting down the days
until summer
marina b Jun 2013
it was fleeting
it meant nothing, really
but it warms me inside
to know
we share something
that i will never let go

(i hope you won't, either)
marina b May 2013
watching them move
speckled with sunlight and
dancing in the wind
makes me long to
be free again
marina b Jun 2013
i cannot imagine
how it must feel
to actually want
what i pretend i crave
marina b Sep 2013
i had almost forgotten
what it felt like
to not want to die

so if i cannot thank you for anything else
at least let me thank you
for that.
marina b May 2013
every time
i begin to write
my words curl around
your image in my mind

i cannot be rid of you
and i don't want to
be rid of you
marina b Apr 2013
sometimes i hope
that when i am lying awake in bed
half dreaming
                                   (of you)
you are listening
                                   somewhere, somehow
to the same
marina b Jul 2013
you know,
they say oxygen
though vital to life
is ultimately its very destructor.

you see,
it burns us from the inside
we willingly take it in
let it slowly ravage our bodies
and seep its poison into our precious vessels
so when we leave this celestial orb
we're still left grasping
for one last breath.

so in a way,
i guess i could say i need you like i need oxygen.
marina b Sep 2013
i ache because i have never felt your touch
but i worry if i felt it
i would ache even more
marina b May 2013
if you needed me too
if you asked me to
even just if i wanted it

i would write you poems
one for
intricate part
of your
marina b Sep 2013
the fireworks didn't only ignite the sky
they ignited my skin

or maybe that was your touch, i can't be sure.
marina b May 2013
don't worry,
you won't hurt my feelings.
in fact,
i'm not even sure if i have feelings anymore.
marina b May 2013
i did my best not to show you
but when those words escaped your mouth
something inside me burst
into a rosy, sparkling celebration
and it's a miracle
i didn't
e x p l o d e
with joy
marina b Jan 2014
i wish i could erase you from my mind as easily as i erase the words that i write about you
marina b Jul 2013
i'm too tired
   to even think
i've burned all my memories of you
and i am now focusing on
marina b May 2013
i went to the doctor
he curled up onto my bed
stretched his claws over the side
he told me i have
chronic ennui

he prescribed me a daily
dose of selfies in
my bathroom, consumption of lots
of summer fruits, and 500 mg of
marina b Sep 2015
time, love, and art--what illusory concepts
undefinable and immutable
we meld, over and over again, the borders of our bodies becoming unclear in defiance of the defined space we transiently occupy. teenage rebellion.
A most primal ritual, mother to a sentiment most sophisticated--
the bites you left on my neck lasted longer than your interest, which faded with the early sun like a dark cliche embedded in my skin.
How curious it is to feel time, evade love, and be art--
how bitter to know the hollowness of each one, a lesson imparted by the weight of their meaninglessness.
marina b Feb 2014
it hasn't even been 24 hours since we last spoke
but already i am dreaming of your skin;
your hair and what it would feel like to touch it
your face keeps me awake and i suddenly fear:
i have become attached
like i promised i wouldn't be
marina b May 2013
i live for these late night conversations.
do you, too?
marina b Apr 2013
please let me
d i s s o l v e
o b l i v i o n
instead of this
marina b Mar 2013
     if you only knew
            how close i have come
                    to letting the acidic, undigested
                            river flow from my throat
                        into a porcelain chamber
              maybe you would think
        before you squeeze
my soft belly again
marina b Jun 2013
i want to wrap you up and keep you in my pocket

                                 so that you always feel close to me

and so that i never have to deal with you again
marina b Apr 2013
i'm awfully
for someone who knows
about senses
marina b Jun 2013
do not bother me
let me wallow alone,
in self-pity and half melted bowls of ice cream.
is that really too much to ask?
marina b Apr 2013
and he will fill up the word "love"

with everything he's ever known
and everything he's ever seen
and everything he's ever wanted

and he  will give it all to you

it will tumble out of his mouth
alcohol pushing each word into the cold air
where they will linger on small white clouds
"****" he'll mumble into the receiver
and he'll wait for you to hang up

your mouth will curl up
and you'll tell him
shut up, get home, you're drunk
but although your hands will be cold and damp
your heart, for the first time,

will be warm.
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