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 Jun 2014 marina
He said:
 Jun 2014 marina
those aren't dreams, those are goals*
I stopped using that puny voice
and hiding behind the avocados
in my cobb salad. and who are
you to to define the space between
my fingers, the gaps between my
teeth? Dear Wyatt, feel honored
because for a moment you breathed
my dreams.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014.

he doesn't define you.
 Jun 2014 marina
though we have changed
separate of each other,
we are the same.

and because we
are the same,
that very much means
nothing has changed.
I keep telling myself it won't work because I have changed but I've not grown. And he has grown but he has not changed. And still, we are in the same space, mentally. And these are the same same reasons why it didn't and won't work.
 Jun 2014 marina
there is no point in living
if you only do what you know
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
It scares me that I was right
where  you  wanted me. I
was nothing  but one  of
your masterpieces (oil
on canvas), a rubber
duck floating out
to  sea  with  no
r e d flares and
a   hurricane
o  n   t  h  e
h  o  r  i  z  o  n  .
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
w i l l
be white
noise,    a
in my fingertips
as i'm falling asleep,
a long-existing ache in
my chest from not telling
you  i loved  you for  too
many months. i wanted
you- hot  and  cold and
not being able to break
from you- but i cannot
want you anymore,
cannot   miss   you
anymore, cannot
dream about
y   o   u   r
p r o m i s e s
and your laugh,
cannot wake up
hoping you've
walked out of
f  o  u  n  d
yourself    in
the extra space
in   my   bed.   i
how sad is that, to
miss  someone  who
carved me out to   make
room for  w h a t  i thought
was himself and filled me only
with  beautiful  words  that  were
empty                    ­                      
i want to move on
i want to move
i want to
i want
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i parked my car just up the hill
from your  house  and it was
dark but  i  think  your  tv
was on (i wonder what
show you've decided
to smother yourself
in this summer)
and my fingers
were tingling
and i was
out how
my lungs
worked and
i   turned   my
engine  o f f  and
tried  to  walk  up
to your door, really,
i  did  but  then  i  saw
your  plants   o n    the
porch and  the  garden
in the yard that y o u
love so much and i
remembered  that
those things do
not belong to
m e,  t h e y
belong to
her. and
so do
and as
much  as
i   want   to
hear your voice
(because even after
only  this  short  time
i t ' s  become fuzzy
in the back of my
mind and in my
dreams)  it   is
not   mine  to
w o r s h i p
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
He said,
"You have
the best skin
of all the women
on the planet Earth."
Last night I slept with
someone else's fingers
on me. I wish they had
been yours, instead.
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
If I could track myself down
(go back to when I completely
lost myself in you) I'm sure I'd
be on your couch with that
white blanket and your
h  e  a  r  t  b  e  a  t
beneathe my ear. How
it feel to sit there without
me now? I wonder if you miss
me, do you wish         you could call
me, do you wish you could kiss
my fingers like you used to? I
had a dream last night
that we got married
on a jungle gym.
I dropped some
books off on your
front   porch   and   I
wonder  how  you felt
when you saw them
there.  I  hope  it
hurt even just
a  l i t t l e.
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