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 Jul 2014 marina
in this dream I stood at
the gated entrance to the
way we used to be,  a
green trellis shaped like
a star and the old house
where we were so often
was boarded up. I wanted
to call and ask you to lunch
but we had just been on the
biggest journey and it occurred
to me that you needed to rest
so I stood at that entrance until
the dream
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

 Jul 2014 marina
let's be honest
sometimes I turn
towards the wall at
night and close my
eyes, I can see your
hairline, a fracture
of scoliosis in your
curved spine, I can
almost trace
the bumps of
your vertebrae
through that
thin cotton

let's be honest

you start to turn over
before I lose you in the
geometric dark, sometimes
our eyes play tricks on us and
we see colors, well, sometimes
mine play jokes and I see you.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

inspired by this poem:
 Jul 2014 marina
 Jul 2014 marina
back when I still touched you
your ankles were always caked
with dirt, you told me that
no matter how much you scrub,
you're not gonna get it off
you'd watch me intensely as I
took your heels in my lap and
washed your feet over and over
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jul 2014 marina
 Jul 2014 marina
i am scared
he will blow
straight through
me, and i am a
fresh cut in the
wind, an open
blister under
water, I have
not felt this
in a while
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jul 2014 marina
I should tell him all
about how I am 75%
of everything he does
not want, but I need
to believe that I am
made with sea foam
with pollen for blood
with coriander seeds
and pomegranates
that to someone
else I could be
all of these
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jul 2014 marina
 Jul 2014 marina
I am done
playing with
clay, with mud,
making pots
and men.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jul 2014 marina
if my thoughts were little girls

there would be one in particular
who knocks on doors and she tells
me that somewhere somewhere out
(towards the north or south or
east) he is looking for you even
if he doesn't know it

if my thoughts were little girls

I have stopped opening my doors.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jul 2014 marina
I wanted to
make this
longer but
there is no
pretty way
to ask if
you have
fallen in
love with
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jul 2014 marina
howling thing
 Jul 2014 marina
there's something scratchy in my throat. behind my tongue. between my lips. it's ever-present, ever-changing, ever-clawing to be set free. it sits solemnly as i wake, stretching its own claws as i wind up, holding out for the moment i realize that i am conscious. once again. for another day. holding out for the moment i'm smiling, thinking this will be a better day. then it howls. scratches up, up, up. itches my tongue. pounds against my teeth, slithers between my lips, hisses. **maybe not.
maybe tomorrow.
 Jul 2014 marina
 Jul 2014 marina
pushing for love is scary. people like to say that it's worth it. but love is a bitter boomerang; you push too hard and it comes back swinging, comes back pushing you, comes back beating you to the ground until you can't breathe. true love leaves you gasping for air, but not in the poetic sense. love leaves you tied to the bottom of the ocean with rocks in your pockets. trapped in a plane with your head out the window. inside of a plastic bag. love is suffocation. pushing for suffocation is scary.
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