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 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
let this
w e a t h e r
pool up to my
door through my
windows across my
living room floor if
it     would     just
remind  you  of
m         e
60% chance of scattered showers
 Jul 2014 marina
Bless You.
 Jul 2014 marina
Make a wish on your necklace clasp
he's thinking about you when you
sneeze I wonder if you see hallmark
cards and think of me, if you read
Monte Cristo and wish I was
Haydée, if you grow flushed
during that chapter of The
Great Gatsby
where your
voice broke twice and  
you let your head fall
back, I miss the ways
I could make you
do that.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

I didn't intend for this to rhyme.
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
If you're reading this
if you're   seeing this
if you're hearing this
just  know   that  this
is  about that   t i m e
(the        last        time)
you grabbed my face
with  both   hands  in
the    stockroom   and
kissed me.  Just know
that t h i s is about the
first night  I fell asleep
in  that bed with your
nose pressed  into my
n e c k       and  how  I
haven't    slept    since.
Just    k n o w    this  is
about how the curve of
your     bottom    lip    is
imprinted   in  the   back
of my dreams on the rare
nights  that  I  do,   about
how  I  like to   r u n   my
fingers  on  my    forearm
because if I     f l e x     it a
certain way it feels a little
like    yours.    Just   know
that this is about the parts
of me I let   you  have and
how I don't   w a n t  them
back,  about  how  I  really
have been  trying to move
on but it's  g o t t e n     me
nowhere  except  dead end
roads or  t r a i l s  that stop
with  me  not  being able to
sleep in my   bed   anymore
because  I  shared  it     with
someone  who  wasn't  you.
This is about how I am still
in    love    with   you,   will
always be in love with you,
cannot  figure   out  how  to
stop being in love with you.
If     you're      reading    this
if   you're   s e e i n g       this
if     you're       hearing    this
I  miss  you.  C o m e    back.
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
I remember the first
time we kissed in
your living room on
one of the hottest
days in June. You
spun me in a circle
to the sound of that
new French record
you had just bought
and then you pulled
me to you
and with a fire in every
crevice of my body
I said, "You're
tall. I like that." You
ran your thumb down
my ear, whispered,
"I like you" into my
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i love you the way you
love space- like you are
the most magnificent
being i have ever seen
but i cannot hold you,
cannot hope to contain
any part of you, cannot
make you appreciate my
existence in the same way
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
You sent me a text

I'm in love with you.

simple words I had
already heard from
your mouth but were
nice to see in type.
I don't even have
your number
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
we pour our hearts out onto paper,
into the streets, i n t o  someone's
mouth,    into    anything    that
could even begin to   hold  all
that   l o n g i n g,   all  those
staples  and  plaster   a n d
glue.  we  forget  that  we
thought our love could
run like rivers, forget
that  we  had   o u r
hearts set on some
b l u r r y,  sunny
dream     of     a
future.       w e
we  have  to,
need  to,
this will eat
us alive- this
will pull at our
seams  from   the
inside-out until all
of  our  pieces   start
p o p p i n g  off when
we're just  trying  to buy
groceries or play  with  our
nieces and nephews. we forget
because we have no other choice.
two sections of something much bigger i'm working on
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Jul 2014 marina
Megan Grace
I'm sure by this point I have
exploded and expanded,
breached countless lines
and crossed several borders,
wrote my name in the
clouds with yours following
it just to see what it would
look like strung out like
that. I want to be purple
and green (and blue so
you'll notice me) and as
orange as the third inner-
most layer of the sun. Please
pay attention to me. It's
the least you could do to
pay me back for the way I
have been overwhelmed
by you for this long.
 Jul 2014 marina
 Jul 2014 marina
no, around him I want
to feel like a peony, like
i'm sinking my fingers into
barrels of sesame seeds, like
i'm doing everything right
when I fail a test, there is
nothing about him that
i need to fix, that in the
night i can fill up the
bed and in the morning
he'll still be there.

I want to feel like I'm doing something right.
I want to feel like I'm doing something right.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
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