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 Sep 2014 marina
When between us used to exist
only a certain letter
the full correspondence
the train
the rails
the open window
a certain landscape
without rocks or
my high heels
in equilibrium
the cup of water
waiting for the coffee
this is from Ana C.
I don't own this
I just enjoy her poetry
 Aug 2014 marina
jude rigor
i found
that suburbian
couldn’t hold
the kind of love
i was searching

and ***
couch cushions
slowly became a
tedious night ritual:

ranges told
me from a
glance that
i was worth
more than

a subtle
     into the
      curve of my

so i left home
with holes in
my pockets
and a period
of harsh
hanging over
my chest like

a ******* sword.
(c) jude rigor 2014

thoughts? short piece i wrote this morning.
 Aug 2014 marina
jude rigor
kiss your
dead girl
bringer :: and
                  e       o n
               the         soot
            the              flames
           the                  terror
                           infinity-stained lips
                                                      :: ghosts
                                                           linger       in      the
(c) 2014 jude rigor

messed around with formatting for this one. c: i'd really love feedback on the new poems i've been uploading!
 Aug 2014 marina
 Aug 2014 marina
sometimes I
still taste you
on my breath.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Aug 2014 marina
 Aug 2014 marina
i so often find myself
looking for a home
in men, in work, in
menial activities, in
angry runs where
I lose so much
breath my
lungs feel
like they


but I find solace in books,
page 3, page 10, 56, 145,
230, I don't ever want
to lose myself, i imagine
it's a sign of weakness,
or the inability to deal
with reality but the peace
is so alarming, it makes me
want to cry.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

how funny.
 Aug 2014 marina
Paul told me to
******* as if
Brooke was just
an abbreviation
and I'm starting
to think that it is
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Aug 2014 marina
Megan Grace
I swear I've been doing really
okay.  I take  full breaths  and
I've  been sleeping  almost all
the  way  through   the  night.
I   don't  cry   w h e n   I  walk
through  the  l a s t  place  we
kissed  or  the   final    s p o t
where   you   told   me  you
loved me. I can watch your
favorite movie or listen to
falling apart. The antique
mall no longer turns me
i n t o   a   puddle   and
macaroni  and  cheese
only barely reminds
me  of  our   f i r s t
date. But last night
Kaitlyn and I went
to the  river  and I
stood in the same
patch of dirt where
I watched your notes-
all white and stark in the
moonlight-  begin  t h e i r
journey down south. I sat on
the big rock where Kaitlyn and
Chloe held my hands for what felt
like forever until my chest was rising
and falling  like normal (two months
ago almost to the date but god how
was  it not yesterday?) and  there
were  simply stars stars stars as
f a r  as I could  see, and t h i s
little,     tiny,     insignificant
piece  of  me  missed  you.
but only an insignificant, tiny, little piece.
 Aug 2014 marina
Megan Grace
if you were here i like to
think that i would yell, i
would scream (because
even after all of this i
haven't lost my will to
be boisterously loud) or
maybe I would hit you
(god I've never actually
put my hands on another
person unless it was soft
and meant "hey i love you
please don't leave me")
i just want you to feel the
thunderstorm tumbling inside
me how can i make you see
that how can i make you see
that how can i make you i
wanted to buy a house with
you, you ******* *******
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