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 Jan 2015 marina
Megan Grace
 Jan 2015 marina
Megan Grace
though i  k e e p    thinking i should
be    kinder, i should care more, i
should give more but h o w do i
do that when i give    from the
inside out, reach all the way
down to the      bottom   of my
stomach and    dig  out anything
anything anything     that might be
of use or want until   i   am    scraped
raw and uncontentingly           empty.
but if you want more i will   f i n d  it.
i will     stretch my arm further, i will
pull out every     inch   of whatever is
left in there if you need it that  badly.
 Jan 2015 marina
Megan Grace
h o n e y
                               a   s
in the shape of a
banjo, a skyscraper,
the palm of someone
else's                   hand.
when the sun   rises i
am no   longer afraid
to      u n c u r l      my
technicolor limbsand

like i never did when
i was with you. the
ache i used to carry
in my chest
in my         arms
in my                 veins
has finally subsided,
finally warmed,
finally sealed itself up
to allow for new fingers
to run themselves over it.
this is how it feels to no
longer be in love with you.
 Jan 2015 marina
loving you is being naked
except  m y  transgressions
are written into the sinews
in my muscle, braided into
my hair and mingling with
my blood. For that, loving
you is a vacuum, loving
you is a room filled with
widening spaces until I
am nothing more than
a wick burning from
both                   ends,
l o v i n g   y o u
is a tragedy in parts,
alone in a wheat field,
alone in a school hall
alone in a coffee shop
loving you is being
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

a lot of things ****.
 Jan 2015 marina
 Jan 2015 marina
I'd like to
think that
my smile
your pride
because you
sure unzip
I've rewritten this so many times.

(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Dec 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Dec 2014 marina
Megan Grace
you built a house across the
street from my apartment
on the roof of the parking
garage where we shared
part of your last hours in
this town. i asked you if i
could make your space our
space but you shook your
head, did that squinty eye
thing i have come to love,
said "no, gorgeous, not yet"
even in my dreams
you do not settle
 Dec 2014 marina
he's using me as a new year's
r e s o l u t i o n  probably to
be kinder or apologize more
there's little reason to calling
me up but I let people back in
so easily  p r o b a b l y  to be
kinder or apologize more
maybe because I just want
to be loved and I'm letting
all the wrong people love

(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Dec 2014 marina
loisa fenichell
my childhood bed had too many sheets piled tall
as a strange boy. I stopped sleeping there at 10.
I stopped talking to mother at 12.
At 12 years old my hair is short and layered as my stomach.
At 12 years old there is a phone call from my father:
I picture him standing then, at the hospital window with his burnt eyes
pleading to clouds that were beginning to shape themselves into gods
he’d never believed in. I picture my father and the nurse, I picture the phone call, I picture me with short and layered hair and a teacher with soft face in a classroom door. Dying mothers I now know are the most loved.
Dying mothers I now know do not use bathtubs and they
do not have wrists. I picture mother with face white like cow spots.
I picture mother with no more milk from her cruel breast to spare (She didn’t want children anyway). I haven’t slept in my childhood bed eight years.
Sometimes when I’m brave I’ll sleep in mother’s bed. Sometimes when I’m brave
boys touch my chest and my stomach and their hands never flicker.
 Dec 2014 marina
Mara Siegel
there are boys with hair that makes me nuts
lusting to touch
and i don't know what it is about
copper or
orange or
clemintine, even
that makes me cringe because my body is empty
and lifeless unless
it's covered with soft patches of old skin cells and
but always true
 Dec 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i am an expert at
unrequited love.
i like to eat it for
breakfast in the
early morning
light of my
kitchen with a
spoonful of sugar
to help it go down
this might change.
 Dec 2014 marina
 Dec 2014 marina
this is a q u i e t type
of living, I want to get
lost in this sweater or
sink in these shoes,
sometimes I wish
I would drown
in cups of water
or burn up against
the wick of a candle
i've been setting three
alarms to be up before
the sun and it's working
out pretty well but I no
longer find solace in
paints or peace in
lead pencils
the things I
love are made
of rice paper and
dissolve under the
weight of words
and bowls of
honey nut
I am at a loss
filled with sighs
filled with sighs
filled with sighs
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
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