People entered my soul without notice They visited me and they lived in me Their strenght was all I need And I depended on them And I let them change me to be better of course I never knew what I kept inside of me Until one day I opened up I said what I wanted to say I acted naturally I wasn't too shy I let go of my insecurities I let go of past judgments that were always sticked to my thoughts
New beginnings are scary at first but they are filled with new feelings New excitments They make you who you are You become stronger You feel better But that doesn't mean that there weren't lonely days and lonely nights when all I ever did was remember past memories and look at old photos It's not that easy to forget people that you love I'm not forgetting them I'm just learning how to live without them
Someone called me modern today and I don’t know if that’s a good thing Maybe because where I was born people are usually attached to useless traditions But we can’t always define someone by their country of origin Even if we have lived in same places but we have different parents, entourage and all that stuff Stereotypes ruin our lives But we will always find a way to show our true selves
It’s been a rough year for all of us But we have survived We made it through tough times We did our best to protect ourselves We enjoyed small little outings We walked a lot We talked on the phone a lot We discussed our fears our worries our sufferings What made us sad But still We handled it We continued living Were are still breathing We are talking taking care of our souls of our bodies All of this has the power to makes us feel better to accept ourselves as human beings affected by the outside world
Letting go of everything that stops me from being free Letting go of what anchors me to the ground Letting go of what strangles me Yes, letting go of the person that I wasn't able to give up on for years
Do not be judgmental Do not ask ask me questions I can't give you explanations That's what I told my inner self Everytime i did something wrong and unpleasant
I’m sorry that sometimes I don’t know how to stand beside you Comfort you in the correct way I try my best to motivate you But things don’t always work I know that you are suffering You’re making efforts And I’m certain that what you’re passing through Is really hard I can never deny that But I’m sure you’ll get better It takes time, energy and patience
I can't convince myself That I need someone in order to maybe feel complete I can't accept the fact That to love people Is to accept their messy world To deal with their problems Is it too complicated Or is it the wrong person?
I'm torn between what I want and what I need to do I'm torn between allowing myself to feel something for someone or spending a lifetime not admitting it I'm torn between my distant country and the new city that I live in And all these things that I can't control are making me go mad This uncertainty is killing me I'm tired of all this mess This modern world is nothing but a series of routines that are repeated Like a tv show that you're not able to stop watching Full of silences in the metro when you can't stop thinking about every single thing
Focus on yourself Sometimes you have to be arrogant even narcissistic Feel angry For god's sake become a rebel soul You deserve everything honey you're breathing do whatever you want with your life
What are we running after? Is it love? Finding destiny? Or are we just running to get into the torrent of life? To keep moving just like everybody else Because moving fast Has become the new motto Waking up everyday Doing the same routine Without ever stopping As if taking some time to rest is a sin Being unable to catch up with the speed Is okay is totally human Take your time To discover yourself before others Do not follow what others are doing
We are slaves Constantly waiting for Our masters to save us We are prisonners Unable to breath Correctly We are rebels not knowing If we want to be free Or angry
There will come a time When we will be separate from each other And it will feel weird at first But it’s okay Nothing should last Everything should be transformed People Situations Places Accept the fact that change is beneficial No matter how much you crave stability
Are you happy? Do you have thoughts that constantly live in your mind? What do you want to change? What inspires you? What makes you grateful? Who supports you when you feel down? Who gives you hope? Do you believe in a greater power?