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95 · Oct 2017
The awful truth
Marie-Lyne Oct 2017
People entered my soul without notice
They visited me
and they lived in me
Their strenght was all I need
And I depended on them
And I let them change me
to be better of course
I never knew what I kept
inside of me
Until one day
I opened up
I said what I wanted to say
I acted naturally
I wasn't too shy
I let go of my insecurities
I let go of past judgments that were
always sticked to my thoughts

New beginnings are scary at first
but they are filled with new feelings
New excitments
They make you who you are
You become stronger
You feel better
But that doesn't mean
that there weren't lonely days and lonely nights
when all I ever did
was remember past memories
and look at old photos
It's not that easy to forget people
that you love
I'm not forgetting them
I'm just learning how to live without them
95 · Nov 2017
Is this happiness?
Marie-Lyne Nov 2017
Happiness is waking up in the morning and being able to get up
Happiness is sorting out your clothes and realizing that you have too many
Happiness is knowing that you’re lucky
Happiness is finding out that your stress is meaningless
Happiness is not being afraid of useless things
Happiness is taking care of yourself everyday
Happiness is bathing in a warm water
Happiness is sleeping early
Happiness isn’t that hard you know
But we always forget ourselves in this chaotic world
I want you to take care of yourself no matter what
To love yourself and admire your body even if it’s not perfect
I want you to wake up everyday grateful that you’re living this life
I want you to have all the things that we’re missing in your life
I want you to have friends that love not matter how weird and awkward you are
I want you to trust yourself enough so you’ll never worry about the future
I want you to give yourself some time to sit back and relax
Make time for yourself , for your own self
It’s not good to neglect yourself
You are enough my dear
But stil don’t know it
Don’t wait for someone to tell it to you
My darling you are strong because you’ve decided to fight
But don’t lose yourself in it
It doesn’t matter if you win or you lose
What matters is your effort, your strength, your ability to stand up again
If you're thinking that your life should be all about good moments
You’re wrong
Look around and you will see that all this chaos inside of your head doesn’t exist
You will have more confidence once you understand that being yourself is the best thing you’ll ever learn to do
Have a good life and appreciate what makes you weak
94 · Sep 2018
Marie-Lyne Sep 2018
There's a difference
between getting used to someone
liking them
and loving them
93 · Nov 2020
Marie-Lyne Nov 2020
We stare into screens
Afraid to be ourselves
93 · Mar 2020
Marie-Lyne Mar 2020
To understand yourself
is the first step to heal yourself
93 · Dec 2019
Marie-Lyne Dec 2019
I believe in beginnings
92 · Dec 2020
Marie-Lyne Dec 2020
In the middle of a pandemic
Home is the place where we connect
To a social platform
in order to survive
Marie-Lyne May 2018
Most of the times
We love people
Not because they complete us
But because
They give us a reason to live
92 · Jun 2018
Marie-Lyne Jun 2018
some people surround us
with all the negativity in the world
and then they ask us
why did we leave
91 · May 2018
Do not
Marie-Lyne May 2018
Do not be judgmental
Do not ask ask me questions
I can't give you explanations
That's what I told my inner self
Everytime i did something wrong and unpleasant
91 · Dec 2020
Marie-Lyne Dec 2020
Return to you root
What caused your tension?
What created your anger?
Can you not get mad at yourself
For overreacting?
91 · Jun 2018
Freud and Me
Marie-Lyne Jun 2018
The unconscious
Made the human mind
Doubtful and uncertain
91 · Mar 2018
Marie-Lyne Mar 2018
This rush
This madness
What is this feeling
How can you describe it
Is it okay to always want it?
What if someday it fades
Just like everything else

But for now we are in control of
And we are experiencing moments of exctasy even if they only last  seconds
91 · Jul 2020
Marie-Lyne Jul 2020
I was always fascinated with words
The way they could change you
And let you see other people
In ways you never thought were possible
90 · Jun 2018
What tonight felt like
Marie-Lyne Jun 2018
I can't convince myself
That I need someone in order to maybe feel complete
I can't accept the fact
That to love people
Is to accept their messy world
To deal with their problems
Is it too complicated
Or is it the wrong person?
90 · May 2018
What I couldn't say
Marie-Lyne May 2018
I am aware of the fact
That change let us lose parts of ourselves
90 · Jun 2018
Letting go
Marie-Lyne Jun 2018
Letting go
of everything
that stops me
from being free
Letting go
of what anchors me
to the ground
Letting go
of what strangles me
Yes, letting go
of the person
that I wasn't able
to give up on
for years
90 · Dec 2018
Healing takes time
Marie-Lyne Dec 2018
I’m sorry that sometimes
I don’t know how to stand beside you
Comfort you in the correct way
I try my best to motivate you
But things don’t always work
I know that you are suffering
You’re making efforts
And I’m certain that what you’re passing through
Is really hard
I can never deny that
But I’m sure you’ll get better
It takes time, energy and patience
89 · Jul 2019
Marie-Lyne Jul 2019
We choose
Who we
Want to become
88 · May 2018
Pills and remedies
Marie-Lyne May 2018
Marie-Lyne Jan 2019
I am afraid to start again
What if I am not enough
What if I fail
What will happen then

We need time to recover
To start again
Healing will happen to you
Just be patient with yourself
88 · Jul 2018
Marie-Lyne Jul 2018
I want to sit in front of a computer
While you sit next to yours
Face to face
And our connection could be felt
through our screens touching
88 · Jan 2019
Marie-Lyne Jan 2019
What are we running after?
Is it love?
Finding destiny?
Or are we just running to get into the torrent of life?
To keep moving just like everybody else
Because moving fast
Has become the new motto
Waking up everyday
Doing the same routine
Without ever stopping
As if taking some time to rest is a sin
Being unable to catch up with the speed
Is okay is totally human
Take your time
To discover yourself before others
Do not follow what others are doing
88 · Nov 2018
Do whatever you want
Marie-Lyne Nov 2018
Focus on yourself
Sometimes you have to
be arrogant
even narcissistic
Feel angry
For god's sake
become a rebel soul
You deserve everything
you're breathing
do whatever you
want with your life
Marie-Lyne Nov 2020
I want to be a tree
So I can plant my roots
Take care of my surroundings
And let things grow on me
87 · May 2018
Unexpected human beings
Marie-Lyne May 2018
We are always afraid
Of people leaving us
Without notice
87 · Sep 2018
the start of something
Marie-Lyne Sep 2018
He only said
I wanna know you better
And that’s how it all started
Marie-Lyne Apr 2018
I'm torn between what I want and what I need to do
I'm torn between allowing myself to feel something for someone or spending a lifetime not admitting it
I'm torn between my distant country and the new city that I live in
And all these things
that I can't control
are making me go mad
This uncertainty is killing me
I'm tired of all this mess
This modern world is nothing but
a series of routines that are repeated
Like a tv show that you're not able
to stop watching
Full of silences in the metro when
you can't stop thinking about every single thing
87 · Dec 2020
Marie-Lyne Dec 2020
People write
To connect
85 · May 2020
Marie-Lyne May 2020
Give a voice
to all the thoughts
that speak in your mind
85 · May 2018
Marie-Lyne May 2018
Imagining things
that don't exist
is torture
85 · Jul 2018
The alternative ending
Marie-Lyne Jul 2018
He walked
not knowing
that I observed him
from my car

That's how
returned back
to its place
I have healed
myself from you
And that's how all human
existence has moved on
85 · Aug 2018
Marie-Lyne Aug 2018
Missing someone so much
You don't want to talk to them
Nor hear their voices
84 · Nov 2019
Marie-Lyne Nov 2019
We make plans
to feel more in control
of our lives

But maybe
not knowing,
being confused
having alternatives
Is simply better
84 · May 2018
What his picture told me
Marie-Lyne May 2018
There was something peaceful in his gaze
Like somehow he has figured out his whole life
And I didn't want to disrupt this
For he seemed happy
84 · Jul 2018
Marie-Lyne Jul 2018
We are slaves
Constantly waiting for
Our masters to save us
We are prisonners
Unable to breath
We are rebels
not knowing
If we want to be free
Or angry
84 · Dec 2017
La vérité
Marie-Lyne Dec 2017
What you keep inside
matters the most...
Marie-Lyne Dec 2018
There will come a time
When we will be separate from each other
And it will feel weird at first
But it’s okay
Nothing should last
Everything should be transformed
Accept the fact that change is beneficial
No matter how much you crave stability
83 · Dec 2019
Marie-Lyne Dec 2019
Some people analyze their life
While others simply live it
83 · Feb 2020
Marie-Lyne Feb 2020
Do not conform
to a world
that constantly tries
to define you,
by your age,
your level of education,
your earnings,
and where you come from
82 · Apr 2020
Marie-Lyne Apr 2020
I cannot control the world
Nor the situations
Marie-Lyne May 2018
Some people leave
because they gave us
everything we need
in order to continue
our path in life
81 · Sep 2018
Marie-Lyne Sep 2018
We sometimes need people
to save us from all the misery
that we have created in our own heads
81 · Jun 2018
This is absurd
Marie-Lyne Jun 2018
You will never see
how much I’ve grown
on the inside
81 · May 2020
Marie-Lyne May 2020
Keep going
no matter
how much
you are scared
of failing
79 · Dec 2020
Marie-Lyne Dec 2020
If we share the same weather
Would I feel more close to you?
79 · Jun 2018
Real selves
Marie-Lyne Jun 2018
Who are you when you're
Not surrounded?
79 · Mar 2020
Marie-Lyne Mar 2020
If circumstances are against you
Don’t be against yourself
79 · Dec 2020
Marie-Lyne Dec 2020
When we lose everything
A glimpse of hope still strikes
We cannot do it alone
No matter how much we try
We need guidance
And constant
79 · Dec 2020
25 December 2020
Marie-Lyne Dec 2020
There is endless opportunities
Yet sometimes I feel stuck
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