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Oaklee Ohmie
19/Cisgender/find me at a cemetery.    does growing up count as childhood trauma
Layla Thurman
North Carolina    We all have our dreams and aspirations. If I knew what mine were, I'd put them here.
I literally say whatever's on my mind. i have no filter. poetry happens when i organize my thoughts. Some of my words are on clothes, …
Victoria Kelleher
Massachusetts    My brain's connection to my mouth passes through my fingertips first. Sometimes the impulses stay there. That's what a pen's for.
Patrick Sugarr
Lapu-lapu City, PH    a bit of everything. a master of nothing. -- a man of art. an artist - shy and lazy and other stuff. a masochist. an …
A C Leuavacant
Paris, France    "All which is beautiful and noble is the result of reason and calculation." -Charles Baudelaire.
Ireland    "We don't see things as they are, we see them as We are" A.N.
24/F    trembling hands, trying not to spill blood on what’s been left

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