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Don’t you cry for me
Not one tear
Don’ you cry for me

Who am I to make you cry?
Why is it me that makes you whole?
Why is it me you love so much?
You deserve better that what I give
I’m cold and dark and rude and mean
Although this was not how it used to be
But still you stay and cry for me
There is nothing here anymore
Nothing but an empty shell
My sole I fear is down in hell
And still you cry for me

There is an end you have to see
There is an end to your agony
Its coming soon
You’ll be fine
Now its here your no longer mine

And so you leave and say to me
“This is the last drop I spill for you
I’ll cry no more
I have lost all hope
I loved so much and tried so hard
My heart is smashed
Here take this shard
Hold it tight and keep it safe”

“One last kiss”  
Your sweet lips press to mine
I feel you love I feel you cry
A tear runs down your cheek
Your eyes begin to swell
You take my hand and hold it tight
“I know you feel it I feel it to
I only ever wanted to be with you
So out that door you go

I know I lost in side my mind
It’s a maze I used to know
I will again find my way  
Ill find my self
Then find you
We’ll live for each other
Just me and you
Indelicate is he who loathes
The aspect of his fleshy clothes, --
The flying fabric stitched on bone,
The vesture of the skeleton,
The garment neither fur nor hair,
The cloak of evil and despair,
The veil long violated by
Caresses of the hand and eye.
Yet such is my unseemliness:
I hate my epidermal dress,
The savage blood's obscenity,
The rags of my anatomy,
And willingly would I dispense
With false accouterments of sense,
To sleep immodestly, a most
Incarnadine and carnal ghost.
Once I spoke the language of the flowers,
Once I understood each word the caterpillar said,
Once I smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,
And shared a conversation with the housefly
in my bed.
Once I heard and answered all the questions
of the crickets,
And joined the crying of each falling dying
flake of snow,
Once I spoke the language of the flowers. . . .
How did it go?
How did it go?
Knuckles knee-deep in bright orange dust
Her words half-crunched
In a hurricane of hurried lunch
I mix in wit to her serious plot
Her mouth flies open, filled with half-chewed corn starch
And she still looks like a matriarch

We turned the radio on
But was gradually turned down
The ridged **** twisted all the way around
So she'd mention a song and I'd ask her
"How's that goes again?"
To hear her voice slip in and out
When really I knew it all by heart

Even when there was no reason to,
We smiled
Giggled off each other's cues
She looked from me once
Her eyes widening like a telescope
Mouth gaping, absent of laughter, as she braced a hand against my chest
The liquid-like sucker punch
Of the metal colliding quick
Like jelly under a rolling pin, I stuck
Grasping onto prayers with my fingers loose as God
She didn't scream, just held my shirt
As my tumbleweed Taurus vaulted yet another foot
Into the same solid ground, the same stars of shards
Mingled with bright orange dust sifting through the air.
Take me as I am, please
No. Please is too understanding
Take me as I am!
Wait. Maybe that's too demanding?
I don't think we understand each other
Maybe we're over analyzing
It's just that when I look into your eyes I stop
They're hypnotizing
Stop. No. Rewind please!
But I can't, the words are out
Could you give me a backspace button for conversation
That would relieve some doubt
I want you
Argh! Too lustful!
I need you!
ACK! Too needy!
Let's just say the world's a candy jar
And for your jolly rancher I'm greedy?
No? Not subtle? Too subtle? Argh!
Why is it so complicated to speak to you!?!
I'm like a 3 year old whose trying to make a picture out of glitter and glue
And the supplies just keep sticking!
Do you understand what I mean?
I see the perplexed look on your face and...
**** it, woman, you're pretty
Ack! Rewind rewind rewind!
Stupid stupid stupid!
The only way to catch an arrow is to say you DON'T want Cupid
So I don't want you....yes I do.
No I don't!
But I do!
No I don't!
Yes I do!
Look at her!!!
....okay, I do.
But you wouldn't give me a second thought if I told that to you
I mean let's face it, you're so out of my league that we're not even in the same sport
I'm playing with the tiny tikes and you're in the pro team's court
But I would be a fool if this wall was all I feel on my fingers
And as perverted as that sounds I let the joke just linger
Because you're beautiful and I'm me
And who am I to attain a girl like you
The boy whose glasses fall down his nose and is missing one or two screws
I just want a dance... and a kiss.... okay, just a dance
No, what I want from you is the guarantee of a second, maybe third glance
To see you in the hallways tomorrow and know I make you smile
To know that you affirm we danced and liked it all the while
I want to be more than wallflower material and I want the prime
So with shaky legs, a corny disco ball, and a bad song, I stand and I greet you
And ask could this dance be mine....?

Your move. Gulp.
Almond Shaped Green Eyes,
Soon To Turn,
A Chest Heaving Sighs,
It's Almost Time For Her To Burn,
Burn Through Life's Pages,
Lift The Door From All These Cages,
Her Words The Outcome Of Pain,
Standing Proud In The Rain,
Her Strength A Silhouette,
In Societies Prized,
Time To Play Russian Roulette,
There Are To Many Things To Hide,
Lipstick On The Glass,
The Gun Ready To Blast,
Spines Of Books Watch,
And A Million Unspokwn Words Hang In The Air,
A Bullet Strikes The Clock,
Her Skin Still Fair,
Though Now It Is Covered,
In Intricate Red Lace,
A Light Burning Bright Is Now Smuthered,
Which Lays On The Floor,
Is The Rose's Shattered Vase,
Russian Roulette,
Played Fate,
That Silhouette,
Tried To Vanquish Hate,
Don't You Forget,
*The Sound Of The Trigger
As I Said Before Recovering From Writers Block Hahahaha
invisible chains hold me captive
the chains of my world and peers
the chains i tied myself up with
the chains i can't seem to bear
emancipation is what i seek
it is what i desire
i know i have the key to be free
but yet i still aspire
let me be you vile mind
let me be
one day these chains will break away
i will no longer desire
for i will be as free as an eagle
free to be the true me
but till then i will continue to aspire
aspire to be free
aspire to be me
I see the flag twisting, twirling  dancing with the wind
and showing its colors Red White And blue
But I can't place my right hand over heart
You see I am not proud to be an American

I look around and see people pledging allegiance
But do they see what state the country is in?
To be an American you have to let education be second
To be an American the church run the country cause they know more about the world then the people they try to suppress
To be an American you have to talk about civil rights movement and then be like the blind man down the street who didn't see acts against others

yeah we might have it better than most but we are not the best

To Be an American you let laws be passed that discriminate against how you look
Te be an American you build tolerance like high walls but they crash down when you create earthquakes on the ones who are different
To be an American You follow what you hear and not question the government because they are not wasting our money and its not patriotic
To be an American you have to be afraid to be who you are even if they say we accept
To be an American you have to watch what you say or do
because something can result from your freedom of speech

After all that I have said
I wonder if you are proud to be an American too
Please don't be putting any hating messages, this my opinion

— The End —