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Marcos Apr 2019
Pain is universal but seldom seen.
We walk with a weight on our shoulders greater than what Atlas is condemned to hold.
Yet, we make it look effortless.
The scars on our bodies, a visual representations of the pain once felt.
A scar is simple, the remedy a simple bandage or stitches.
But how do you heal a soul that feels shattered?
How do you help someone whose wounds run deeper than the ocean?
Take that smile with a grain of salt.
Behind those smiling eyes is a world of pain that is not explored.
We continue everyday as if we aren't being dragged down as we try to tread water.
The weight on our shoulders begins to wear on us.
Our treading becomes strained until the weight drags us down into the depths of our own pain.
An ironic paradox.
The pain that ran deeper than oceans is the same ocean we drown in.
But we are strong swimmers and we begin to tread water once again.
Hoping that the weight we carry on our shoulders can one day be relieved from our aching souls.

— The End —