i watch
as pain and power flow
awash with vibrant meaning
i pause
struck by how little i know
bereft of Righteous Seeming
a Show
i turn
while dawn lights without feeling
slow distant moans congealing
a sad constant "bless" revealing
the naked waste below
and how i wish i could return
find once again the desire to yearn
touch once again her skin and burn
but STOP
this rhyme cannot itself discern
an outline of some turgid turn
and brilliant thus transform
and learn
that which masters will not yet confirm
that Oh My god this terra firm
is nothing but an empty gurn
an Almighty drudge
who would rather flick a "V"
than cause a fuss
and bestow PURPOSE
on the likes of us
so yes i crawl and weep
too weary to stop i creep
in shadow seeking to be Meek
but misunderstanding call "I AM WEAK"
so excused lie down to sleep
(silent now we speak with just our eyes and look not one bit surprised because really everybody lies so move on now there are no ties to keep you here)
Creation stirs and lifts a lid but seeing nothing shifts a bit
{a thousand species become extinct}
content IT yawns and once more gets on with slowly dying