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 Nov 2012 Manon Kingma
When the butterflies sing, the angels cry
A sound so pure the flowers will sigh
The butterfly song is the beginning of spring
It happens each year when the butterflies sing

Though it's a voice not heard by human ears
The evidence is seen through the angel's tears
Accepted by all as the evening rain
Because a butterfly song is hard to explain

The music is made by the the butterfly's wings
But only nature itself hears the song it sings
It causes the flowers and the trees to sprout
And the birds and the bees to dance about

When a flower is seen it won't be long
'Til spring is born with a butterfly song
So listen close when Winter calls Spring
And you might just hear a butterfly sing

When the butterflies sing, the angels cry
A sound so pure the flowers will sigh
The butterfly song is the beginning of spring
It happens each year when the butterflies sing
 Nov 2012 Manon Kingma
 Nov 2012 Manon Kingma
I still don't know what's right, I thought things would change now. I thought you'd be my light.
To guide me through my days, to hold me tight..
To fight all my battles, standing by my side.
You don't seem interested now.. I don't think you ever did in the first place. So where does that leave me my love.. holding onto something I've misplaced. I love you. More than what you need to know, because I can already see it in your eyes.. you're already to go. To drift away to another time, another place, to someone else ... A different face.
What can I do now? What can I say? I thought you were the 'one' .. and obviously that's not the case so please don't fake. Don't pretend to love me. Don't pretend to care. I can't stand being lied to and I can't handle being unaware... Unaware of how you feel, what you think, what you do.. when you go back home. What am I to do? Distance will drag us apart.. the miles will come between us, we will end up hating each other.. blurring into memories, being played as re runs.. through my mind over and over, I will try to fit it together. What went wrong, and if I could have done anything better and if we wasted all the time we spent together.
Honey, you need to tell me what to do. Because I honestly don't think I could go on, without you.
Do you know what I think of when I hear your name?
         I think of someone cruel and ugly.
                   The type of person mean enough to kick puppies!
                            Honestly, the one person that even Mother Theresa would hate.
                                    No one can fix you,
                                             No one can put you back together.
                                                    You're just a broken little person.
                                             Who will one day understand,
                                     Understand the reasons for the hatred,
                            The reasons for the sadness!
                  One day you will see,
        You will be no longer blind,
You will see why we hate you,
        You will look into our eyes, and see the pain you caused.
                  Our fear is your fault.
                            Yours, and yours alone.
                                    How could you not know,
                                             *What you've caused?
The mirror always wins.
showing images you never wanted to see.
hiding doesnt exist.
the mirror holds nothing back.
violently shoving unwanted graphics into the open pores you once called eyes.
not eyes anymore.
eyes are to see with.
your eyes are brainwashed and turned against you.
eyes trained to burn through cement.
seeing every ounce of fat you try to hide.
nothing can protect you from yourself.
pound by pound.
ounce by ounce.
your eyes discriminate against you.
deathly,poison, your worst enemy.
*mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fattest of us all?
Her eyes were as green as the grass she ran across
as she stepped out of the car and began to sprint up to me
her gait was full of hope,
her smile showed every emotion she'd ever felt
all the pain
all the fear
all the coming to Jesus with a prayer.
But as she saw me standing all alone
and the look on my face telling all,
she new that something was terribly wrong.

I told her the news as best as I could
just trying to keep my own composure
When I was done, I managed to ask if she needed to hang around a while
She just whispered ""
She went back to the car and stepped inside
I never saw her wipe a tear
I was half tempted to tell her flat out that she was coming back home with me
but she said "I need to be alone"

That night i went home and went to sleep
a dream awaited me
It was her in a gorgeous white dress,
her pupils had gone dove white.
she said
"Tell momma and daddy i love them,
they're still trying to save me.
Its hopeless, they just can't see.
All the pills they forced down my throat never did help me,
only the love of the one thats now gone."

"Be a good boy, Play "Beautiful Things" at the funeral.
don't let 'em mourn me too long.
They have better things to do than think of me."
I woke up with a start and got the call from the hospital
Her parents said they needed to see me.
When I got there all i did was say good-bye
and wipe the tears from her mother's eyes.

Story goes that she drove over to the town two hundred miles away
No one knew her beautiful face and the hurt it possessed
Its said that she drank more than she had in her whole life
and grabbed the keys before the bartender could ask if she needed a ride
Cops found the car crashed straight into a tree
they said it must have been going 90.
I guess thats what happens when the girl falls in love with the Marine.
Lonely stranger in the distance,
She dresses warm to escape the bitter cold,
She walks slowly,
Her eyes are locked to the ground,
Deep in many thoughts,
She is beautifully awkward,
Silence is what surrounds her,
Never talks but listens carefully,
She has suffered through much pain,
But her love makes it all go away,
She is a stranger surrounded by angels,
They watch over her so gently,
Her emotions can get the best of her,
That is why she writes poetry,
She never speaks unless spoken to,
She can remain so still,
Silent, for several hours,
Just thinking to herself,
She inhales the morning air,
As if it will all soon be gone,
As the beautiful scent drifts through her body,
Many memories flow through her head,
She is strong in many ways,
She is weak in all others,
She will never give up hope,
She believes in faith,
She is growing to be very mature,
She listens to her instincts,
She knows what is right and what is wrong,
Her brown hair blows in the wind,
Her dark eyes shine with content,
Her pale skin lights up the darkness,
For the most part she is happy in life,
Although she finds herself very alone,
She is easier to trust than the average,
But, trusting other people is a hard thing for her to do,
She has many irregularities,
But that is what makes her perfect,
She is the mirror of me.
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