i feel that in some places
physical apologies only
make things worse, and
for all the times I tried you
always dismissively waved
your hand and shook your
head, pacifying me with a
simple smile, no, Brooke,
this was my fault.
But the truth is, I'm at fault
too, so one day I hope you
don't look back on me
in dismay, somehow find it in
your heart to forgive me for the
way I am or was. Because love
does not boast the way I did or
refuse an embrace from someone
so confused.
(And although this
wheat field is grand and seemingly
endless I'm thankful to run through
again and again if it meant learning
more from you)
(c) Brooke Otto
I could not make this apology any shorter or longer. My hope is that if you're reading this you smile at least once.