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 Dec 2013 M M M
Michelle Brunet
Feeling a little hopeless again;
Lost in depressing thoughts
Of the brokenness of this world.
Yet all I can do is sit here,
Feeling sorry for myself
Instead of taking a leap,
Trying to make a change.
What can I even do?
I'm just an insignificant girl
Who lives in a fairy land.
What to do besides let
The world pass me by
As I try my best to stay sane
When all that surrounds me
Is complete and utter insanity.
Can I take a stand?
Can I be brave and join the madness?
I guess all I can do is try.
You never know how much
One seemingly insignificant girl
Can do in a big world.
© Michelle Brunet 2013
 Nov 2013 M M M
First Haiku
 Nov 2013 M M M
Spider web lashes
Trampoline lips, make me fall
I always bounce back
 Nov 2013 M M M
Elsbeth Poe
To Live
 Nov 2013 M M M
Elsbeth Poe
I live to love
For an hour
Or forever

I live to collaborate
Wanting always for others to become a part of me
A puzzle that will never be complete

I live to make
To write
To draw
To sew
To play

I live to make mistakes
To help
And accept help
The joy of giving out party favors
The art of distinguishing those only takers

I live to tell you
How beautiful you are
Precious someone
Complete and pure
Together we've shared our sleep

I live to hold hands
Can something so tiny
Even count as a finger

I live to share my food
My thoughts
My dreams

I live to listen
To hear
To feel
To meet the vulnerable you
And keep that being safe

I live to give thanks
To empathize

I live to encourage
To laugh
To clap
To sing

I live to dance
To move
To climb
To fly

I live always ready to say goodbye

E. Poe
*Nov 2013
 Nov 2013 M M M
M Clement
 Nov 2013 M M M
M Clement
I still look towards you,
apparently, when I'm drinking;
I've done it sober, too.
I check up on you every now and again.
Hoping things are better than they were.

I imagine this on typewriter paper,
and I imagine myself a better man than I am.

And then I realize, that it's not, and I am working on me...
and that I'm sorry that I hurt you.

I often wonder if you'd have been better if I were never in your life.
I hate hashtags, but I also hate melodrama, no matter how true it may be. So while I feel this, I felt I had to offset it with sarcasm. Yay, let's hide our feelings!
 Nov 2013 M M M
I Miss You
 Nov 2013 M M M
Its mornings like this,
when I wake up and the skies are black,
when the rain streams from the sky and thunder shakes the earth,
that I feel the heart wrenching ache of loneliness.

I miss the arms that used to snake around my waist at 3:30 in the morning after a terrifying nightmare
and the warm body that pressed snugly into mine during winter.

How you would lean into my neck
breathe me in like a summer wine,
and then sigh.
I miss the tear that occasionally fell to my cheek from your eyes,
when the thought of losing me crossed your mind.

How your fingers would suddenly intertwine with mine at the strangest of times
and you would look at me, not a word was uttered,
you said it all with your eyes.

The way you held me when we kissed,
the way you played with my hair,
the taste of your smile,
your sea green eyes,
your laugh,
the feel of your skin.

Your heartbeat in synchronization with mine.

I miss the colour in my life, the colour of you.
 Nov 2013 M M M
soul in torment
Cocooned heart
as silken butterfly



your kiss
 Nov 2013 M M M
Darling (10w)
 Nov 2013 M M M
its crazy how much
you mean to me
pretty honey
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 M M M
please wait for me.
Save me a space
right in the center
where the mornings smell
like black coffee; and
the afternoon air
carries cigarette smoke
all the way up to my open window,
where Mason jars full of
loose change, paper stars,
and wanderlust sit;
and the romance after dark
twinkles just as brilliantly
as the city lights.

Dear New York,
don't stop listening.
My name is resounding everywhere,
from curtain calls on Broadway
to Madison Square Garden encores—
from the horns of taxicabs
to men in booths on street corners
that offer you half-priced dreams
and happy memories.

Dear New York,
keep your eyes open.
I'm in everything you see,
from statues in museums
to the architecture on every block,
from marks made in alleyways
with spray-paint cans or brushes
to fashion off the sidewalks.

Dear New York,
stay aware, of all of it.
You never know
exactly when
something like love
can open the door,
or hope can rise
from the remains of ruined towers,
or the train station underground
can mean a lot more than
traveling from Point A to Point B.

Dear New York, you're everything.
The silver lining
behind all my dark clouds,
the reason to keep trying
though the Midwest is enough
to make anyone give up.

Dear New York,
please wait for me.
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