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The higher you go
The fall delivers a harder blow!
I see her everyday
Am seeing her for years
But sure the answer is nay
If I know all her fears!

I see her everyday
Living at one address
But sure the answer is nay
If I know all her happiness!

I see her everyday
For long sharing the bed
But sure the answer is nay
If I know what goes on in her head!

I see her everyday
Have never been apart
But sure the answer is nay
If I know each beat of her heart!

I see her everyday
For long she’s my mate
But sure the answer is nay
If I know her fully till date!

I see her everyday
Have felt her in every breath
*And sure the answer is yea
If I’ll love her till death!
 Nov 2013 M M M
I like to talk about the pointless things that no one has ever asked about
I want to know why you always wake up between 9 and 9:30 on sundays
Or how many times you read a sentence before you move on to the next

I'd listen to you tell me about how you feel nervous when holding the door open for strangers
Or how you hate to step over grates, especially on rainy days

I remember when you told me that you loved watching the water crawl down the drain after turning off the shower
And when you told me you like leaving your blinds open at night to gaze at the stars before going to sleep

Let me drive you down to a field so you can tell me about the things you love, hate, and hope for
Let me point out the brightest stars while you tell me about the different constellations
Let me spend every ounce of my time listening to the sound of the wind tangling itself in your voice
 Nov 2013 M M M
Allen Ginsberg
Now mind is clear
as a cloudless sky.
Time then to make a
home in wilderness.

What have I done but
wander with my eyes
in the trees? So I
will build:  wife,
family, and seek
for neighbors.

                     Or I
perish of lonesomeness
or want of food or
lightning or the bear
(must tame the hart
and wear the bear).

And maybe make an image
of my wandering, a little
image—shrine by the
roadside to signify
to traveler that I live
here in the wilderness
awake and at home.
 Nov 2013 M M M
little things
 Nov 2013 M M M
I was many things before
I met you, and have been
many things since, but
few of them mattered
when you finally kissed me,
and said,
I've always wanted to do that.
 Nov 2013 M M M
 Nov 2013 M M M
Hush, my love,
I'm here. Please,
don't worry.
I'm always with you
even when I'm far away
and in deep slumber.
Please inch closer.
I dare you.
I'm sure then
we'd both be blushing.
push into me
how I cry out for
your warmth and the
of your skin
brushing against mine.
I'll kiss you
and I'll hold you
and in the dark,
I will always make love to you.
Even if it's just with
one another's words.
So, Baby,
how about

I will always tell you goodnight with a kiss.
 Nov 2013 M M M
please don't leave me.

i thought this would be
easier, knowing months ahead,
but i'm scared that
b e i n g  a l o n e
will sound even quieter
than it used to
before i knew (and loved) you.
i still have seven months with him, which sounds like a long time, but years pass by so quickly now and i have never felt more happy and not alone than when i am with him.
 Nov 2013 M M M
These days
I spend
a lot of time
not exactly wanting
to die
but just
to be dead, maybe,
to rest.
There's a difference,
or at least
there used to be.
I am regret.
I am self-defeat.
I think about
more than I
used to.

I guess Depression will do that to you.

My body hurts.
Aches, actually.
It's constant.
In my head,
dull static
But louder.
Thumping rhymically.
Like, really ******* loud
all the
******* time.
Things are heavy.
My arms
weigh far too much.
My lungs
are concrete.
They pump
stale air.
My spine is sawdust.
My spit is mud.
Didn't my eyes
used to be
more blue?

Depression is an ******* who will do this to you.

My words
used to be sharp
and loud.
Electric and
strange, they
tumbled out
of me,
like machine
gun fire,
a swarm
of bees.
Now I have to
pry them
loose, carefully
like teeth.

Depression is mechanical and it's systematically destroying me.
Rough draft.

It has been a difficult few weeks.  I thought writing would help.  
Who knew expressing thoughts on mental illness would prove to be so complicated and difficult?
 Nov 2013 M M M
happier days
 Nov 2013 M M M
ever since we started
doing whatever this is,
I have been singing
in the kitchen,
I have been playing
happy songs too loudly,
I have been getting
out of bed with a smile.
your touch is electrifying
and my god, how I miss you
whenever you're not around.
I can't stand being away from you,
I hate not kissing you
and all the time not spent
in the proximity of your lips
is wasted.
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