I hate the way you won’t leave my mind
All this time, and the nothing that you meant to me.
Maybe I loved you, maybe I never had the chance.
God, I hate the way you make me hate things
Anything I was once content with
How you made me see everything differently
How I'm more careful with living
How I guard my heart more
And how I watch what I say.
How I think everyone is a liar
How I can’t trust anyone
I hate the way you make me feel hate
And doubt.
And how you made me fear the future
And love.
I hate how I dream about you
And remember your name
And remember your smile
And your lips.
I remember every promise you made
And how you you broke all of them.
I hate how I always want to cry for you
And I never can.
I hate that I want to cry for you
And feel your skin
And hear voice.
I hate how broken I feel sometimes
And how I can never blame you.
I hate that you took my innocence
How it made me grow up
And see the world for what it truly is.