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LycanTheThrope Aug 2015
I'm sitting here
Staring at the floor
The tears streaming down my face
Sobs overtaking my lungs and racketing throughout my chest
It already hurts enough
Maybe it's the bruises on my ribs,
Or my demented mind that's stuck on depression
Or maybe the fact that I've been trying to pick up these pieces
And fit then together
It always falls apart
I try so hard
Taking these shards of glass
Attempting to make a perfect reflection
I've cut myself again
Sometimes all I do is stare at my wrists
Watching the blood flow over
My life is ebbing away
And with every weakening heartbeat
All I can think about
Is how I've lost

I sit up
I don't know why I try anymore,
But I do
I wipe the blood off of the pieces
And puzzle it back together
Finally, it holds a relfection
When I get past the cracks spiderwebbing across the pane,
The red edges pointed out at my skin,
And when my eyes adjust to the darkness
All I see is a broken figure staring back at me.

That's nothing to hang on the wall.
Not at all fabricated or intricate.
What I feel at the moment.
  Aug 2015 LycanTheThrope
A Dash of Red
I'm so broken inside, and you act like that's okay.
Random thought at 12:16 AM

*It's not okay, you know....*
  Aug 2015 LycanTheThrope
A Dash of Red
Sometimes it seems like I crave this pain
As if it's the only feeling I can know
When I'm "happy"
I feel nothing
Everything seems so perfect sometimes
Leaving me numb
So I leave that perfectness behind
And I search my mind
For an excuse to hurt
To cry
To scream
To quiver
To feel
Something, anything.
Depressed at 4:52 AM

I need sleep.
LycanTheThrope Aug 2015
Jealousy is seeping through my skin
Like kerosene
My head is spinning from the fumes

You may have showed me where the matches were
But it was I who struck it aflame

Standing here
Never feeling so empty
A heart so ****** and twisted

She's been cornered
Pushed to lash out
Scared of being a lone wolf

Fire dances on her fur
Coal-black eyes
And embered teeth

All I could do was

Ashes fill her mouth
They've never tasted so dry

I don't want to be alone.
But you've already left me.
Crying again.
Sorry I haven't posted in forever.
  Jul 2015 LycanTheThrope
An armor of cloth
is all I have to offer.
                                                 resonate like tiger lilies
     A shield of granite
splinters like glass
                                                  extend further than orchids
         A sword of ink
spun from the backbones
of poets awaits you
                                                   bleed thicker than roses
This is the art
of flirting with
death and
having a one night
with life.
She loves me, she loves me not....

© Copywrite Skaidrum
  Jul 2015 LycanTheThrope
Through the amber forest,
The untempered glass,
The souls reflection shines.
Influential darkness,
Uncensored light,
Fallen sun bringeth,
Never ending night.

Through the tortured lens,
On a blank face,
Shattered soul comes forth,
Covered by fractured smiles,
And exhausted energy.
For Petrachóva
LycanTheThrope Jul 2015
I've got some promises to keep

There's a degree of difficulty
In dealing with me
From my haunted past
Comes a daunting task
A midnight escape is stuck in my mind
There's not an open window I can find
Staring at the wall
Forgetting it all
I'll guard your heart and forget my own
To make up for the happiness you've shown
Whispering to him absently
I'm trying to prevent another tragedy
Wilting bones and herbal fear
Are all at once crystal clear
These fevered dreams
Bringing terror screams
What is running through your veins?
A blood that cause pain
I've drained your life that night
Alone with the dark sight
The fires set ablaze
Not even phased
When the smoke does pass
I'll rise from the ash
And show you a burning Phoenix free
But what if I can't be all that you need me to be?

Another night without sleep
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