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  Oct 2014 Luisa bernabó
It is days like this that make me wonder where you are now.
Days like this, when you would run barefoot through the grass,
Arms open wide and laughing in delight at the beauty of the world.
It is days when the sun is high in the sky that I think of you.

But I think of you when it rains, too.
I think of how you used to stare out of the window,
Watching the drops of rain run down the glass.
I think of you on rainy days too.
So I guess I miss you right now...
Luisa bernabó Oct 2014
I see him in the flowers whose petals remind me he loves me not.
Favourite line from poem "his hands"
Luisa bernabó Oct 2014
Smoking on the roof top
Shouting that we can't stop

Looking at the sun set
No time for being upset

Higher than the skyline
Sitting wasting our time

But you make me happy
And that's just what I need
To the beautiful people who can make me happy on a **** day and smoke up with me on autumn nights, I love you
Luisa bernabó Oct 2014
Slowly kiss away the mould on my soul.
Save me?
Luisa bernabó Oct 2014
Your eyes are black holes
******* me in
To your ****** up world
That i'm falling in love with

Your eyes are the stars
That I look at at night
They sparkle so bright
But i'll be alright
Luisa bernabó Oct 2014
His hands:
His fingers drew circles on my hip
Leaving traces of heat and desire
I exhaled as he bit my lip
Being with him was like playing with fire

His big hands crushed my rib cage
As he squeezed me really tight
Rid of all his rage
He slept with me through the night

The tips of his fingers played my lips
Like he was plucking strings on a guitar
He kissed them between sips
of my words not going far

His sideways smile enticed me
To know more about his ways,
His beauty hypnotised me
Bringing sun to rainy days

But soon the colours faded
As he told me she was back
So slowly, I waded
Into the period of dark black.

I still can’t see him
Without getting a shiver
I look for him in everything
I’ve cried him a river.

I see him in the flowers
Whose petals remind me he loves me not
I see him in the hours
When the weather is steaming hot

I see him in the mirror
As he changed each part of me
He made me who I am
Which is scary to see

I miss him all the time
I miss him every day
I find him in each rhyme
I love him all the way.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2014
Because as I stroked his neck
His lips were tickling mine
and the fireworks within me
made me completely blind

The way he held me closer
With passion and with lust
His strong arms, held me closer
It felt so dangerous.

His breath down my neck
As he gasped to catch his breath
Sent shivers down my spine
a feeling of divine

Still when I see him now
It’s like watching the sun rise
Because when his arms were round me
I believed I could survive.

Still when I see him now
I stop to gasp for air
My heart skips a beat
And it is so unfair

He’s fine he doesn’t notice
The affect it’s had on me
I should have gotten angry
I shouldn’t have let it be

Because when he said I’m sorry
I was too hurt to respond
All I could say was “it’s fine”
As his eyes confirmed a bond

It was almost hard to believe you
Your eyes looked deep with fear
But you weren’t as scared as I am now
Because I just want you here

I miss you every day
It’s been five months already
It seems like yesterday
I told myself  go steady

But I couldn’t control it
You had my heart locked away
You, un-required to, stole it
I just wanted you to stay

And still now when I see you
I swear I lose control
Because I need to breathe you
Your effortlessly perfect soul.

I think now, that I love you
Because you won’t leave my brain
I just want to hold you
And prevent you feeling pain

Why won’t you let me do that?
Why won’t you let me stay?
I always sit where you sat
On that perfect autumn day.
Dont know what to feel
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